When Do Trumpers Admit Trump Lost??

Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:
Oh get a grip and get real!
That whole "Kenyan birth certificate" issue was created by SHillary to deflect Obama's threat to what she saw as her rightful claim to the DNC nomination.

The more relevant issue for those of us whom were disgusted by Barry was that he was a bastard with a biological father whom was a bigamist and then abandoned the family (Barry and his mom). Then he, Barry, went on to become a Marxist/seditionist intent upon destroying the foundations of our nation.

The concerns and issues we conservatives had was that Barry writes and dedicates his first book towards this sleaze and scumbag of a father. Thus showing clear insight into the lack of character, integrity, ethics, morals, values, or common sense brains which was Barack Husein Obama. Granted, Barry was a slick-talking, forked tongue fake, but if ever there was a person less suited to be POTUS, BHO was it! The injury to insult here was that supposedly just over half the voters cast for him, showing how much the quality of our citizens has declined in manner similar to what the Democrats have offered in the last few decades.

We are living, repeating, a classic lesson of history on why democracies are a flawed system and often quickly result in failure and anarchy.
More lies. Birtherism started on rightwing Internet sites.
More a reflection of the "diversity" we have to deal with via the MSM and other cultural exchanges.
First, the Leftist leaning spin from pseudo-'FactCheck.org';

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?​

By Robert Farley
Posted on July 2, 2015
Two Republican presidential candidates claim the so-called “birther” movement originated with the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008. While it’s true that some of her ardent supporters pushed the theory, there is no evidence that Clinton or her campaign had anything to do with it.

Fact checking the media — yes, the Clinton machine did start the birther movement​

On evaluating whether or not GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump can win over African-American voters after he demanded President Obama show his birth certificate, MSNBC’s Joy Reid didn’t like what one panelist had to say.

“The birther issue came out of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the 2008 elections,” said Pastor Darrell Scott, who was on the panel over the weekend, only to be forcefully cut off.

“No, no it didn’t,” Ms. Reid interrupted. “That’s just factually wrong. Even a pastor can’t make this up on my show. This is part of the problem.”

As her show cut away to a commercial break, Ms. Reid added: “No, sir. I respect you as a pastor. You’re not going to come on my show and make things up.

Sorry, Ms. Reid — but you’re the one that’s making things up, and to be honest, part of the problem.

The birther movement does indeed have Democratic roots, long before Mr. Trump ever brought it up and made it an issue.

“The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election — and to Democrats,” Bloomberg News reported. “Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it.

Clintons the First ‘Birthers’?​

A new story making the rounds on the Barack Obama birth certificate scandal comes from a respected Hollywood producer, who also happens to be a long-time friend and financial supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton. According to Hollywood movie producer Bettina Sofia Viviano, the Clintons were the first documented “birthers,” referring to people who question the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate, but were frightened into silence with threats of violence against their daughter, Chelsea.

Ms. Viviano, who once headed production for Steven Spielberg, said in a video interview with tenacious birth certificate chaser Jerome Corsi, that it was a common belief inside Hillary Clinton’s campaign that Obama was not eligible to be president and that both Clintons were waiting for the right time to blow the whistle during the 2008 campaign. Ms. Viviano had access to the campaign through a documentary she produced regarding some delegates’ claims that Obama and the Democratic National Committee were stealing the nomination from Mrs. Clinton.

However, the Clintons’ intentions of going public with the fact that Obama was ineligible came to a screeching halt with the murder of Clinton friend and Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney on August 13, 2008. He was shot in the party headquarters by a man with no apparent motive.

According to Ms. Viviano, Gwatney’s murder was a message to Bill Clinton that “he was next.” Ms. Viviano added that Clinton refused to succumb to the threats and intimidation and was prepared to speak out about the birth certificate truth until he was advised, “‘Okay, then it is your daughter that we will go after,’ and after that, Bill never said anything.”
FWIW, I didn't say or imply that Clinton(s) were the only "birthers", but likely one of if not the first. Joined by many others later.

