When did Zionism have anything to do with religion?

Ok, you want some reading to do? Check out these two titles:

Exodus Leon Uris 9780553258479 Amazon.com Books

That's about the birth of the nation of Israel. And for more on the Mufti, check this one out:

The Haj Leon Uris 9780553248647 Amazon.com Books

I especially like the latter as it talks about the Arabs leaving Israel. It gives another reason for them to leave. And it have nothing to do with being scared of the Israelites. It is because they are afraid to stay in case the Arab League calls them collaborators. Sound familiar?
Exodus. The best book I have ever read. Leon Uris is to Israel's history what James Michener is to America's history.
I would suggest you read a book, but that's waaay beyond your capabilities. Nevertheless I'm, as ever, happy to relieve your thirst for enlightenment from the darknes of your right wing ignorance and bigotry. :)

Deconstructing the walls of Jericho Mideastfacts

Basing your whole argument on one book shows that you don't have an argument. Might I suggest looking for more expansive works that show him to be wrong.


That has got to be the post of the year so far Phoney!

Zionists basing their whole argument on one book shows that they too don't have an argument?

Oh no, sorry, correction....

One book and the great Sky Wizard!

What a dumbsass!

Only you mentioned the great sky wizard, I base my whole argument on many books and no great sky wizard and I am still a Zionist.

seems that you cant read and understand English all that well, could it be that it is not your first language

Oh goodness Phoney, if you get any dumber you won't be able to turn your computer on and post shite!

We can only hope!

Tell, me which OTHER book says that the Sky Wizard gave Israel to the Jews?

Why don't you tell me as I have never said that have I, I have said that the LoN gave the 22% of Palestine remaining after trans Jordan as the national home for the Jews. The arab muslims got theirs with Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi and Egypt

Oh shit... Here we go again...

Phoney forgot what he said AGAIN so has to come out with a deflection!

You need more meds Phoney?
Only one problem I don't base my whole argument on the Bible, I base it on non religious sources from many different places. So why do you LIE when you are backed into a corner.

That's true, since you can't produce any argument at all, you make up a fantasy fiction in your head that you have produced an argument and then accuse other people of lying (that's rich coming from the second biggest liar on the forum (Rude-eee takes top spot there). Stop trolling the forum and get a life, or better yet, show me evidence of a genuine scholarly argument that counters this.

"This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel:
  • the Israelites were never in Egypt,
  • did not wander in the desert,
  • did not conquer the land in a military campaign and
  • did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel
Perhaps even harder to swallow is that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom.

And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, YHWH, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai."---Professor Ze'ev Herzog, Professor of Archaeology at The Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at Tel-Aviv University.

I won't hold my breath.

Because one person says so you accept his word because in meets with your POV, and all other studies are just Zionist propaganda.

Trying to deflect like the lunatic you are, still not holding my breath.

It is you trying to deflect away from the facts, one paltry book and you ignore the many hundreds of others that saw differently. You are a sad brainwashed loser, just like the rest of the neo marxists

Where have I mentioned a book? Keep up Phoney, not only are you incapable of constructing your own arguments you're confusing who said what, then to cover your confusion, you resort to childish insults, pathetic.

When you touted the archaeological book that said the Jews were never in Egypt of course. Cant you remember your own posts these days

Anyone interested can get copies of those books and find out for themselves if they want to. You asked for links to my sources, I kindly used up some of my valuable time to enlighten you. What you do is up to you, after all, you can lead a horse to water...

You on the other hand repeat other people's posts as if they were your own without any understanding of the topic. It's why you come across as stupid, go learn something outside of Wikipedia or the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hasbara, I might begin to take you seriously.

I won't hold my breath...

Some people don't have the money spare to buy such books, and need it for life's other luxuries like food, clothing and heating. So the least you could do is post the books in their entirety so they can be picked over and the discrepancies and lies pointed out. Or would this show you to be so much of a LIAR and/or brainwashed idiot that you would have to go and lay down in a dark room for a month.

If they are reading this, they have access to a computer, be it at home or at an internet hotspot venue or even...wait for it...a Library!

Another epic Phoney phail. Go read a book.

It is you that has failed as I read plenty of books, some on subjects that would baffle you completely, and I download them to my E-Reader. A pity that this site does not like E-pub format or I would post some parts of them to show just how wrong you are. And many parts of the UK no longer have Libraries because the neo Marxists in charge closed them down to save money
Who are vermin? Are you in the habit of calling people vermin who live in their country and go about their daily business?
No, that's a Zionist trait.

