When covid19 cases surge

The effective vaccine is exposure to the healthy who develop antibodies. When that virus comes along in the future most will be naturally immune and will not be infected nor will they transmit the virus. This isnt difficult. Seriously, why is this so difficult to understand?

How long do those antibodies last?

Also, that's not the definition of a vaccine.

Its natural immunity which is better than vaccination. Bubonic plague killed 70 percent in europe and england. I can guarantee you they'd have gladly traded the black death for this wimpy thing we're dealing with. Dont pluck your nose hairs either.

I'm sure they would have appreciated a simple tooth brush and tooth paste too, but that doesn't make the bubonic plague relevant to the conversation.

That's exactly what most Americans were saying during Trump's thinly veiled excuse of a daily campaign rally. Thanks for pointing that out.
You have the self awareness of a Turnip.

Really? You use a meme that says "Shut the fuck up, Donny" unironically?

Get back to me when you actually have something to say.
STFU, Commie Turnip?
You may not be able to process that until tomorrow's update on your programming.
exactly, because with the dems its not about health, dying americans, or finding a cure. Its all about politics and trying to destroy the best economy in history so that possibly crazy old senile Joey can sit in the oval office for a few days until they kick him out and crown one of their far left wacko females.
This is political for ONE group

Trumpers. All you folks care about is protecting Der Orange Leader.

The rest of us are just trying to survive
exactly, because with the dems its not about health, dying americans, or finding a cure. Its all about politics and trying to destroy the best economy in history so that possibly crazy old senile Joey can sit in the oval office for a few days until they kick him out and crown one of their far left wacko females.
This is political for ONE group

Trumpers. All you folks care about is protecting Der Orange Leader.

The rest of us are just trying to survive
So get back to work and start making your way, bitch!
The effective vaccine is exposure to the healthy who develop antibodies. When that virus comes along in the future most will be naturally immune and will not be infected nor will they transmit the virus. This isnt difficult. Seriously, why is this so difficult to understand?

How long do those antibodies last?

Also, that's not the definition of a vaccine.

Its natural immunity which is better than vaccination. Bubonic plague killed 70 percent in europe and england. I can guarantee you they'd have gladly traded the black death for this wimpy thing we're dealing with. Dont pluck your nose hairs either.

I'm sure they would have appreciated a simple tooth brush and tooth paste too, but that doesn't make the bubonic plague relevant to the conversation.

That's exactly what most Americans were saying during Trump's thinly veiled excuse of a daily campaign rally. Thanks for pointing that out.
You have the self awareness of a Turnip.

Really? You use a meme that says "Shut the fuck up, Donny" unironically?

Get back to me when you actually have something to say.
STFU, Commie Turnip?
You may not be able to process that until tomorrow's update on your programming.

Let me know when you actually being to debate the topic.
the equation only works when both the numerator and the denominator are accurate. In the case of covid we have no idea what the real number of infected is because the majority of people who get it are asymptomatic and don't even know they have it.

"thing is deadly" is bullshit. you have been lied to and are too ignorant to know it.
You admit that you can't provide accurate CFR (mortality rates) and then make conclusions as if you can.

WTF is that about? Certainly not accuracy. It looks more like you have an agenda.
McConnell has “insisted” that the next stimulus package will include legal immunity for businesses that open back up. He told Politico, “The next pandemic coming will be the lawsuit pandemic in the wake of this one. So we need to prevent that now when we have the opportunity to do it.” It’s important to understand what McConnell is proposing here: He’s saying that he will withhold aid money to state and local governments fighting the Covid-19 pandemic if the package does not include legal giveaways to protect businesses from the justice system.
soon workers will have no rights if the republicans stay in power.

The federal or state govt shouldn't even be involved in this whole scam pandemic. If a business wants to open or close, it should be their decision. Likewise, if an individual wants to stay home or frequent a business establishment, it should be their decision. Screw the pathetic government. Why do libs always need to be led around by the nose. They look to govt because thats all they have. Its their religion.
It will be a blessing!

Look at it this way. Say there are 100 of us in the world. 25 are elderly and or sick and 75 of us are healthy adults.

Scenario #1
We all isolate. But one or two of us get the disease from going to a grocery store or Home Depot, etc. We then pass it on to one or two we see at a liquor store or again a grocery store and so on. The virus makes us a little ill but nothing major, like a common cold, as we are healthy adults. This progresses for months as we isolate so the virus has time to jump around and of course eventually gets to the 25 or so vulnerable.

Scenario #2

We isolate the 25, all 75 go out at once. We all get the virus. The virus has nowhere else to jump as all 75 have it and are building antibodies and immunity. Virus dies out in ~3 weeks and the other 25 can easily go out.

