When Is He Accountable?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Is Obama going to be the first president who has served eight years and NEVER had it called HIS watch? That sure as hell is not the way historians are going to look at it. I mean you liberals spent the first four years saying it was Bush's fault and now with this China sh#t you are saying its Trumps fault.

Our under manned under equipped and undersized military is squarely the fault of YOUR moron. History is going to see that just like they will look at the dates of office and programs. This blaming Trump crap for China is making you look like fools.

And your pissing off the base again, the SAME base that kicked your ass in 2014 and 2026. NOT a good idea. If anything China is the perfect story book ending to one of the greatest political and party stories of FAILURE of all times. About a week ago I posted a thread start on how current members of the democrat party no longer want white people in charge.

That story is playing out in world events and real time. Islam bends your boy over and feeds him the meat ANYTIME they feel like it. Even the JV team {HIS WORDS}
and you do nothing. Your boy not only backs the drug cartels with guns he leaves open the border for them.

Your boy imports terrorists from EVERY sh#thole nation that will send theirs and places many just outside small town America at the same time TAKING the rights of small town America. And you want to attack Russia and its getting REALLY clear why. Russia is made of mainly of WHITE CHRISTIANS, CATHOLICS AND JEWS.

So your racist bigotry is becoming quite clear not only here at home but on the world stage as well. Got a news flash for you democrats, your complaints and whines about white pride fall on deaf ears when you are the ones practicing white genocide. And lets not forget the Christian genocide you practice overseas and here at home as well.

China bent your boy over not because they should but because they could. World history WILL record that no matter how much you yell or lie. In a few short weeks the curtain will close on America's GREATEST failure at leadership in security and the protection of freedoms.

The silver lining to following the worlds greatest FAILURE is there is no where to go but UP.

See ya in 2018.
Is Obama going to be the first president who has served eight years and NEVER had it called HIS watch? That sure as hell is not the way historians are going to look at it. I mean you liberals spent the first four years saying it was Bush's fault and now with this China sh#t you are saying its Trumps fault.

Our under manned under equipped and undersized military is squarely the fault of YOUR moron. History is going to see that just like they will look at the dates of office and programs. This blaming Trump crap for China is making you look like fools.

And your pissing off the base again, the SAME base that kicked your ass in 2014 and 2026. NOT a good idea. If anything China is the perfect story book ending to one of the greatest political and party stories of FAILURE of all times. About a week ago I posted a thread start on how current members of the democrat party no longer want white people in charge.

That story is playing out in world events and real time. Islam bends your boy over and feeds him the meat ANYTIME they feel like it. Even the JV team {HIS WORDS}
and you do nothing. Your boy not only backs the drug cartels with guns he leaves open the border for them.

Your boy imports terrorists from EVERY sh#thole nation that will send theirs and places many just outside small town America at the same time TAKING the rights of small town America. And you want to attack Russia and its getting REALLY clear why. Russia is made of mainly of WHITE CHRISTIANS, CATHOLICS AND JEWS.

So your racist bigotry is becoming quite clear not only here at home but on the world stage as well. Got a news flash for you democrats, your complaints and whines about white pride fall on deaf ears when you are the ones practicing white genocide. And lets not forget the Christian genocide you practice overseas and here at home as well.

China bent your boy over not because they should but because they could. World history WILL record that no matter how much you yell or lie. In a few short weeks the curtain will close on America's GREATEST failure at leadership in security and the protection of freedoms.

The silver lining to following the worlds greatest FAILURE is there is no where to go but UP.

See ya in 2018.


Our under manned under equipped and undersized military is squarely the fault of YOUR moron.


Our military spending is higher than the next ten countries combined. That's one of the reasons why we're so far in debt, you tard.

Oh, and by the way, your Crime Map picture is #fakenews
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Our under manned under equipped and undersized military is squarely the fault of YOUR moron.


Our military spending is higher than the next ten countries combined. That's one of the reasons why we're so far in debt, you tard.

Oh, and by the way, your Crime Map picture is #fakenews
Our military is SUPPOSED to be based on the ability to fight on more then one front at the same time idiot. We can't do that.
I LIKE my maps, you don't? Don't look at them.

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