When Do Trumpers Admit Trump Lost??

Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:
When we'll leftards admit TRUMP IS GONE and start focusing their posts and threads on relevant current political events?

Trump is running for office again.. Watch what happens next when Trump tries to destroy Desantis.
Five pages of left wingers raging. Not a single post explaining how yes, obviously, Bidumb is the current champion of vote getting politicians. No explanation about the voting patterns or how he got so many post closing the counts new votes. Nothing.
No one should have to explain a record number of mail in ballots that couldn’t be counted until the close of voting on Election Day to another presumably, grown man.
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"Gone?" He's planning on running again. And he's trying to help other Republicans win seats in Congress. No fucking way are we going to cleanse his stench from the Republican party until he really is gone.

I read one theory that if Trump is successful in overturning the election, all it does it put an asterisk in the history book. That it would be up to congress to declare Trump the true president-elect, and Pence the true VP elect. And that Biden and Harris were made president and VP in error, and were in fact only "acting" in those roles.

Then use the 20th amendment section 3

If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

Then congress declares the disability (losing the election) was resolved, and Trump and Pence now qualify to occupy the office.
It's not possible for Trump to prove he won the election. Only states can can decide who won and they decided that last year. Fraudits can do nothing beyond raising doubts which no one has to accept.
After the forensic audits. Why are dems trying to stop these audits is the question.

There are no “forensic audits” under way so what you’re saying is “never”.

Real investigations start with questions and seek answers. Any “investigation” that starts with a conclusion, and then seeks evidence to support the pre-ordained findings of the “investigation” is doomed to failure.
Five pages of left wingers raging. Not a single post explaining how yes, obviously, Bidumb is the current champion of vote getting politicians. No explanation about the voting patterns or how he got so many post closing the counts new votes. Nothing.

You lying piece of shit!!! I posted upthread why Biden received more “post closing votes.

Either you failed to read the explanation or you didn’t understand it. All election day votes were counted before early votes or mail in votes. Republicans voted on voting day. Democrats voted by mail or voted early. Early returns showed only election day votes which were slanted towards Republicans. Early voting and mail in votes favoured the Democrats.

Basically they counted the Republican votes first and then Trump tried to claim victory. Then they counted the rest of the votes and discovered Trump lost and you’ve been claiming that there was something fishy about that even though it went exactly as expected.
Five pages of left wingers raging. Not a single post explaining how yes, obviously, Bidumb is the current champion of vote getting politicians. No explanation about the voting patterns or how he got so many post closing the counts new votes. Nothing.
No one should have to explain a record number of mail in ballots that couldn’t be counted until the close of voting on Election Day to another presumably, grown man.
And had Trumpy won, the Trumpanzees would be hailing the mail in vote as a testament to American democratic ideals.
That whole "Kenyan birth certificate" issue was created by SHillary to deflect Obama's threat to what she saw as her rightful claim to the DNC nomination.

EMH? !!
Is that you playing dress-up in a Stryder50 mask?
It's gotta be you.
There can't be two who sound and think exactly alike.

Lightning striking twice on the same ginormous brain?
I'll be gobsmacked!
"EMH" Doesn't match any other username or ID I've used on the internet and/or in other forums.
Think you may have me confused with someone else.
With 9+ Billion people on this planet, and the subject in reference rather common, should be several whom would think~say~post what I did.

Sorry Tonto.

BTW, other than here, I don't recall encounter with your username/ID elsewhere.
Trump broke the Left
Actually, there is a cogent argument to be made that with the loss of the White House,---by a landslide in both the popular and electoral votes; the loss of the House, and the loss of the Senate.....well, a traction-ful argument is that Don Trump broke the GOP.
Just sayin'.

Trump didn't lose the election, it was stolen from him.
, Dems stole the election and everyone knows it.
^.... the Party that conspired with the CCP to unleash a bioweapon on the world so they could then cheat ....."
(Republicans too spinesless).....to do anything about it but whimper like wet rats.
You know, poster Trout, that seems like a credible observation. I too have wondered why such posters as I quote above simply come on to an internet gossipboard whine anonymously under fake names, and then seemingly believe they are effective high-achieving patriots.

