When everyone wore a gun.....1870s!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In his book, Frontier Violence: Another Look, author W. Eugene Hollon, provides us with these astonishing facts:

In Abilene, Ellsworth, Wichita, Dodge City, and Caldwell, for the years from 1870 to 1885, there were only 45 total homicides.
This equates to a rate of approximately 1 murder per 100,000 residents per year.

In Abilene, supposedly one of the wildest of the cow towns, not a single person was killed in 1869 or 1870.

Zooming forward over a century to 2007, a quick look at Uniform Crime Report statistics as shown in Table 6,
shows the following regarding the aforementioned gun control “paradise” cities of the east and our home town:

Chicago - Obama's home town..516 HOMICIDES IN CHICAGO AS OF Dec. 16, 2012 most from guns!
DC – 183 Murders (31 per 100,000 residents)
New York – 496 Murders (6 per 100,000 residents)
Baltimore – 282 Murders (45 per 100,000 residents)
Newark – 104 Murders (37 per 100,000 residents)
San Antonio - 122 Murders (9.3 per 100,000 residents)

It doesn’t take an advanced degree in statistics to see that a return to “wild west” levels of violent crime would be a huge improvement for the residents of these cities.
Death Toll in the Old West from firearms vs the unarmed East!

As with Dodge City, the excitement in the Old West in general has been much overstated. All the big cattle towns of Kansas combined saw a total of 45 murders during the period of 1870-1885. Dodge City alone saw 15 people die violently from 1876–1885—an average of 1.5 per year. Deadwood, South Dakota and Tombstone, Arizona (home of the O.K. Corral), during their worst years of violence saw four and five murders respectively. Vigilante violence appears to not have been much worse.

According to Dykstra and Richard M. Brown, while the Kansas code gave mayors the power to call a vigilante group from all the men in the town who ranged in ages from 18–50, it seems, at least in Kansas, that it was rarely done. In a span of 38 years, Kansas had only 19 vigilante movements that accounted for 18 deaths. In addition, between 1876 and 1886, no one was lynched or hanged illegally in Dodge City.
The American West: A Heritage of Peace - Ryan McMaken - Mises Daily
Gun defense happens all the time but it rarely makes the headlines of the PC media. Democrats would rather have someone arrested for shooting the bad guy, especially if he was black & shooter was white. Most self defense by gun goes unreported because the shooter or person brandishing the firearm is afraid they will be in trouble by police.

Using data from a survey of detainees in a Washington D.C. jail, they worked with a prison physician to investigate the circumstances of gunshot wounds to these criminals. It was found that one in four of these detainees had been wounded, in events that appear unrelated to their incarceration. Most were shot when they were involved in other unreported robberies, assaults and crossfires. Virtually none report being wounded by a "law-abiding citizen." Go figure! They always try to pin it on the shooter even if they are in the right. Everyone knows this & will not report shooting criminals.

Here is just a small sample of actual reported Gun Defense over the past month:

11/30/2012 - An 81 year old man from Detroit was woke to the sounds of a brick shattering his glass door. He reached for his .22 Pistol and fired at the intruder three times. The intruder fled the scene. The 81 year old was unharmed.

11/21/2012 - Clemon Ferguson and Jeremy Pierce knocked on the locked door of Milwaukee hair salon "Hair Fantasies", and were let in by a customer. One of the men drew a gun and pointed it at the customer in the salon. The customer knocked the suspects arm away, and a shot was fired. The customer then drew his own gun, shooting both men. Ferguson died at the scene, and Pierce was wounded. Pierce later went to the police claiming he was shot when someone tried to mug him, but later admitted that story was false.

11/15/2012 - A woman was walking with her 6 year old son near Lake Sacajawea, when a man approached them and began masturbating in front of them, while encouraging the woman and child to watch. The woman brandished her handgun, causing the man to run away.

10/25/2012 - Three armed men broke into a home near UCF, Orlando, FL the homeowner confronted the men pulling out his own weapon and shooting one of the invaders several times. The two other men escaped through a second story window.

