When GOP values = business regs for political expression, you know we've lost the script

Stormy Daniels

Gold Member
Mar 19, 2018
I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations
I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations

The sooner Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google have been reined in, the better for all Americans. What I choose to believe (oh so optimistically), is that in the absence of possessing sufficient historical knowledge with which to draw the proper terrifying parallels between the lead up to bygone historical atrocities committed in the name of revolution and ultimate freedom from traditional authority, individuals such as yourself remain blissfully ignorant in their casting of arrows-in-the-dark anti-confidence. I challenge you to read thoroughly the lead up to the French Revolution (1750's-1789), and to then delve deep into the horrors of the Revolution itself. Eerie and terrifying similarities. Knowledge is power. Out.
I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations

The sooner Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google have been reined in, the better for all Americans. What I choose to believe (oh so optimistically), is that in the absence of possessing sufficient historical knowledge with which to draw the proper terrifying parallels between the lead up to bygone historical atrocities committed in the name of revolution and ultimate freedom from traditional authority, individuals such as yourself remain blissfully ignorant in their casting of arrows-in-the-dark anti-confidence. I challenge you to read thoroughly the lead up to the French Revolution (1750's-1789), and to then delve deep into the horrors of the Revolution itself. Eerie and terrifying similarities. Knowledge is power. Out.
Asshole, we have a little thing in our Constitution called the First Amendment. Start a browser of your own if you do not like Google. In the meantime, there are a bunch of browsers out there.
I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations

The sooner Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google have been reined in, the better for all Americans. What I choose to believe (oh so optimistically), is that in the absence of possessing sufficient historical knowledge with which to draw the proper terrifying parallels between the lead up to bygone historical atrocities committed in the name of revolution and ultimate freedom from traditional authority, individuals such as yourself remain blissfully ignorant in their casting of arrows-in-the-dark anti-confidence. I challenge you to read thoroughly the lead up to the French Revolution (1750's-1789), and to then delve deep into the horrors of the Revolution itself. Eerie and terrifying similarities. Knowledge is power. Out.
Asshole, we have a little thing in our Constitution called the First Amendment. Start a browser of your own if you do not like Google. In the meantime, there are a bunch of browsers out there.
Google is not a browser, it’s a search engine, and just about every search engine returns the same results.
I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations

The sooner Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google have been reined in, the better for all Americans. What I choose to believe (oh so optimistically), is that in the absence of possessing sufficient historical knowledge with which to draw the proper terrifying parallels between the lead up to bygone historical atrocities committed in the name of revolution and ultimate freedom from traditional authority, individuals such as yourself remain blissfully ignorant in their casting of arrows-in-the-dark anti-confidence. I challenge you to read thoroughly the lead up to the French Revolution (1750's-1789), and to then delve deep into the horrors of the Revolution itself. Eerie and terrifying similarities. Knowledge is power. Out.
Asshole, we have a little thing in our Constitution called the First Amendment. Start a browser of your own if you do not like Google. In the meantime, there are a bunch of browsers out there.

Apparently, all you've got is the anonymity of vitriol. Educate yourself, fellow USMB member. Like G.I. Joe once said . . . "knowing is half the battle." Although, I'd argue that the act of knowing and subsequent realization is most of the battle. Our American Conservative voices terrify you, right?
I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations

The sooner Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google have been reined in, the better for all Americans. What I choose to believe (oh so optimistically), is that in the absence of possessing sufficient historical knowledge with which to draw the proper terrifying parallels between the lead up to bygone historical atrocities committed in the name of revolution and ultimate freedom from traditional authority, individuals such as yourself remain blissfully ignorant in their casting of arrows-in-the-dark anti-confidence. I challenge you to read thoroughly the lead up to the French Revolution (1750's-1789), and to then delve deep into the horrors of the Revolution itself. Eerie and terrifying similarities. Knowledge is power. Out.

I love it!! In order to save the country from the “leftist revolutionaries” we have to ignore the Constitution and have the government control private companies!

Sort of like burning down your house to get rid of a mouse.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
We've really lost our shit. The wings are so quick to find excuses for authoritarianism it can make yer head spin.

And of course, they don't "see" it. Ha.

