When Did you/will you delete your Twitter and Facebook accounts? They are toxic and bad for politics


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.
Never had em' unlikely that I ever will...
I stopped using Facebook and Twitter almost a year ago now. I use Gab now. I think it's much better than the two.
Google Plus (before Google shut it down) was as political as Facebook/Twitter. People now comment on Youtube.
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.
The problem is the people who use them. Too many just pass on items that they never bother to check out for themselves. We don't get the social media we want, we get the social media we deserve.
I don’t do Twitter. Never have.

I signed up right when it started, like 2009. I haven’t posted since 2011, although I did not delete my account.

I deleted FB right after the election because the political toxicity was just off the chart by people suffering from TDS.

Those I wish to communicate with, I do so directly by cellphone.

I am on LinkedIn for professional purposes, but that place isn’t full of cvnts whining about politics.
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.
Why ahead of you here. I've already deleted my Facebook account and never had Twitter because it looked too stupid at the outset.
No Twitter, not much Google, DuckDuckGo mostly, and I use FB to keep in touch with family. I'm real close to closing the FB account, many of my family and friends use Instagram now.
It really is ironic for somebody on USMB to create a thread about a site sowing political discourse. :lol:
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.
The problem is the people who use them. Too many just pass on items that they never bother to check out for themselves. We don't get the social media we want, we get the social media we deserve.

I agree.

They give anyone who can eat food, shit, and type a platform for everyone on earth to read.

That’s not a good thing.
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.
The problem is the people who use them. Too many just pass on items that they never bother to check out for themselves. We don't get the social media we want, we get the social media we deserve.

I agree.

They give anyone who can eat food, shit, and type a platform for everyone on earth to read.

That’s not a good thing.
So when will you be leaving USMB?
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.
The problem is the people who use them. Too many just pass on items that they never bother to check out for themselves. We don't get the social media we want, we get the social media we deserve.

I agree.

They give anyone who can eat food, shit, and type a platform for everyone on earth to read.

That’s not a good thing.
So when will you be leaving USMB?

As soon as I chase you off, I know my work is done.
I don't have alexis either.

That's all I need is for some sort of electronic device to share my family's bean farts and other such events.
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.

I deleted facebook years ago. I will never leave twitter though I do sometimes do a reset by closing accounts and opening new ones or having multiple accounts based on areas of interest. I don't do a lot of politics there though I do mix it up from time to time, usually with some DNC mouthpiece or the other searching for someone to disagree with. I have currently one account. In the past I had one for mostly aviation stuff while having another for mostly agricultural stuff while having another for mostly entertainment stuff.
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.

I don't use twitter. I will not delete my FaceBook account. I enjoy it. I don't post much in the way of political stuff.

But I talk to and see pics of my children and my grandchild. I stay in contact with friends from school and that I have made in life. I laugh at hilarious posts people make.

As far as tech giants spying, I don't post my address, cell phone, or any other personal data on FaceBook, whether public or private.
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.

We live in an age where millions of people speak (or type) whatever impulsive garbage happens to be on their minds at any given moment without giving much though to whether or not that's a good idea, or if their innermost ponderings contribute anything of value to society at large. And the ease of doing this daily brain dump is thoroughly addictive for most Americans and puts billions into the pockets of the social media corporations who enable it. Speaking our minds online with our real identities has pretty much become the equivalent of career suicide, however, depending on which side of the ideological spectrum one happens to fall.

Myself, I find it very difficult to absorb, let alone estimate the foolishness of those who enter into discussions online about supercharged, sensitive political matters with their own names and photographs as their screen avatars. They're just begging to lose their jobs, professional contracts, and otherwise be publicly smeared and shamed into oblivion. That said, I do not use Twitter and Facebook has become a sometimes useful means of connecting with family and old Army buddies, but I've used it less and less the past couple of years. All the other social media outlets? I don't touch them, nor will I dirty my boots in the online comment sections of "news" sites. USMB on the other hand is one of the few message boards I still bother with, as it affords some small degree of anonymity, or so one can pretend.

Otherwise, people are so damned rotten and venomous to each other on most social media sites it sometimes makes me wonder how people can stand the sight of each other in the real world. Case in point, there's the key problem with spending too much time in electronic discourse; people forget what it's like to actually interact with each other in the offline world beyond their computer screens. Being a complete asshole wannabe keyboard commando is a cinch when the person you're mistreating can't see or berate you back in person. There's really no personal consequence for being a jerk online beyond getting banned from whatever site. More often than not I wish for a time machine so I can take a ride back to the time before smart devices and the internet and all the asshole culture it has spawned. Then again, where would we be without our daily dose of venting steam in pixel space?
It really is ironic for somebody on USMB to create a thread about a site sowing political discourse. :lol:

No it’s not. People discuss here and there is not billions of users.

If you can’t identify the difference between Twitter and USMB,you are pretty narrow minded and frankly, pretty dumb.

Who does the message board censor or demonetize?
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.

We live in an age where millions of people speak (or type) whatever impulsive garbage happens to be on their minds at any given moment without giving much though to whether or not that's a good idea, or if their innermost ponderings contribute anything of value to society at large. And the ease of doing this daily brain dump is thoroughly addictive for most Americans and puts billions into the pockets of the social media corporations who enable it. Speaking our minds online with our real identities has pretty much become the equivalent of career suicide, however, depending on which side of the ideological spectrum one happens to fall.

Myself, I find it very difficult to absorb, let alone estimate the foolishness of those who enter into discussions online about supercharged, sensitive political matters with their own names and photographs as their screen avatars. They're just begging to lose their jobs, professional contracts, and otherwise be publicly smeared and shamed into oblivion. That said, I do not use Twitter and Facebook has become a sometimes useful means of connecting with family and old Army buddies, but I've used it less and less the past couple of years. All the other social media outlets? I don't touch them, nor will I dirty my boots in the online comment sections of "news" sites. USMB on the other hand is one of the few message boards I still bother with, as it affords some small degree of anonymity, or so one can pretend.

Otherwise, people are so damned rotten and venomous to each other on most social media sites it sometimes makes me wonder how people can stand the sight of each other in the real world. Case in point, there's the key problem with spending too much time in electronic discourse; people forget what it's like to actually interact with each other in the offline world beyond their computer screens. Being a complete asshole wannabe keyboard commando is a cinch when the person you're mistreating can't see or berate you back in person. There's really no personal consequence for being a jerk online beyond getting banned from whatever site. More often than not I wish for a time machine so I can take a ride back to the time before smart devices and the internet and all the asshole culture it has spawned. Then again, where would we be without our daily dose of venting steam in pixel space?

Great post. I agree with you nearly 100%.

When I saw lifelong friends on FB arguing over Trump being an Russian spy, it so disgusted me that I deleted my account.

My twitter account is active, but I have not posted in like 8 years.

I’ll duck duck go Twitter.com and a person’s name to go directly to their feed if I want to read something.
They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.

I don't use twitter. I will not delete my FaceBook account. I enjoy it. I don't post much in the way of political stuff.

But I talk to and see pics of my children and my grandchild. I stay in contact with friends from school and that I have made in life. I laugh at hilarious posts people make.

As far as tech giants spying, I don't post my address, cell phone, or any other personal data on FaceBook, whether public or private.

Don’t worry they have it. As well as everywhere you go, the content of your email and every search you make. And they sell it.

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