Myself, having read BHO's first book before he got elected, I was convinced he likely was born in Hawaii. But the further actions of his bigamist father from Kenya and BHO's lack of character in dedicating and theme of first book towards that scumbag bigamist convinced me, among many other things displayed by BHO, that the son followed in the father's footsteps and was not ideal presidential timber.
Uh, no. Your article points to April, 2008, where Judy Rose from Hillary's campaign sent an email about Obama being a Muslim. She was dismissed from the campaign.

Meanwhile, in March, 2008 (before that email), birtherism was already being thrown on the Internet by the right...

And days before that blog entry appeared....

Try harder next time.
Five pages of left wingers raging. Not a single post explaining how yes, obviously, Bidumb is the current champion of vote getting politicians. No explanation about the voting patterns or how he got so many post closing the counts new votes. Nothing.

You lying piece of shit!!! I posted upthread why Biden received more “post closing votes.

Either you failed to read the explanation or you didn’t understand it. All election day votes were counted before early votes or mail in votes. Republicans voted on voting day. Democrats voted by mail or voted early. Early returns showed only election day votes which were slanted towards Republicans. Early voting and mail in votes favoured the Democrats.

Basically they counted the Republican votes first and then Trump tried to claim victory. Then they counted the rest of the votes and discovered Trump lost and you’ve been claiming that there was something fishy about that even though it went exactly as expected.
Trumptards can't handle the truth.
Neither can Libtards.
Larger problem is "Truth" is defined differently by both sides of the political spectrum.
Peewee, ya got anything better than I know you are but what am I?

Regardless, the truth is Trump lost the election in a landslide. It's your side that can't handle that truth.
Trump is more of a divider within the Republican party than a unifier. If the GOP pulls off a defeat from the jaws of victory next year, as they did with the Georgia runoffs, Republicans will be just as fickle with Trump as they were with the Bush the 1st, Bush the 2nd, McCain and Romney.
Thing is both Bush's, McCain, and Romney are all more RINO and CINO than what the GOP needs or should be represented by. Some Republicans will likely be fickle, but it's the half of the country that doesn't claim to be either D or R whom decide national elections and that both sides are trying to appeal to and win.
no trump lost. No doovers. The votes were counted, certified and sent to congress. Nixon probably should have won in 60. He cheated in 68. Gore had more people try to vote for him that bush did, but its over. And Fla illegally kicked blacks off the roles.
Like with the supreme court decision in Bush v Gore in 2000, the principle of finality over accuracy. The point of —“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace"
Once it's decided, that's the end of it.
I read one theory that if Trump is successful in overturning the election, .l..
It's not possible for Trump to prove he won the election. Only states can can decide who won and they decided that last year. Fraudits can do nothing beyond raising doubts which no one has to accept.
I don't know how much bamboo, or Cheetos dust it would take to prove election fraud. But this is based on the premise of what happens after there is incontrovertible proof.
Such as if they can legitimately disqualify 100,000, or 200,000 or even 500,000 ballots in a state, and then count the remaining ballots again, and Trump ends up winning. And not just one state, but at least all 5 battleground states.
It would require every state to legitimately audit and manually recount every ballot in every county with full transparency; and then, IF Trump comes out on top, a valid argument could be made that he should be the president.

That's not what trumptards want. They want a sham company that is not in the business of auditing elections and with no certification, and with limited transparency to tell us what they find in a left-leaning county, in just a few states where Trump lost, to overturn the entire state's results.

