When Did THIS Happen?

Driving home today from Tampa; NPR on the radio.

They were talking about the homeless issue in Portland, Oregon. Thing is, they didn't call those without a home "homeless". They referred to them as "unhoused".

What kinda' goofy bullshit is that?
The kind of goofy bullshit that ordinarily comes with NPR. Didn't you know ? Serves you right for listening to NPR.
The kind of goofy bullshit that ordinarily comes with NPR. Didn't you know ? Serves you right for listening to NPR.

Kinda' the point of my post, you stupid fuck.

Are you going to troll all of my threads now? I don't think you're cut out for that, kitten...
Kinda' the point of my post, you stupid fuck.

Are you going to troll all of my threads now? I don't think you're cut out for that, kitten...
Then why were you listning to it ? You don't "think" at all, junior.

BTW - your initials CS is what you'll be referred to from now on, Cock Sucker.
Then why were you listning to it ? You don't "think" at all, junior.

BTW - your initials CS is what you'll be referred to from now on, Cock Sucker.

Seriously? That's the best you've got?

Listen, dipshit, you're just some cum-gurgling little bitch who's pissed off because you're some hack wannabe painter who thinks your so-called "art" is spectacular instead of the second rate garbage that it actually is. Your feelings are hurt. I get it. I just don't care. I looked at your gallery. It's hardly worthy of praise and admiration. The fact that you feel the need to tear down someone else's art in a lame attempt to bolster your own is laughable and pathetic.

You suck as a painter. Own that.

And I truly don't give a shit what you call me...

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