" [The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs." Menahim Begin,
"The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." Yitzhak Shamir
"We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves."
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." - Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin.
Well since I agree that the Jews have a right to their own homeland, as do the palestinians and the Tibetans, I must be vermin.

Pity that is your viewpoint.

If you agree that Jewish people from Europe with no connection to the land in question have a right to create a "homeland" by disposessing the native population and conducting a brutal occupation with regular slaughters of said population...well, all I can say is, if the mitpachat fits...

But it is only islamomoron propaganda that says this. The rest of decent humanity says they do have a connection to the land and do have a legal right to their homeland. The native population being partly Jewish were not dispossessed of anything. The arab muslims not being natives but recent illegal immigrants had no claim to the land, so did not count. No brutal occupation and regular slaughter of the arab muslims, just what is allowed for in the Geneva conventions and retaliation to armed terrorist attacks. If the arab muslims did not attack then the Israeli's would not need to respond with superior firepower.

Now you're just ranting to take up bandwidth. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Wrong again challenged as the evidence shows it is always the arab muslims that start the violence. Or don't you see the violence as being started by the arab muslims ?
Ok, you want some reading to do? Check out these two titles:

Exodus Leon Uris 9780553258479 Amazon.com Books

That's about the birth of the nation of Israel. And for more on the Mufti, check this one out:

The Haj Leon Uris 9780553248647 Amazon.com Books

I especially like the latter as it talks about the Arabs leaving Israel. It gives another reason for them to leave. And it have nothing to do with being scared of the Israelites. It is because they are afraid to stay in case the Arab League calls them collaborators. Sound familiar?
Exodus. The best book I have ever read. Leon Uris is to Israel's history what James Michener is to America's history.
So is Islam.
Let's see, a bunch of Europeans get on a ship to go to Palestine to remove the people living there and create a state for themselves. How heroic.

Only this is just another of your RACIST LIES isn't it.

The Europeans were invited to migrate because the arab muslims refused to live in Palestine. They only started to illegally migrate there when the Europeans had drained the swamps and turned them into farms. The arab muslims then swarmed into Palestine on the promise of work and possibly fertile land to steal. Then WW1 broke out and the British enlisted the help of the arab muslims and Jews in defeating the Ottomans. Those are the real facts as written in the unbiased historical records, not your islamomoron fantasy variant that has no basis in reality

Then try and refute it from non partisan sources, or would this mean you cant find any so post your get out gif ?
Only you mentioned the great sky wizard, I base my whole argument on many books and no great sky wizard and I am still a Zionist.

seems that you cant read and understand English all that well, could it be that it is not your first language

Oh goodness Phoney, if you get any dumber you won't be able to turn your computer on and post shite!

We can only hope!

Tell, me which OTHER book says that the Sky Wizard gave Israel to the Jews?
I am a zionist and couldn't care less about books or religious arguments. The Israelis have their sliver of land, the Palestinians should (have) accept(ed) theirs and end of story. If I were a Palestinian leader I would declare my homeland and work at building it up. I would cut out the terrorism and the maps without Israel being reflected, adjust my Charter and get on with it i.e. living.

Aah yes, the oft quoted Zionist Dream, the old will die off and the young won't care any more...yeah, right, whatever.

Better than the pan arab nationalisty dream of world domnnation and the return of the caliphate. Have you been practising with the stones, and how to be deferential to even the muslim beggars like all good dhimmi's
Yeah, right, whatever.

All the other looney lefties have been practising, you can see them at doctors surgeries wanting rectal repairs
Basing your whole argument on one book shows that you don't have an argument. Might I suggest looking for more expansive works that show him to be wrong.


That has got to be the post of the year so far Phoney!

Zionists basing their whole argument on one book shows that they too don't have an argument?

Oh no, sorry, correction....

One book and the great Sky Wizard!

What a dumbsass!

Only you mentioned the great sky wizard, I base my whole argument on many books and no great sky wizard and I am still a Zionist.

seems that you cant read and understand English all that well, could it be that it is not your first language

Oh goodness Phoney, if you get any dumber you won't be able to turn your computer on and post shite!

We can only hope!

Tell, me which OTHER book says that the Sky Wizard gave Israel to the Jews?

Why don't you tell me as I have never said that have I, I have said that the LoN gave the 22% of Palestine remaining after trans Jordan as the national home for the Jews. The arab muslims got theirs with Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi and Egypt

Oh shit... Here we go again...

