When did the American Worker become so helpless?

I always like it when government raises the minimum wage!

It gives me an excuse to raise my prices though I have no employees and everybody understands they're doing their part to help the downtrodden.

Dumb shits.
Got it. So, you are so stupid that you kept your prices low and chose to forgo profits until the minimum wage gave you a reason to raise them??
Actually, the American worker has much more power over his own life than at certain other times in history. Our history shows us that before the time of unions, we had no power at all. Children were forced to work at a very early age, there was no such thing as a stay at home parent and people worked incredibly long hours under dangerous and unhealthy conditions, weekends, no sick leave, no maternity leave and had no recourse.

Thanks to people pulling together, we have weekends, holidays, sick leave, safer working conditions, children in school instead of working.

Our rights have been eroding away, slow but sure as support has changed from each other to our rich masters. We still have weak people. We call them right wingers who are too scared to come out from under their beds without a gun in their hand and way too scared to stand up to big money.

"We have weekends, holidays, sick leave, safer working conditions, children in school instead of working."

These are some of the reasons corporations move jobs offshore. All the above hurt their profit margins. There is also a cheerleading squad of millions of working class conservatives that think that corporations and multi billionaires sit on the right hand side of God.

The minimum wage hurts the poor. A job is often the only means to learning a trade and moving up. By removing this option the worker is now permanently on the dole.
Prove it. Oh, that's right, you can not. Because: A. You are simply posting dogma, and never thought about investigating your own statements, and B. Because if you did, you would find your statement incorrect. But then, what the hell. Ignorance is bliss, and you are blissful. Perfect.
How a few from the far right can attack the American working class is beyond logical explanation. They didn't create the environment they are faced with. They didn't ship their jobs overseas. They didn't create the technology that has replaced their skills. They didn't create the environment where there is a lack of training by companies for new skills. They didn't table legislation that provided funds to teach new skills. They didn't create the environment of three applicants for every job. They didn't create the fact the US's emerging industry is low paying service jobs.
All of these happening weren't created by the working class, it was completely out of their hands.
The fact of the matter is those left behind workers, are people of all ethnicities, religions and political beliefs who have been through very rough times and face a even more difficult future.
Who are these people attacking the working class and why are they attacking the most abused segment of the American culture?
Those who are attacking the working class are totally ignorant and self absorbed.

Yes they did. By voting in the asshats that made it impossible for a corporation to succeed here and then sitting on the lazy asses and not fighting back.
Perhaps, dipshit, you should take a look at the stock market. Or research corporate profits. They are at all time record highs. Then read what you just posted. And get a clue. Jesus. Does that much ignorance hurt???
Actually, the American worker has much more power over his own life than at certain other times in history. Our history shows us that before the time of unions, we had no power at all. Children were forced to work at a very early age, there was no such thing as a stay at home parent and people worked incredibly long hours under dangerous and unhealthy conditions, weekends, no sick leave, no maternity leave and had no recourse.

Thanks to people pulling together, we have weekends, holidays, sick leave, safer working conditions, children in school instead of working.

Our rights have been eroding away, slow but sure as support has changed from each other to our rich masters. We still have weak people. We call them right wingers who are too scared to come out from under their beds without a gun in their hand and way too scared to stand up to big money.

4.7 percent of the population work for min wage. Not a big issue.
Good deal. Lets go ahead and raise their wage, then. Not a big deal.
Listen to a Jew tell you how the American people you how the American people were manipulated into becoming a bunch of Putzes:

The answer to this question cannot be simply attributed to the laziness and incompetence of US citizens.

Anyone seriously looking for a comprehensive answer to the problems due to massive unemployment and lack of industry will have to examine a number of topics.

Although I could give some short answers to the questions, to do so would only invite a plethora of challenges to "back up" what I say and insults from those to whom the implications of those answers would be obvious.

So I would suggest that anyone who asks the OPs question in other terms than as a rhetorical way of introducing a proposal of "austerity" such as those which are being offered to the people of Ukraine by the IMF, that they begin here.

History and Purpose of NAFTA


Actually, the American worker has much more power over his own life than at certain other times in history. Our history shows us that before the time of unions, we had no power at all. Children were forced to work at a very early age, there was no such thing as a stay at home parent and people worked incredibly long hours under dangerous and unhealthy conditions, weekends, no sick leave, no maternity leave and had no recourse.

Thanks to people pulling together, we have weekends, holidays, sick leave, safer working conditions, children in school instead of working.

Our rights have been eroding away, slow but sure as support has changed from each other to our rich masters. We still have weak people. We call them right wingers who are too scared to come out from under their beds without a gun in their hand and way too scared to stand up to big money.

4.7 percent of the population work for min wage. Not a big issue.
Them why don't raise it? It's not a big issue.
The answer to this question cannot be simply attributed to the laziness and incompetence of US citizens.

Anyone seriously looking for a comprehensive answer to the problems due to massive unemployment and lack of industry will have to examine a number of topics.

Although I could give some short answers to the questions, to do so would only invite a plethora of challenges to "back up" what I say and insults from those to whom the implications of those answers would be obvious.

