When did the Leftist movement take hold of American government?

My daughter is writing a paper and asking. At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.
Well, Comrade Sanders takes full credit for what he calls his Democratic Socialist movement and indeed much of what he proposed in 2016 has become the mantra of the "new & improved" Democrat Socialist Party. The fact is we have had a "more free stuff" movement for nearly a century but thanks to social media it is out of the closet and squealing like a dying pig.
Watch out, at some point she will grow up and figure out her daddy has been drinking a lot of Cool Aid.
True...I'm sure she hopes to develop opposing positions to mine as she leaves the beach house in her brand new BMW headed to USC. Staying on topic...can you offer anything related to the OP?
USC?? How much did it cost you to get her in?

I believe the university touts an 'affordable' $75k as the annual tuition cost...We haven't been close to that number yet...unfortunately.

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