We see it all, all too clearly--from an historical perspective of the likelihood of historical atrocity actually being repeated by American Leftist ideologue led revolutionaries. With waning optimism I catch the scent of irony and naïveté where once was the aroma of American inquisitiveness and self-education and fierce resistance to the ideologies of Enlightenment Era ideological cabalism. Just think for a moment, Mac, what our nation would be like today if our Founders had smoked the same Diderot and Voltaire dealt philosophical crack as French Revolutionaries. Problem is, we're about to get a second chance to experience that alternate history.
I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations

The sooner Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google have been reined in, the better for all Americans. What I choose to believe (oh so optimistically), is that in the absence of possessing sufficient historical knowledge with which to draw the proper terrifying parallels between the lead up to bygone historical atrocities committed in the name of revolution and ultimate freedom from traditional authority, individuals such as yourself remain blissfully ignorant in their casting of arrows-in-the-dark anti-confidence. I challenge you to read thoroughly the lead up to the French Revolution (1750's-1789), and to then delve deep into the horrors of the Revolution itself. Eerie and terrifying similarities. Knowledge is power. Out.

I love it!! In order to save the country from the “leftist revolutionaries” we have to ignore the Constitution and have the government control private companies!

Sort of like burning down your house to get rid of a mouse.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Irony continues to prevail. How does the First Amendment protect speech on privately held social media platforms? Why just last week, here on USMB, the Left--and their "independent" crocodilian apologists--were educating all of us Conservative and patriotic Americans all about the foolishness of our expectations for protected speech on the likes of Facebook and Twitter. Verdict: you and many others here fear the hell out of what Conservative voices have to say. Shame.
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I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations

The sooner Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google have been reined in, the better for all Americans. What I choose to believe (oh so optimistically), is that in the absence of possessing sufficient historical knowledge with which to draw the proper terrifying parallels between the lead up to bygone historical atrocities committed in the name of revolution and ultimate freedom from traditional authority, individuals such as yourself remain blissfully ignorant in their casting of arrows-in-the-dark anti-confidence. I challenge you to read thoroughly the lead up to the French Revolution (1750's-1789), and to then delve deep into the horrors of the Revolution itself. Eerie and terrifying similarities. Knowledge is power. Out.

You've made the following assertion:

Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google...

My problem with those of Cult45 is that you've offered no tangible evidence to support this assertion. In debate, when someone introduces an unknown, the burden of proof is on said individual, so I'll require this before going any further. You say Google is leftist. No supporting evidence. You say it's propaganda dissemination. I disagree. Anecdotal support is useless here.

...have been reined in, the better for all Americans.

And yet you call for, what? More government regulation over baseless allegations? Do you know what you sound like?
I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations

The sooner Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google have been reined in, the better for all Americans. What I choose to believe (oh so optimistically), is that in the absence of possessing sufficient historical knowledge with which to draw the proper terrifying parallels between the lead up to bygone historical atrocities committed in the name of revolution and ultimate freedom from traditional authority, individuals such as yourself remain blissfully ignorant in their casting of arrows-in-the-dark anti-confidence. I challenge you to read thoroughly the lead up to the French Revolution (1750's-1789), and to then delve deep into the horrors of the Revolution itself. Eerie and terrifying similarities. Knowledge is power. Out.

You've made the following assertion:

Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google...

My problem with those of Cult45 is that you've offered no tangible evidence to support this assertion. In debate, when someone introduces an unknown, the burden of proof is on said individual, so I'll require this before going any further. You say Google is leftist. No supporting evidence. You say it's propaganda dissemination. I disagree. Anecdotal support is useless here.

...have been reined in, the better for all Americans.

And yet you call for, what? More government regulation over baseless allegations? Do you know what you sound like?

Hardly worthy of my time. You wish for me to remove the covering from the syllogism underlying my conclusions, as a means of implying that in my failure to do so--to lay them bare for your examination, your asinine "side" somehow wins. I have provided all of the tools you will ever need to draw historical parallels between the lead up to the French Revolution and the lead up here and now, to a very likely coming similar revolution in today's America, part of which is social media censorship of Right based voices. Whether or not you can overcome the indoctrination or will even try, is up to you. Nevertheless, a bone for doggy:

I would compare American Leftism disseminating ideology social media platforms such as Google and further, the de facto prevailing wind-law of political correctness, as similar in spirit to the earliest nascence of the Committee of Public Safety in Revolution Era France. How are they similar? Google (ha, ha) is your best friend . . . . but not for the un-whitewashed truth. Ironic, isn't it?

No. I call for the equal representation of voices from across the entirety of the American political spectrum, even yours. Absent Google doing that, to the Bastille with them!
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I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations
Oh NO! Now Trump is calling attention to the liberal control of social media like he pointed out liberal bias in the media....

When will the horror stop?! :p

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Twitter Employees Admit To Censoring Conservatives, Banning Them For Political Reasons

The truth actually coming out is a friggin' Liberal nightmare...