Whereas, others may believe they are merely dithering whiners shrilling about something they won't do anything about......except anonymously complain.

Yeah, Trout, I don't get it either.

Military satellites that switched votes on Hugo Chavez’s fraud machines with a server in Italy?

As another poster already noted........Italian Satellite Mark Meadows and Jewish Space Laser Marjorie Greene.......are the spokespeople for Trumplandia,
Satellite and lasers!
THAT is a rich vein to mine.
And Trumplandia wonders why they are snark bait? Objects of satire and snickers?

I love this bar.

ps.......BTW, there was an exceedingly interesting article in WaPo on Friday about this Italian Satellite caper and Mark Meadows. And the conman grifter (actually a woman) who initiated it.......and got Mark Meadows hook, line, and sinker. Dumbazzery squared.
CCP dems cheated in the tens of millions column.

You guys are like Pharaoh after the 7th Plague, still convinced you're winning

So tens of millions of Chinese votes were cast and counted without there being any evidence whatsoever of such deception, and with all of the voting records matching the voting rolls. I’ll bet that doesn’t seem the slightest bit unlikely to you.

Every time your bogus claims are debunked, you come up with an even more fantastical and improbable conspiracy theory as to how Biden won.

You seem to think the Democrats are just stupid and gullible as you are.
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Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:
When we'll leftards admit TRUMP IS GONE and start focusing their posts and threads on relevant current political events?
"Gone?" He's planning on running again. And he's trying to help other Republicans win seats in Congress. No fucking way are we going to cleanse his stench from the Republican party until he really is gone.
"What do you mean "we" Kimosobe?" *
* Refs an old joke I can represent here if needed.

I don't recall you ever expressing or posting anything remotely related to conservatism, or which would suggest you are other than a Leftist troll, and not a member of the RNC!
Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:
Oh get a grip and get real!
That whole "Kenyan birth certificate" issue was created by SHillary to deflect Obama's threat to what she saw as her rightful claim to the DNC nomination.

The more relevant issue for those of us whom were disgusted by Barry was that he was a bastard with a biological father whom was a bigamist and then abandoned the family (Barry and his mom). Then he, Barry, went on to become a Marxist/seditionist intent upon destroying the foundations of our nation.

The concerns and issues we conservatives had was that Barry writes and dedicates his first book towards this sleaze and scumbag of a father. Thus showing clear insight into the lack of character, integrity, ethics, morals, values, or common sense brains which was Barack Husein Obama. Granted, Barry was a slick-talking, forked tongue fake, but if ever there was a person less suited to be POTUS, BHO was it! The injury to insult here was that supposedly just over half the voters cast for him, showing how much the quality of our citizens has declined in manner similar to what the Democrats have offered in the last few decades.

We are living, repeating, a classic lesson of history on why democracies are a flawed system and often quickly result in failure and anarchy.
More lies. Birtherism started on rightwing Internet sites.
More a reflection of the "diversity" we have to deal with via the MSM and other cultural exchanges.
First, the Leftist leaning spin from pseudo-'FactCheck.org';

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?​

By Robert Farley
Posted on July 2, 2015
Two Republican presidential candidates claim the so-called “birther” movement originated with the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008. While it’s true that some of her ardent supporters pushed the theory, there is no evidence that Clinton or her campaign had anything to do with it.

Fact checking the media — yes, the Clinton machine did start the birther movement​

On evaluating whether or not GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump can win over African-American voters after he demanded President Obama show his birth certificate, MSNBC’s Joy Reid didn’t like what one panelist had to say.

“The birther issue came out of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the 2008 elections,” said Pastor Darrell Scott, who was on the panel over the weekend, only to be forcefully cut off.

