When covid19 cases surge

5.6% is a criminally bad estimate

when all the facts are in the chinese virus is likely to be only slightly more deadly than the common flu
5.6% is the ONLY current accurate measurement of mortality.

Divide deaths by infections and that's what you get

Will that number come down when we FINALLY get accurate testing. Certainly. Experts say it will likely go down to 1.2% or .9%

WELL above flu CFR (mortality)

This thing is deadly,
5.6% is a criminally bad estimate

when all the facts are in the chinese virus is likely to be only slightly more deadly than the common flu
5.6% is the ONLY current accurate measurement of mortality.

Divide deaths by infections and that's what you get

Will that number come down when we FINALLY get accurate testing. Certainly. Experts say it will likely go down to 1.2% or .9%

WELL above flu CFR (mortality)

This thing is deadly,
Thank you Dr. Faux.
5.6% is a criminally bad estimate

when all the facts are in the chinese virus is likely to be only slightly more deadly than the common flu
5.6% is the ONLY current accurate measurement of mortality.

Divide deaths by infections and that's what you get

Will that number come down when we FINALLY get accurate testing. Certainly. Experts say it will likely go down to 1.2% or .9%

WELL above flu CFR (mortality)

This thing is deadly,
Thank you Dr. Faux.
Link was posted...you know that
5.6% is a criminally bad estimate

when all the facts are in the chinese virus is likely to be only slightly more deadly than the common flu
5.6% is the ONLY current accurate measurement of mortality.

Divide deaths by infections and that's what you get

Will that number come down when we FINALLY get accurate testing. Certainly. Experts say it will likely go down to 1.2% or .9%

WELL above flu CFR (mortality)

This thing is deadly,
Try .2 - .6%

and expect the chinese disease to claim many people who ultimately would have died of the common flu instead
5.6% is a criminally bad estimate

when all the facts are in the chinese virus is likely to be only slightly more deadly than the common flu
5.6% is the ONLY current accurate measurement of mortality.

Divide deaths by infections and that's what you get

Will that number come down when we FINALLY get accurate testing. Certainly. Experts say it will likely go down to 1.2% or .9%

WELL above flu CFR (mortality)

This thing is deadly,

It depends on how many unconfirmed cases are for every confirmed one. If there are 100 cases where the patient never consulted a doctor or never tested, it wouldn't be that deadly at all. The antibody testing in Santa Clara indicates that many, many people have been infected.
5.6% is a criminally bad estimate

when all the facts are in the chinese virus is likely to be only slightly more deadly than the common flu
5.6% is the ONLY current accurate measurement of mortality.

Divide deaths by infections and that's what you get

Will that number come down when we FINALLY get accurate testing. Certainly. Experts say it will likely go down to 1.2% or .9%

WELL above flu CFR (mortality)

This thing is deadly,
Thank you Dr. Faux.
Link was posted...you know that
Fake news, liar.
Trump will not implement the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 17-page draft recommendation for reopening America, a senior CDC official confirmed Thursday.

The guidance provided more detailed suggestions beyond the reopening guidelines the administration had put forth last month, including specific suggestions for schools and churches.

Trump recently has emphasized the need to quickly reopen the American economy despite the threat to Americans.

Despite the fact that in one day, there were 29,531 new cases of the coronavirus and 2,129 new deaths, despite the fact that the trend is upward in terms of new cases and new deaths, 44 states are reopening for business, albeit with varying degrees of restrictions. Whether the restrictions will be enforced and adhered to is in serious question. Nineteen states that are opening up are facing increases in new cases and new deaths.

Two to three weeks from now we may face the consequences of the lack of restraint by both federal and state governments.

I pray I am wrong.

This source provided vital information for this report. United States Coronavirus: 1,292,623 Cases and 76,928 Deaths - Worldometer

It should be studied carefully ... every single day. It's possible many people are unaware of the threat to themselves and to their families.
Soon the democrats will have no disease to rely on. They might have to start relying on outright murder.
So it's just going to disappear eh? :cuckoo:

When all the projections of deaths are double now at minimum, of what they were for projected deaths by August 4th before all these states decided to open up before they met the CDC and White House standards for being able to open up?

