When did the American Worker become so helpless?

The answer to this question cannot be simply attributed to the laziness and incompetence of US citizens.

Anyone seriously looking for a comprehensive answer to the problems due to massive unemployment and lack of industry will have to examine a number of topics.

Although I could give some short answers to the questions, to do so would only invite a plethora of challenges to "back up" what I say and insults from those to whom the implications of those answers would be obvious.

So I would suggest that anyone who asks the OPs question in other terms than as a rhetorical way of introducing a proposal of "austerity" such as those which are being offered to the people of Ukraine by the IMF, that they begin here.

History and Purpose of NAFTA



Free Trade is BS. I disagreed with it since it's beginnings. It has outsourced more jobs to countries with laughable standards.

Our trade agreements were negotiated on a case by case treaty for over 200 years and it worked. Some how it was suddenly broken and no longer needed, and the results are clear that we made the wrong decisions.

These treaties are made to level the playing field to countries like China who have BS EPA requirements. In this area, you must be careful not to tariff too much as your prices will increase as a result.

I've gotten into this area with those I usually agree with many times, but will continue to push for getting rid of Free Trade Agreements.

Exactly! If one didn't know better, he might think that foreign trade negotiations were deliberately designed to ham string US industry and set up conditions to deindustrialize it.

I included Griffin and Fitts because I don't think what either of them have to say about the US economy is unrelated to the position that it's citizens find themselves in. How could they be?

I won't argue that you can't find softness and sloth among the American people. At what point in history have those traits ever been entirely absent from a population?

But an argument which tries to pin the blame for the collapsing economy at the doorstep of the general public without factoring in the actions of those whose decisions have much greater macroeconomic effects smacks of an attempt to justify or ignore the actions of those at the top.

It also appears to me as a prelude to coming "austerity measures" such as those which have been imposed upon Greece and other countries which have been caught in the snare of the IMF and their globalist cronies.

Where the sloth of the people enters in is when the masses are offered MARXIST Socialist "solutions" for problems which scarcely exist until the people are suckered into accepting the notion that everything in the world can be free of charge.

To those on the receiving end of the Social largesse, it may seem to be a party. But eventually the well runs dry and the only thing the masses have to share "equally" among themselves is the misery of their poverty. Meanwhile the Marxist socialist engineers who set the whole plan in motion use the power of the state they have acquired to see to it that they personally never do without.

The blacks, Mexicans, and leftist hopheads all believe that Marxism is the cat's meow. It means "stickin' it to da man" and "gettin' what's rightfully comin' to 'em". Naturally they will all join their Marxist Jewish colleagues in voting for every socialized program that's introduced and will continue to do so until the entire nation is reduced to the state of communist China and the former Soviet Union.

This is the dream of the "workers paradise" they have been sold by the Marxist demagogues in their bid for power. The demagogues rise to power. And when the jig is up, the "proletariat" gets stuck with the bill. Everyone who does not belong to the Politbureau will then suffer "equally" just as they wished.

I don't believe that any of the major political issues which have arisen prior to and including 9/11, from those ensuing wars to illegal immigration to the failing economy have happened in a vacuum or as the result of an accident.

When the time comes that the Globalist Banksters must pull the rug from beneath the "proletariat" suckers, you can be assured that the first means to be cut under "austerity" will be all the Social Programs that were used to entice the people to buy into the Marxist dream in the first place. And the people themselves will receive all the blame for the necessity of having to do so because of their sloth and etc.
There won't be a peep out of the Zionist media about those other factors which Griffin and Fitts have alluded to.
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Reading the "thoughts" of the Prog Collective here at USMB, you'd think that the American worker suddenly became a mindless ward of the state, incapable of learning or bettering himself or generating a single entrepreneurial thought.

When did the American Worker become so helpless?

When our public education deteriorated and our jobs were sent overseas so as to make that ladder virtually unclimbable today.
The blacks, Mexicans, and leftist hopheads all believe that Marxism is the cat's meow. It means "stickin' it to da man" and "gettin' what's rightfully comin' to 'em". Naturally they will all join their Marxist Jewish colleagues in voting for every socialized program that's introduced and will continue to do so until the entire nation is reduced to the state of communist China and the former Soviet Union....

When the time comes that the Globalist Banksters must pull the rug from beneath the "proletariat" suckers, you can be assured that the first means to be cut under "austerity" will be all the Social Programs that were used to entice the people to buy into the Marxist dream in the first place. And the people themselves will receive all the blame for the necessity of having to do so because of their sloth and etc.
There won't be a peep out of the Zionist media about those other factors which Griffin and Fitts have alluded to.

Your jackboots are showing, Skinhead.
Your jackboots are showing, Skinhead.

Hasbara - SourceWatch

Hasbara Campus Manual

A Hasbara manual for students to use on US university campuses is now available online[2]. A summary of the techniques is provided from page 31 onwards:

Propaganda is used by those who want to communicate in ways that engage the emotions and downplay rationality, in an attempt to promote a certain message.

The manual goes on to describe seven propaganda techniques:

Name calling: through the careful use of words, then name calling technique links a person or an idea to a negative symbol.
Glittering generality: Simply put, glittering generality is name calling in reverse. Instead of trying to attach negative meanings to ideas or people, glittering generalities use positive phrases, which the audience are attached to, in order to lend positive image to things. Words such as "freedom", "civilization",…
Transfer: Transfer involves taking some of the prestige and authority of one concept and applying it to another. For example, a speaker might decide to speak in front of a United Nations flag, in an attempt to gain legitimacy for himself or his idea.
Testimonial: Testimonial means enlisting the support of somebody admired or famous to endorse and ideal or campaign.
Plain folks: The plain folks technique attempts to convince the listener that the speaker is a 'regular guy', who is trust-worthy because the are like 'you or me'.
Fear: Stressing that ignoring the message will likely lead to war, terrorism[3]
Bandwagon: Suggest that the stated position is mainstream and use polls to suggest this.

