When JFK was murdered there were 3 shooters , not 1.

I'm surprised they never tried to take Trump out.View attachment 587870
Actually they have tried,there have been over 45 attempts on his life,your just not going to hear about it from the CIA controlled media.the last attempt on him I heard was a couple months before leaving office,he has loyal people willing to die fir him that test the food he gets before eating it,and will take a bullet for him,they had to call a Dr to the White House because one of his people thst ate the food thst trump was going to have was poisoned and fortunately for the the tester,the dr was able to successfully pump the poison out of his body and save his life.

trump is alive because he learned from Kennedy’s mistake,kennedy made the mistake of trusting the secret service,ss agents Greer and kellerman the driver and the one sitting next to him both had connections to the CIA.Trump uses his own people thsts why they have not been able to get to him,Langley shills Allen Dulles the third,candyass,rightwinger,toro,and pretender fake trump supporter the hawk,err I mean the idiot,and all the other magic bullet theorists,they would all have been dancing having a party if the CIA had once been able to succeeed in their many attempts on him as they did with kennedy.
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Because he thought JFK was being too mean to the Soviets. He wasn’t allowing them to set up nuclear missiles on Cuba.
You see back then, Democrats weren’t actually communists like Oswald was. Today of course it’s a different story, the Dems are aligned with Oswald’s beliefs much more than JFK’s.
How did he know Kennedys route? Did he Googke it?
"THEY" did use professionals.
Oswald was the cover and patsy, intended to deflect from the real killer(s) and he's done an excellent job so far.
"Fiction" is often a device to present truth without the legal liabilities.;)
This stupid fuck clown fake ass trump supporter,don’t believe fir a second he is a trump supporter as he pretends,like every idiot thst says oswald was the lone assassin,can’t come up with a concrete answer for the question of if oswald was seeking fame and wanted to make his mark on history as the Warren commission claimed,why would he deny thst he did it and did not fit the profile of crazy lunatics in the past who always killed famous figures and did it fir fame proudly boasting about it,.

they can’t answer a simple question WHY did he deny it when asked if he short the president and said no sir,I did not shoot anybody.they can’t answer that and they also can’t answer if he was going to shoot the president why would he do something so careless by rushing down a flight of stairs and going to the table to have a coke and go out the front entrance where a bunch of cops were instead of going out the rear entrance or how did he get a job at his workplace just two weeks before he arrived in dealt plaza,how he could possibly have known weeks in advance the motorcade would pass by his building,they can never answer those questions,they run off everytime and play dodgeball every single time without fail :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg:
Oh and I also forgot to add on as well that these stupid fucks like the idiot and the other magic bullet theorists always evade the facts that all 28 trained personal in Dallas with the best doctors in the state all said he had an entrance wound to the front and a large exit wound to the back and the few that saw the thought wound also said it was an entrance wound as well.these stupid fucks always play dodgeball with these facts and never have any answers for them.
Oh and I also forgot to add on as well that these stupid fucks like the idiot and the other magic bullet theorists always evade the facts that all 28 trained personal in Dallas with the best doctors in the state all said he had an entrance wound to the front and a large exit wound to the back and the few that saw the thought wound also said it was an entrance wound as well.these stupid fucks always play dodgeball with these facts and never have any answers for them.
No they did not.

This lie of yuours like all of your lies has been debunked.
Actually they have tried,there have been over 45 attempts on his life,your just not going to hear about it from the CIA controlled media.the last attempt on him I heard was a couple months before leaving office,he has loyal people willing to die fir him that test the food he gets before eating it,and will take a bullet for him,they had to call a Dr to the White House because one of his people thst ate the food thst trump was going to have was poisoned and fortunately for the the tester,the dr was able to successfully pump the poison out of his body and save his life.

trump is alive because he learned from Kennedy’s mistake,kennedy made the mistake of trusting the secret service,ss agents Greer and kellerman the driver and the one sitting next to him both had connections to the CIA.Trump uses his own people thsts why they have not been able to get to him,Langley shills Allen Dulles the third,candyass,rightwinger,toro,and pretender fake trump supporter the hawk,err I mean the idiot,and all the other magic bullet theorists,they would all have been dancing having a party if the CIA had once been able to succeeed in their many attempts on him as they did with kennedy.
Trump loves this country, but we can't expect him to be the hero.