The key like with all viruses is to give it no where else to go. This is why the flu dies every spring. This is not because of warmer weather but because of herd immunity that kills it off naturally. Lockdowns are having the opposite effect. What you do is isolate the vulnerable and let the rest of us get it. This creates the often spoken about herd immunity and kills the virus.


Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine.

Sweden will be a great case study

"In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Are you not understanding your own links again? Vaccine, we aren't going to have an effective herd immunity that doesn't get a lot of people killed unless we have a vaccine. Your own sources tell you this.
Herd immunity is a vaccine, dummy. Act the same way.

No, herd immunity is herd immunity. You literally just copy/pasted this

"Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Clearly they are not saying herd immunity is a vaccine. You can get to herd immunity if you have vaccinated enough people but your link isn't saying to reach herd immunity by exposure.

Obama paid the ChiCom lab to splice in HIV to Covid, there will NEVER be a vaccine for it
McConnell has “insisted” that the next stimulus package will include legal immunity for businesses that open back up. He told Politico, “The next pandemic coming will be the lawsuit pandemic in the wake of this one. So we need to prevent that now when we have the opportunity to do it.” It’s important to understand what McConnell is proposing here: He’s saying that he will withhold aid money to state and local governments fighting the Covid-19 pandemic if the package does not include legal giveaways to protect businesses from the justice system.
soon workers will have no rights if the republicans stay in power.

The federal or state govt shouldn't even be involved in this whole scam pandemic. If a business wants to open or close, it should be their decision. Likewise, if an individual wants to stay home or frequent a business establishment, it should be their decision. Screw the pathetic government. Why do libs always need to be led around by the nose. They look to govt because thats all they have. Its their religion.
It will be a blessing!

Look at it this way. Say there are 100 of us in the world. 25 are elderly and or sick and 75 of us are healthy adults.

Scenario #1
We all isolate. But one or two of us get the disease from going to a grocery store or Home Depot, etc. We then pass it on to one or two we see at a liquor store or again a grocery store and so on. The virus makes us a little ill but nothing major, like a common cold, as we are healthy adults. This progresses for months as we isolate so the virus has time to jump around and of course eventually gets to the 25 or so vulnerable.

Scenario #2

We isolate the 25, all 75 go out at once. We all get the virus. The virus has nowhere else to jump as all 75 have it and are building antibodies and immunity. Virus dies out in ~3 weeks and the other 25 can easily go out.

The key like with all viruses is to give it no where else to go. This is why the flu dies every spring. This is not because of warmer weather but because of herd immunity that kills it off naturally. Lockdowns are having the opposite effect. What you do is isolate the vulnerable and let the rest of us get it. This creates the often spoken about herd immunity and kills the virus.


Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine.

Sweden will be a great case study

"In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Are you not understanding your own links again? Vaccine, we aren't going to have an effective herd immunity that doesn't get a lot of people killed unless we have a vaccine. Your own sources tell you this.
Herd immunity is a vaccine, dummy. Act the same way.

No, herd immunity is herd immunity. You literally just copy/pasted this

"Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Clearly they are not saying herd immunity is a vaccine. You can get to herd immunity if you have vaccinated enough people but your link isn't saying to reach herd immunity by exposure.

Obama paid the ChiCom lab to splice in HIV to Covid, there will NEVER be a vaccine for it

ODS? The guy hasn't been president in over 3 year and you can't stop talking about him. Now you're creating fantasies where Obama gives you HIV. Weird.
McConnell has “insisted” that the next stimulus package will include legal immunity for businesses that open back up. He told Politico, “The next pandemic coming will be the lawsuit pandemic in the wake of this one. So we need to prevent that now when we have the opportunity to do it.” It’s important to understand what McConnell is proposing here: He’s saying that he will withhold aid money to state and local governments fighting the Covid-19 pandemic if the package does not include legal giveaways to protect businesses from the justice system.
soon workers will have no rights if the republicans stay in power.

The federal or state govt shouldn't even be involved in this whole scam pandemic. If a business wants to open or close, it should be their decision. Likewise, if an individual wants to stay home or frequent a business establishment, it should be their decision. Screw the pathetic government. Why do libs always need to be led around by the nose. They look to govt because thats all they have. Its their religion.
It will be a blessing!

Look at it this way. Say there are 100 of us in the world. 25 are elderly and or sick and 75 of us are healthy adults.

