When it comes to issues like voter fraud and climate change, do RWs believe everything repubs say?

Hillary breaks the law in NC by campaigning in an early voter site, and you want to mock people pointing out voter fraud....

The democrat education system has done it's job in creating a generation of idiots who rely on political cliches and idiotic assumptions about the political process while the freaking Country goes down the drain. The cliche/assumption is that the republican establishment is against the myth of man made global warming while the exact opposite is the reality. You almost gotta laugh that the democrat dirty tricks brigade is able to convince their under educated minions that global warming is a republican issue while they shy away from it during the campaign.
Hillary breaks the law in NC by campaigning in an early voter site, and you want to mock people pointing out voter fraud....

No one cares about your Breitbart/Fox/infowars bullshit.
The democrat education system has done it's job in creating a generation of idiots who rely on political cliches and idiotic assumptions about the political process while the freaking Country goes down the drain. The cliche/assumption is that the republican establishment is against the myth of man made global warming while the exact opposite is the reality. You almost gotta laugh that the democrat dirty tricks brigade is able to convince their under educated minions that global warming is a republican issue while they shy away from it during the campaign.
The ONLY reason you think it is a myth is because republicans in office told you to. From there, you believe any bullshit RW media source saying the same thing. Don't pretend otherwise.
"1) Take climate change. The only reason the RW in this country believe it is a myth is because republicans in office told them it is. That's it. "

That's not true. I used to believe in global cooling like I was taught in school but over time I've watched it change and kept my mind open and realized it's all BS. I don't care what Rs or Ds say. I did my own research.

"Before 2012, the rightwing in this country paid no mind to the incidence of voter fraud."

This also is not true. Voter fraud has been an issue since I was a kid. Nothing in politics changes. It's the same issues every four years since I was a kid growing up in the 70s and 80s. And no one is making it harder for minorities to vote. Voter ID laws ensure EVERYONE only gets one vote.
Even if you had prior knowledge of these issues to my timeline, it doesn't RWs in general did.

Sure if they were all as young as you appear to be then you'd be right. However, as I pointed out, you are wrong in your generalization.
There was no rightwing general outrage over the issue prior to 2012.

Of course there was. Your lack of knowledge on the subject is a fail.
1) Take climate change. The only reason the RW in this country believe it is a myth is because republicans in office told them it is. That's it.

The rightwing doesn't stop to wonder "hmm, maybe the reason my elected officials deny climate change is to protect the profits of the oil industry."

They just believe them.

Never mind the fact that the acceptance of the truth around the issue is embraced my scientists and governments around the world. Republicans and the industries that have profits to lose are the only powers that be who deny it. The rank and file of rightwing just goes along with it.

2) Then we have voter fraud.

Before 2012, the rightwing in this country paid no mind to the incidence of voter fraud. But in 2012, Republicans in office expressed faux outrage over the issue and greatly exaggerated how common it was. They then introduced legislation to curb it. The rest of the rightwing, of course, blindly believed it to be some sort of crisis.

They never thought "hmm. Maybe republicans are just trying to make it harder for minorities to vote for Obama."

They just believe them.

The truth of the matter is that actual in-person voter fraud is incredibly rare and therefore doesn't need to be a major political issue.

Are RWs really that big of pawns?

I wonder, do you believe the democrats yourself? You know, the ones who say voter fraud is a real thing.
"1) Take climate change. The only reason the RW in this country believe it is a myth is because republicans in office told them it is. That's it. "

That's not true. I used to believe in global cooling like I was taught in school but over time I've watched it change and kept my mind open and realized it's all BS. I don't care what Rs or Ds say. I did my own research.

"Before 2012, the rightwing in this country paid no mind to the incidence of voter fraud."

This also is not true. Voter fraud has been an issue since I was a kid. Nothing in politics changes. It's the same issues every four years since I was a kid growing up in the 70s and 80s. And no one is making it harder for minorities to vote. Voter ID laws ensure EVERYONE only gets one vote.
Even if you had prior knowledge of these issues to my timeline, it doesn't RWs in general did.

Sure if they were all as young as you appear to be then you'd be right. However, as I pointed out, you are wrong in your generalization.
There was no rightwing general outrage over the issue prior to 2012.

I was outraged over the Dem fraud in 2008 that put Al Franken in office.
Don't all democrats vote at the trunks of cars?
Podesta's emails exposed the massive voter manipulation throught rigged polls, created by over-sampling...fraud.