Phoney forgot what he said AGAIN so has to come out with a deflection!

You need more meds Phoney?

Then produce the post where I have said differently ? It is that simple
Ok, you want some reading to do? Check out these two titles:

Exodus Leon Uris 9780553258479 Amazon.com Books

That's about the birth of the nation of Israel. And for more on the Mufti, check this one out:

The Haj Leon Uris 9780553248647 Amazon.com Books

I especially like the latter as it talks about the Arabs leaving Israel. It gives another reason for them to leave. And it have nothing to do with being scared of the Israelites. It is because they are afraid to stay in case the Arab League calls them collaborators. Sound familiar?
Exodus. The best book I have ever read. Leon Uris is to Israel's history what James Michener is to America's history.


Anyone interested can get copies of those books and find out for themselves if they want to. You asked for links to my sources, I kindly used up some of my valuable time to enlighten you. What you do is up to you, after all, you can lead a horse to water...

You on the other hand repeat other people's posts as if they were your own without any understanding of the topic. It's why you come across as stupid, go learn something outside of Wikipedia or the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hasbara, I might begin to take you seriously.

I won't hold my breath...

Some people don't have the money spare to buy such books, and need it for life's other luxuries like food, clothing and heating. So the least you could do is post the books in their entirety so they can be picked over and the discrepancies and lies pointed out. Or would this show you to be so much of a LIAR and/or brainwashed idiot that you would have to go and lay down in a dark room for a month.

If they are reading this, they have access to a computer, be it at home or at an internet hotspot venue or even...wait for it...a Library!

Another epic Phoney phail. Go read a book.

It is you that has failed as I read plenty of books, some on subjects that would baffle you completely, and I download them to my E-Reader. A pity that this site does not like E-pub format or I would post some parts of them to show just how wrong you are. And many parts of the UK no longer have Libraries because the neo Marxists in charge closed them down to save money

Phoney, Phoney, Phoney, I don't know; making things up again, tsk, tsk. Try me, I have eclectic tastes and there's not much out there that baffles me. As for E-Readers, you can download most versions for PCs (i.e. Kindle for PC), that allow text copy/paste which you can then insert into your posts, so post away and prove me wrong, prove you actually read books and not use them as door stops or toilet paper.

Oh, by the way, there's stil a library in most towns and cities in the UK.I live in a rural area and we have access to 4 libraries locally, not counting the mobile one that does the rounds. There's even one in XXXX which you could make use of, if you are in the area. Damn those neo-Marxists!
Last edited by a moderator:
Oh goodness Phoney, if you get any dumber you won't be able to turn your computer on and post shite!

We can only hope!

Tell, me which OTHER book says that the Sky Wizard gave Israel to the Jews?
I am a zionist and couldn't care less about books or religious arguments. The Israelis have their sliver of land, the Palestinians should (have) accept(ed) theirs and end of story. If I were a Palestinian leader I would declare my homeland and work at building it up. I would cut out the terrorism and the maps without Israel being reflected, adjust my Charter and get on with it i.e. living.

Aah yes, the oft quoted Zionist Dream, the old will die off and the young won't care any more...yeah, right, whatever.

Better than the pan arab nationalisty dream of world domnnation and the return of the caliphate. Have you been practising with the stones, and how to be deferential to even the muslim beggars like all good dhimmi's
Yeah, right, whatever.

All the other looney lefties have been practising, you can see them at doctors surgeries wanting rectal repairs

Clearly, you are confused again, those are all the right-wingers queuing to have the regulation sticks inserted.
Ok, you want some reading to do? Check out these two titles:

Exodus Leon Uris 9780553258479 Amazon.com Books

That's about the birth of the nation of Israel. And for more on the Mufti, check this one out:

The Haj Leon Uris 9780553248647 Amazon.com Books

I especially like the latter as it talks about the Arabs leaving Israel. It gives another reason for them to leave. And it have nothing to do with being scared of the Israelites. It is because they are afraid to stay in case the Arab League calls them collaborators. Sound familiar?
Exodus. The best book I have ever read. Leon Uris is to Israel's history what James Michener is to America's history.


Just read one of his novels.
I am a zionist and couldn't care less about books or religious arguments. The Israelis have their sliver of land, the Palestinians should (have) accept(ed) theirs and end of story. If I were a Palestinian leader I would declare my homeland and work at building it up. I would cut out the terrorism and the maps without Israel being reflected, adjust my Charter and get on with it i.e. living.

