When did Zionism have anything to do with religion?

Aah yes, the oft quoted Zionist Dream, the old will die off and the young won't care any more...yeah, right, whatever.

Better than the pan arab nationalisty dream of world domnnation and the return of the caliphate. Have you been practising with the stones, and how to be deferential to even the muslim beggars like all good dhimmi's
Yeah, right, whatever.

All the other looney lefties have been practising, you can see them at doctors surgeries wanting rectal repairs

Clearly, you are confused again, those are all the right-wingers queuing to have the regulation sticks inserted.

Nope definitely looney lefties with their Labour leaflets and Socialist Worker in their pockets.
Moronic lowlife Conservative
Better than the pan arab nationalisty dream of world domnnation and the return of the caliphate. Have you been practising with the stones, and how to be deferential to even the muslim beggars like all good dhimmi's
Yeah, right, whatever.

All the other looney lefties have been practising, you can see them at doctors surgeries wanting rectal repairs

Clearly, you are confused again, those are all the right-wingers queuing to have the regulation sticks inserted.

Nope definitely looney lefties with their Labour leaflets and Socialist Worker in their pockets.
Moronic lowlife Conservative

Wrong again as I am not affiliated to any party.............YET
The Question: Since when Zionism has anything to do with religion?

The Answer: The very essence of Zionism origins in Judaism and over the years developed as tradition and heritage among (mostly) secular Jews in Europe to become the "Modern " Zionism.
If you want Biblical/Prayers/Traditional related sources and references feel free to quote me.
The Kurds for example....However, as far as I am aware, The Kurds are not looking for a homeland that is exclusively Kurdish! They live where they have ALWAYS lived, but have been oppressed/persecuted through the millennia.

Idiot, before spouting your stupidy before the world, did you even know a single fucking Kurd, ever?

How do you know they are not seeking a sovereign homeland? Because that is EXACTLY what they want - and are biding their time until they can politically achieve it, like when the US has a real president willing to tell erdo and especially iran to go fuck themselves and supports them.

Whether your view of nationalism is primordialist or modernist, the fact remains that Zionism is a Nationalistic Political movement that, to be fair, is outdated and frowned upon by modern society!

Wrong c-nt, which is why no one sane has issues with ireland being the irish homeland, china for the chinese, etc, but lunatic racist trash like you thinks that the jews are singularly not entitled to one, despite being massacred and slaughtered hundreds of times by those who were hosting them at one time or other.
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So it's a lie that Netanyahu wants a "Jewish State"?

Shit for brains, you have no issue with 57 muslim nations using sharia as a basis, you have no issue with multiple arab muslim nations banning jews outright from entering the country, you have no issues with arab muslims ethnically cleansing non-arab muslims out of their countries - but only tiny Israel merits a comment? FUCK YOU idiot asshole, you're not even worth a response you fucking turd.
Humanity, nice post. However besides the other holes I punched into other replies so far, here is the thing about Zionism.

It is and it isn't based upon religion. It is the fulfillment of many prophecies in the Bible, whereupon the Jews would be called back from the four corners of the Earth to RE-establish their home country in Erezt Israel. Sure the other groups you mention, ala the Kurds, etc., should have their rights to establish a home land as well. But where? And what are they missing? A (thee) book full of prophecies and history(s) of their culture, nation, and plight.

I want to add to this. I do not believe that the Jews are a chosen people as in to be regarded above all others. They are the ones to whom the book was given, even the Koran calls them "The people of the book". I do not even believe that most Jews think that they are "chosen" as in being above all others like a superior race.

Nope, IMHO God just chose this one dude (Abraham) a few thousand years ago and figured that he was going to use him and all his descendants and their story, history and prophecies to prove to them and eventually the rest of the world that he is thee I AM. The creator of the world.

Get it?

I think Ishmael came from Abrahams seed as well as what 6 others besides Isaac . No book fell from heaven, Ezra wrote from passed down stories, mainly Canaanite, Sumerian, a little Egyptian, and lots of Persian. That was in about 300 bc. In Babylon is where the Talmud was wrote, there was no Yahweh, he was a tribal war lord. There is no prophecy either. You are right about something though, Israel Zionist are out for global control and Jerusalem will be their castle.
The maj of jews today are Chazars, who never set foot in Judea. This is all lies, and imposters are pretending to be the OT people.
Humanity, nice post. However besides the other holes I punched into other replies so far, here is the thing about Zionism.

It is and it isn't based upon religion. It is the fulfillment of many prophecies in the Bible, whereupon the Jews would be called back from the four corners of the Earth to RE-establish their home country in Erezt Israel. Sure the other groups you mention, ala the Kurds, etc., should have their rights to establish a home land as well. But where? And what are they missing? A (thee) book full of prophecies and history(s) of their culture, nation, and plight.

I want to add to this. I do not believe that the Jews are a chosen people as in to be regarded above all others. They are the ones to whom the book was given, even the Koran calls them "The people of the book". I do not even believe that most Jews think that they are "chosen" as in being above all others like a superior race.

