When Democrats Toss Out All Primary Votes for Joe, Bypass Harris for a White, Any Dems Taking That Well?

What makes you think that the Democrat Party is going to throw Kamala under the bus in favor of a Honky gentleman, w-man?

I just don't see it.

When Biden is shitcanned, it will be in favor of Kamala. And if they can get that broad to step aside, either the Indian squaw Pocahontas or Senator Booker after he decides to identify as "Cora" and comes out in drag.

When Democrats Toss Out All Primary Votes for Joe, Bypass Harris for a White, Any Dems Taking That Well? Asking for a friend.​

They probably won't care. They can't see past their own raging TDS to see the harm they've done to the nation. It didn't bother them to steal the 2020 election by rigging it to be able to steer its ending no matter what to a Biden win (as flagrantly admitted to in Time Magazine!), so I'm sure violating every election law now to replace Joe now will be just fine with them too.

Really scary that you can admit in national print that you STOLE a presidential election yet no one has ever been charged with a crime.
I don't even care.....I doubt if FJB is going anywhere and let's face it, the DNC does not give a shit what their plantation dwellers think. The black "race" baiters know who fills their soup bowls.

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