“No, no it didn’t,” Ms. Reid interrupted. “That’s just factually wrong. Even a pastor can’t make this up on my show. This is part of the problem.”

As her show cut away to a commercial break, Ms. Reid added: “No, sir. I respect you as a pastor. You’re not going to come on my show and make things up.

Sorry, Ms. Reid — but you’re the one that’s making things up, and to be honest, part of the problem.

The birther movement does indeed have Democratic roots, long before Mr. Trump ever brought it up and made it an issue.

“The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election — and to Democrats,” Bloomberg News reported. “Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it.

Clintons the First ‘Birthers’?​

A new story making the rounds on the Barack Obama birth certificate scandal comes from a respected Hollywood producer, who also happens to be a long-time friend and financial supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton. According to Hollywood movie producer Bettina Sofia Viviano, the Clintons were the first documented “birthers,” referring to people who question the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate, but were frightened into silence with threats of violence against their daughter, Chelsea.

Ms. Viviano, who once headed production for Steven Spielberg, said in a video interview with tenacious birth certificate chaser Jerome Corsi, that it was a common belief inside Hillary Clinton’s campaign that Obama was not eligible to be president and that both Clintons were waiting for the right time to blow the whistle during the 2008 campaign. Ms. Viviano had access to the campaign through a documentary she produced regarding some delegates’ claims that Obama and the Democratic National Committee were stealing the nomination from Mrs. Clinton.

However, the Clintons’ intentions of going public with the fact that Obama was ineligible came to a screeching halt with the murder of Clinton friend and Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney on August 13, 2008. He was shot in the party headquarters by a man with no apparent motive.

According to Ms. Viviano, Gwatney’s murder was a message to Bill Clinton that “he was next.” Ms. Viviano added that Clinton refused to succumb to the threats and intimidation and was prepared to speak out about the birth certificate truth until he was advised, “‘Okay, then it is your daughter that we will go after,’ and after that, Bill never said anything.”
FWIW, I didn't say or imply that Clinton(s) were the only "birthers", but likely one of if not the first. Joined by many others later.

Myself, having read BHO's first book before he got elected, I was convinced he likely was born in Hawaii. But the further actions of his bigamist father from Kenya and BHO's lack of character in dedicating and theme of first book towards that scumbag bigamist convinced me, among many other things displayed by BHO, that the son followed in the father's footsteps and was not ideal presidential timber.
Five pages of left wingers raging. Not a single post explaining how yes, obviously, Bidumb is the current champion of vote getting politicians. No explanation about the voting patterns or how he got so many post closing the counts new votes. Nothing.

You lying piece of shit!!! I posted upthread why Biden received more “post closing votes.

Either you failed to read the explanation or you didn’t understand it. All election day votes were counted before early votes or mail in votes. Republicans voted on voting day. Democrats voted by mail or voted early. Early returns showed only election day votes which were slanted towards Republicans. Early voting and mail in votes favoured the Democrats.

Basically they counted the Republican votes first and then Trump tried to claim victory. Then they counted the rest of the votes and discovered Trump lost and you’ve been claiming that there was something fishy about that even though it went exactly as expected.
Trumptards can't handle the truth.
Trump broke the Left
Actually, there is a cogent argument to be made that with the loss of the White House,---by a landslide in both the popular and electoral votes; the loss of the House, and the loss of the Senate.....well, a traction-ful argument is that Don Trump broke the GOP.
Just sayin'.

Trump didn't lose the election, it was stolen from him.
, Dems stole the election and everyone knows it.
^.... the Party that conspired with the CCP to unleash a bioweapon on the world so they could then cheat ....."
(Republicans too spinesless).....to do anything about it but whimper like wet rats.
You know, poster Trout, that seems like a credible observation. I too have wondered why such posters as I quote above simply come on to an internet gossipboard whine anonymously under fake names, and then seemingly believe they are effective high-achieving patriots.

Whereas, others may believe they are merely dithering whiners shrilling about something they won't do anything about......except anonymously complain.

Yeah, Trout, I don't get it either.

