When Kamala Harris was Attorney General of California, she sent 1900 people to Jail on Marijuana charges.

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FACT! When Kamala Harris was Attorny General of California, she sent 1900 people to Jail on Marijuana charges.
NOW she says NOBODY sould be snt to Jail for Smoking Marijuana
Wow! You mean that woman, as Attorney General of her state, actually stood behind and enforced the laws of her state? You guys say, Dems never enforce the laws, too soft on crime, etc. Yet, I guess, according to you, she prosecuted 316 Joe Snuffy, simple possession cases a year between 2011 and 2017 when the people of her state sent her to the US Senate, and legalized Marijuana in 2018 to make it safe for Joe Schmoe, the mail man to smoke a gonzo joint on the weekend! That is pretty amazing for a state Attorney General! I did not have her figured for such a fireball. Imagine, if that was her success rate, she must have been in court every single day (not to mention the other crime cases prosecuted), no prosecutor having a perfect record, not even on possession cases, usually a slam dunk, as pot smokers, often not too bright. You make me wonder if I misjudged her incompetence and work ethic.:auiqs.jpg:
She also said Biden was / is a racist.

Amazing how the pursuit of money / power can cause one to sell their morals, ethics, convictions...
She actually told Plugs he's a "racist" and a "rapist" in back-to-back sentences....

which was some pretty good whore-level alliteration, I thought.
So you think the POTUS should be able to pardon people for committing the exact same crime that you are crying about the AG selectively enforcing? Shouldn't that be done by the legislature as well?
The AG is sworn to enforce the law, with some latitude of course. But it is not unlimited. Pardon power is explicitly granted to the president to exercise at his discretion. No limitations that I'm aware of.
The AG is sworn to enforce the law, with some latitude of course. But it is not unlimited. Pardon power is explicitly granted to the president to exercise at his discretion. No limitations that I'm aware of.
Hypocrisy is hypocrisy whether it is the AG or the resident of the WH. But it is nice to know that you can justify it depending on your political narrative of the moment.
She actually told Plugs he's a "racist" and a "rapist" in back-to-back sentences....

which was some pretty good whore-level alliteration, I thought.
And her family history as slave owners in that background makes it even more telling.
She is a living and breathing descendent of slave owners who enriched themselves on those slaves who built up foundation in Jamaica to the powerful nation it is today. By Prog standards of woke politics, she is deplorable I tell you.
I couldn't confirm but it wouldn't surprise me if she is also the descendent of an enslaved woman raped by that slave owner. By Prog standards of woke politics, she is heroic I tell you. I guess...
Hypocrisy is hypocrisy whether it is the AG or the resident of the WH. But it is nice to know that you can justify it depending on your political narrative of the moment.
I understand you think that laws you don't like can be ignored. Trump is in your camp too.
All laws are selectively enforced. The AG/DA/police do not have the resources to apprehend, let alone prosecute every single crime that they become aware of. So they set policies that emphasize the crimes that they consider most harmful.

But the same comment applies to KH as to Biden's recent gambit. NOBODY goes to prison for smoking or carrying weed. In every single case, the defendant/accused was arrested on a more serious charge and for one reason or another, the charges were consolidated and pleaded down to possession. It got the prosecutor a conviction, put the person in prison, and the defendant got a much lighter sentence than what s/he would have gotten if the original crimes had been successfully prosecuted. That's how plea bargains work. 90% of all guilty verdicts are the result of a guilty plea - which is a plea bargain.

Nobody goes to prison for smoking weed.
Right, but she was hired to prosecute MJ crimes, which she did.

Merrick Garland and the DOJ were hired to prosecute crimes....AND THEY ARE NOT DOING IT.

That is ALL I am saying about it.
Harris is a hypocrite from hell.

She smokes weed, and throws other people in jail for doing the same thing.

ALL Democraps are this way. They riot, and then they throw other people in jail for rioting.

FACT! When Kamala Harris was Attorny General of California, she sent 1900 people to Jail on Marijuana charges.
NOW she says NOBODY sould be snt to Jail for Smoking Marijuana

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