When Magic Johnson gets Ebola, A cure will appear.

I see no one gets the link between HIV and Ebola and Africa.....and history.......and........nvm.
Yeah, ha ha ha. You're showing your age. Magic is a has been. Pick a current sports star.

Better yet. Post something interesting.

The CDC NIH Bill Gates Own the Patents On Existing Ebola Related Vaccines Mandatory Vaccinations Are Near mediachecker

Funny thing about Capitalism and Business in America today. The model seems to be; "Start a fire and sell water" Or "Start a virus and sell an anti-virus" <---TALKING COMPUTERS. Since Corporations own the Politicians it's ran openly and freely. FREEDOM!
You blame Government. I blame Corporations that fund Government ever since Citizens United.

I think that if we had the debate, "which came first, the chicken or the egg" I would win this debate.

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