No rational person is going to accept that to install Trump as president.
no trump lost. No doovers. The votes were counted, certified and sent to congress. Nixon probably should have won in 60. He cheated in 68. Gore had more people try to vote for him that bush did, but its over. And Fla illegally kicked blacks off the roles.
Like with the supreme court decision in Bush v Gore in 2000, the principle of finality over accuracy. The point of —“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace"
Once it's decided, that's the end of it.
It was a crazy election. If anyone had said in July or Aug of 20 that more UUUGELY more dems would do mail in than gopers, I think people would have said they were nuts. But for some reason Trump went against traditional gop voting and told people to not use mail in. And the funny thing is next time I'll be old enough to do mail in with no questions asked, but after that debacle, I'll keep limping up to the church where we vote. LOL
I read one theory that if Trump is successful in overturning the election, .l..
It's not possible for Trump to prove he won the election. Only states can can decide who won and they decided that last year. Fraudits can do nothing beyond raising doubts which no one has to accept.
I don't know how much bamboo, or Cheetos dust it would take to prove election fraud. But this is based on the premise of what happens after there is incontrovertible proof.
Such as if they can legitimately disqualify 100,000, or 200,000 or even 500,000 ballots in a state, and then count the remaining ballots again, and Trump ends up winning. And not just one state, but at least all 5 battleground states.
It would require every state to legitimately audit and manually recount every ballot in every county with full transparency; and then, IF Trump comes out on top, a valid argument could be made that he should be the president.

That's not what trumptards want. They want a sham company that is not in the business of auditing elections and with no certification, and with limited transparency to tell us what they find in a left-leaning county, in just a few states where Trump lost, to overturn the entire state's results.

No rational person is going to accept that to install Trump as president.
Well there's some irony in the fact that if gop states had not relaxed voting because of covid, Trump might have won. Of course we'll never know what might have happened if not for covid.
It would require every state to legitimately audit and manually recount every ballot in every county with full transparency; and then, IF Trump comes out on top, a valid argument could be made that he should be the president.

That's not what trumptards want. They want a sham company that is not in the business of auditing elections and with no certification, and with limited transparency to tell us what they find in a left-leaning county, in just a few states where Trump lost, to overturn the entire state's results.

No rational person is going to accept that to install Trump as president.
Point taken. For any state to do an audit, it must be an audit of the entire state, with the same rules for disqualifying ballots applied to every county.

Under a statewide recount, Trump could actually lose tens of thousands of votes.
Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:
Oh get a grip and get real!
That whole "Kenyan birth certificate" issue was created by SHillary to deflect Obama's threat to what she saw as her rightful claim to the DNC nomination.

The more relevant issue for those of us whom were disgusted by Barry was that he was a bastard with a biological father whom was a bigamist and then abandoned the family (Barry and his mom). Then he, Barry, went on to become a Marxist/seditionist intent upon destroying the foundations of our nation.

The concerns and issues we conservatives had was that Barry writes and dedicates his first book towards this sleaze and scumbag of a father. Thus showing clear insight into the lack of character, integrity, ethics, morals, values, or common sense brains which was Barack Husein Obama. Granted, Barry was a slick-talking, forked tongue fake, but if ever there was a person less suited to be POTUS, BHO was it! The injury to insult here was that supposedly just over half the voters cast for him, showing how much the quality of our citizens has declined in manner similar to what the Democrats have offered in the last few decades.

We are living, repeating, a classic lesson of history on why democracies are a flawed system and often quickly result in failure and anarchy.
More lies. Birtherism started on rightwing Internet sites.
More a reflection of the "diversity" we have to deal with via the MSM and other cultural exchanges.
First, the Leftist leaning spin from pseudo-'FactCheck.org';

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?​

By Robert Farley
Posted on July 2, 2015
Two Republican presidential candidates claim the so-called “birther” movement originated with the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008. While it’s true that some of her ardent supporters pushed the theory, there is no evidence that Clinton or her campaign had anything to do with it.

Fact checking the media — yes, the Clinton machine did start the birther movement​

On evaluating whether or not GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump can win over African-American voters after he demanded President Obama show his birth certificate, MSNBC’s Joy Reid didn’t like what one panelist had to say.

“The birther issue came out of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the 2008 elections,” said Pastor Darrell Scott, who was on the panel over the weekend, only to be forcefully cut off.