I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations

The sooner Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google have been reined in, the better for all Americans. What I choose to believe (oh so optimistically), is that in the absence of possessing sufficient historical knowledge with which to draw the proper terrifying parallels between the lead up to bygone historical atrocities committed in the name of revolution and ultimate freedom from traditional authority, individuals such as yourself remain blissfully ignorant in their casting of arrows-in-the-dark anti-confidence. I challenge you to read thoroughly the lead up to the French Revolution (1750's-1789), and to then delve deep into the horrors of the Revolution itself. Eerie and terrifying similarities. Knowledge is power. Out.

I love it!! In order to save the country from the “leftist revolutionaries” we have to ignore the Constitution and have the government control private companies!

Sort of like burning down your house to get rid of a mouse.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Irony continues to prevail. How does the First Amendment protect speech on privately held social media platforms? Why just last week, here on USMB, the Left--and their "independent" crocodilian apologists--were educating all of us Conservative and patriotic Americans all about the foolishness of our expectations for protected speech on the likes of Facebook and Twitter. Verdict: you and many others here fear the hell out of what Conservative voices have to say. Shame.

Speaking of irony, a person that is advocating for government interference in a private business has the balls to call themselves a conservative!

What a fucking joke. Sad you lack the intelligence to see the irony.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations

The sooner Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google have been reined in, the better for all Americans. What I choose to believe (oh so optimistically), is that in the absence of possessing sufficient historical knowledge with which to draw the proper terrifying parallels between the lead up to bygone historical atrocities committed in the name of revolution and ultimate freedom from traditional authority, individuals such as yourself remain blissfully ignorant in their casting of arrows-in-the-dark anti-confidence. I challenge you to read thoroughly the lead up to the French Revolution (1750's-1789), and to then delve deep into the horrors of the Revolution itself. Eerie and terrifying similarities. Knowledge is power. Out.

I love it!! In order to save the country from the “leftist revolutionaries” we have to ignore the Constitution and have the government control private companies!

Sort of like burning down your house to get rid of a mouse.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Irony continues to prevail. How does the First Amendment protect speech on privately held social media platforms? Why just last week, here on USMB, the Left--and their "independent" crocodilian apologists--were educating all of us Conservative and patriotic Americans all about the foolishness of our expectations for protected speech on the likes of Facebook and Twitter. Verdict: you and many others here fear the hell out of what Conservative voices have to say. Shame.

Speaking of irony, a person that is advocating for government interference in a private business has the balls to call themselves a conservative!

What a fucking joke. Sad you lack the intelligence to see the irony.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Sadder that, in failing to understand my riposte, you walk away from our encounter believing your scaly tail is still attached.
Hardly worthy of my time. You wish for me to remove the covering from the syllogism underlying my conclusions, as a means of implying that in my failure to do so--to lay them bare for your examination, your asinine "side" somehow winds. I have provided all of the tools you will ever need to draw historical parallels between the lead up to the French Revolution and the lead up here and now, to a very likely coming similar revolution in today's America, part of which is social media censorship of Right based voices. Whether or not you can overcome the indoctrination or will even try, is up to you.

Interesting. In explaining your position, you seem to be trying to convert me to concede to a position that compares the government oversight of a Committee, established in 1793 during the French Reign of Terror, to a private sector platform of non-verbal communication invented over 200 years later. Do you sincerely expect me to accept this comparison as a rational, cogent one?

I would compare American Leftism disseminating ideology social media platforms such as Google and further, the de facto prevailing wind-law of political correctness, as similar in spirit to the earliest nascence of the Committee of Public Safety in Revolution Era France. How are they similar? Google (ha, ha) is your best friend . . . . but not for the un-whitewashed truth. Ironic, isn't it?

'De facto prevailing wind-law of political correctness'? Lol. :auiqs.jpg:That is a dazzling word salad. Don't hurt yourself, wordsmith superstar. It doesn't seem to be a useful phrase, but good luck with it nonetheless.

No. I call for the equal representation of voices from across the entirety of the American political spectrum, even yours. Absent Google doing that, to the Bastille with them!

I've always agreed with equal representation across the board. Your argument has a fatal flaw in that you seem to have missed the fact that today's social media as well as search engine algorithms are based upon content from both humans and non-humans (robots). Thus, your comparisons are rather moot, wouldn't you agree?
Hardly worthy of my time. You wish for me to remove the covering from the syllogism underlying my conclusions, as a means of implying that in my failure to do so--to lay them bare for your examination, your asinine "side" somehow winds. I have provided all of the tools you will ever need to draw historical parallels between the lead up to the French Revolution and the lead up here and now, to a very likely coming similar revolution in today's America, part of which is social media censorship of Right based voices. Whether or not you can overcome the indoctrination or will even try, is up to you.