10/17/2012 - The 12 year old Kendra StClair was at home alone, when an unknown man (later identified as 32 year old Stacey Jones) rang the doorbell. The girl did not answer, and the Jones went to the back door of the home and kicked in the door. The girl called her mother, Debra StClair, who told her to get the family gun, hide in a closet, and call 911. The girl was on the phone with 911 as Jones went through the house, and when he began to open the closet, the girl shot him through the closet door. Jones ran away from the house and was found by the police and taken to the hospital. He was later charged with 1st Degree Burglary. Jones had previously been arrested for kidnapping an 18 year old mentally disabled girl.
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In his book, Frontier Violence: Another Look, author W. Eugene Hollon, provides us with these astonishing facts:

In Abilene, Ellsworth, Wichita, Dodge City, and Caldwell, for the years from 1870 to 1885, there were only 45 total homicides.
This equates to a rate of approximately 1 murder per 100,000 residents per year.

In Abilene, supposedly one of the wildest of the cow towns, not a single person was killed in 1869 or 1870.
Yeah....I'm sure every outlaw, who'd zapped someone, reported it to their nearest law-enforcement office!!

Unfortunately, liberals cannot fathom this argument.

Liberals believe ( and cannot be convinced otherwise...) that:

(a) higher tax rates will always bring in more revenue

(b) if guns are made illegal, criminals will not have guns

Liberals are sooooooo dumb...it hurts to think about it!
FAR FAR fewer then NOW!
That was a time when MOST people feared God, the law and obeyed the "Golden Rule"!

AND YOU IDiOTS don't bring up the American INDIAN CRaP!
There are more now and wealthier and LIVE longer Thanks to the White man!
That old cliched bull crap about oh... the poor indians! Indians killed thousands of buffalo driving them over cliffs just to use a few!
Ah but that's not romantic enough!
Gun defense happens all the time but it rarely makes the headlines of the PC media. Democrats would rather have someone arrested for shooting the bad guy, especially if he was black & shooter was white. Most self defense by gun goes unreported because the shooter or person brandishing the firearm is afraid they will be in trouble by police.

At least, that's what they say, right??

You Teabaggers have over-active imaginations.

In his book, Frontier Violence: Another Look, author W. Eugene Hollon, provides us with these astonishing facts:

In Abilene, Ellsworth, Wichita, Dodge City, and Caldwell, for the years from 1870 to 1885, there were only 45 total homicides.
This equates to a rate of approximately 1 murder per 100,000 residents per year.

In Abilene, supposedly one of the wildest of the cow towns, not a single person was killed in 1869 or 1870.
Yeah....I'm sure every outlaw, who'd zapped someone, reported it to their nearest law-enforcement office!!


"Nearest"??? sometimes took days to get a sheriff or Marshall... so people dealt with bad guys themselves... kinda what we are talking about NOW!
Unfortunately, liberals cannot fathom this argument.

Liberals believe ( and cannot be convinced otherwise...) that:

(a) higher tax rates will always bring in more revenue

(b) if guns are made illegal, criminals will not have guns

Liberals are sooooooo dumb...it hurts to think about it!

Gee.....thinking is painful, for Teabaggers.

Whatta revelation!
FAR FAR fewer then NOW!
That was a time when MOST people feared God, the law and obeyed the "Golden Rule"!

AND YOU IDiOTS don't bring up the American INDIAN CRaP!
There are more now and wealthier and LIVE longer Thanks to the White man!
A lil' Bush-logic, no doubt!!

"It's very interesting when you think about it, the slaves who left here to go to America, because of their steadfast and their religion and their belief in freedom, helped change America." — Lil' Dumbya - Dakar, Senegal, July 8, 2003

Remind me. How many people had automatic or semiautomatic weapons with high capacity clips in the 1870s?
Sorry myth the wild west wasn't even the wild west. Very few actually walked around strapped. You and Mr. Hoilon need to get educated.
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In his book, Frontier Violence: Another Look, author W. Eugene Hollon, provides us with these astonishing facts:

In Abilene, Ellsworth, Wichita, Dodge City, and Caldwell, for the years from 1870 to 1885, there were only 45 total homicides.
This equates to a rate of approximately 1 murder per 100,000 residents per year.

In Abilene, supposedly one of the wildest of the cow towns, not a single person was killed in 1869 or 1870.

Zooming forward over a century to 2007, a quick look at Uniform Crime Report statistics as shown in Table 6,
shows the following regarding the aforementioned gun control “paradise” cities of the east and our home town:

Chicago - Obama's home town..516 HOMICIDES IN CHICAGO AS OF Dec. 16, 2012 most from guns!
DC – 183 Murders (31 per 100,000 residents)
New York – 496 Murders (6 per 100,000 residents)
Baltimore – 282 Murders (45 per 100,000 residents)
Newark – 104 Murders (37 per 100,000 residents)
San Antonio - 122 Murders (9.3 per 100,000 residents)

It doesn’t take an advanced degree in statistics to see that a return to “wild west” levels of violent crime would be a huge improvement for the residents of these cities.
Death Toll in the Old West from firearms vs the unarmed East!

