When I suggest that we need term limits the left ALWAYS says, thats taking the citizens right to vote away. Well riddle me this

Not always the case.

"It is true that in typical male development, the SRY gene on the tip of the Y chromosome helps to send the embryo down the masculine pathway. But more than the SRY is needed for sex determination and differentiation; for example, women with CAIS have the SRY gene but lack androgen receptors. In terms of hormone effects on their bodies (including their brains), women with CAIS have had much less “masculinization” than the average 46,XX woman because their cells do not respond to androgens.

Moreover, the SRY gene can be translocated onto an X chromosome (so that a 46,XX person may develop along a typical masculine pathway), and there are dozens of genes on chromosomes other than the X and the Y that contribute to sexual differentiation. And beyond the genes, a person’s sex development can be significantly influenced by environmental factors (including the maternal uterine environment in which the fetus developed)."

Presidents aren't elected on popular vote so that's irrelevant.
The popular vote does indicate, though, how weakened the GOP is becoming. They have won the popular vote in a presidential election only once in the past 30 years.

Time is not in their favor so long as they keep heading further and further into insanity and performative assholery.
Just yet the one millionth example of left wing hypocrisy. Although, I'm not really a term limit person. I think it is naive to think that would make any difference for a few reasons.

1. The government is filled with Republicans and Democrats, most of whom are bought and paid for by their party. So, having term limits just means we will have different names but the government will still be filled with loyal Republicans and Democrats, bought and paid for by their party. And, in most all cases, a term limit doesn't mean one party would be replaced by another party. In almost all cases a bought and paid for Democrat would be replaced with another Democrat and the same would happen with Republicans as well.

2. We will never have any experienced politicians in the government. While that might sound like a good thing, with national security and intelligence matters, we don't need a constant set of rookies who don't know what they're doing.

3. One might also think that with term limits, these people would have less chance of being bought and paid for by lobbyists but I would argue the exact opposite. I worked in retail management for decades and I can tell you it is very common when hiring for the fourth quarter, some new hires will try to steal as much as they possibly can before getting laid off after Christmas. Same would happen with politicians. If they know they are only going to serve for a certain number of years or terms, many would try stealing as much as they possibly can before their term runs out.
Quick! Someone look outside and see if Jesus is descending through the clouds. I just found myself in total agreement with Independentthinker's post!

Especially point 2.


Term limits are a lazy solution to a complicated problem.

The reason the House has a 98 percent re-election rate and the Senate has an 80 percent re-election rate is because we have concentrated way too much power on the federal level and special interests pour billions and billions of dollars into making sure it stays that way because they have captured that power.

That was a long sentence.

It drives me crazy how the Left is constantly striving to centralize power and then whine when more and more money flows to federal campaigns.

Well...DUH! Money flows toward power. The more you centralize power, the easier you make it to capture that power.

An example I have given at least a thousand times is tax expenditures. When you give our politicians the power to fuck with the tax code, then you are enticing special interests to pay them to tweak the tax code to their advantage.

The playing field is grossly tilted in favor of the powerful. That is why wealth is concentrating more and more at the top.

If you take away the ability of shithead politicians to fuck with the tax code, you take away the incentive to give them money to do so!

THAT is how you fix campaign finance. Decentralize power.

Diminish an incumbent's ability to build a giant war chest, you give a challenger a better chance of succeeding the incumbent.

So, yeah. Term limits are NOT the solution.

Small government is.
Not always the case.

"It is true that in typical male development, the SRY gene on the tip of the Y chromosome helps to send the embryo down the masculine pathway. But more than the SRY is needed for sex determination and differentiation; for example, women with CAIS have the SRY gene but lack androgen receptors. In terms of hormone effects on their bodies (including their brains), women with CAIS have had much less “masculinization” than the average 46,XX woman because their cells do not respond to androgens.

Moreover, the SRY gene can be translocated onto an X chromosome (so that a 46,XX person may develop along a typical masculine pathway), and there are dozens of genes on chromosomes other than the X and the Y that contribute to sexual differentiation. And beyond the genes, a person’s sex development can be significantly influenced by environmental factors (including the maternal uterine environment in which the fetus developed)."

And in that entire description they are called what they are, WOMEN

So desperate to cling to superfluous bullshit.

You got a pussy you're a woman.
You got a dick you're a man.

You got both or neither you're a super rare freak of nature.

Class dismissed
And in that entire description they are called what they are, WOMEN

Ok. Sounds good.

So desperate to cling to superfluous bullshit.

You got a pussy you're a woman.
You got a dick you're a man.

I disagree. You put a dick on a pussy, that doesn't make you a man and cutting off your dick doesn't make you a woman.

You are born a man or you are born woman. You can change your physical appearance through surgery but it doesn't actually change your gender.

Why would you believe that's not true?

You got both or neither you're a super rare freak of nature.

Class dismissed
What are so pissed about? Why did my simple question trigger your meltdownm
Ok. Sounds good.

I disagree. You put a dick on a pussy, that doesn't make you a man and cutting off your dick doesn't make you a woman.

You are born a man or you are born woman. You can change your physical appearance through surgery but it doesn't actually change your gender.

Why would you believe that's not true?

What are so pissed about? Why did my simple question trigger your meltdownm
You can't put a dick on a pussy. You can dangle some skin surgically but that does not make it a dick.
Nor does cutting off a dick and drilling a hole make a pussy.

You need help. Truly stupid
You can't put a dick on a pussy. You can dangle some skin surgically but that does not make it a dick.

That is my point. You seem to think just dangling that skin made them a man.

Take some science classes. Good grief.

Nor does cutting off a dick and drilling a hole make a pussy.

You need help. Truly stupid
Glad I convinced you to agree with me.