What exactly do you get for your lying bull crud you spew each day???

Damn you commies just don't get it, the lock down was to flatten the curve, not eliminate it. You get the same number of infections, it's just over a longer period of time, so healthcare isn't overwhelmed. Even the commie networks covered that, try listening.

Goodness ALMIGHTY, you truly are miss informed, due to your right wing news, who doesn't explain the process to you...

The objective was to flatten the upward curve, so to keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed, and deaths down.... not just covid deaths, but all the other things like heart attack patients, kept alive...And car accident patients kept alive....

AND the stay at home orders was to reduce the number of infections occurring, to get the number of infections low enough, so that the states could begin testing and contact tracing can take place, isolating those infected, so not to spread it at a fast rate to others, so we could open up the economy again in a more safe manner.... it takes a huge workforce to do this accurately, so beginning the process when the spread rate and cases are lower is necessary....

It was to allow us to reopen the economy, where those of us not sick, were free to work, and isolating those that are sick only, instead of all of us without the virus being isolated.

The scientific process is called Containment.

We are in the hell of a mess that we are in now, because we did not have the testing abilities to Contain the virus early on.... to use the proven Containment process for infectious diseases....

The CDC Failed us, by not having the tests and reagents and supplies to run the tests all over the country, so to identify the carriers and isolating them before a major spread....

By not having the testing to curb the virus, we then went in to shortages of protective gear in hospitals, and for frontline grocery clerks, emts, firefighters, police, meat packers....spreading the disease even more...in to their communities...And killing the doctors, nurses, hospital janitors, grocery clerks etc etc etc.....

Slowing the deaths, eliminates deaths in the long run, because the vaccine will be coming along, and save others.

So how do you get testing ability for something that wasn't known? Also you can thank the globalist for not having reagents, because they weren't being made in this country, and world demand went through the roof. The same applies to PPE, but that is changing because US manufacturers are stepping up.

we were slow on grabbing up those reagents, swabs etc.... on Jan 10th there were several articles in the newspaper about the Chinese citizens running to all of their retail stores and buying up every single mask and hand sanitizer that were available, because on January 9th they made their public announcement that the virus in Wuhan county was likely spreading human to human....

RIGHT THEN our CDC should have KNOWN that supplies were going to be an issue....

IT WAS OUR MISTAKE to not start buying up PPE protective gear from any corner of the earth we could have found it at, and OUR MISTAKE to not procure the reagents and swabs and swab envelopes for the CDC's test EARLY ON...(if only it had worked), and not having tests for all the airports early on, and not using the defense production act to immediately get manufacturers producing these things HERE in the USA for the CDC and FEMA to have, back in January, NOT April!!!!

....the CDC AND OTHER AGENCIES, were just slow as molasses in their preparation for a possible pandemic.... this was THEIR JOB!!! It's the Center for Disease CONTROL for the USA for goodness sake! Disease control my ass.....

So where is a link to these articles? China and the WHO didn't admit transmission person to person until mid Feb. China provided the virus DNA about that same time, so how was the CDC to know what would be needed for testing when they had no idea what they would be testing for? But hey you make a great Monday morning QB and propagandist.

Business Insider reports, "Katie Miller, Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary, has tested positive for the coronavirus.

"Miller is the wife of Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump's senior adviser and primary speechwriter. Her positive diagnosis raises the possibility that people close to the president have been exposed to the virus.

"After the White House said a staffer on Pence's team had tested positive, Trump said it was a "press person" named Katie. "She's a wonderful young woman, Katie," Trump said. "She tested very good for a long period of time, and then all of a sudden today she tested positive."

Katie Miller later confirmed that she had tested positive, adding that she was asymptomatic.