As with Dodge City, the excitement in the Old West in general has been much overstated. All the big cattle towns of Kansas combined saw a total of 45 murders during the period of 1870-1885. Dodge City alone saw 15 people die violently from 1876–1885—an average of 1.5 per year. Deadwood, South Dakota and Tombstone, Arizona (home of the O.K. Corral), during their worst years of violence saw four and five murders respectively. Vigilante violence appears to not have been much worse.

According to Dykstra and Richard M. Brown, while the Kansas code gave mayors the power to call a vigilante group from all the men in the town who ranged in ages from 18–50, it seems, at least in Kansas, that it was rarely done. In a span of 38 years, Kansas had only 19 vigilante movements that accounted for 18 deaths. In addition, between 1876 and 1886, no one was lynched or hanged illegally in Dodge City.
The American West: A Heritage of Peace - Ryan McMaken - Mises Daily

I see you failed math.

You're comparing things without any thought to population size, technology, and about a dozen other sociological factors.

You're thread is a FAIL.

I imagine your life is the same.
healthmyths' numbers are wrong and his facts are false.

Merely look up the towns and the times and do the correlations, and you will see the lies.
If reality existed at 24 frames per second, these nutters might really have a line on utopia.

Every man carries but never shoots anyone.
Doctors perform surgey and accept a chicken as payment.
Opie and the Beav without a care in the world.
In his book, Frontier Violence: Another Look, author W. Eugene Hollon, provides us with these astonishing facts:

In Abilene, Ellsworth, Wichita, Dodge City, and Caldwell, for the years from 1870 to 1885, there were only 45 total homicides.
This equates to a rate of approximately 1 murder per 100,000 residents per year.

In Abilene, supposedly one of the wildest of the cow towns, not a single person was killed in 1869 or 1870.

Zooming forward over a century to 2007, a quick look at Uniform Crime Report statistics as shown in Table 6,
shows the following regarding the aforementioned gun control “paradise” cities of the east and our home town:

Chicago - Obama's home town..516 HOMICIDES IN CHICAGO AS OF Dec. 16, 2012 most from guns!
DC – 183 Murders (31 per 100,000 residents)
New York – 496 Murders (6 per 100,000 residents)
Baltimore – 282 Murders (45 per 100,000 residents)
Newark – 104 Murders (37 per 100,000 residents)
San Antonio - 122 Murders (9.3 per 100,000 residents)

It doesn’t take an advanced degree in statistics to see that a return to “wild west” levels of violent crime would be a huge improvement for the residents of these cities.
Death Toll in the Old West from firearms vs the unarmed East!

As with Dodge City, the excitement in the Old West in general has been much overstated. All the big cattle towns of Kansas combined saw a total of 45 murders during the period of 1870-1885. Dodge City alone saw 15 people die violently from 1876–1885—an average of 1.5 per year. Deadwood, South Dakota and Tombstone, Arizona (home of the O.K. Corral), during their worst years of violence saw four and five murders respectively. Vigilante violence appears to not have been much worse.

According to Dykstra and Richard M. Brown, while the Kansas code gave mayors the power to call a vigilante group from all the men in the town who ranged in ages from 18–50, it seems, at least in Kansas, that it was rarely done. In a span of 38 years, Kansas had only 19 vigilante movements that accounted for 18 deaths. In addition, between 1876 and 1886, no one was lynched or hanged illegally in Dodge City.
The American West: A Heritage of Peace - Ryan McMaken - Mises Daily


There were first..a heck of alot less people. There were almost no police. Or ways to report homicides. The data from the "Old West" is spotty at best.

And if pistol packing cowboys were such a good idea..why did "the law" move to get rid of that?
Gun defense happens all the time but it rarely makes the headlines of the PC media. Democrats would rather have someone arrested for shooting the bad guy, especially if he was black & shooter was white. Most self defense by gun goes unreported because the shooter or person brandishing the firearm is afraid they will be in trouble by police.