Nope, IMHO God just chose this one dude (Abraham) a few thousand years ago and figured that he was going to use him and all his descendants and their story, history and prophecies to prove to them and eventually the rest of the world that he is thee I AM. The creator of the world.

Get it?

I think Ishmael came from Abrahams seed as well as what 6 others besides Isaac . No book fell from heaven, Ezra wrote from passed down stories, mainly Canaanite, Sumerian, a little Egyptian, and lots of Persian. That was in about 300 bc. In Babylon is where the Talmud was wrote, there was no Yahweh, he was a tribal war lord. There is no prophecy either. You are right about something though, Israel Zionist are out for global control and Jerusalem will be their castle.

And one good cough from the rest of the world would see your Zionist fantasy come crashing down. You really are stupid to think that 12 million Jews could rule the world from Jerusalem. I want some of what you are smoking to see if I can come up with a good idea to make me rich
The maj of jews today are Chazars, who never set foot in Judea. This is all lies, and imposters are pretending to be the OT people.

They were a fictional people invented to sell a book. Read the history books and not the islamomoron propaganda
The Kurds for example....However, as far as I am aware, The Kurds are not looking for a homeland that is exclusively Kurdish! They live where they have ALWAYS lived, but have been oppressed/persecuted through the millennia.

Idiot, before spouting your stupidy before the world, did you even know a single fucking Kurd, ever?

How do you know they are not seeking a sovereign homeland? Because that is EXACTLY what they want - and are biding their time until they can politically achieve it, like when the US has a real president willing to tell erdo and especially iran to go fuck themselves and supports them.

Whether your view of nationalism is primordialist or modernist, the fact remains that Zionism is a Nationalistic Political movement that, to be fair, is outdated and frowned upon by modern society!

Wrong c-nt, which is why no one sane has issues with ireland being the irish homeland, china for the chinese, etc, but lunatic racist trash like you thinks that the jews are singularly not entitled to one, despite being massacred and slaughtered hundreds of times by those who were hosting them at one time or other.

Wow, you are an intellectual one aren't you :cuckoo:
So it's a lie that Netanyahu wants a "Jewish State"?

Shit for brains, you have no issue with 57 muslim nations using sharia as a basis, you have no issue with multiple arab muslim nations banning jews outright from entering the country, you have no issues with arab muslims ethnically cleansing non-arab muslims out of their countries - but only tiny Israel merits a comment? FUCK YOU idiot asshole, you're not even worth a response you fucking turd.

Wow, you are an intellectual one aren't you :cuckoo:
If so, then zionism is just fine isn't it?
Who are vermin? Are you in the habit of calling people vermin who live in their country and go about their daily business?
No, that's a Zionist trait.

" [The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs." Menahim Begin,
"The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." Yitzhak Shamir
"We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves."
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." - Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin.
Well since I agree that the Jews have a right to their own homeland, as do the palestinians and the Tibetans, I must be vermin.

Pity that is your viewpoint.

If you agree that Jewish people from Europe with no connection to the land in question have a right to create a "homeland" by disposessing the native population and conducting a brutal occupation with regular slaughters of said population...well, all I can say is, if the mitpachat fits...

If you're Jewish you automatically have a connection to the land of Israel, DUMBASS.
Let's see, a bunch of Europeans get on a ship to go to Palestine to remove the people living there and create a state for themselves. How heroic.

Jews have maintained a presence and kept coming back despite the many invasions and destructions. The Arab Muslims are the invaders.
The Kurds for example....However, as far as I am aware, The Kurds are not looking for a homeland that is exclusively Kurdish! They live where they have ALWAYS lived, but have been oppressed/persecuted through the millennia.

Idiot, before spouting your stupidy before the world, did you even know a single fucking Kurd, ever?

How do you know they are not seeking a sovereign homeland? Because that is EXACTLY what they want - and are biding their time until they can politically achieve it, like when the US has a real president willing to tell erdo and especially iran to go fuck themselves and supports them.

Whether your view of nationalism is primordialist or modernist, the fact remains that Zionism is a Nationalistic Political movement that, to be fair, is outdated and frowned upon by modern society!

Wrong c-nt, which is why no one sane has issues with ireland being the irish homeland, china for the chinese, etc, but lunatic racist trash like you thinks that the jews are singularly not entitled to one, despite being massacred and slaughtered hundreds of times by those who were hosting them at one time or other.

Subhumanity likes to wave his Palestine flag and spew bullshit.
The Kurds for example....However, as far as I am aware, The Kurds are not looking for a homeland that is exclusively Kurdish! They live where they have ALWAYS lived, but have been oppressed/persecuted through the millennia.

Idiot, before spouting your stupidy before the world, did you even know a single fucking Kurd, ever?

How do you know they are not seeking a sovereign homeland? Because that is EXACTLY what they want - and are biding their time until they can politically achieve it, like when the US has a real president willing to tell erdo and especially iran to go fuck themselves and supports them.