"oldfart"= trustworthy because....
Reading the "thoughts" of the Prog Collective here at USMB, you'd think that the American worker suddenly became a mindless ward of the state, incapable of learning or bettering himself or generating a single entrepreneurial thought.

When did the American Worker become so helpless?
we didn't become helpless, but since Globalism.... the supposed free trade became the fad with corporations....the odds have been stacked against us....how does one compete with a dollar a day workers? Even if we produced 10 times more in 1 hour than the $1 a day worker, we are still the loser in many cases.....

We are the most productive workers in the world or darn near close....

Americans are not losers, or lazy as you imply....

We just are going no where that matters because of the global supply and demand I suppose....since now our corporations have the entire world's workforce to choose from and so far the cheaper the labor....the better for the corps....

people in our parents' generation could make a good living with just 1 income....that was BEFORE our corporations had their ''free trade'' dream come to life....that was before we gave tax breaks for corps to move overseas.... thus, the supply for workers was ONLY here in the USA...we only competed with each other for the good jobs....now we compete with 10 women forced to sleep in a 10 by 10 ft dorm room after their 18 hour work day, with iron gates surrounding their complex to keep them there....
Frank's lament that "Reading the "thoughts" of the Prog Collective here at USMB, you'd think that the American worker suddenly became a mindless ward of the state, incapable of learning or bettering himself or generating a single entrepreneurial" is that actually of the far right reactionary corporatist wing in America.
Actually, the American worker has much more power over his own life than at certain other times in history. Our history shows us that before the time of unions, we had no power at all. Children were forced to work at a very early age, there was no such thing as a stay at home parent and people worked incredibly long hours under dangerous and unhealthy conditions, weekends, no sick leave, no maternity leave and had no recourse.

Thanks to people pulling together, we have weekends, holidays, sick leave, safer working conditions, children in school instead of working.

Our rights have been eroding away, slow but sure as support has changed from each other to our rich masters. We still have weak people. We call them right wingers who are too scared to come out from under their beds without a gun in their hand and way too scared to stand up to big money.

That's the problem with right wingers. What they imagine and reality are nearly always at odds.
Your jackboots are showing, Skinhead.

The Federal Reserve - Zionist Jewish Private Bankers

Napoleon said: When a government is dependent for money upon the bankers, they and not the government leaders control the nation. This is because the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Financiers are without patriotism and without decency.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 Zionist Jewish-owned & associated banks with the Rothschilds at the head:

$1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin.

$2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris.

$3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy.

$4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam.

$5. Lehman Brothers of NY.

$6. Kuhn, Loeb Bank of NY (Now Shearson American Express).

$7. Goldman, Sachs of NY.

$8. National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (J. P. Morgan Bank - Equitable Life - Levi P. Morton are principal shareholders).

$9. Hanover Trust of NY (William and David Rockefeller & Chase National Bank NY are principal shareholders).

Janet Yellen | Jewish Virtual Library
Janet Yellen is a Jewish American economist and the current Vice Chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve System. In October 2013, she was named to succeed Ben Bernanke as Chair of the Fed.



Jewish Monetary Influence

Feel free to point out which portions of the articles contained in the links you believe to be false.

I promise you I will maintain an open mind. Contrary to what you may believe, I have not brought this subject up because I "hate" people.
The truth is I am not predisposed towards "hating" anyone in particular nor am I inclined to do so anymore than any other average human being.
I just find it peculiar that so much power over economic concerns should be so concentrated in the hands of a single ethnic group in particular since the probability that such should happen by chance alone is highly unlikely. And it just so happens that the particular ethnic group in question claims to adhere to a religion whose eschatology involves the belief that at some point they have been preordained by God to rule the earth. Why I find this problematic is another matter.
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Fitts is a trufer who believes there are extraterrestrial aliens scattered about.....and that 'someone' is poisoning her.

Like anyone would believe what that moonbat crazy ditz claims!
'Habara', as is perfectly clear from the one responsible source cited, is a PR effort relating to Israel: it has nothing to do with internal US politics or the Fed.

And 'oldfart' is a hell of a lot more trustworthy - by reason of having read many of his other posts - than some asshole who insists on being 'Anonymous' who has their crap posted on Rense........
'Habara', as is perfectly clear from the one responsible source cited, is a PR effort relating to Israel: it has nothing to do with internal US politics or the Fed.

And 'oldfart' is a hell of a lot more trustworthy - by reason of having read many of his other posts - than some asshole who insists on being 'Anonymous' who has their crap posted on Rense........

I was wondering how long it would take for you to appear.

Never mind oldfart and never mind anonymous.
Just point out which items listed are false.
Bircher??? I thought they had all died and gone to hell. Most of the leftovers had pretty much transferred to Libertarian groups. Off in the "I hate all things ...." corner. The father of the current Koch brothers, Fred Koch, was a founding member of the John Birch Society.
In general, it got to the point that everyone was considered innocent until proven guilty, except Birchers, who were considered guilty until proven innocent.
does the FED (private bank consortium) borrow $ for free & then lend it back to the U.S. at interest? If so, sounds like a parasite.

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