Using data from a survey of detainees in a Washington D.C. jail, they worked with a prison physician to investigate the circumstances of gunshot wounds to these criminals. It was found that one in four of these detainees had been wounded, in events that appear unrelated to their incarceration. Most were shot when they were involved in other unreported robberies, assaults and crossfires. Virtually none report being wounded by a "law-abiding citizen." Go figure! They always try to pin it on the shooter even if they are in the right. Everyone knows this & will not report shooting criminals.

Here is just a small sample of actual reported Gun Defense over the past month:

11/30/2012 - An 81 year old man from Detroit was woke to the sounds of a brick shattering his glass door. He reached for his .22 Pistol and fired at the intruder three times. The intruder fled the scene. The 81 year old was unharmed.

11/21/2012 - Clemon Ferguson and Jeremy Pierce knocked on the locked door of Milwaukee hair salon "Hair Fantasies", and were let in by a customer. One of the men drew a gun and pointed it at the customer in the salon. The customer knocked the suspects arm away, and a shot was fired. The customer then drew his own gun, shooting both men. Ferguson died at the scene, and Pierce was wounded. Pierce later went to the police claiming he was shot when someone tried to mug him, but later admitted that story was false.

11/15/2012 - A woman was walking with her 6 year old son near Lake Sacajawea, when a man approached them and began masturbating in front of them, while encouraging the woman and child to watch. The woman brandished her handgun, causing the man to run away.

10/25/2012 - Three armed men broke into a home near UCF, Orlando, FL the homeowner confronted the men pulling out his own weapon and shooting one of the invaders several times. The two other men escaped through a second story window.

10/17/2012 - The 12 year old Kendra StClair was at home alone, when an unknown man (later identified as 32 year old Stacey Jones) rang the doorbell. The girl did not answer, and the Jones went to the back door of the home and kicked in the door. The girl called her mother, Debra StClair, who told her to get the family gun, hide in a closet, and call 911. The girl was on the phone with 911 as Jones went through the house, and when he began to open the closet, the girl shot him through the closet door. Jones ran away from the house and was found by the police and taken to the hospital. He was later charged with 1st Degree Burglary. Jones had previously been arrested for kidnapping an 18 year old mentally disabled girl.

That one line is so true. If someone defends themselves from say a robbery on the street by pulling their weapon, they aren't about to call the cops and be questioned.


The sad fact today is that the police often are not your friends even when you're right. They seem to have knack for making the victim the criminal...or so it often appears.
In his book, Frontier Violence: Another Look, author W. Eugene Hollon, provides us with these astonishing facts:

In Abilene, Ellsworth, Wichita, Dodge City, and Caldwell, for the years from 1870 to 1885, there were only 45 total homicides.
This equates to a rate of approximately 1 murder per 100,000 residents per year.

In Abilene, supposedly one of the wildest of the cow towns, not a single person was killed in 1869 or 1870.

Zooming forward over a century to 2007, a quick look at Uniform Crime Report statistics as shown in Table 6,
shows the following regarding the aforementioned gun control “paradise” cities of the east and our home town:

Chicago - Obama's home town..516 HOMICIDES IN CHICAGO AS OF Dec. 16, 2012 most from guns!
DC – 183 Murders (31 per 100,000 residents)
New York – 496 Murders (6 per 100,000 residents)
Baltimore – 282 Murders (45 per 100,000 residents)
Newark – 104 Murders (37 per 100,000 residents)
San Antonio - 122 Murders (9.3 per 100,000 residents)

It doesn’t take an advanced degree in statistics to see that a return to “wild west” levels of violent crime would be a huge improvement for the residents of these cities.
Death Toll in the Old West from firearms vs the unarmed East!

As with Dodge City, the excitement in the Old West in general has been much overstated. All the big cattle towns of Kansas combined saw a total of 45 murders during the period of 1870-1885. Dodge City alone saw 15 people die violently from 1876–1885—an average of 1.5 per year. Deadwood, South Dakota and Tombstone, Arizona (home of the O.K. Corral), during their worst years of violence saw four and five murders respectively. Vigilante violence appears to not have been much worse.

According to Dykstra and Richard M. Brown, while the Kansas code gave mayors the power to call a vigilante group from all the men in the town who ranged in ages from 18–50, it seems, at least in Kansas, that it was rarely done. In a span of 38 years, Kansas had only 19 vigilante movements that accounted for 18 deaths. In addition, between 1876 and 1886, no one was lynched or hanged illegally in Dodge City.
The American West: A Heritage of Peace - Ryan McMaken - Mises Daily
those guys used to miss a lot too.....

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