Scenario #1
We all isolate. But one or two of us get the disease from going to a grocery store or Home Depot, etc. We then pass it on to one or two we see at a liquor store or again a grocery store and so on. The virus makes us a little ill but nothing major, like a common cold, as we are healthy adults. This progresses for months as we isolate so the virus has time to jump around and of course eventually gets to the 25 or so vulnerable.

Scenario #2

We isolate the 25, all 75 go out at once. We all get the virus. The virus has nowhere else to jump as all 75 have it and are building antibodies and immunity. Virus dies out in ~3 weeks and the other 25 can easily go out.

The key like with all viruses is to give it no where else to go. This is why the flu dies every spring. This is not because of warmer weather but because of herd immunity that kills it off naturally. Lockdowns are having the opposite effect. What you do is isolate the vulnerable and let the rest of us get it. This creates the often spoken about herd immunity and kills the virus.


Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine.

Sweden will be a great case study

"In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Are you not understanding your own links again? Vaccine, we aren't going to have an effective herd immunity that doesn't get a lot of people killed unless we have a vaccine. Your own sources tell you this.
Herd immunity is a vaccine, dummy. Act the same way.

No, herd immunity is herd immunity. You literally just copy/pasted this

"Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Clearly they are not saying herd immunity is a vaccine. You can get to herd immunity if you have vaccinated enough people but your link isn't saying to reach herd immunity by exposure.

Obama paid the ChiCom lab to splice in HIV to Covid, there will NEVER be a vaccine for it

ODS? The guy hasn't been president in over 3 year and you can't stop talking about him. Now you're creating fantasies where Obama gives you HIV. Weird.
How closely are the ChiComs working with their democrat Sleeper cells?

Obama paid them to develop Covid and Pelosi coordinated the Fake Impeachment with the Outbreak of the Obama funded Wuhan flu
McConnell has “insisted” that the next stimulus package will include legal immunity for businesses that open back up. He told Politico, “The next pandemic coming will be the lawsuit pandemic in the wake of this one. So we need to prevent that now when we have the opportunity to do it.” It’s important to understand what McConnell is proposing here: He’s saying that he will withhold aid money to state and local governments fighting the Covid-19 pandemic if the package does not include legal giveaways to protect businesses from the justice system.
soon workers will have no rights if the republicans stay in power.

The federal or state govt shouldn't even be involved in this whole scam pandemic. If a business wants to open or close, it should be their decision. Likewise, if an individual wants to stay home or frequent a business establishment, it should be their decision. Screw the pathetic government. Why do libs always need to be led around by the nose. They look to govt because thats all they have. Its their religion.
It will be a blessing!

Look at it this way. Say there are 100 of us in the world. 25 are elderly and or sick and 75 of us are healthy adults.

Scenario #1
We all isolate. But one or two of us get the disease from going to a grocery store or Home Depot, etc. We then pass it on to one or two we see at a liquor store or again a grocery store and so on. The virus makes us a little ill but nothing major, like a common cold, as we are healthy adults. This progresses for months as we isolate so the virus has time to jump around and of course eventually gets to the 25 or so vulnerable.

Scenario #2

We isolate the 25, all 75 go out at once. We all get the virus. The virus has nowhere else to jump as all 75 have it and are building antibodies and immunity. Virus dies out in ~3 weeks and the other 25 can easily go out.

The key like with all viruses is to give it no where else to go. This is why the flu dies every spring. This is not because of warmer weather but because of herd immunity that kills it off naturally. Lockdowns are having the opposite effect. What you do is isolate the vulnerable and let the rest of us get it. This creates the often spoken about herd immunity and kills the virus.


Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine.

Sweden will be a great case study

"In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Are you not understanding your own links again? Vaccine, we aren't going to have an effective herd immunity that doesn't get a lot of people killed unless we have a vaccine. Your own sources tell you this.
Herd immunity is a vaccine, dummy. Act the same way.

No, herd immunity is herd immunity. You literally just copy/pasted this

"Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Clearly they are not saying herd immunity is a vaccine. You can get to herd immunity if you have vaccinated enough people but your link isn't saying to reach herd immunity by exposure.

Obama paid the ChiCom lab to splice in HIV to Covid, there will NEVER be a vaccine for it

ODS? The guy hasn't been president in over 3 year and you can't stop talking about him. Now you're creating fantasies where Obama gives you HIV. Weird.
How closely are the ChiComs working with their democrat Sleeper cells?

Obama paid them to develop Covid and Pelosi coordinated the Fake Impeachment with the Outbreak of the Obama funded Wuhan flu

How close are you to finishing that bowl?
exactly, because with the dems its not about health, dying americans, or finding a cure. Its all about politics and trying to destroy the best economy in history so that possibly crazy old senile Joey can sit in the oval office for a few days until they kick him out and crown one of their far left wacko females.
This is political for ONE group

Trumpers. All you folks care about is protecting Der Orange Leader.