Business Insider continues, "White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller was on the front lines as President Donald Trump's administration butted heads with Democratic lawmakers over Trump's wishes for a $5-billion wall along the US-Mexico border.

"The 34-year-old was also identified as the driving force behind the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy that separated migrant children from their families at the southern border.

"Steve Miller has been a rising star on the far right for years, often making headlines because of his polarizing demeanor and statements."

It goes without saying this grating man is very close to Trump. He can be characterized as Trump with a brain.
Business Insider reports, "Katie Miller, Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary, has tested positive for the coronavirus.

"Miller is the wife of Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump's senior adviser and primary speechwriter. Her positive diagnosis raises the possibility that people close to the president have been exposed to the virus.

"After the White House said a staffer on Pence's team had tested positive, Trump said it was a "press person" named Katie. "She's a wonderful young woman, Katie," Trump said. "She tested very good for a long period of time, and then all of a sudden today she tested positive."

Katie Miller later confirmed that she had tested positive, adding that she was asymptomatic.

Business Insider continues, "White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller was on the front lines as President Donald Trump's administration butted heads with Democratic lawmakers over Trump's wishes for a $5-billion wall along the US-Mexico border.

"The 34-year-old was also identified as the driving force behind the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy that separated migrant children from their families at the southern border.

"Steve Miller has been a rising star on the far right for years, often making headlines because of his polarizing demeanor and statements."

It goes without saying this grating man is very close to Trump. He can be characterized as Trump with a brain.
Another positive test where the person doesn’t even know they have it which it true for about 75% if the cases. 1.6% of all positive results are in the serious to critical category where 99% of the deaths come from.
0.1% of the total population is dying from it
So to recap our outrageous Shutdown summary:
Most don’t know they have it and then they pass it on to another who never knows they have it and then the same....and the same...and the same...
1.6% of all infecteds have it really bad
0.1% of the total population dies

Exactly what are we being protected from for our own good because we are too dumb to fend for ourselves????
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COVID-19 has a higher transmissibility ratio and a higher fatality rate. Most will survive, but if you don't do anything about it, millions will die. Apparently, that's okay with you.
Apparently it is fine...because ya know "it's only old folks. They were gonna die anyway"

How many times and in how many ways have Trumpers told us that on this very forum...

Never, no one ever said that or anything close to it. However, you have been consistent in your lies about it.
5.6% is a criminally bad estimate

when all the facts are in the chinese virus is likely to be only slightly more deadly than the common flu
5.6% is the ONLY current accurate measurement of mortality.

Divide deaths by infections and that's what you get

Will that number come down when we FINALLY get accurate testing. Certainly. Experts say it will likely go down to 1.2% or .9%

WELL above flu CFR (mortality)

This thing is deadly,

the equation only works when both the numerator and the denominator are accurate. In the case of covid we have no idea what the real number of infected is because the majority of people who get it are asymptomatic and don't even know they have it.

"thing is deadly" is bullshit. you have been lied to and are too ignorant to know it.
Business Insider reports, "Katie Miller, Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary, has tested positive for the coronavirus.

"Miller is the wife of Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump's senior adviser and primary speechwriter. Her positive diagnosis raises the possibility that people close to the president have been exposed to the virus.

"After the White House said a staffer on Pence's team had tested positive, Trump said it was a "press person" named Katie. "She's a wonderful young woman, Katie," Trump said. "She tested very good for a long period of time, and then all of a sudden today she tested positive."

Katie Miller later confirmed that she had tested positive, adding that she was asymptomatic.

Business Insider continues, "White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller was on the front lines as President Donald Trump's administration butted heads with Democratic lawmakers over Trump's wishes for a $5-billion wall along the US-Mexico border.

"The 34-year-old was also identified as the driving force behind the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy that separated migrant children from their families at the southern border.

"Steve Miller has been a rising star on the far right for years, often making headlines because of his polarizing demeanor and statements."

It goes without saying this grating man is very close to Trump. He can be characterized as Trump with a brain.

