When covid19 cases surge

Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?

We the people will respond in the General Election on Nov. 3rd; if and only if the White House with the complicit help of Mitch McConnell will refuse to allow vote by mail, or worse, use some the excuse that the election must be put off until the pandemic has ended.

Herein is the first salvo by reasoned Republicans who were tossed under by bus as RINO's:

mourning in america ad youtube
What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?
Oklahoma Mayor Forced To Revise Mask Mandate After Rash Of Violent Threats

A proclamation went into effect in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Friday requiring that patrons of newly reopened stores and restaurants don masks while inside. Just hours later, Mayor Will Joyce was forced to revise the order amid a ferocious backlash.

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” said City Manager Norman McNickle in a statement. “In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.”

He did the wrong thing.

The answer to that is not to remove the masks. It's to take proper legal steps to stop people from pulling a weapon on someone for following the mayor's legal order.

All that mayor did was make more people infected with the virus and for it to continue to spread.
It's against the law for me to wear a mask when I carry a gun no matter what some fascist pos judge says.
I guess we'll find out what will go wrong. The people aren't going to put up with a permanent lockdown at least in large parts of America like Georgia and Mississippi. The country is opening up no matter how much the liberal panic mongers try to convince the people that this is the new black death.

Um... you mean in places with the lowest education numbers? Got it.

Do you or do you not believe that opening up the economy now will cause a surge in cases and fatalities?

You're dealing with a person who thinks that Mississippi and Georgia are large parts of the nation. They are very small states in land mass. In population, Mississippi only has 2.9 million people. Georgia has 10.6 million people.

Seriously, do you really think a person who believes that has many working brain cells?

New York state has 19.5 million people. They are still locked down. They are staying positive and aren't revolting.

My state has 7.6 million people. We are still locked down. We are staying positive and aren't revolting.

As for opening up the nation, places that are opening up now will probably see large surges in both cases and deaths. Especially since they are still increasing in infections of the virus and deaths. Nor are they properly testing. The real numbers of cases won't be accurate. It never has been in America. Testing isn't being done enough to find all the cases. I think that some states like Texas and Florida aren't testing properly on purpose just to keep their numbers lower but that has not been much of a success. Their numbers are high. Higher than my state and many others.

The states that take their time opening cautiously with testing and tracing will be the ones who have lower outbreaks and will be the states that will be able to stay open without causing more disruption and economic problems.

These people don't realize that if they open too soon, they will have to close again. Which will cause more economic problems.
Soon the democrats will have no disease to rely on. They might have to start relying on outright murder.
So it's just going to disappear eh? :cuckoo:

When all the projections of deaths are double now at minimum, of what they were for projected deaths by August 4th before all these states decided to open up before they met the CDC and White House standards for being able to open up?

What exactly do you get for your lying bull crud you spew each day???

Damn you commies just don't get it, the lock down was to flatten the curve, not eliminate it. You get the same number of infections, it's just over a longer period of time, so healthcare isn't overwhelmed. Even the commie networks covered that, try listening.

Goodness ALMIGHTY, you truly are miss informed, due to your right wing news, who doesn't explain the process to you...

The objective was to flatten the upward curve, so to keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed, and deaths down.... not just covid deaths, but all the other things like heart attack patients, kept alive...And car accident patients kept alive....

AND the stay at home orders was to reduce the number of infections occurring, to get the number of infections low enough, so that the states could begin testing and contact tracing can take place, isolating those infected, so not to spread it at a fast rate to others, so we could open up the economy again in a more safe manner.... it takes a huge workforce to do this accurately, so beginning the process when the spread rate and cases are lower is necessary....

It was to allow us to reopen the economy, where those of us not sick, were free to work, and isolating those that are sick only, instead of all of us without the virus being isolated.

The scientific process is called Containment.

We are in the hell of a mess that we are in now, because we did not have the testing abilities to Contain the virus early on.... to use the proven Containment process for infectious diseases....

The CDC Failed us, by not having the tests and reagents and supplies to run the tests all over the country, so to identify the carriers and isolating them before a major spread....