Whether your view of nationalism is primordialist or modernist, the fact remains that Zionism is a Nationalistic Political movement that, to be fair, is outdated and frowned upon by modern society!

Wrong c-nt, which is why no one sane has issues with ireland being the irish homeland, china for the chinese, etc, but lunatic racist trash like you thinks that the jews are singularly not entitled to one, despite being massacred and slaughtered hundreds of times by those who were hosting them at one time or other.

Wow, you are an intellectual one aren't you :cuckoo:

More intellectual than you will ever be
No, they don't have some fictitious writing supporting their rights to a homeland but, <snip>

The book you mention is the greatest fictional book ever written...

I am sorry you have not educated yourself. The Bible is not a work of fiction. Not in its entirety. Many of the historical parts of it have been proven archeologically.

Now, now Teddy....

I don't have to be a god fearing being to be educated...

You agree that the bible is fictitious in many ways, more than it can be reliably used as a historical reference book!

Yep, parts of the book ARE proven through archeology, but let's face it, most is made up mumbo jumbo!
Following on from a recent comment by a British Zionist I thought I would ask this question of peoples views/understanding of Zionism....

It seems that even the Zionist supporters are now stating that Zionism has NOTHING to do with religion...

Here is what the British Zionist posted...

Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת, IPA: [t͡sijo̞ˈnut], translit.Tziyonut, after Zion) is a nationalist and political movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the reestablishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel

I am all for the establishment of homelands for displaced peoples... The Kurds for example....

However, as far as I am aware, The Kurds are not looking for a homeland that is exclusively Kurdish! They live where they have ALWAYS lived, but have been oppressed/persecuted through the millennia.

There are a great many tribes around the world who wish for a homeland, for nationalist and political reasons, NOT for religious reasons!

Two other prominent examples, Tamil and Sawaari, have also been fighting for decades for a homeland...

All are tribes, not religions!

Whether your view of nationalism is primordialist or modernist, the fact remains that Zionism is a Nationalistic Political movement that, to be fair, is outdated and frowned upon by modern society!

So you LIE again about Isreal saying it wants to be purely Jewish when that is obviously not true. It is your lot the muslim scum that wants the world to be just Islamic. Yes Zionism is a political movement just as arab nationalism is a political movement, the difference being it is arab nationalism that uses islam as an excuse to murder, rape and steal from others. So who is better all told arab nationalists like IS, MB, AQ, BH, hamas, fatah and hezbolla or peaceful Zionism.
Poor,at least you should be able to spell "ISRAEL" correctly..but like most of your prose it's inaccurate........

The desperation of the islamomorons using typo's to win a point. Such a pity it fails every time as it just shows how deaperate they are,

Not something you would ever do Phoney is it :blahblah:
Zionism is the term for the movement to provide self determination for the Jewish people.

Things like Subhumanity, here, and all the other creatures that persecute Jews like they do display why it was so very necessary.

I have many Jewish friends, never persecuted one of them! :ahole-1:
Following on from a recent comment by a British Zionist I thought I would ask this question of peoples views/understanding of Zionism....

It seems that even the Zionist supporters are now stating that Zionism has NOTHING to do with religion...

Here is what the British Zionist posted...

Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת, IPA: [t͡sijo̞ˈnut], translit.Tziyonut, after Zion) is a nationalist and political movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the reestablishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel

I am all for the establishment of homelands for displaced peoples... The Kurds for example....

However, as far as I am aware, The Kurds are not looking for a homeland that is exclusively Kurdish! They live where they have ALWAYS lived, but have been oppressed/persecuted through the millennia.

There are a great many tribes around the world who wish for a homeland, for nationalist and political reasons, NOT for religious reasons!

Two other prominent examples, Tamil and Sawaari, have also been fighting for decades for a homeland...

All are tribes, not religions!

Whether your view of nationalism is primordialist or modernist, the fact remains that Zionism is a Nationalistic Political movement that, to be fair, is outdated and frowned upon by modern society!

So you LIE again about Isreal saying it wants to be purely Jewish when that is obviously not true. It is your lot the muslim scum that wants the world to be just Islamic. Yes Zionism is a political movement just as arab nationalism is a political movement, the difference being it is arab nationalism that uses islam as an excuse to murder, rape and steal from others. So who is better all told arab nationalists like IS, MB, AQ, BH, hamas, fatah and hezbolla or peaceful Zionism.
Poor,at least you should be able to spell "ISRAEL" correctly..but like most of your prose it's inaccurate........

The desperation of the islamomorons using typo's to win a point. Such a pity it fails every time as it just shows how deaperate they are,

Not something you would ever do Phoney is it :blahblah:

Only when morons like you do it all the time, then I bide my time and pounce when you do it.
Zionism is the term for the movement to provide self determination for the Jewish people.

Things like Subhumanity, here, and all the other creatures that persecute Jews like they do display why it was so very necessary.

I have many Jewish friends, never persecuted one of them! :ahole-1:

Maybe not to their faces, and they could just be having you on pretending to be your friend..............

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