The rest of us are just trying to survive

trying to survive???? WTF is wrong with you? this virus is not nearly as dangerous as we have been told, but if you are scared, stay home, continue to hibernate until your life ends. The rest of us intend to enjoy life in this wonderful country.
the equation only works when both the numerator and the denominator are accurate. In the case of covid we have no idea what the real number of infected is because the majority of people who get it are asymptomatic and don't even know they have it.

"thing is deadly" is bullshit. you have been lied to and are too ignorant to know it.
You admit that you can't provide accurate CFR (mortality rates) and then make conclusions as if you can.

WTF is that about? Certainly not accuracy. It looks more like you have an agenda.

its you that has no valid mortality rates but is hiding under every rock from the evil chinese virus that is going to destroy the human race.

Yes, I have an agenda------------for the USA to reopen, for its citizens to return to their jobs, schools, beaches, parks, sidewalks, malls, and barber shops. Your obvious agenda is to continue the destruction of our economy in the false hope that it will somehow help crazy old senile pervert Biden to win in november-------and so two weeks later you can declare him unfit and put one of your far left socialist women in charge. It won't work.
a good number of these “protesters” and “pundits” represent fringe groups, financed by other fringe groups and amplified by a press that adores conflict. The data continues to show that the vast majority of Americans are not out on the hustings fighting for the right to infect others for the sake of a McNugget
Yes, I have an agenda------------for the USA to reopen, for its citizens to return to their jobs, schools, beaches, parks, sidewalks, malls, and barber shops.
At the cost of how many lives? You don't care?

Stupidly when the deaths start mounting the economy is going to be WORSE than now.

How can you not understand that?
Yes, I have an agenda------------for the USA to reopen, for its citizens to return to their jobs, schools, beaches, parks, sidewalks, malls, and barber shops.
At the cost of how many lives? You don't care?

Stupidly when the deaths start mounting the economy is going to be WORSE than now.

How can you not understand that?

except that that is highly unlikely. You said that everyone in the state of Georgia would be dead by now because they opened up early. The fact is that the new infection rate in Ga is declining at about the same rate as the states that remain closed.

You accuse me of not caring about how many die. Do you care about the people who will die due to the shutdown? suicides, domestic violence, drugs, alcohol, depression? that number will greatly exceed the covid deaths if this stupid shutdown continues.

I want to ask you the same question that none of your lib buddies has been able to answer: How do you justify that during the shutdown you can get an abortion but not a haircut?
a good number of these “protesters” and “pundits” represent fringe groups, financed by other fringe groups and amplified by a press that adores conflict. The data continues to show that the vast majority of Americans are not out on the hustings fighting for the right to infect others for the sake of a McNugget

total horseshit. no one wants to infect others. If you are worried about that, stay home or wear a mask for the rest of your life.

Last fall did you express the same worries about being infected with the flu, a sinus infection, or a common cold (which is also a corona virus) ?
He did the wrong thing.

The answer to that is not to remove the masks. It's to take proper legal steps to stop people from pulling a weapon on someone for following the mayor's legal order.

All that mayor did was make more people infected with the virus and for it to continue to spread.
Should be no surprise to you, because all Republicans do is the wrong thing.
Not into seances or reporting you for the family rule. However, STFU, bitch!
Not everyone is as myopic as you are.
Pull your head out of your ass, go to work and make a living.
You get no reparations, ever. Let. It. Go.
Reporting me for what exactly, asking you a question...based on your own statements?

Should we all be able to sue the governors and other politicians who opened up too early?

What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?

There are clear guidelines for reopening that are being ignored.

Can we sue the tRump *administration* for not enforcing them?

How about for their generally inept response and attempts to dodge responsibility for it?
Can we sue you for wasting bandwidth?
He did the wrong thing.

The answer to that is not to remove the masks. It's to take proper legal steps to stop people from pulling a weapon on someone for following the mayor's legal order.

All that mayor did was make more people infected with the virus and for it to continue to spread.
Should be no surprise to you, because all Republicans do is the wrong thing.
Ya I knew shoulda used a 9 iron
He did the wrong thing.

The answer to that is not to remove the masks. It's to take proper legal steps to stop people from pulling a weapon on someone for following the mayor's legal order.

All that mayor did was make more people infected with the virus and for it to continue to spread.
Should be no surprise to you, because all Republicans do is the wrong thing.

No it wasn't a surprise to me.

I've known that all they do is the wrong thing for decades. Since nixon.

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