If and when we see a Trump/biden debate we will all see who has the brain and who does not.
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?
If it doesn't go up are you going to do away with yourself? I hope you do and you should.
You conservitards, always wanting people to die.
We want people to live....not cower under the bed or in the basement.
The effective vaccine is exposure to the healthy who develop antibodies. When that virus comes along in the future most will be naturally immune and will not be infected nor will they transmit the virus. This isnt difficult. Seriously, why is this so difficult to understand?

How long do those antibodies last?

Also, that's not the definition of a vaccine.

Its natural immunity which is better than vaccination. Bubonic plague killed 70 percent in europe and england. I can guarantee you they'd have gladly traded the black death for this wimpy thing we're dealing with. Dont pluck your nose hairs either.

I'm sure they would have appreciated a simple tooth brush and tooth paste too, but that doesn't make the bubonic plague relevant to the conversation.
COVID-19 has a higher transmissibility ratio and a higher fatality rate. Most will survive, but if you don't do anything about it, millions will die. Apparently, that's okay with you.
Apparently it is fine...because ya know "it's only old folks. They were gonna die anyway"

How many times and in how many ways have Trumpers told us that on this very forum...

Everyone dies. But what's interesting is that liberals don't care about the millions that die from abortion, or get whacked by Illegal Aliens and Street Gangs, or die from cancer or emphysema

exactly, because with the dems its not about health, dying americans, or finding a cure. Its all about politics and trying to destroy the best economy in history so that possibly crazy old senile Joey can sit in the oval office for a few days until they kick him out and crown one of their far left wacko females.
The effective vaccine is exposure to the healthy who develop antibodies. When that virus comes along in the future most will be naturally immune and will not be infected nor will they transmit the virus. This isnt difficult. Seriously, why is this so difficult to understand?

How long do those antibodies last?

Also, that's not the definition of a vaccine.

Its natural immunity which is better than vaccination. Bubonic plague killed 70 percent in europe and england. I can guarantee you they'd have gladly traded the black death for this wimpy thing we're dealing with. Dont pluck your nose hairs either.

I'm sure they would have appreciated a simple tooth brush and tooth paste too, but that doesn't make the bubonic plague relevant to the conversation.

That's exactly what most Americans were saying during Trump's thinly veiled excuse of a daily campaign rally. Thanks for pointing that out.
The effective vaccine is exposure to the healthy who develop antibodies. When that virus comes along in the future most will be naturally immune and will not be infected nor will they transmit the virus. This isnt difficult. Seriously, why is this so difficult to understand?

How long do those antibodies last?

Also, that's not the definition of a vaccine.

Its natural immunity which is better than vaccination. Bubonic plague killed 70 percent in europe and england. I can guarantee you they'd have gladly traded the black death for this wimpy thing we're dealing with. Dont pluck your nose hairs either.

I'm sure they would have appreciated a simple tooth brush and tooth paste too, but that doesn't make the bubonic plague relevant to the conversation.

That's exactly what most Americans were saying during Trump's thinly veiled excuse of a daily campaign rally. Thanks for pointing that out.
You have the self awareness of a Turnip.
The effective vaccine is exposure to the healthy who develop antibodies. When that virus comes along in the future most will be naturally immune and will not be infected nor will they transmit the virus. This isnt difficult. Seriously, why is this so difficult to understand?

How long do those antibodies last?

Also, that's not the definition of a vaccine.

Its natural immunity which is better than vaccination. Bubonic plague killed 70 percent in europe and england. I can guarantee you they'd have gladly traded the black death for this wimpy thing we're dealing with. Dont pluck your nose hairs either.

I'm sure they would have appreciated a simple tooth brush and tooth paste too, but that doesn't make the bubonic plague relevant to the conversation.

That's exactly what most Americans were saying during Trump's thinly veiled excuse of a daily campaign rally. Thanks for pointing that out.
You have the self awareness of a Turnip.

Really? You use a meme that says "Shut the fuck up, Donny" unironically?

Get back to me when you actually have something to say.

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