When government refuses to take not guilty, or no, for an answer..


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
In Oregon and Nevada, juries refuse to convict rural landowners and activists. But that doesn't stop the feds from keeping ranchers and others in prison, waiting months and years for trials on trumped up charges that are being acquitted.

"....these trials have become extended grudge matches by the federal government and its employees against people challenging their authority in general, and westerners pushing back over control of public lands in particular."

Eric Parker and O.Scott Drexler are going to be tried for a THIRD time on charges that so far juries have refused to convict them on. Last time, there was a single hold out...11 of 12 jurors wanted to acquit.

".... the jury voted 11-1 to acquit across the board. That one holdout allows the federal government to muster the resources of the federal government to try yet again in hopes that a third set of jurors will finally believe the government and convict Parker and Drexler of assaulting a federal officer and carrying a firearm in the commission of a crime and (in the case of Parker) two additional counts of using a firearm to threaten a federal officer."

"Judge Navarro threw Parker off the stand—ironically, right after he mentioned the First Amendment—cutting short his testimony in his own defense and even striking it from the record. Even before that point, the judge "barred the defense from referencing constitutional rights to freely assemble and to bear arms. She also prohibited mention of alleged misconduct or excessive force by law enforcement," reported the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

".... Judge Navarro's heavy-handed courtroom management played a major role in the jury's refusal to bring a single "guilty" verdict. Defending the status quo, refusing to cede power, the feds pushed too hard and had their anticipated victory stripped from them by offended representatives of the people in the courtroom."

When Government Can’t Take 'Not Guilty' For an Answer
I'm not shedding any tears for the Bundy scofflaws. A mistrial for a hung jury on multiple charges for multiple defendants was the right call, dummy! Why didn't they all choose to have separate trials for each of the six rather than a single trial for all of the the Bundy Bunch? They and the rest of you double standard drones need to understand the full scope of the up and down sides the Bundy Bunch chose!

Tissue now?
How is the government keeping them in jail awaiting trial? Make bail.

Funny to see righties cry about a rigged justice system.
I'm not shedding any tears for the Bundy scofflaws. A mistrial for a hung jury on multiple charges for multiple defendants was the right call, dummy! Why didn't they all choose to have separate trials for each of the six rather than a single trial for all of the the Bundy Bunch? They and the rest of you double standard drones need to understand the full scope of the up and down sides the Bundy Bunch chose!

Tissue now?
If they are scofflaws, there would have been convictions.

You see the problem there, pig?

They aren't scofflaws. The scofflaws are the feds.

LaVoy Finicum shooting: FBI agent indicted for alleged false statements
FBI agent pleads not guilty to lying about Finicum shooting
BLM won't back up claim rancher Cliven Bundy owes $1 million
Jury finds all Oregon standoff defendants not guilty of federal conspiracy, gun charges
I LOVE Jury Nullification!

You know, if people serving on juries would nullify every cannabis possession trial, mj would be legal by default.
In Oregon and Nevada, juries refuse to convict rural landowners and activists. But that doesn't stop the feds from keeping ranchers and others in prison, waiting months and years for trials on trumped up charges that are being acquitted.

"....these trials have become extended grudge matches by the federal government and its employees against people challenging their authority in general, and westerners pushing back over control of public lands in particular."

Eric Parker and O.Scott Drexler are going to be tried for a THIRD time on charges that so far juries have refused to convict them on. Last time, there was a single hold out...11 of 12 jurors wanted to acquit.

".... the jury voted 11-1 to acquit across the board. That one holdout allows the federal government to muster the resources of the federal government to try yet again in hopes that a third set of jurors will finally believe the government and convict Parker and Drexler of assaulting a federal officer and carrying a firearm in the commission of a crime and (in the case of Parker) two additional counts of using a firearm to threaten a federal officer."

"Judge Navarro threw Parker off the stand—ironically, right after he mentioned the First Amendment—cutting short his testimony in his own defense and even striking it from the record. Even before that point, the judge "barred the defense from referencing constitutional rights to freely assemble and to bear arms. She also prohibited mention of alleged misconduct or excessive force by law enforcement," reported the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

".... Judge Navarro's heavy-handed courtroom management played a major role in the jury's refusal to bring a single "guilty" verdict. Defending the status quo, refusing to cede power, the feds pushed too hard and had their anticipated victory stripped from them by offended representatives of the people in the courtroom."

When Government Can’t Take 'Not Guilty' For an Answer
I think what these assholes did was wrong. But if they were acquitted by a jury of their retarded peers, then that should be the end of it. This is a very precious core value of America.

Even most of the participants in Shay's rebellion were pardoned or granted amnesty. Only two were actually hanged. Shay himself was pardoned.

America is awesome.
I LOVE Jury Nullification!

You know, if people serving on juries would nullify every cannabis possession trial, mj would be legal by default.
In Oregon, it is legal.

And meth is only a misdemeanor.

Add that to our *sanctuary* status and our "abortion until the two year mark" status, and we are a fucking child/drug trafficking nirvana!
I think what these assholes did was wrong. But if they were acquitted by a jury of their retarded peers, then that should be the end of it. .

they weren't acquitted, you ignoramus. It was a hung jury.
Most were acquitted.
There were *hung juries* on a few of the charges, and as a result. two people are being tried for the THIRD TIME.
I LOVE Jury Nullification!

