When it comes to TV shows from 1950's, what show do u prefer....Honeymooners or I Love Lucy?


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
Give me Ralph Kramden all Day long. The show felt more like a 70's show but just in black and white since it was so ahead of its time. I Love Lucy was too cartoonish and the Lucy character was childlike so I never got into it at all. What about you?
Honeymooners was a take-off of Amos and Andy, and The Flintstones was a take-off of the Honeymooners. I think I read somewhere that Gleason tried to sue Hanna Barbera because of it.
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"I Love Lucy" Better production values.

For family comedies I liked "The Danny Thomas Show" ("Make Room for Daddy") better. His interactions with his 'son' was hilarious.
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Honeymooners by a country mile for me. "Hey Ralphie boy", "one of these days Alice, pow, right in the kisser"
Gleeson was very impressive as Minnesota Fats in The Hustler. One of the most convincing roles I've seen any man play in any movie and I've seen thousands. Always amazes me to see such range in actors, two entirely different characters from TV to the movies.
Honeymooners 100 to 1.
Lucy was funny, but I never saw the deal with Arnez. He overacted to the point of absurdity and just wasn't funny.
The interaction gold that existed between Ralph, Norton and Alice can't be touched by I Love Lucy
Honeymooners 100 to 1.
Lucy was funny, but I never saw the deal with Arnez. He overacted to the point of absurdity and just wasn't funny.
The interaction gold that existed between Ralph, Norton and Alice can't be touched by I Love Lucy
What about Lucille Ball? Sorry but when she started to cry it was cringeworhty to the point of changing the channel. Norton was the perfect foil for Ralph.
Give me Ralph Kramden all Day long. The show felt more like a 70's show but just in black and white since it was so ahead of its time. I Love Lucy was too cartoonish and the Lucy character was childlike so I never got into it at all. What about you?
/---/ Not a big fan of either, I watched them because we only had three channels back in the 50s and 60s. Not much else to watch in those time slots.
Anyway, I read today that the Flintstones was modeled after the Honeymooners so closely that Gleason threatened to sue Hanna Barbera but backed down. He didn't want to be know to kids and the bad guy who took the Flintstones off the air.
Give me Ralph Kramden all Day long. The show felt more like a 70's show but just in black and white since it was so ahead of its time. I Love Lucy was too cartoonish and the Lucy character was childlike so I never got into it at all. What about you?
The greatest thing about Ralph was he had 1000 faces. The bets moments of the show was his outrageous expressions.
The Honeymooners was better for me. I read later that Gleason refused to rehearse. Claimed it went against the spontaneity that he wanted. Or maybe he was just lazy. The rest of the cast would rehearse, with a stand-in for Ralph.

The plotlines in the Lucy show were too contrived.
The Honeymooners was better for me. I read later that Gleason refused to rehearse. Claimed it went against the spontaneity that he wanted. Or maybe he was just lazy. The rest of the cast would rehearse, with a stand-in for Ralph.

The plotlines in the Lucy show were too contrived.
There was only so many episodes of the Honeymooners. Lucy ran for many years. There was interaction between her and Vivian. Desi was more a straight man with Fred a foil for his wife. Also, the guest stars on her show went toe to toe with her. The best parts of the Honeymooners were the interactions between Norton and Ralph. Classic.
His dad was an actor so Jackie could afford to hang out at pool halls.
"His father, Herb Gleason (1884-1964), was a henpecked insurance clerk who took his myriad disappointments in life out in drink. He deserted the family when Jackie was nine."


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