“No, no it didn’t,” Ms. Reid interrupted. “That’s just factually wrong. Even a pastor can’t make this up on my show. This is part of the problem.”

As her show cut away to a commercial break, Ms. Reid added: “No, sir. I respect you as a pastor. You’re not going to come on my show and make things up.

Sorry, Ms. Reid — but you’re the one that’s making things up, and to be honest, part of the problem.

The birther movement does indeed have Democratic roots, long before Mr. Trump ever brought it up and made it an issue.

“The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election — and to Democrats,” Bloomberg News reported. “Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it.

Clintons the First ‘Birthers’?​

A new story making the rounds on the Barack Obama birth certificate scandal comes from a respected Hollywood producer, who also happens to be a long-time friend and financial supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton. According to Hollywood movie producer Bettina Sofia Viviano, the Clintons were the first documented “birthers,” referring to people who question the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate, but were frightened into silence with threats of violence against their daughter, Chelsea.

Ms. Viviano, who once headed production for Steven Spielberg, said in a video interview with tenacious birth certificate chaser Jerome Corsi, that it was a common belief inside Hillary Clinton’s campaign that Obama was not eligible to be president and that both Clintons were waiting for the right time to blow the whistle during the 2008 campaign. Ms. Viviano had access to the campaign through a documentary she produced regarding some delegates’ claims that Obama and the Democratic National Committee were stealing the nomination from Mrs. Clinton.

However, the Clintons’ intentions of going public with the fact that Obama was ineligible came to a screeching halt with the murder of Clinton friend and Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney on August 13, 2008. He was shot in the party headquarters by a man with no apparent motive.

According to Ms. Viviano, Gwatney’s murder was a message to Bill Clinton that “he was next.” Ms. Viviano added that Clinton refused to succumb to the threats and intimidation and was prepared to speak out about the birth certificate truth until he was advised, “‘Okay, then it is your daughter that we will go after,’ and after that, Bill never said anything.”
FWIW, I didn't say or imply that Clinton(s) were the only "birthers", but likely one of if not the first. Joined by many others later.

Myself, having read BHO's first book before he got elected, I was convinced he likely was born in Hawaii. But the further actions of his bigamist father from Kenya and BHO's lack of character in dedicating and theme of first book towards that scumbag bigamist convinced me, among many other things displayed by BHO, that the son followed in the father's footsteps and was not ideal presidential timber.
Uh, no. Your article points to April, 2008, where Judy Rose from Hillary's campaign sent an email about Obama being a Muslim. She was dismissed from the campaign.

Meanwhile, in March, 2008 (before that email), birtherism was already being thrown on the Internet by the right...

And days before that blog entry appeared....

Try harder next time.
Nice try, sorta ...
A blog and a message board and neither presents backing documentation; and not from leaders within the Conservative or Republican orgs.. Within the realm of the sort of fantasy speculations we saw earlier about Bush Jr.

Furthermore, the "birther" issue isn't and never was a "hot button" for me. I read both of BHO's first tow books once it was clear he'd be running for POTUS (did you ever read them?) and if it weren't for that one would have had to pay to read such drek. That aside, it was clear to me he was born in Hawaii, but it's other items of his upbringing and agenda that I have/had issues with. As I've mentioned in other posts here.

As for the Muslim issue, anyone who's looked into the nature of Islam and current issues with the fundamentalists and jihadis of that religion would know that a key tenant of the "religion" is once a Muslim always a Muslim and there is no "takeback" or stepping away from the faith and your status; and attempts to do so can be punished by death.

Trump is now attacking William Barr + McConnell as "RINO's" just as he attacked Sessions, Tillerson, Mattis, Bolton, HR McMaster, J. Kelly, and M. Pence. "Only the best + the brightest." {​

The man's mind is going fast Repubs talk about Biden ,while they support a truly demented pos
Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:
When we'll leftards admit TRUMP IS GONE and start focusing their posts and threads on relevant current political events?
"Gone?" He's planning on running again. And he's trying to help other Republicans win seats in Congress. No fucking way are we going to cleanse his stench from the Republican party until he really is gone.
"What do you mean "we" Kimosobe?" *
* Refs an old joke I can represent here if needed.

