When Did THIS Happen?

The word "unhoused" is new to you? Maybe because the crap media you are used to doesn't inform.
Grow up instead of acting like such a child.

I've just never heard it used as a replacement for "homeless". I don't ordinarily converse with people who sugar-coat things.

I'm not someone who gets hurt by words. Clearly, that's your deal...
Driving home today from Tampa; NPR on the radio.

They were talking about the homeless issue in Portland, Oregon. Thing is, they didn't call those without a home "homeless". They referred to them as "unhoused".

What kinda' goofy bullshit is that?
That term has been used for a few years now. Far more accurate.
How is this sugar-coating anything?

The word "homeless" has a certain connotation. People hear it and it's instantly a negative thing. I just think it's funny that they're pretty clearly trying to avoid making someone feel bad by referring to them as "unhoused".

They're homeless...
I accidentally listened to NPR on the radio once while channel surfing. Was enough to make me almost barf.
I like National Public Radio and always have. I drank my coffee this morning from a "I heard it on NPR" mug. I am a donor and support it. I donate to NPR through WKNO NPR for the MidSouth, out of Memphis, TN. I support the services I use, such as NPR and this place.
The word "homeless" has a certain connotation. People hear it and it's instantly a negative thing. I just think it's funny that they're pretty clearly trying to avoid making someone feel bad by referring to them as "unhoused".

They're homeless...
Try these ;
on the streets


living rough

without a roof over one's head

I take it you have never owned a thesaurus...
I listen to NPR a lot among other stations of different types. They do put out some interesting stuff and informative interviews with qualified people, but some of the folks they interview are way off base. I can only hope those listening will do their own research and not believe some of these people they put on the air. ''Smokestack lightnin'' is one of my favorite NPR programs. It's all Blues.
Try these ;
on the streets


living rough

without a roof over one's head

I take it you have never owned a thesaurus...

Oh, I certainly have.

But the point, which sailed effortlessly over your pointed little head, is that it's silly to not call them homeless when that's exactly what they are...
As far as the homeless folks some may be due to mental problems prefer outside.. My dad had a few friends and one of my cousins was homeless they would drop by once in a while they knew they were welcome but none never came inside they slept outside near the back of the property where dad kept a fire.
No one has to conform to your limited vocabulary usage.

Saves time.

Like, say, with you. I know you probably prefer people refer to you as "intellectually challenged", but it just saves time to say "He's a retard"...
It is really very simple:
"Homeless," implies that the person has no home, but might have a house. "Unhoused," implies that the person does not have a house, but might have a home. Haven't you ever heard, "Home is where the heart is"?
The word "unhoused" is new to you? Maybe because the crap media you are used to doesn't inform.
Grow up instead of acting like such a child.
The word 'unhoused' is poorly and inaccurately applied in this context. But you knew that.

To be 'unhoused' is to have a house taken from you and/or you ejected from said house. There isn't even implied ownership. Hell, there isn't even an implied home.

What house were they unhoused from? Are there other houses that they are unhoused from?

I could go on, but I already know I've lost your ability to follow along.

They are homeless, or if you prefer, 'Street Flotsam'.
Is it like a housing rodeo?

Was the homeless person trying to ride the house for 8 seconds and then was 'unhoused"
Driving home today from Tampa; NPR on the radio.

They were talking about the homeless issue in Portland, Oregon. Thing is, they didn't call those without a home "homeless". They referred to them as "unhoused".

What kinda' goofy bullshit is that?
The sort of shit Orwell warned us about in his book "1984". The bed wetters used it as an instructions manual.
I like National Public Radio and always have. I drank my coffee this morning from a "I heard it on NPR" mug. I am a donor and support it. I donate to NPR through WKNO NPR for the MidSouth, out of Memphis, TN. I support the services I use, such as NPR and this place.
Well you must be one weird dude then........lmao
It is Orwellian double speak
Big Brother Is Watching You Read His Lips

Except that Orwell used obviously goofy terms such as "doubleplus ungood." Real-life Big Brother uses false terms such as "racism, pollution, sexism, oxymoron, equity, xenophobia, pandemic, veganism, migrant, asylum, welfare, gun violence, civil rights, etc."

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