Aah yes, the oft quoted Zionist Dream, the old will die off and the young won't care any more...yeah, right, whatever.

Better than the pan arab nationalisty dream of world domnnation and the return of the caliphate. Have you been practising with the stones, and how to be deferential to even the muslim beggars like all good dhimmi's
Yeah, right, whatever.

All the other looney lefties have been practising, you can see them at doctors surgeries wanting rectal repairs

Clearly, you are confused again, those are all the right-wingers queuing to have the regulation sticks inserted.

Nope definitely looney lefties with their Labour leaflets and Socialist Worker in their pockets.
Ok, you want some reading to do? Check out these two titles:

Exodus Leon Uris 9780553258479 Amazon.com Books

That's about the birth of the nation of Israel. And for more on the Mufti, check this one out:

The Haj Leon Uris 9780553248647 Amazon.com Books

I especially like the latter as it talks about the Arabs leaving Israel. It gives another reason for them to leave. And it have nothing to do with being scared of the Israelites. It is because they are afraid to stay in case the Arab League calls them collaborators. Sound familiar?
Exodus. The best book I have ever read. Leon Uris is to Israel's history what James Michener is to America's history.


Just read one of his novels.

So now you are a Literary genius and can see fiction when it isn't Islamic...................
Ok, you want some reading to do? Check out these two titles:

Exodus Leon Uris 9780553258479 Amazon.com Books

That's about the birth of the nation of Israel. And for more on the Mufti, check this one out:

The Haj Leon Uris 9780553248647 Amazon.com Books

I especially like the latter as it talks about the Arabs leaving Israel. It gives another reason for them to leave. And it have nothing to do with being scared of the Israelites. It is because they are afraid to stay in case the Arab League calls them collaborators. Sound familiar?
Exodus. The best book I have ever read. Leon Uris is to Israel's history what James Michener is to America's history.


Just read one of his novels.

So now you are a Literary genius and can see fiction when it isn't Islamic...................

That has got to be the post of the year so far Phoney!

Zionists basing their whole argument on one book shows that they too don't have an argument?

Oh no, sorry, correction....

One book and the great Sky Wizard!

What a dumbsass!

Only you mentioned the great sky wizard, I base my whole argument on many books and no great sky wizard and I am still a Zionist.

seems that you cant read and understand English all that well, could it be that it is not your first language

Oh goodness Phoney, if you get any dumber you won't be able to turn your computer on and post shite!

We can only hope!

Tell, me which OTHER book says that the Sky Wizard gave Israel to the Jews?

Why don't you tell me as I have never said that have I, I have said that the LoN gave the 22% of Palestine remaining after trans Jordan as the national home for the Jews. The arab muslims got theirs with Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi and Egypt

Oh shit... Here we go again...

Phoney forgot what he said AGAIN so has to come out with a deflection!

You need more meds Phoney?

Then produce the post where I have said differently ? It is that simple

Read the posts...

Only you mentioned the great sky wizard, I base my whole argument on many books and no great sky wizard and I am still a Zionist.

seems that you cant read and understand English all that well, could it be that it is not your first language

Oh goodness Phoney, if you get any dumber you won't be able to turn your computer on and post shite!

We can only hope!

Tell, me which OTHER book says that the Sky Wizard gave Israel to the Jews?

Why don't you tell me as I have never said that have I, I have said that the LoN gave the 22% of Palestine remaining after trans Jordan as the national home for the Jews. The arab muslims got theirs with Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi and Egypt

Oh shit... Here we go again...

Phoney forgot what he said AGAIN so has to come out with a deflection!

You need more meds Phoney?

Then produce the post where I have said differently ? It is that simple

Read the posts...


So you cant produce the post..............figures
Oh goodness Phoney, if you get any dumber you won't be able to turn your computer on and post shite!

We can only hope!

Tell, me which OTHER book says that the Sky Wizard gave Israel to the Jews?

Why don't you tell me as I have never said that have I, I have said that the LoN gave the 22% of Palestine remaining after trans Jordan as the national home for the Jews. The arab muslims got theirs with Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi and Egypt

Oh shit... Here we go again...

Phoney forgot what he said AGAIN so has to come out with a deflection!

You need more meds Phoney?

Then produce the post where I have said differently ? It is that simple

Read the posts...


So you cant produce the post..............figures

And the dumb just achieved complete dumbness..

Just read your last posts!!! You will be able to figure it out!!

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