I don't recall you ever expressing or posting anything remotely related to conservatism, or which would suggest you are other than a Leftist troll, and not a member of the RNC!
"we," as in normal people.

Your concept of "normal people" encompasses the wealth takers and looters of the Left.
My concept encompasses the wealth creators/makers of the Right.

Hence the classic divide in this nation for some time and likely to continue for quite a while
Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:
Oh get a grip and get real!
That whole "Kenyan birth certificate" issue was created by SHillary to deflect Obama's threat to what she saw as her rightful claim to the DNC nomination.

The more relevant issue for those of us whom were disgusted by Barry was that he was a bastard with a biological father whom was a bigamist and then abandoned the family (Barry and his mom). Then he, Barry, went on to become a Marxist/seditionist intent upon destroying the foundations of our nation.

The concerns and issues we conservatives had was that Barry writes and dedicates his first book towards this sleaze and scumbag of a father. Thus showing clear insight into the lack of character, integrity, ethics, morals, values, or common sense brains which was Barack Husein Obama. Granted, Barry was a slick-talking, forked tongue fake, but if ever there was a person less suited to be POTUS, BHO was it! The injury to insult here was that supposedly just over half the voters cast for him, showing how much the quality of our citizens has declined in manner similar to what the Democrats have offered in the last few decades.

We are living, repeating, a classic lesson of history on why democracies are a flawed system and often quickly result in failure and anarchy.
More lies. Birtherism started on rightwing Internet sites.
More a reflection of the "diversity" we have to deal with via the MSM and other cultural exchanges.
First, the Leftist leaning spin from pseudo-'FactCheck.org';

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?​

By Robert Farley
Posted on July 2, 2015
Two Republican presidential candidates claim the so-called “birther” movement originated with the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008. While it’s true that some of her ardent supporters pushed the theory, there is no evidence that Clinton or her campaign had anything to do with it.

Fact checking the media — yes, the Clinton machine did start the birther movement​

On evaluating whether or not GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump can win over African-American voters after he demanded President Obama show his birth certificate, MSNBC’s Joy Reid didn’t like what one panelist had to say.

“The birther issue came out of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the 2008 elections,” said Pastor Darrell Scott, who was on the panel over the weekend, only to be forcefully cut off.

“No, no it didn’t,” Ms. Reid interrupted. “That’s just factually wrong. Even a pastor can’t make this up on my show. This is part of the problem.”

As her show cut away to a commercial break, Ms. Reid added: “No, sir. I respect you as a pastor. You’re not going to come on my show and make things up.

Sorry, Ms. Reid — but you’re the one that’s making things up, and to be honest, part of the problem.

The birther movement does indeed have Democratic roots, long before Mr. Trump ever brought it up and made it an issue.

“The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election — and to Democrats,” Bloomberg News reported. “Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it.

Clintons the First ‘Birthers’?​

A new story making the rounds on the Barack Obama birth certificate scandal comes from a respected Hollywood producer, who also happens to be a long-time friend and financial supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton. According to Hollywood movie producer Bettina Sofia Viviano, the Clintons were the first documented “birthers,” referring to people who question the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate, but were frightened into silence with threats of violence against their daughter, Chelsea.

Ms. Viviano, who once headed production for Steven Spielberg, said in a video interview with tenacious birth certificate chaser Jerome Corsi, that it was a common belief inside Hillary Clinton’s campaign that Obama was not eligible to be president and that both Clintons were waiting for the right time to blow the whistle during the 2008 campaign. Ms. Viviano had access to the campaign through a documentary she produced regarding some delegates’ claims that Obama and the Democratic National Committee were stealing the nomination from Mrs. Clinton.