Military satellites that switched votes on Hugo Chavez’s fraud machines with a server in Italy?

As another poster already noted........Italian Satellite Mark Meadows and Jewish Space Laser Marjorie Greene.......are the spokespeople for Trumplandia,
Satellite and lasers!
THAT is a rich vein to mine.
And Trumplandia wonders why they are snark bait? Objects of satire and snickers?

I love this bar.

ps.......BTW, there was an exceedingly interesting article in WaPo on Friday about this Italian Satellite caper and Mark Meadows. And the conman grifter (actually a woman) who initiated it.......and got Mark Meadows hook, line, and sinker. Dumbazzery squared.
CCP dems cheated in the tens of millions column.

You guys are like Pharaoh after the 7th Plague, still convinced you're winning

So tens of millions of Chinese votes were cast and counted without there being any evidence whatsoever of such deception, and with all of the voting records matching the voting rolls. I’ll bet that doesn’t seem the slightest bit unlikely to you.

Every time your bogus claims are debunked, you come up with an even more fantastical and improbable conspiracy theory as to how Biden won.

You seem to think the Democrats are just stupid and gullible as you are.
I'm pretty sure he's serious.

He has also said that Trump actually won California.

This group pathology runs deep.
Five pages of left wingers raging. Not a single post explaining how yes, obviously, Bidumb is the current champion of vote getting politicians. No explanation about the voting patterns or how he got so many post closing the counts new votes. Nothing.

You lying piece of shit!!! I posted upthread why Biden received more “post closing votes.

Either you failed to read the explanation or you didn’t understand it. All election day votes were counted before early votes or mail in votes. Republicans voted on voting day. Democrats voted by mail or voted early. Early returns showed only election day votes which were slanted towards Republicans. Early voting and mail in votes favoured the Democrats.

Basically they counted the Republican votes first and then Trump tried to claim victory. Then they counted the rest of the votes and discovered Trump lost and you’ve been claiming that there was something fishy about that even though it went exactly as expected.
Trumptards can't handle the truth.
Neither can Libtards.
Larger problem is "Truth" is defined differently by both sides of the political spectrum.
Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:
When we'll leftards admit TRUMP IS GONE and start focusing their posts and threads on relevant current political events?
"Gone?" He's planning on running again. And he's trying to help other Republicans win seats in Congress. No fucking way are we going to cleanse his stench from the Republican party until he really is gone.
"What do you mean "we" Kimosobe?" *
* Refs an old joke I can represent here if needed.

I don't recall you ever expressing or posting anything remotely related to conservatism, or which would suggest you are other than a Leftist troll, and not a member of the RNC!
"we," as in normal people.

I read one theory that if Trump is successful in overturning the election, .l..
It's not possible for Trump to prove he won the election. Only states can can decide who won and they decided that last year. Fraudits can do nothing beyond raising doubts which no one has to accept.
I don't know how much bamboo, or Cheetos dust it would take to prove election fraud. But this is based on the premise of what happens after there is incontrovertible proof.
Such as if they can legitimately disqualify 100,000, or 200,000 or even 500,000 ballots in a state, and then count the remaining ballots again, and Trump ends up winning. And not just one state, but at least all 5 battleground states.
I read one theory that if Trump is successful in overturning the election, .l..
It's not possible for Trump to prove he won the election. Only states can can decide who won and they decided that last year. Fraudits can do nothing beyond raising doubts which no one has to accept.
I don't know how much bamboo, or Cheetos dust it would take to prove election fraud. But this is based on the premise of what happens after there is incontrovertible proof.
Such as if they can legitimately disqualify 100,000, or 200,000 or even 500,000 ballots in a state, and then count the remaining ballots again, and Trump ends up winning. And not just one state, but at least all 5 battleground states.
no trump lost. No doovers. The votes were counted, certified and sent to congress. Nixon probably should have won in 60. He cheated in 68. Gore had more people try to vote for him that bush did, but its over. And Fla illegally kicked blacks off the roles.
Why would any normal thinkng American admit defeat in a stolen election .....

