"when do we get to use the guns?

An obvious plant pops up in the audience of a "close Trump family ally" with a provocative question and the left finds an op-ed by somebody named David Badash (fake name?) and feigns hysteria. When are lefties going to behave like adults and address what's really wrong with the U.S. under the "leadership" of a doddering old fool?
Remind me again, where those plans are?...oh yeah, no where. Cause, nobody is coming for your guns.
I now return you to your alt-right, dungeon dwelling, fear mongering Internet groupings. :)
so youre admitting you lied and they do want to take the guns but so far have failed,,

thanks for your honesty,,
so youre admitting you lied and they do want to take the guns but so far have failed,,

thanks for your honesty,,
They haven't. And they won't. Because there's no popular support for it.
I mean, not even something approaching a number that would get anyone's attention.
You parrot it because it serves your narrative.
You should just lead with DEMOCRATS!!! - BAD!!! :)

It's easier and saves a lot of time too.
They haven't. And they won't. Because there's no popular support for it.
I mean, not even something approaching a number that would get anyone's attention.
You parrot it because it serves your narrative.
You should just lead with DEMOCRATS!!! - BAD!!! :)

It's easier and saves a lot of time too.
support has nothing to do with your lie they dont want to take them,,

just admit you lied so we can move on to productive matters??
support has nothing to do with your lie they dont want to take them,,

just admit you lied so we can move on to productive matters??
I'm saying I'm not going to change your alt-right, conspiracy theory laden brain.
The fact is, the only sites continually parroting this crap..are right wing.

No one is coming for your guns..or mine. End of story.
NOW, you can move on. :)
This is what Trumpism has brought us and it`s not good. They`re no longer just Deplorables, they have murder on their minds as we witnessed on Jan. 6th.
Ridiculous! Lefties continue to lie, cheat and steal. They are utterly disgusting vile people that hate America and Americans, and most likely themselves . They believe Trump and his supporters are equivalent to their violent anti American ways. So they try to bait them into retaliation, hoping to lure some mentally compromised person into grabbing a AR 15 and killing a few people . They don't care about the dead , just that they can use the event to further their agenda and blame Trump and his supporters. Think about it, what else do they have ? Let's go Brandon? Heels up Harris? Their wonderful plans for America? See what I mean? These violent cooks want Trump supporters to act like them . Don't do it ! We need to concentrate on unrigging elections. So we the people won't be cheated out of a fair and honest election!
I'm saying I'm not going to change your alt-right, conspiracy theory laden brain.
The fact is, the only sites continually parroting this crap..are right wing.

No one is coming for your guns..or mine. End of story.
NOW, you can move on. :)
when you say "no one" you mean all the people other than the ones that have been trying to do it for decades right??
There is nothing wrong with sensible gun control laws. Responsible gun owners don't fear them. They abide by them.
It's you fear mongering types who are the liars.....and the scared ones. :)
There is nothing wrong with sensible gun control laws

I agree.
Start enforcing them

Responsible gun owners don't fear them. They abide by them.

Yes, we do.

"It's you fear mongering types who are the liars.....and the scared ones. "

Like Feinstein, Beto, Biden, Pelosi?
The actual quote:
"When do we get to use the guns? No, and I’m not — that’s not a joke. I’m not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where’s the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?”
That is
At what point do we conclude the political and legal process has failed, and we take up arms?

It's a perfectly legitimate question.
Exactly, and lefties use it as bait. They are vile.
Kirk did denounce the violence:

Kirk “denounced” the audience member’s remarks because, he told the man, “you’re playing into all their plans and they’re trying to make you do this.”

“So, no, I – no, hold on. I – no – stop, hold on,” Kirk told him. “Now, I’m going to denounce that and I’m going to tell you why. Because you’re playing into all their plans and they’re trying to make you do this. That’s OK. Just hear me out,” he urged.

“They are trying to provoke you and everyone here. They are trying to make you do something that will be violent that will justify a takeover of your freedoms and liberties, the likes of which we have never seen,” Kirk fear-mongered.

Of course the left is provoking the violence. Even though they know they would be slaughtered like sheep, it would just reinforce their belief that they are the eternal victims of injustice, or some such crap. Liberalism gets its strength on the premise that certain classes of people have been victimized. And the left believes it's their sole duty to set it right, even if it means taking a bullet for whatever cause of the day. They actually have some twisted belief that martyrs go on living after they've been sacrificed to the cause.

If you doubt me, look how they worshiped the dead doper George Floyd.

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