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Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Liberals seldom care about a danger as long as its NOT their danger. Only when it becomes theirs is there a problem.


A well known ANTI-wall PRO-ILLEGAL TV persona thought he MIGHT have lost HIS daughter in France. Now normally this liberal dimwit is just about EVERY point AGAINST any security or safety for American citizens. Until the other day.

"ā€œThis was far worse than anything else Iā€™ve ever experienced,ā€ he continued, calling the fear he felt for his childā€™s life much scarier than any war heā€™s ever covered."

Now as a 1%er who has a daughter going to school overseas he has a problem.

"Rivera wasnā€™t initially aware Simone and her roommate went to the soccer stadium where ISIS militants detonated bombs. After receiving no response from Simone in a series of text messages, Rivera learned sheā€™d gone to the game."

"When he received a text from Simoneā€™s friend that they were OK, Rivera frantically called friends in Paris to rescue his daughter from the chaos at the soccer stadium, where like many, she had no access to transportation or a hotel."

Only NOW does he want you to understand the problem not that it has affected HIM on a personal level, that's a liberal trait.

"ā€œPicture these young Americans abroad almost feeling desperate; they heard the explosion and didnā€™t know what was going on,ā€ he said."

See he paints you HIS agenda picture, ONLY now that it has effected HIM. But that being said he has liberal DEMANDS for what SHOULD be done!

ā€œI think he is malignantly naive,ā€ Rivera said, calling ISIS a de facto nation and directly disagreeing with the president, who has advised Americans not to categorize ISIS as such since thatā€™s what they want.

Obamaā€™s been too ā€œmutedā€ and ā€œnuancedā€ in reaction to the Paris attacks, Rivera said. ā€œWe need to respond by declaring war on themā€¦ if we donā€™t kill them, theyā€™re going to kill us.ā€

He offered specifics, calling for Russia, the U.S. and our Middle East Allies to join forces in a war against ISISā€“ even if have to drag the latter in ā€œkicking and screaming.ā€

NOW hes a war monger? ONLY after it affected HIM? Drag people in "kicking and screaming?" He SHOULD put his daughter in an American school and shut his damn mouth. She came home alive from that liberal NO gun zone. She came home alive after by CHOICE going to that Euro-islamic cess pit.

YOU liberals are a rather perplexing paradox when it comes to stupid. You want IMPORT the SAME thing that caused a problem there. You want to fight in yet ANOTHER country for ANOTHER people and REFUSED to ALLOW your fellow CITIZENS the ability to defend here at home.

Reality IS a bitch but the sooner you wake up to it the safer you will be.
Geraldo Rivera Calls Out ā€˜Malignantly Naiveā€™ Obama After Reuniting With Daughter in Paris

Both the idiot OP and Rivera are really pissed because Obama is leading the rest of the world in killing ISIL.

But hey, your other BFF, Pooting now says he's going to FINALLY follow Obama's lead.

So, Dorko. how long do you think it will take Pooting to catch up to Obama's more than 7000 attacks on ISIL?

How about the more than 60 other countries who also follow Obama's lead? You think Pooting will ever be able to match that?

Or will he just bomb innocent people and call it done.
Thought he was ready to drop into french air space and fight his way to get to his daughter.

Many of us would want to do the same if our children were threatened.

Parenthood, such lovely madness.
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Both the idiot OP and Rivera are really pissed because Obama is leading the rest of the world in killing ISIL.

But hey, your other BFF, Pooting now says he's going to FINALLY follow Obama's lead.

So, Dorko. how long do you think it will take Pooting to catch up to Obama's more than 7000 attacks on ISIL?

How about the more than 60 other countries who also follow Obama's lead? You think Pooting will ever be able to match that?

Or will he just bomb innocent people and call it done.
Obama is leading nobody. 62% of HIS attacks the planes come BACK full loaded.
I was watching it as it went down when he found out his daughter was there...and when finally he got her on the phone. He stated clearly that Trump is right whereas before, he was balking at walls and immigration and whatnot.
Ol Geraldo has seen the proverbial light.
Both the idiot OP and Rivera are really pissed because Obama is leading the rest of the world in killing ISIL.

But hey, your other BFF, Pooting now says he's going to FINALLY follow Obama's lead.

So, Dorko. how long do you think it will take Pooting to catch up to Obama's more than 7000 attacks on ISIL?