However, the Clintons’ intentions of going public with the fact that Obama was ineligible came to a screeching halt with the murder of Clinton friend and Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney on August 13, 2008. He was shot in the party headquarters by a man with no apparent motive.

According to Ms. Viviano, Gwatney’s murder was a message to Bill Clinton that “he was next.” Ms. Viviano added that Clinton refused to succumb to the threats and intimidation and was prepared to speak out about the birth certificate truth until he was advised, “‘Okay, then it is your daughter that we will go after,’ and after that, Bill never said anything.”
FWIW, I didn't say or imply that Clinton(s) were the only "birthers", but likely one of if not the first. Joined by many others later.

Myself, having read BHO's first book before he got elected, I was convinced he likely was born in Hawaii. But the further actions of his bigamist father from Kenya and BHO's lack of character in dedicating and theme of first book towards that scumbag bigamist convinced me, among many other things displayed by BHO, that the son followed in the father's footsteps and was not ideal presidential timber.

First you quote “the fact checkers” that say that Clinton did not start the birther campaign. That her campaign was aware of the information but refused to use it.

Then you spend the rest of your post saying that the entire birther campaign originated with Hillary Clinton and was promoted by by her.

You can’t debunk the claim that Hillary started it on one hand, and then say your debunking to say proves that Trump didn’t promote the lie for five years.

The bald fact is that Donald Trump is the ONLY person who promoted the notion that Barack Obama was not born in the United States and that he was not a “legitimate” president.

Donald Trump knew that even if Obama hadn’t been born in the United States, he was still a legitimate president because his mother was an American citizen when he was born. But Trump continued the lie that Obama should never have been allowed to run.

Yet another example of why nothing Donald Trump does or says is ever Donald Trump’s fault.

Hillary Clinton refused to promote the lie. Donald Trump refuses to stop lying.
what kenyan birth certificate? That was Hilliary and her attorney friend.

Obama's Birth certificate here was destroyed when he was adopted out to LOLO Soetoro, his step father....and replaced with an INDONESIAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE---as such was the case when kids were adopted out of the country and made citizens of other nations at the time.
no trump lost. No doovers. The votes were counted, certified and sent to congress. Nixon probably should have won in 60. He cheated in 68. Gore had more people try to vote for him that bush did, but its over. And Fla illegally kicked blacks off the roles.
Like with the supreme court decision in Bush v Gore in 2000, the principle of finality over accuracy. The point of —“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace"
Once it's decided, that's the end of it.
Not so in American politics, if you know your history of this nation.

What is amussing is all the protest against investigation into validity of votes and counting such. If nothing to hide, one side should be encouraging such so it will show the other side as foolhardy. Instead, all the protest of you don't need to go there, look there, and it's stupid to think you would need to do such.

Typical of the child caught with hand in the cookie jar.
no trump lost. No doovers. The votes were counted, certified and sent to congress. Nixon probably should have won in 60. He cheated in 68. Gore had more people try to vote for him that bush did, but its over. And Fla illegally kicked blacks off the roles.
Like with the supreme court decision in Bush v Gore in 2000, the principle of finality over accuracy. The point of —“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace"
Once it's decided, that's the end of it.
Not so in American politics, if you know your history of this nation.

What is amussing is all the protest against investigation into validity of votes and counting such. If nothing to hide, one side should be encouraging such so it will show the other side as foolhardy. Instead, all the protest of you don't need to go there, look there, and it's stupid to think you would need to do such.

Typical of the child caught with hand in the cookie jar.
not so in the history of american politics lol
no trump lost. No doovers. The votes were counted, certified and sent to congress. Nixon probably should have won in 60. He cheated in 68. Gore had more people try to vote for him that bush did, but its over. And Fla illegally kicked blacks off the roles.
Like with the supreme court decision in Bush v Gore in 2000, the principle of finality over accuracy. The point of —“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace"
Once it's decided, that's the end of it.
Not so in American politics, if you know your history of this nation.