By not having the testing to curb the virus, we then went in to shortages of protective gear in hospitals, and for frontline grocery clerks, emts, firefighters, police, meat packers....spreading the disease even more...in to their communities...And killing the doctors, nurses, hospital janitors, grocery clerks etc etc etc.....

Slowing the deaths, eliminates deaths in the long run, because the vaccine will be coming along, and save others.

So how do you get testing ability for something that wasn't known? Also you can thank the globalist for not having reagents, because they weren't being made in this country, and world demand went through the roof. The same applies to PPE, but that is changing because US manufacturers are stepping up.

we were slow on grabbing up those reagents, swabs etc.... on Jan 10th there were several articles in the newspaper about the Chinese citizens running to all of their retail stores and buying up every single mask and hand sanitizer that were available, because on January 9th they made their public announcement that the virus in Wuhan county was likely spreading human to human....

RIGHT THEN our CDC should have KNOWN that supplies were going to be an issue....

IT WAS OUR MISTAKE to not start buying up PPE protective gear from any corner of the earth we could have found it at, and OUR MISTAKE to not procure the reagents and swabs and swab envelopes for the CDC's test EARLY ON...(if only it had worked), and not having tests for all the airports early on, and not using the defense production act to immediately get manufacturers producing these things HERE in the USA for the CDC and FEMA to have, back in January, NOT April!!!!

....the CDC AND OTHER AGENCIES, were just slow as molasses in their preparation for a possible pandemic.... this was THEIR JOB!!! It's the Center for Disease CONTROL for the USA for goodness sake! Disease control my ass.....
I guess we'll find out what will go wrong. The people aren't going to put up with a permanent lockdown at least in large parts of America like Georgia and Mississippi. The country is opening up no matter how much the liberal panic mongers try to convince the people that this is the new black death.

Um... you mean in places with the lowest education numbers? Got it.

Do you or do you not believe that opening up the economy now will cause a surge in cases and fatalities?

You're dealing with a person who thinks that Mississippi and Georgia are large parts of the nation. They are very small states in land mass. In population, Mississippi only has 2.9 million people. Georgia has 10.6 million people.

Seriously, do you really think a person who believes that has many working brain cells?

New York state has 19.5 million people. They are still locked down. They are staying positive and aren't revolting.

My state has 7.6 million people. We are still locked down. We are staying positive and aren't revolting.

As for opening up the nation, places that are opening up now will probably see large surges in both cases and deaths. Especially since they are still increasing in infections of the virus and deaths. Nor are they properly testing. The real numbers of cases won't be accurate. It never has been in America. Testing isn't being done enough to find all the cases. I think that some states like Texas and Florida aren't testing properly on purpose just to keep their numbers lower but that has not been much of a success. Their numbers are high. Higher than my state and many others.

The states that take their time opening cautiously with testing and tracing will be the ones who have lower outbreaks and will be the states that will be able to stay open without causing more disruption and economic problems.

These people don't realize that if they open too soon, they will have to close again. Which will cause more economic problems.
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?

If and when they surge, we will be ready. the purpose of the shutdown was not to eliminate the virus, it was to give the medical community time to prepare, and that has been successfully accomplished.

this virus may play it self out, like SARS, H1N1 and the bird flu, or it may be with us for years. Destroying the economy will not change that one bit.

That was accomplished in NY. Not the flyover bible belt.

Flyover country has been a lot better at stopping the Wuhan Flu than New York. The key is that New Yorkers don't wash their hands after using the can.

They've stopped nothing. You should check the numbers, rube.

over 25% of all US cases are in NY and NJ. once again you are wrong or lying. you tell us which.
75% aren't, dope.

duh, yeah. so fricken what? there are 50 states, and 2 of them have 25% of the cases. failed 3rd grade arithmetic, didn't you?