Interesting. In explaining your position, you seem to be trying to convert me to concede to a position that compares the government oversight of a Committee, established in 1793 during the French Reign of Terror, to a private sector platform of non-verbal communication invented over 200 years later. Do you sincerely expect me to accept this comparison as a rational, cogent one?

I would compare American Leftism disseminating ideology social media platforms such as Google and further, the de facto prevailing wind-law of political correctness, as similar in spirit to the earliest nascence of the Committee of Public Safety in Revolution Era France. How are they similar? Google (ha, ha) is your best friend . . . . but not for the un-whitewashed truth. Ironic, isn't it?

'De facto prevailing wind-law of political correctness'? Lol. :auiqs.jpg:That is a dazzling word salad. Don't hurt yourself, wordsmith superstar. It doesn't seem to be a useful phrase, but good luck with it nonetheless.

No. I call for the equal representation of voices from across the entirety of the American political spectrum, even yours. Absent Google doing that, to the Bastille with them!

I've always agreed with equal representation across the board. Your argument has a fatal flaw in that you seem to have missed the fact that today's social media as well as search engine algorithms are based upon content from both humans and non-humans (robots). Thus, your comparisons are rather moot, wouldn't you agree?

Were you not so (seemingly) thoroughly fed on the epistemology of Hegel, then yes--I would expect you to recognize the truth, rather than dance around it lasciviously on a pole of smokescreen and mirrors, arranged I suspect, in just so a positioning of angles as to catch the last free light of a dying civilization and divert it away from sight. The best you can do then, is to repeat back to me--and for the rest of the thread participants--my own words, flavored with accusatory inference of their "obvious" humor as proof of their invalidity. I expected better.

Humans program it all. Or, are you asserting that algorithmic logic is self-realizing?
Hardly worthy of my time. You wish for me to remove the covering from the syllogism underlying my conclusions, as a means of implying that in my failure to do so--to lay them bare for your examination, your asinine "side" somehow winds. I have provided all of the tools you will ever need to draw historical parallels between the lead up to the French Revolution and the lead up here and now, to a very likely coming similar revolution in today's America, part of which is social media censorship of Right based voices. Whether or not you can overcome the indoctrination or will even try, is up to you.

Interesting. In explaining your position, you seem to be trying to convert me to concede to a position that compares the government oversight of a Committee, established in 1793 during the French Reign of Terror, to a private sector platform of non-verbal communication invented over 200 years later. Do you sincerely expect me to accept this comparison as a rational, cogent one?

I would compare American Leftism disseminating ideology social media platforms such as Google and further, the de facto prevailing wind-law of political correctness, as similar in spirit to the earliest nascence of the Committee of Public Safety in Revolution Era France. How are they similar? Google (ha, ha) is your best friend . . . . but not for the un-whitewashed truth. Ironic, isn't it?

'De facto prevailing wind-law of political correctness'? Lol. :auiqs.jpg:That is a dazzling word salad. Don't hurt yourself, wordsmith superstar. It doesn't seem to be a useful phrase, but good luck with it nonetheless.

No. I call for the equal representation of voices from across the entirety of the American political spectrum, even yours. Absent Google doing that, to the Bastille with them!

I've always agreed with equal representation across the board. Your argument has a fatal flaw in that you seem to have missed the fact that today's social media as well as search engine algorithms are based upon content from both humans and non-humans (robots). Thus, your comparisons are rather moot, wouldn't you agree?

Were you not so (seemingly) thoroughly fed on the epistemology of Hegel, then yes--I would expect you to recognize the truth, rather than dance around it lasciviously on a pole of smokescreen and mirrors, arranged I suspect, in just so a positioning of angles as to catch the last free light of a dying civilization and divert it away from sight. The best you can do then, is to repeat back to me--and for the rest of the thread participants--my own words, flavored with accusatory inference of their "obvious" humor as proof of their invalidity. I expected better.

Humans program it all. Or, are you asserting that algorithmic logic is self-realizing?

Not self-realizing, obviously, because that would be artificial intelligence. Software based 'robots' can and do perform their own simple task(s) (simple programming/adding content) and can replicate at will, affecting algorithms. Thus, your first sentence is incorrect.
Hardly worthy of my time. You wish for me to remove the covering from the syllogism underlying my conclusions, as a means of implying that in my failure to do so--to lay them bare for your examination, your asinine "side" somehow winds. I have provided all of the tools you will ever need to draw historical parallels between the lead up to the French Revolution and the lead up here and now, to a very likely coming similar revolution in today's America, part of which is social media censorship of Right based voices. Whether or not you can overcome the indoctrination or will even try, is up to you.

