When covid19 cases surge

Not into seances or reporting you for the family rule. However, STFU, bitch!
Not everyone is as myopic as you are.
Pull your head out of your ass, go to work and make a living.
You get no reparations, ever. Let. It. Go.
Reporting me for what exactly, asking you a question...based on your own statements?


Don't be talking about my mother, scumbag. She was a saint.
Don't be talking about my mother, scumbag. She was a saint.
Pray tell, what, exactly, did I say about your mother?

I can't speak to my mother, she's dead, you fucktard!
You're a scumbag of the highest magnitude.
McConnell has “insisted” that the next stimulus package will include legal immunity for businesses that open back up. He told Politico, “The next pandemic coming will be the lawsuit pandemic in the wake of this one. So we need to prevent that now when we have the opportunity to do it.” It’s important to understand what McConnell is proposing here: He’s saying that he will withhold aid money to state and local governments fighting the Covid-19 pandemic if the package does not include legal giveaways to protect businesses from the justice system.
soon workers will have no rights if the republicans stay in power.

The federal or state govt shouldn't even be involved in this whole scam pandemic. If a business wants to open or close, it should be their decision. Likewise, if an individual wants to stay home or frequent a business establishment, it should be their decision. Screw the pathetic government. Why do libs always need to be led around by the nose. They look to govt because thats all they have. Its their religion.

Indeed. The handling of this panDEMic is one of the worst public policy disasters ever in our country. Little tyrants at the state and local levels decided they can void the Bill of Rights due to a not particularly lethal virus.

Covid is no worse than the 1957 and 1968 pandemics (over 100K dead in each of those in the U.S.) We didn't shutdown our economy. Quarantines are for the sick and those with whom they have been in close contact. House arrest is what has been done to most of us. The curve has been flattened; but the tyrants continue to hold us hostage until the Feds ransom us with a big huge bailout for Public Employees' excessive pay, perks and pension funds. If this doesn't end very soon, we're going to see a revolution.
Don't be talking about my mother, scumbag. She was a saint.
Pray tell, what, exactly, did I say about your mother?

I can't speak to my mother, she's dead, you fucktard!
Well, DID you ever speak to her that way?
Indeed. The handling of this panDEMic is one of the worst public policy disasters ever in our country. Little tyrants at the state and local levels decided they can void the Bill of Rights due to a not particularly lethal virus.

Covid is no worse than the 1957 and 1968 pandemics (over 100K dead in each of those in the U.S.) We didn't shutdown our economy. Quarantines are for the sick and those with whom they have been in close contact. House arrest is what has been done to most of us. The curve has been flattened; but the tyrants continue to hold us hostage until the Feds ransom us with a big huge bailout for Public Employees' excessive pay, perks and pension funds. If this doesn't end very soon, we're going to see a revolution.
The President doesn't want mass testing and contact tracing conducted. So how do you suppose we accomplish what you're stating...if we don't even know who is sick from who isn't?
Don't be talking about my mother, scumbag. She was a saint.
Pray tell, what, exactly, did I say about your mother?

I can't speak to my mother, she's dead, you fucktard!
Well, DID you ever speak to her that way?
I most certainly did not.

She provided everything I needed and I loved and respected her.

Are you just mad because I suggested you go to work?

My mama was one in a million you piece of shit!


She wouldn't like me cussing, but I just did.
I most certainly did not.

She provided everything I needed and I loved and respected her.

Are you just mad because I suggested you go to work?

My mama was one in a million you piece of shit!
Then you were blessed. But you're still a maggot though...for speaking that way to others.
I most certainly did not.

She provided everything I needed and I loved and respected her.

Are you just mad because I suggested you go to work?

My mama was one in a million you piece of shit!
Then you were blessed. But you're still a maggot though...for speaking that way to others.

Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?
who did you sue the last time you came down with a flu with mild symptoms, boy child?
Indeed. The handling of this panDEMic is one of the worst public policy disasters ever in our country. Little tyrants at the state and local levels decided they can void the Bill of Rights due to a not particularly lethal virus.

Covid is no worse than the 1957 and 1968 pandemics (over 100K dead in each of those in the U.S.) We didn't shutdown our economy. Quarantines are for the sick and those with whom they have been in close contact. House arrest is what has been done to most of us. The curve has been flattened; but the tyrants continue to hold us hostage until the Feds ransom us with a big huge bailout for Public Employees' excessive pay, perks and pension funds. If this doesn't end very soon, we're going to see a revolution.
The President doesn't want mass testing and contact tracing conducted. So how do you suppose we accomplish what you're stating?

We don't need mass testing. Testing is needed for health care workers, Covid patients, and those who have symptoms. It is an utter waste of time and resources to insist on testing the broader population. One can be healthy one day and then exposed to the virus a week later. So, the Globalists are insisting on a standard that can never be met for widespread testing.

What should be done is what has been done throughout history: quarantine the sick and those with close exposure to them. The rest of us should practice prudent hygiene: wash hands frequently, wear masks, reasonable social distancing (as opposed to total isolation). Businesses can set standards for employees to not come to work sick, and can check temperatures when they arrive at work each day (much simpler than testing everyone every frelling day).

At bottom, individuals have the responsibility and freedom to decide how to protect themselves and what level of risk they are willing to take. We do this constantly regarding travel, food consumption, products we use, and exposure to other diseases and health hazards.
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early? What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so? There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored. Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them? How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?

#alternate_reality. HUH? Who cares if there are more cases?! Did you mean to say more "deaths"? Well, how many more? You do realize that three major anti-body studies indicate that COVID-19's actual case death rate is in flu-like territory, right? The studies indicate that the real case death rate is between 0.1% and 0.3%. The flu's death rate ranges between 0.12% and 0.17%.
Indeed. The handling of this panDEMic is one of the worst public policy disasters ever in our country. Little tyrants at the state and local levels decided they can void the Bill of Rights due to a not particularly lethal virus.

Covid is no worse than the 1957 and 1968 pandemics (over 100K dead in each of those in the U.S.) We didn't shutdown our economy. Quarantines are for the sick and those with whom they have been in close contact. House arrest is what has been done to most of us. The curve has been flattened; but the tyrants continue to hold us hostage until the Feds ransom us with a big huge bailout for Public Employees' excessive pay, perks and pension funds. If this doesn't end very soon, we're going to see a revolution.
The President doesn't want mass testing and contact tracing conducted. So how do you suppose we accomplish what you're stating...if we don't even know who is sick from who isn't?

I'm not getting tested nor am I taking a vaccine if they find one.
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?
who did you sue the last time you came down with a flu with mild symptoms, boy child?
So, you wanna explain that to the families of the 78,000 people and counting?

Damn you fuckers are stupid.
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early? What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so? There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored. Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them? How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?

#alternate_reality. HUH? Who cares if there are more cases?! Did you mean to say more "deaths"? Well, how many more? You do realize that three major anti-body studies indicate that COVID-19's actual case death rate is in flu-like territory, right? The studies indicate that the real case death rate is between 0.1% and 0.3%. The flu's death rate ranges between 0.12% and 0.17%.
Your RWNJ "news" speculations don't amount to "studies" you twit.

And 0.2% still equals 600,000 people

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