You've failed to make a point that is relevant to the discussion or a point at all.
One thing only is important now and it’s not testing in general
Look at the current cases and see how many are serious to critical. That’s where the deaths come from. Serious/critical is down to 1.65% of .
So, once again
We are locked down over a 0.1% total population fatality rate with 1.65% of All infecteds being in a category where most will die.
Make any sense?
Of course not.
Also as far as I can see Trump May have been about 5 days later in fully responding than most of the other countries. The idea that just 5 days made All The Difference is another liberal feelings fantasy.
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?
Can we sue the assholes that are costing us trillions of bucks, the Chinese and the nanny state?
I do not think that Biden is gonna be the nominee at this point. I was thinking Cuomo but he just killed himself
So, if not Biden (you know, the one with all the delegates) and not Cuomo (the one who's not running), who do you think it's going to be?
Michelle Obama possibly Hillary but Michelle could be the president and she could appoint her husband executive chief of staff then she could have tupperwear parties while he sits at the oval desk
I do not think that Biden is gonna be the nominee at this point. I was thinking Cuomo but he just killed himself
So, if not Biden (you know, the one with all the delegates) and not Cuomo (the one who's not running), who do you think it's going to be?
Michelle Obama possibly Hillary but Michelle could be the president and she could appoint her husband executive chief of staff then she could have tupperwear parties while he sits at the oval desk

The Democrat Party has always done this kind of thing, to find away around the law.

With both Slick Willy and Barry Soetoro, the Constitution states that once we have suffered through 2 terms,that's that. We can never be afflicted again.

Hillary Clinton's campaigns as well as any possible campaign by Big Mike Obama, would be away around the 22nd Amendment.

This has been done several times of the governor level by libs, George C. Wallace was banned from succeeding himself in 1966, so he put up his old lady.
I do not think that Biden is gonna be the nominee at this point. I was thinking Cuomo but he just killed himself
So, if not Biden (you know, the one with all the delegates) and not Cuomo (the one who's not running), who do you think it's going to be?
Michelle Obama possibly Hillary but Michelle could be the president and she could appoint her husband executive chief of staff then she could have tupperwear parties while he sits at the oval desk

The Democrat Party has always done this kind of thing, to find away around the law.

With both Slick Willy and Barry Soetoro, the Constitution states that once we have suffered through 2 terms,that's that. We can never be afflicted again.

Hillary Clinton's campaigns as well as any possible campaign by Big Mike Obama, would be away around the 22nd Amendment.

This has been done several times of the governor level by libs, George C. Wallace was banned from succeeding himself in 1966, so he put up his old lady.
The dems were never like this, they used to be the party of blue hair and hippies now they are the party of masks. I might retire to Australia at this rate
I do not think that Biden is gonna be the nominee at this point. I was thinking Cuomo but he just killed himself
So, if not Biden (you know, the one with all the delegates) and not Cuomo (the one who's not running), who do you think it's going to be?
Michelle Obama possibly Hillary but Michelle could be the president and she could appoint her husband executive chief of staff then she could have tupperwear parties while he sits at the oval desk

The Democrat Party has always done this kind of thing, to find away around the law.

With both Slick Willy and Barry Soetoro, the Constitution states that once we have suffered through 2 terms,that's that. We can never be afflicted again.

Hillary Clinton's campaigns as well as any possible campaign by Big Mike Obama, would be away around the 22nd Amendment.

This has been done several times of the governor level by libs, George C. Wallace was banned from succeeding himself in 1966, so he put up his old lady.
The dems were never like this, they used to be the party of blue hair and hippies now they are the party of masks. I might retire to Australia at this rate

I couldn't see moving to Australia, the Coriolis effect would drive me nuts. I like to see the water in the toilet draining in the correct, American fashion.

I might want to move to my native land of Poland or perhaps the Philippine Republic.
I do not think that Biden is gonna be the nominee at this point. I was thinking Cuomo but he just killed himself
So, if not Biden (you know, the one with all the delegates) and not Cuomo (the one who's not running), who do you think it's going to be?
Michelle Obama possibly Hillary but Michelle could be the president and she could appoint her husband executive chief of staff then she could have tupperwear parties while he sits at the oval desk

The Democrat Party has always done this kind of thing, to find away around the law.

With both Slick Willy and Barry Soetoro, the Constitution states that once we have suffered through 2 terms,that's that. We can never be afflicted again.

Hillary Clinton's campaigns as well as any possible campaign by Big Mike Obama, would be away around the 22nd Amendment.