Regardless of political association?

Trump is looking for revenge. This is his way of undermining the country.
You are making shit up, why?

Trump has a 40 year reputation as a liar and a cheat. Wake up. He's out for revenge against the country.
And the Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's have 40 year history as theives and liars living off the taxpayers and what extra bribes they can squirrel away. Career "politicos"/apparatchiks !
They are out to pillage and plunder all they can before their plans for destruction of the country go into play.

You really don't see the differences between Trump .. or the Clintons, Bidens and Obamas? Really? Character isn't on your radar at all?
Character definetly is on my radar which is why I have little respect or regard for parasitic wealth takers and looters like the Clintons, the Obamas, or Bidens. The concept is one that eluded most of the Leftist~socialist~communist members posting here since they are also part of the same problem; not understanding the basics of economics along with also be looters and wealth takers more than makers/creators.

All three couples mentioned, within a couple years of graduating college and starting their "careers" went into employment funded by taxpayers and the into elected office, funded by taxpayers. Interestingly all have amassed personal fortunes beyond what could have happened had they saved every dime from their guv'mint paychecks and royalties for lame books*. There is the first character flaw by my standards.

Other flaws, ... in the case of Biden, the "quid-pro-quo" episode of he and his son in Burisma/Ukraine mess is another (and illustrative of others) and the dozens of pictures of him touching and nuzzling females, little girls especially, suggest Joe is a sleazy, creepy, pedo, molester. That this scum bag got votes (legal ones?) doesn't say much admirable about the citizens who voted for him and their character to either not notice or care about hie lack of character and integrity.

One of B.H. Obama's major character flaw was he was a liar, when not being an idiot in some matter. His first book was dedicated to bigamist, families abandoning father and ends with him raving about this new church and minister he's discovered. He joined this church because as he confessed in the book, it was essential for appearances and connections to be a member of a major church in the community where one wants to "organize" and build a political career. BHO's first book ends with him raving how inspired he was with Rev. Wright's sermon "The Audacity of Hope." So much so it seems that this becomes the title of BHO's second book.

The real character flaw for BHO comes when he's been elected POTUS and some ask about his association with "gawd-damn Amerika" Rev. Wright, and BHO says he never paid much attention to the Rev. and usually slept through the services. Fork-tongue liar BHO. Another case where the insult to injury is in the form of those lacking character whom voted for him.

As for SHillary; Benghazi! (Tip of an iceberg, but bad enough alone)

Just IMO, from a "deplorable".

Oh yeah; Trump. Like most whom rise in business or politics, has his flaws; but at least he tried to do what he said on campaign and those promises and intent are what resonant with the part of America that works for living creating wealth and trying to build up this nation, not tear down, demean and "fundamentally change(destroy)" which has been the Democrat agenda the past 50+ years. Trump was the closest thing to another Ronald Reagan we've had.

You sound like a loser who still doesn't know anything about Benghazi.

Trump is out for revenge.. Are you going to help him?
Sounds more like projection on your part after gazing in a mirror.

SHillary sent the ambassador and his party into harms way when it wasn't necessary, and without making sure that support and backup were close to hand if needed. Two wrongs right there. Then when stuff hit the fan, she failed to even try and deploy what distant resources were available, Third wrong. Then she failed to accept responsibility for her mistake and shrugged it off with the "what does it matter" comment. Fourth wrong!

She should be wearing an orange overalls and behind bars for dereliction of duty and possible treason.

Trump is also a symbol, or anti-thesis to the domination of professional political dynasties and elitism as seen from both parties in the past few decades. Though he falls short of the mark in some ways, he's the closest thing we have to Ronald Reagan since RR was POTUS. Compared to the theives and losers we can expect from the dumbocrats, likely Biden if still alive, or Harris; I'd have to help Trump since helping either of those two Dem rejects will so damage our nation and founding principles as to border on treason.

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