You know, if people serving on juries would nullify every cannabis possession trial, mj would be legal by default.
The judge refused to allow anybody to discuss jury nullification or to use any terms that might ever be used in concert with the definition of jury nullification. She also banned the Constitution, any reference to the Constitution, and shut down the courtroom and had testimony of a defendant STRUCK FROM THE RECORD when he dared to reference freedom of speech.

In addition, they would not allow any evidence of the threats and assaults of the so-called *agents* at Bunkerville.
I think what these assholes did was wrong. But if they were acquitted by a jury of their retarded peers, then that should be the end of it. .

they weren't acquitted, you ignoramus. It was a hung jury.
Some were acquitted, some were hung juries.

It is only because jeopardy was not attached to the hung jury trials that the feds are able to keep retrying the diminishing pool of varmints.

For all intents and purposes, an overwhelming majority of their peers want them acquitted. As much as I detest these assholes, the feds should let them go.
I think what these assholes did was wrong. But if they were acquitted by a jury of their retarded peers, then that should be the end of it. .

they weren't acquitted, you ignoramus. It was a hung jury.
Some were acquitted, some were hung juries.

It is only because jeopardy was not attached to the hung jury trials that the feds are able to keep retrying the diminishing pool of varmints.

For all intents and purposes, an overwhelming majority of their peers want them acquitted. As much as I detest these assholes, the feds should let them go.

And the feds should be chased out of dodge forever.
I think what these assholes did was wrong. But if they were acquitted by a jury of their retarded peers, then that should be the end of it. .

they weren't acquitted, you ignoramus. It was a hung jury.
Some were acquitted, some were hung juries.

It is only because jeopardy was not attached to the hung jury trials that the feds are able to keep retrying the diminishing pool of varmints.

For all intents and purposes, an overwhelming majority of their peers want them acquitted. As much as I detest these assholes, the feds should let them go.

And the feds should be chased out of dodge forever.
And negroes would be happier back in the fields picking cotton.
I'm not shedding any tears for the Bundy scofflaws. A mistrial for a hung jury on multiple charges for multiple defendants was the right call, dummy! Why didn't they all choose to have separate trials for each of the six rather than a single trial for all of the the Bundy Bunch? They and the rest of you double standard drones need to understand the full scope of the up and down sides the Bundy Bunch chose!

Tissue now?
If they are scofflaws, there would have been convictions.

You see the problem there, pig?

They aren't scofflaws. The scofflaws are the feds.

LaVoy Finicum shooting: FBI agent indicted for alleged false statements
FBI agent pleads not guilty to lying about Finicum shooting
BLM won't back up claim rancher Cliven Bundy owes $1 million
Jury finds all Oregon standoff defendants not guilty of federal conspiracy, gun charges
If they are scofflaws, there would have been convictions
"Scofflaw is one who treats the law with contempt. A scofflaw habitually ignores the law and does not answer court summonses. A scofflaw avoids various laws especially such laws that are not easily enforced. In other words, a scofflaw is a contemptuous law violator."
~~ Scofflaw Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc. ~~

For decades, the Bundy family grazed their cattle on BLM land without declaration or payment of the per head grazing fee among other unlawful permanent improvements made on land to which they had no fucking claim whatsoever. The Bundy family proved beyond a fucking doubt they are scofflaws you fucking ignorant twit. Now go fuck yourself, bitch!
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I'm not shedding any tears for the Bundy scofflaws. A mistrial for a hung jury on multiple charges for multiple defendants was the right call, dummy! Why didn't they all choose to have separate trials for each of the six rather than a single trial for all of the the Bundy Bunch? They and the rest of you double standard drones need to understand the full scope of the up and down sides the Bundy Bunch chose!

Tissue now?
If they are scofflaws, there would have been convictions.

You see the problem there, pig?

They aren't scofflaws. The scofflaws are the feds.

LaVoy Finicum shooting: FBI agent indicted for alleged false statements
FBI agent pleads not guilty to lying about Finicum shooting
BLM won't back up claim rancher Cliven Bundy owes $1 million
Jury finds all Oregon standoff defendants not guilty of federal conspiracy, gun charges
If they are scofflaws, there would have been convictions
"Scofflaw is one who treats the law with contempt. A scofflaw habitually ignores the law and does not answer court summonses. A scofflaw avoids various laws especially such laws that are not easily enforced. In other words, a scofflaw is a contemptuous law violator."
~~ Scofflaw Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc. ~~

For decades, the Bundy family grazed their cattle on BLM land without declaration or payment of the per head grazing fee among other unlawful permanent improvements made on land to which they had no fucking claim whatsoever. The Bundy family proved beyond a fucking doubt they are scofflaws you fucking ignorant twit. Now go fuck yourself, bitch!

No, they used resources that the feds have absolutely no authority to prevent them from using.
The scofflaws are, and always have been, the feds when it comes to land use and resource seizure.

Fuck yourself, you disgusting, lying brownshirt. I will pray that a rancher shoots you between the eyes.
The Bundys, btw, did pay. The feds said that the money had to come directly to them and they would not accept payment routed through the county.

The feds deserve death, and worse. The ranchers are absolutely 100 percent right.

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