The pre-election declaration that Hillary is 'way ahead' and mocking anyone who even speaks the words 'voter/election fraud' helps pave the way for the Democrats to engage in the type of fraud seen during their Primaries.

Plus the psychological intent of declaring overwhelming victory now is to deflate the massive GOP turn-out seen so far that dwarves Hillary's.
When it comes to issues like voter fraud and climate change, do RWs believe everything repubs say?

Without a doubt.

They make wild swings in their thinking based solely on the prevailing narratives.
The ease with which they are led around is both remarkable and terrifying.
When it comes to issues like voter fraud and climate change, do RWs believe everything repubs say?

Without a doubt.

They make wild swings in their thinking based solely on the prevailing narratives.
The ease with which they are led around is both remarkable and terrifying.
Your science is settled...right? :lol:
The democrat education system has done it's job in creating a generation of idiots who rely on political cliches and idiotic assumptions about the political process while the freaking Country goes down the drain. The cliche/assumption is that the republican establishment is against the myth of man made global warming while the exact opposite is the reality. You almost gotta laugh that the democrat dirty tricks brigade is able to convince their under educated minions that global warming is a republican issue while they shy away from it during the campaign.
Even the college educated Republicans have rejected Trump. In fact, it is the low education whites that been his only real support. People like you, Whitehall.
Liberals have to be as dumb as sheep.

Exposed DNC emails showed how they plotted, planned, schemed, and rigged the primaries.
-- Libs say, 'Nothing to see here'

Exposed Podesta emails explain how intentional over-sampling causes skewed polls which they use to try to manipulate the voters.
- Libs say, 'Nothing to see here' (Gotta love those partisan blinders - if it was the GOP doing this they would be squealing like stuck pigs)

The evidence is there...sadly, the willingness to admit/see it is not.
The democrat education system has done it's job in creating a generation of idiots who rely on political cliches and idiotic assumptions about the political process while the freaking Country goes down the drain. The cliche/assumption is that the republican establishment is against the myth of man made global warming while the exact opposite is the reality. You almost gotta laugh that the democrat dirty tricks brigade is able to convince their under educated minions that global warming is a republican issue while they shy away from it during the campaign.
Even the college educated Republicans have rejected Trump. In fact, it is the low education whites that been his only real support. People like you, Whitehall.
That shows intelligence on the part of Conservatives, unlike the sheep on the left who have embraced, the lying, corrupt, treasonous ENABLER.
1) Take climate change. The only reason the RW in this country believe it is a myth is because republicans in office told them it is. That's it.

The rightwing doesn't stop to wonder "hmm, maybe the reason my elected officials deny climate change is to protect the profits of the oil industry."

They just believe them.

Never mind the fact that the acceptance of the truth around the issue is embraced my scientists and governments around the world. Republicans and the industries that have profits to lose are the only powers that be who deny it. The rank and file of rightwing just goes along with it.

2) Then we have voter fraud.

Before 2012, the rightwing in this country paid no mind to the incidence of voter fraud. But in 2012, Republicans in office expressed faux outrage over the issue and greatly exaggerated how common it was. They then introduced legislation to curb it. The rest of the rightwing, of course, blindly believed it to be some sort of crisis.

They never thought "hmm. Maybe republicans are just trying to make it harder for minorities to vote for Obama."

They just believe them.

The truth of the matter is that actual in-person voter fraud is incredibly rare and therefore doesn't need to be a major political issue.

Are RWs really that big of pawns?

Common sense tells us that Both climate change and voter fraud have been here since the beginning of time. What RWs challenge is the myth that driving SUVs are causing climate change and liberals quest to fight any attempt to reduce the likelihood of voter fraud.
Not SUVs, my friend...COW FARTS. Scientist believe, more than SUVs or the output of Elitists' private jets, that COW FARTS are destroying the world.


And of course liberals / Gore immediately came up with a way to get rich from their initial fear-mongering: CARBON CREDITS.
Liberals have to be as dumb as sheep.

Exposed DNC emails showed how they plotted, planned, schemed, and rigged the primaries.
-- Libs say, 'Nothing to see here'

Exposed Podesta emails explain how intentional over-sampling causes skewed polls which they use to try to manipulate the voters.
- Libs say, 'Nothing to see here' (Gotta love those partisan blinders - if it was the GOP doing this they would be squealing like stuck pigs)

The evidence is there...sadly, the willingness to admit/see it is not.

Since you see it, explain how Podesta, Clinton or the DNC were able to arrange voter demographics to vote the way they did across every state.


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