I voted for Jill Stein in 2016--wasn't a Trump supporter until like 2018 when the Spygate thing was unfolding - the Russia hoax - anyone with a room temperature IQ knew it was lies , but they still rolled with it.

But if Trump had tried to do it alone , they'd have taken him out for sure. ...he could have called out the National Guard in November 2020, but chose not to risk a possible bloodbath....he underestimated the level it went to, but that part we have to figure out....he's lucky if he can trust his own Secret Service people at this stage.
Who called in the tip to the police with the description of Oswald, when nobody witnessed Oswald shooting? How could anyone have garnered a decent description?
Trump loves this country, but we can't expect him to be the hero.

I voted for Jill Stein in 2016--wasn't a Trump supporter until like 2018 when the Spygate thing was unfolding - the Russia hoax - anyone with a room temperature IQ knew it was lies , but they still rolled with it.

But if Trump had tried to do it alone , they'd have taken him out for sure. ...he could have called out the National Guard in November 2020, but chose not to risk a possible bloodbath....he underestimated the level it went to, but that part we have to figure out....he's lucky if he can trust his own Secret Service people at this stage.
That is one of the most obtuse comments that I have witnessed. Tump worried about a bloodbath?
All he had to do was to tell his followers to leave the premises, which he finally did after the damage was done with people injured and killed. He said he would meet them at the Capitol, and of course, pulled a trump on these gullible people. He could also have pardoned all of them instead of leaving them in a lurch. Nah, tump is the devil's advocate. A treasonous s.o.b for sure.
Actually they have tried,there have been over 45 attempts on his life,your just not going to hear about it from the CIA controlled media.the last attempt on him I heard was a couple months before leaving office,he has loyal people willing to die fir him that test the food he gets before eating it,and will take a bullet for him,they had to call a Dr to the White House because one of his people thst ate the food thst trump was going to have was poisoned and fortunately for the the tester,the dr was able to successfully pump the poison out of his body and save his life.

trump is alive because he learned from Kennedy’s mistake,kennedy made the mistake of trusting the secret service,ss agents Greer and kellerman the driver and the one sitting next to him both had connections to the CIA.Trump uses his own people thsts why they have not been able to get to him,Langley shills Allen Dulles the third,candyass,rightwinger,toro,and pretender fake trump supporter the hawk,err I mean the idiot,and all the other magic bullet theorists,they would all have been dancing having a party if the CIA had once been able to succeeed in their many attempts on him as they did with kennedy.
Bullshit. All presidents are threatened by fruitcakes, and the Secret Service keeps them healthy.
Imagine what Obama must have gone through in the life-threatening category, with all your racist ilk walking the streets.
That is one of the most obtuse comments that I have witnessed. Tump worried about a bloodbath?
All he had to do was to tell his followers to leave the premises, which he finally did after the damage was done with people injured and killed. He said he would meet them at the Capitol, and of course, pulled a trump on these gullible people. He could also have pardoned all of them instead of leaving them in a lurch. Nah, tump is the devil's advocate. A treasonous s.o.b for sure.
I'm talking about in November, to confiscate Dominion machines , secure the White House, etc.....you are obsessed with Jan 6th for whatever reason.

Pelosi and the FBI let Jan 6th happen.
I'm talking about in November, to confiscate Dominion machines , secure the White House, etc.....you are obsessed with Jan 6th for whatever reason.

Pelosi and the FBI let Jan 6th happen.
Pelosi and the FBI "let" it happen? What was the motive? Tump said it was a love fest. Why confiscate Dominion machines? They worked in 2016, yes?
Pelosi and the FBI "let" it happen? What was the motive? Tump said it was a love fest. Why confiscate Dominion machines? They worked in 2016, yes?
Save the disingenuousness for the Sunday School kids, Huckleberry.
Who called in the tip to the police with the description of Oswald, when nobody witnessed Oswald shooting? How could anyone have garnered a decent description?
No one called in a tip.

It was not based on a tip.

It was quickly determined that the shots came from the school book depository. The vast majority of witnesses heard all of the shots coming from there. His rifle and shell casings were found there. TSBD management quickly determined he was the only employee to leave the scene. This made him a suspect and his co workers knew him well enough to give a good descriotion.

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