What is amussing is all the protest against investigation into validity of votes and counting such. If nothing to hide, one side should be encouraging such so it will show the other side as foolhardy. Instead, all the protest of you don't need to go there, look there, and it's stupid to think you would need to do such.

Typical of the child caught with hand in the cookie jar.
not so in the history of american politics lol
Guess you flunked US History during your school years.
Five pages of left wingers raging. Not a single post explaining how yes, obviously, Bidumb is the current champion of vote getting politicians. No explanation about the voting patterns or how he got so many post closing the counts new votes. Nothing.

You lying piece of shit!!! I posted upthread why Biden received more “post closing votes.

Either you failed to read the explanation or you didn’t understand it. All election day votes were counted before early votes or mail in votes. Republicans voted on voting day. Democrats voted by mail or voted early. Early returns showed only election day votes which were slanted towards Republicans. Early voting and mail in votes favoured the Democrats.

Basically they counted the Republican votes first and then Trump tried to claim victory. Then they counted the rest of the votes and discovered Trump lost and you’ve been claiming that there was something fishy about that even though it went exactly as expected.
Trumptards can't handle the truth.
Neither can Libtards.
Larger problem is "Truth" is defined differently by both sides of the political spectrum.

No sweetheart truth is not “defined differently” on either side of the spectrum. There are no “alternative facts”.

When you swear in a court of law “to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”, what happens when you go to court and say “the election was stolen”. Rudy Guiliani had his law license suspended for this.

Your refusal to accept the reality that Trump lost is not “everyone’s entitled to their own opinion” scenario. The numbers of votes cast and the election results as counted, recounted, properly audited, and certified in every county in ever state are not “opinions”.

This is a situation where an angry, miserable old man refuses to accept the reality that he lost he the election. He continues to say that he’s still president of the United States and he’s going to take back the White House. Yet you claim Biden is the one with dementia.

The Republican leadership understands that if Donald Trump continues with his scorched earth campaign against any Republicans who deny that he won the election, they cannot win back either the House or the Senate.

With Trump in control of the party, Republicans cannot win elections.
Last edited:
no trump lost. No doovers. The votes were counted, certified and sent to congress. Nixon probably should have won in 60. He cheated in 68. Gore had more people try to vote for him that bush did, but its over. And Fla illegally kicked blacks off the roles.
Like with the supreme court decision in Bush v Gore in 2000, the principle of finality over accuracy. The point of —“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace"
Once it's decided, that's the end of it.
Not so in American politics, if you know your history of this nation.

What is amussing is all the protest against investigation into validity of votes and counting such. If nothing to hide, one side should be encouraging such so it will show the other side as foolhardy. Instead, all the protest of you don't need to go there, look there, and it's stupid to think you would need to do such.

Typical of the child caught with hand in the cookie jar.

There were absolutely no protests against the re-counting of votes nor against the hand counting of votes nor against the audit of the votes.

There were no protests against the 53 court challenges against the election results.

The only protest has been against the fraudulent attempts by amateurs and Trump supporters to destroy the ballots and overturn the election after the inauguration.

The protest has been against passing voter suppression laws against fraud that didn’t happen and doesn’t exist.

Stop pretending that this is the first attempt to overthrow this election. It’s done.
When democrats stop trying to block any audits and get busy showing those votes were legal. You would think they would be all about proving bidumb is the highest vote getting politician of all time and democrat policies really are this popular. They’re doing the opposite of that.

I do notice you’re still using the debunked Russia bullshit though so maybe it’s you that has a problem with letting go of the lies.
They are not audits... They are a circus with clowns...

Arizona could comeback with Trump winning 99.9% of the vote and it should take about 10 min to show the chain of custody on the ballots were compromised and black/blue pens were used on the floor...

This would void the "audit" and also put the people running it in legal trouble...

What do you expect? You have a company called Cyber Ninjas running it?

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