Is your meltdown done or do you need a safe place?
How is filing lawsuits all over the country to remove Trump from the ballot not taking away the citizens right to vote? You are blatantly trying to disenfranchise ⅓ of the America population. Trump was never charged with insurrection, much less convicted of it, so how the hell do you justify taking away the citizens right to vote for him?
Now a group in DC is sueing to have him removed from the ballot in a state they don't even live in.

You people are pushing so hard that it's quite possible you will create a backlash you will regret for decades, or worse.

And if you actually believe that the majority of Americans agree with your position on him being unfit why goto these lengths and take the risk? Is it perhaps that you don't actually believe that?

You are totally right.

If you are running for political office, then you get a free get-out-of-jail card. NO. QUESTIONS. ASKED.

I murdered my neigbour? Well, sorry but the authorities cannot touch me if I am running for, say, a town-council seat. Them's the breaks.

And, it's open-ended. Doesn't matter if I win or lose. I win? Well, the authorities have to wait till I finish the term. I lose? Well, sorry again but I'm now running for dog-catcher and on and on...

Sounds good to me.
By having shorter terms, elections become more frequent. What's so hard to understand? You'd rather wait 10 years to vote a lemon out of office???
That is my point. You seem to think just dangling that skin made them a man.

Take some science classes. Good grief.

Glad I convinced you to agree with me.

Is your meltdown done or do you need a safe place?
I never agreed with you. You are born a man or a woman or a freak. That has been the way it was since the beginning of humanity.

You playing semantics rather than just agreeing makes you a fool in public. But don't let me interfere with your childish games.
It happened in 2020, fool. McConnell refused to vote for Trump's first impeachment because he said it was too close to the election, and the "voters should get to decide if he stays or goes".

Well the voters decided overwhelmingly that they wanted Trump GONE!!!! Even in states like Georgia and Arizona, where they elected Republican governors and House members, they voted for Joe Biden, because even Republicans didn't want him back in the White House.

Trump has steadfastly refused to leave, and the voters still don't want him. Mitch McConnell voted against the second impeachment and then begged Democrats to indict Trump. Grow some balls Mitch. Do your own dirty work!!

As for the rest of your bullshit denials, you're an idiot.
We all know what McConnell is now if we did not before. Plenty of shills in the Republican party. They have given Progs a road to their dominance due to it.
You are totally right.

If you are running for political office, then you get a free get-out-of-jail card. NO. QUESTIONS. ASKED.

I murdered my neigbour? Well, sorry but the authorities cannot touch me if I am running for, say, a town-council seat. Them's the breaks.

And, it's open-ended. Doesn't matter if I win or lose. I win? Well, the authorities have to wait till I finish the term. I lose? Well, sorry again but I'm now running for dog-catcher and on and on...

Sounds good to me.
Glad your inner child has a voice.

Grow up ffs
I never agreed with you. You are born a man or a woman or a freak. That has been the way it was since the beginning of humanity.

When have I ever posted otherwise?

You playing semantics rather than just agreeing makes you a fool in public. But don't let me interfere with your childish games.
That isn't what you said in post 26...

"You got a pussy you're a woman.
You got a dick you're a man."

Did you not post this?

Despite your claim, after a sex change surgery, you are still the gender you are born with. I hope this sinks in cause your belief is kinda sick in my opinion.
We all know what McConnell is now if we did not before. Plenty of shills in the Republican party. They have given Progs a road to their dominance due to it.
The Left is winning because the rubes on the right never hold their own team accountable.

You all line up and BEG to be lied to. I've lost count of all the hoaxes you all keep falling for.

That is why the Left is winning.


This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.


How is filing lawsuits all over the country to remove Trump from the ballot not taking away the citizens right to vote? You are blatantly trying to disenfranchise ⅓ of the America population. Trump was never charged with insurrection, much less convicted of it, so how the hell do you justify taking away the citizens right to vote for him?
Now a group in DC is sueing to have him removed from the ballot in a state they don't even live in.

You people are pushing so hard that it's quite possible you will create a backlash you will regret for decades, or worse.

And if you actually believe that the majority of Americans agree with your position on him being unfit why goto these lengths and take the risk? Is it perhaps that you don't actually believe that?

It's not if they can put an X in other for write in.
Trump attempted to overthrow the results of a free and fair election.

He attempted to disenfranchise 81 million voters.

Trump was attempting to legally contest the results of an election. The actions people took at the capitol were not part of that plan and it was not an insurrection. It was a protest the went to far and any people that resorted to violence or vandalism should be delt with by being charged with assault and or vandalism as appropriate.

I personally believe Trump should have conceded the election much sooner for the good of the country; however, one thing that draws Trump his supporters is that he fights to the end...... never giving up.
How is filing lawsuits all over the country to remove Trump from the ballot not taking away the citizens right to vote? You are blatantly trying to disenfranchise ⅓ of the America population. Trump was never charged with insurrection, much less convicted of it, so how the hell do you justify taking away the citizens right to vote for him?
Now a group in DC is sueing to have him removed from the ballot in a state they don't even live in.

You people are pushing so hard that it's quite possible you will create a backlash you will regret for decades, or worse.

And if you actually believe that the majority of Americans agree with your position on him being unfit why goto these lengths and take the risk? Is it perhaps that you don't actually believe that?

In most states doing this now, they are Republicans trying to remove Trump from the Republican primary ballot....the suits claim, by having an ineligible candidate on the ballot, hurts the eligible candidates....he's getting donations, and airtime etc, that disrupts the eligible republicans ....and disenfranchises their chances, while trump is not even eligible to be on the ballot.....or something of the sort.... It gives voters a choice to vote for a person who is not eligible, which is unfair to them as well....is the suit claim.

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