When Is Enough Enough?

Face it... The trolls must have been paid this week.

But at least the protests have died down since that bunch ran out of money!!!!
The left hates whites and does everything in their power to attack us as a bunch of bigots. They never talk about the twice as many whites slaughtered every year or the vale disregard for our properties that blacks have.

No, we're somehow the evil ones and must die in their minds. Fuck em all.
The site has slipped quite a bit over the last year or so. The massive Adware dumps and just a general disinterest from those running it. It's not as fun coming here anymore. It's kinda sad.
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The Center for American Progress has to spend their money somewhere.

I am not sure how they bypassed minimum wage laws, but somehow...

The site has slipped quite a bit over the last year or so. Massive Adware dumps and just a general disinterest from those running it, has made it a bit unpleasant. It's kinda sad.

I think the most difficult part of runnng a Message Board is keeping a balance -- dimocraps are your most prolific posters -- By far.

But if you let them take over, you better hope there's enough of them to support you all by themselves because they'll just run off all the conservatives.

That's what's happened here.

usmessageboard.com Site Overview

USMB has dropped 42,000 slots globally in the last year and I think it's because the Board Jedi have allowed the resident hate-mongers, dimocraps, to just run amok.

Actually, I don't "Think" it, I know it.

If you're not DailyKooks, HuffBlo, dummieunderground or a mainstream dimocrap scum website, the dimocraps WILL drive you out of business if they can then jump overboard like rats on a sinking ship.

I think a LOT of Conservatives have just walked away. Hence the massive drop in hits.

Oh well, they're just digging their own graves and dimocraps will be happy to shovel the dirt over their dead bodies when they go back to HuffBlo or DailyKooks to brag about how they killed a Message Board that had the temerity to let Conservatives speak, if however briefly

11 HATE Threads and -- Nothing.
These people are waging a war against whites and will drown out any argument that we put up for our defense.

It is whitey is evil and you can't say that blacks slaughter twice as many whites every year. Why? If the reality of what is going on becomes part of the debate then the left can't carry on about how we're the evil ones.
The site has slipped quite a bit over the last year or so. Massive Adware dumps and just a general disinterest from those running it, has made it a bit unpleasant. It's kinda sad.

I think the most difficult part of runnng a Message Board is keeping a balance -- dimocraps are your most prolific posters -- By far.

But if you let them take over, you better hope there's enough of them to support you all by themselves because they'll just run off all the conservatives.

That's what's happened here.

usmessageboard.com Site Overview

USMB has dropped 42,000 slots globally in the last year and I think it's because the Board Jedi have allowed the resident hate-mongers, dimocraps, to just run amok.

Actually, I don't "Think" it, I know it.

If you're not DailyKooks, HuffBlo, dummieunderground or a mainstream dimocrap scum website, the dimocraps WILL drive you out of business if they can then jump overboard like rats on a sinking ship.

I think a LOT of Conservatives have just walked away. Hence the massive drop in hits.

Oh well, they're just digging their own graves and dimocraps will be happy to shovel the dirt over their dead bodies when they go back to HuffBlo or DailyKooks to brag about how they killed a Message Board that had the temerity to let Conservatives speak, if however briefly

11 HATE Threads and -- Nothing.

Yeah, there's definitely more Communists/Progressives here now. Probably why the site has dropped off so much. There used to be more balance. But there also seems to be a lack of interest by those running it.

And the massive Adware dumps are crazy. It never used to be like that. Anyway, i'll probably hang around till it dies. I still enjoy it somewhat. Just not as much as i used to.
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These people are waging a war against whites and will drown out any argument that we put up for our defense.

It is whitey is evil and you can't say that blacks slaughter twice as many whites every year. Why? If the reality of what is going on becomes part of the debate then the left can't carry on about how we're the evil ones.

dimocraps don't care if you're White, Black, Brown or Martian.

All they care about is exploiting people and things for their own benefit. All they want is power.

If dimocrap scum thought being pro-Capitalist and Free Market would give them the power they desire, they'd do it.

But dimocrap scum don't like Capitalism because Capitalism requires Freedom and dimocraps HATE freedom. Freedom implies a lack of an overbearing, all-powerful government and that's what dimocraps are in favor of -- dimocrap scum are ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that they, and only they, have the intelligence, foresight, education and good will necessary to guide this Country.

dimocraps don't care who they rule over. dimocraps don't care what color the skin of those they rule over is.

They just don't care. They don't care about the condition of the people they rule over. I'm serious, dimocraps would be very happy playing Kim Jong Un to our North Korea.

They just don't care.

They don't care if they're wrong about -- Everything. They don't care if their policies cause more harm than good. They don't care if the divide people, if they create friction and hatred and class warfare and racial hatred.

They just simply don't care.

All dimocrap scum care about is the acquisition of power.

Nothing else matters to them
These people are waging a war against whites and will drown out any argument that we put up for our defense.

It is whitey is evil and you can't say that blacks slaughter twice as many whites every year. Why? If the reality of what is going on becomes part of the debate then the left can't carry on about how we're the evil ones.

dimocraps don't care if you're White, Black, Brown or Martian.

All they care about is exploiting people and things for their own benefit. All they want is power.

If dimocrap scum thought being pro-Capitalist and Free Market would give them the power they desire, they'd do it.

But dimocrap scum don't like Capitalism because Capitalism requires Freedom and dimocraps HATE freedom. Freedom implies a lack of an overbearing, all-powerful government and that's what dimocraps are in favor of -- dimocrap scum are ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that they, and only they, have the intelligence, foresight, education and good will necessary to guide this Country.

dimocraps don't care who they rule over. dimocraps don't care what color the skin of those they rule over is.

They just don't care. They don't care about the condition of the people they rule over. I'm serious, dimocraps would be very happy playing Kim Jong Un to our North Korea.

They just don't care.

They don't care if they're wrong about -- Everything. They don't care if their policies cause more harm than good. They don't care if the divide people, if they create friction and hatred and class warfare and racial hatred.

They just simply don't care.

All dimocrap scum care about is the acquisition of power.

Nothing else matters to them

Yes, Democrats would like to have the power to suppress conservative racist terrorism.
The site has slipped quite a bit over the last year or so. Massive Adware dumps and just a general disinterest from those running it, has made it a bit unpleasant. It's kinda sad.

I think the most difficult part of runnng a Message Board is keeping a balance -- dimocraps are your most prolific posters -- By far.

But if you let them take over, you better hope there's enough of them to support you all by themselves because they'll just run off all the conservatives.

That's what's happened here.

usmessageboard.com Site Overview

USMB has dropped 42,000 slots globally in the last year and I think it's because the Board Jedi have allowed the resident hate-mongers, dimocraps, to just run amok.

Actually, I don't "Think" it, I know it.

If you're not DailyKooks, HuffBlo, dummieunderground or a mainstream dimocrap scum website, the dimocraps WILL drive you out of business if they can then jump overboard like rats on a sinking ship.

I think a LOT of Conservatives have just walked away. Hence the massive drop in hits.

Oh well, they're just digging their own graves and dimocraps will be happy to shovel the dirt over their dead bodies when they go back to HuffBlo or DailyKooks to brag about how they killed a Message Board that had the temerity to let Conservatives speak, if however briefly

11 HATE Threads and -- Nothing.
A real fag never cries enough...only more!....more!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Da reawy bad wibawuls awe wuining owah fun! We used ta be abul ta post awwl day wong widout any wibs buttin in! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!

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