This has been done several times of the governor level by libs, George C. Wallace was banned from succeeding himself in 1966, so he put up his old lady.
The dems were never like this, they used to be the party of blue hair and hippies now they are the party of masks. I might retire to Australia at this rate

I couldn't see moving to Australia, the Coriolis effect would drive me nuts. I like to see the water in the toilet draining in the correct, American fashion.

I might want to move to my native land of Poland or perhaps the Philippine Republic.
I am not learning a new language so it's either the UK where I would become a serial killer or Australia. My wife is part polish though
I do not think that Biden is gonna be the nominee at this point. I was thinking Cuomo but he just killed himself
So, if not Biden (you know, the one with all the delegates) and not Cuomo (the one who's not running), who do you think it's going to be?
Michelle Obama possibly Hillary but Michelle could be the president and she could appoint her husband executive chief of staff then she could have tupperwear parties while he sits at the oval desk

The Democrat Party has always done this kind of thing, to find away around the law.

With both Slick Willy and Barry Soetoro, the Constitution states that once we have suffered through 2 terms,that's that. We can never be afflicted again.

Hillary Clinton's campaigns as well as any possible campaign by Big Mike Obama, would be away around the 22nd Amendment.

This has been done several times of the governor level by libs, George C. Wallace was banned from succeeding himself in 1966, so he put up his old lady.
The dems were never like this, they used to be the party of blue hair and hippies now they are the party of masks. I might retire to Australia at this rate

I couldn't see moving to Australia, the Coriolis effect would drive me nuts. I like to see the water in the toilet draining in the correct, American fashion.

I might want to move to my native land of Poland or perhaps the Philippine Republic.
I am not learning a new language so it's either the UK where I would become a serial killer or Australia. My wife is part polish though

The Philippines and Poland both have a high number of residents who speak English. The Philippines used to elect a delegate to the US Congress until 1946. You do know that Australian English is a bit different that the American version. They use the term "Foster's" for what we call beer.
I do not think that Biden is gonna be the nominee at this point. I was thinking Cuomo but he just killed himself
So, if not Biden (you know, the one with all the delegates) and not Cuomo (the one who's not running), who do you think it's going to be?
Michelle Obama possibly Hillary but Michelle could be the president and she could appoint her husband executive chief of staff then she could have tupperwear parties while he sits at the oval desk

The Democrat Party has always done this kind of thing, to find away around the law.

With both Slick Willy and Barry Soetoro, the Constitution states that once we have suffered through 2 terms,that's that. We can never be afflicted again.

Hillary Clinton's campaigns as well as any possible campaign by Big Mike Obama, would be away around the 22nd Amendment.

This has been done several times of the governor level by libs, George C. Wallace was banned from succeeding himself in 1966, so he put up his old lady.
The dems were never like this, they used to be the party of blue hair and hippies now they are the party of masks. I might retire to Australia at this rate

I couldn't see moving to Australia, the Coriolis effect would drive me nuts. I like to see the water in the toilet draining in the correct, American fashion.

I might want to move to my native land of Poland or perhaps the Philippine Republic.
I am not learning a new language so it's either the UK where I would become a serial killer or Australia. My wife is part polish though

The Philippines and Poland both have a high number of residents who speak English. The Philippines used to elect a delegate to the US Congress until 1946. You do know that Australian English is a bit different that the American version. They use the term "Foster's" for what we call beer.
The Aussies call a mailman a postie it's a version of Kings English just like American. Never did know that the Phillipines are 80% Catholic though, something to think about
What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?
Oklahoma Mayor Forced To Revise Mask Mandate After Rash Of Violent Threats

A proclamation went into effect in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Friday requiring that patrons of newly reopened stores and restaurants don masks while inside. Just hours later, Mayor Will Joyce was forced to revise the order amid a ferocious backlash.

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” said City Manager Norman McNickle in a statement. “In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.”

He did the wrong thing.

The answer to that is not to remove the masks. It's to take proper legal steps to stop people from pulling a weapon on someone for following the mayor's legal order.

All that mayor did was make more people infected with the virus and for it to continue to spread.
It's against the law for me to wear a mask when I carry a gun no matter what some fascist pos judge says.
Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?
Can we sue the assholes that are costing us trillions of bucks, the Chinese and the nanny state?
That's not who the problem is, or who the thread is about.

Thanks for playing, though!

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