So I would suggest that anyone who asks the OPs question in other terms than as a rhetorical way of introducing a proposal of "austerity" such as those which are being offered to the people of Ukraine by the IMF, that they begin here.

History and Purpose of NAFTA



Free Trade is BS. I disagreed with it since it's beginnings. It has outsourced more jobs to countries with laughable standards.

Our trade agreements were negotiated on a case by case treaty for over 200 years and it worked. Some how it was suddenly broken and no longer needed, and the results are clear that we made the wrong decisions.

These treaties are made to level the playing field to countries like China who have BS EPA requirements. In this area, you must be careful not to tariff too much as your prices will increase as a result.

I've gotten into this area with those I usually agree with many times, but will continue to push for getting rid of Free Trade Agreements.
On the taxation of Corps and businesses. I take the side of those already stating that they will raise prices as a result. This hurts the poor more than anybody else. So the lefts PRAVDA on this is useless to me. They claim to be helping the poor by attacking these corps, only to have the cost added to the products the poor buy. Thus they damage those they claim to help.

Their other policies attacking energy do the same as their very agenda raises utility bills nation wide to save us all, but slam the poor again claiming to help them.

With friends like this who needs enemies.............

I take it you didn't listen.

The guy in the picture doesn't look Ahskenazim at all.
Must you people always picture Goyim acting as fools or sex objects?

could not understand what you posted....

Listen to a Jew tell you how the American people you how the American people were manipulated into becoming a bunch of Putzes:

it's befuddled.....but Goyims can look like Hitler if need be...
Finally, to address the other serious issue. It is our debt. It destroys the value of the dollar as does the FIAT money printing machine. It lessens our purchase power and again hurts the poor more than anyone else.

The left and the status quo refuse to live within our means and it will destroy the value of the dollar. It raises the CPI, and fucks all the people of this nation.

Their refusal to address the reality of the situation ensures that our children are f...........d
Finally, to address the other serious issue. It is our debt. It destroys the value of the dollar as does the FIAT money printing machine. It lessens our purchase power and again hurts the poor more than anyone else.

The left and the status quo refuse to live within our means and it will destroy the value of the dollar. It raises the CPI, and fucks all the people of this nation.

Their refusal to address the reality of the situation ensures that our children are f...........d

The right has done no better.....they too have increased the debt during their time in office. Both parties are selling us out and threatening capitalism.

Yes, socialism has its charms in the neo-liberal political model sweeping the country.

It's evident in government's interference in free markets.

It's resulted in bailouts becoming intrinsic to capitalism.

The too-big-to-fail mentality in risk taking and decision making is now built not only into our banking system, but other industries may also "opt in" to that economic fail-safe category.

It's proof that an incompetent and corrupt majority in Congress compensate capitalist elites. Those same elites reinvest their gross wealth back into the political system.

It's more commonly referred to as "socialism for the rich." And it's the new normal.

Both Republicans and Democrats aided and abetted the new order, especially the new economic order.
The Growing Threat to Capitalism
Moonglow you will notice I mentioned the Status Quo. Which all need to go regardless of party.
Finally, to address the other serious issue. It is our debt. It destroys the value of the dollar as does the FIAT money printing machine. It lessens our purchase power and again hurts the poor more than anyone else.

The left and the status quo refuse to live within our means and it will destroy the value of the dollar. It raises the CPI, and fucks all the people of this nation.

Their refusal to address the reality of the situation ensures that our children are f...........d
It is NOT the debt. It is unemployment. Look back, me boy. At NO TIME has the national debt decreased (as a percent of GDP) when unemployment was high. AT NO TIME has the national debt increased (as a percent of GDP) when unemployment was low.
Then, you may consider that in real terms, we have had considerably higher national debt than today. Take the national debt as a percentage of gdp, and you will find, if you are honest, that it has been higher, and came back down (Way back down) once unemployment went back to normal rates.

Doing more to limit the national debt, for obvious reasons, simply ends up increasing it, by increasing unemployment. You see, it is a simple thing. Employed people pay taxes which lowers the national debt.

Then, there is this whole scare tactic about our children. As soon as you can find a time when our children had to write a check to pay down the national debt I will write you one. But, of course, it NEVER HAPPENED. You need to get a grip.

And that good old scare attempt at saying the gov is printing money is always funny. What is happening, me boy, is the gov is selling bonds. Increases cash and increases the number of bonds the gov holds. Simple accounting function. A function, of course, of the FED. Read up on it. Learn how money is generated. Learn how it all works, and stop trying to scare the bejesus out of folks with blather.
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Yea American workers what the hell is the matter with you?

Work harder, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, start your own business. become a CEO, stop complaining

Don't let us catch you with that "Class envy"

Why does one have to become a ceo?

And really if all you do is whine about how badly you are treated why wouldn't you want to work for yourself?

No one is forcing anyone to stay at a job they despise are they?
There's very little sense trying to talk sense to someone who refuses to listen.
There's very little sense trying to talk sense to someone who refuses to listen.

Yes I refuse to listen to whiners.

Unfortunately whiners are becoming the dominant social class here and in the country in general.

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