Interesting. In explaining your position, you seem to be trying to convert me to concede to a position that compares the government oversight of a Committee, established in 1793 during the French Reign of Terror, to a private sector platform of non-verbal communication invented over 200 years later. Do you sincerely expect me to accept this comparison as a rational, cogent one?

I would compare American Leftism disseminating ideology social media platforms such as Google and further, the de facto prevailing wind-law of political correctness, as similar in spirit to the earliest nascence of the Committee of Public Safety in Revolution Era France. How are they similar? Google (ha, ha) is your best friend . . . . but not for the un-whitewashed truth. Ironic, isn't it?

'De facto prevailing wind-law of political correctness'? Lol. :auiqs.jpg:That is a dazzling word salad. Don't hurt yourself, wordsmith superstar. It doesn't seem to be a useful phrase, but good luck with it nonetheless.

No. I call for the equal representation of voices from across the entirety of the American political spectrum, even yours. Absent Google doing that, to the Bastille with them!

I've always agreed with equal representation across the board. Your argument has a fatal flaw in that you seem to have missed the fact that today's social media as well as search engine algorithms are based upon content from both humans and non-humans (robots). Thus, your comparisons are rather moot, wouldn't you agree?

Were you not so (seemingly) thoroughly fed on the epistemology of Hegel, then yes--I would expect you to recognize the truth, rather than dance around it lasciviously on a pole of smokescreen and mirrors, arranged I suspect, in just so a positioning of angles as to catch the last free light of a dying civilization and divert it away from sight. The best you can do then, is to repeat back to me--and for the rest of the thread participants--my own words, flavored with accusatory inference of their "obvious" humor as proof of their invalidity. I expected better.

Humans program it all. Or, are you asserting that algorithmic logic is self-realizing?

Not self-realizing, obviously, because that would be artificial intelligence. Software based 'robots' can and do perform their own simple task(s) (simple programming/adding content) and can replicate at will, affecting algorithms. Thus, your first sentence is incorrect.

Touché. However, what you seem to be missing is the human logic behind the "bots" performance of "their own simple tasks". What I am speaking to is Game Theory, and more precisely, to the Nash Equilibrium vs, the Consistent Self-Confirming Equilibrium and Zermelo's Theorem. So, are the autonomously performed tasks of algorithmic "bots" playing a zero sum game cooperatively or non-cooperatively in their--according to your assertion--non-biased editing of specific political speech?

When we send Google off to fetch search results, are we spinning for information the accuracy of which is based on the random hell of software architecture, or a politically weighted roulette wheel? The answer can be had without understanding all of the nuanced complexities (which exist within a certain logic bubble of their own) of the above human devised philosophies. Just Google and find out.

Lastly, political censorship is not a new age concept. During the five decade approach to the French Revolution Christian doctrine, in the form of speech and texts--mainly those of the Catholic Church, was intentionally supplanted by Enlightenment Era driving atheist and deist philosophy. As were media of the time supplanted--those supporting the Royalists and the political/social functions--namely economic in nature-- of the Second Estate, with anti- Ancien Régime propaganda.
I'm starting to wish that the cultists would all band together and break away from the Republican party. Start a new party, named and designed in His image. Just call it the Trump party. The platform is whatever stupid shit comes out of Donald's mouth.

Afterwards, hold a Grand Convention where everyone gathers on Staten Island. Declare Staten to be an independent state with Donald as the High King.

Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations

The sooner Leftist revolutionary propaganda dissemination apparatuses such as Google have been reined in, the better for all Americans. What I choose to believe (oh so optimistically), is that in the absence of possessing sufficient historical knowledge with which to draw the proper terrifying parallels between the lead up to bygone historical atrocities committed in the name of revolution and ultimate freedom from traditional authority, individuals such as yourself remain blissfully ignorant in their casting of arrows-in-the-dark anti-confidence. I challenge you to read thoroughly the lead up to the French Revolution (1750's-1789), and to then delve deep into the horrors of the Revolution itself. Eerie and terrifying similarities. Knowledge is power. Out.
Asshole, we have a little thing in our Constitution called the First Amendment. Start a browser of your own if you do not like Google. In the meantime, there are a bunch of browsers out there.

No.... as it was explained over at the dailywire by Andrew Klavan and Michael Knowles.... the phone company doesn't have to worry about libel and slander law suits because they are a " platform" and do not edit content. The tech companies like Facebook, and Google claim to be " platforms," but are now acting like publishers, picking and choosing what content they put forward. If they want to keep from being treated like Publishers, they need to start acting like "platforms," and stop editing who is or isn't on their site and who is or isn't allowed to be seen in their searches.

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