How about the more than 60 other countries who also follow Obama's lead? You think Pooting will ever be able to match that?

Or will he just bomb innocent people and call it done.
Are you on drugs? Or that damn BLIND to see the truth? Obama has done NOTHING nor will he do anything. He is a coward and he is trying like hell to destroy us. Rev Wright had him pegged. He would throw anyone under the bus to make sure his agenda is kept secret. Well...it ain't a secret now, is it? Everyone can SEE. Even those idiots that believed in him...myself included. What fools we were. But at least we woke up real fast...problem is..we woke up too fucking late. I guess you wanna stay asleep.
A well known ANTI-wall PRO-ILLEGAL TV persona thought he MIGHT have lost HIS daughter in France. Now normally this liberal dimwit is just about EVERY point AGAINST any security or safety for American citizens.

Is he now. Link, Pink?

Only NOW does he want you to understand the problem not that it has affected HIM on a personal level, that's a liberal trait.

Nope. That would be a personal trait, whether he has it or not. Just as your trying to score political points off this with broad generalization fallacies is your personal fuckup, not a "conservative trait".

Follow me?

She came home alive from that liberal NO gun zone.

France doesn't have "gun zones" or "no gun zones", Pinky. Know why? Because it's not infected with the death-worshiping gun fetishism we are. It's more into.... oh, stuff like wine... good food.... l'amour, you know, things that have to do with enjoying life rather than things that destroy and kill.

Do you, like, take stupid pill supplements in the morning? I mean, what keeps you going at this pace?
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A well known ANTI-wall PRO-ILLEGAL TV persona thought he MIGHT have lost HIS daughter in France. Now normally this liberal dimwit is just about EVERY point AGAINST any security or safety for American citizens.

Is he now. Link, Pink?

Only NOW does he want you to understand the problem not that it has affected HIM on a personal level, that's a liberal trait.

Nope. That would be a personal trait, whether he has it or not. Just as your trying to score political points off this with broad generalization fallacies is your personal fuckup, not a "conservative trait".

Follow me?

She came home alive from that liberal NO gun zone.

France doesn't have "gun zones" or "no gun zones", Pinky. Know why? Because it's not infected with the death-worshiping gun fetishism we are. It's more into.... oh, stuff like wine... good food.... l'amour, you know, things that have to do with enjoying life rather than things that destroy and kill.

Do you, like, take stupid pill supplements in the morning? I mean, what keeps you going at this pace?
France IS a gun free zone for even half its cops.
Obama's action to destroy ISIS is chicken shit stuff. ISIS consists of well funded, murderous shits that have no business on earth. We know where they are. Unlike other transnational terrorist organizations these sick fucks have a state; they have borders. Dropping a few bombs here and there with virtually zero intelligence on the ground will accomplish nothing.

The way to destroy ISIS is to send in troops, on the ground and in the air. We need to murder every last one of those ISIS tumors. Now more than ever there is a strong argument for significant military action in Iraq and Syria, and it will not take much to get a majority of the American people on board on this.

Obama said yesterday that his strategy will ultimately work. Well, Barry, what exactly is your strategy? Whatever it is it is not working. No, your JV team is NOT contained. Quite to the contrary they are expanding in both numbers and influence.

Not only is Obama too chicken shit to commit significant troops to do what needs to be done, he is also doubling down on his goal to import thousands of these young, male Syrian "refugees" to our nation. Obama has lost his fucking mind. There is no telling how many of these imports are ISIS, how many are being paid by ISIS to carry out its will, and how many of them have engaged in god knows what treacherous acts in the Syrian civil war, including murder and rape.

We cannot effectively "vet" these imported Muslims. What records do we look at? If they are not documented terrorists, then they get a pass. Plus, will we even have access to Syrian records on these people? They do not, obviously have social security numbers and we do not even know their names. The very idea that we can vet all of these people is asinine. Yet, here they come.

Obama has come completely unhinged. Clearly, he is NOT working in the best interests of the nation and the American people. So whose interest is he working for?
Liberals seldom care about a danger as long as its NOT their danger. Only when it becomes theirs is there a problem.
ISIS, and anything like it, all religions in fact, have always been a "problem" but that doesn't mean, unlike the rest of the world it seems, that we make decisions based on emotions.

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