When might it become America's war?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky has told America that opposing ISIS is not America's war.

Nutty Old Uncle Bernie has told us that America's war is climate change, climate change, climate change.

So if America is foolish enough elect a Democrat president in 2016 what will it take to make ISIS worth waging war against?

Will it be bombing American airlines out of the sky? Somehow I doubt that would be enough....

Flying planes into the new tower in New York? Probably not....

A Paris style attack on America's Senate? House of Representatives? Nawwwwww.......

Given the current regime's attitude and that of both current Democrat candidates I just can't envision anything being sufficient to motivate anything other than a verbal assault.

Am I missing something?
Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky has told America that opposing ISIS is not America's war.

Nutty Old Uncle Bernie has told us that America's war is climate change, climate change, climate change.

So if America is foolish enough elect a Democrat president in 2016 what will it take to make ISIS worth waging war against?

Will it be bombing American airlines out of the sky? Somehow I doubt that would be enough....

Flying planes into the new tower in New York? Probably not....

A Paris style attack on America's Senate? House of Representatives? Nawwwwww.......

Given the current regime's attitude and that of both current Democrat candidates I just can't envision anything being sufficient to motivate anything other than a verbal assault.

Am I missing something?

None of the Democrat candidates are Commander-in-Chief material. The American people will realize that fact and vote for a Republican President. They always do whenever this nation is threatened.
It will become America's war when every flag-waving, gun-toting Keyboard Kommando on USMB gets offline long enough to form a mercenary army and go play Rambo.

Until then, y'all are just blowing hot air.
I dont recall out buildings falling down under democrat watch ?
Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky has told America that opposing ISIS is not America's war.

Nutty Old Uncle Bernie has told us that America's war is climate change, climate change, climate change.

So if America is foolish enough elect a Democrat president in 2016 what will it take to make ISIS worth waging war against?

Will it be bombing American airlines out of the sky? Somehow I doubt that would be enough....

Flying planes into the new tower in New York? Probably not....

A Paris style attack on America's Senate? House of Representatives? Nawwwwww.......

Given the current regime's attitude and that of both current Democrat candidates I just can't envision anything being sufficient to motivate anything other than a verbal assault.

Am I missing something?

Bill Clinton, overall was terrible at Foreign Policy ; he took care of inside the United States.....disregarding threats from abroad.

ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other terror groups are a real threat. The hit on France.........what would be Frances retaliation for the bombing? That is something that the bad guys asked themselves ---. What will France do?

If the French Foreign Legion finds these guys, it will not be pretty. I would not want to be one interrogated by the French Military either. People are moving around and adjusting terror laws to where all teh good guys can do is get "Touchy Feely".

Democrats are moving from standing fast, to moving forward with terrorism. The left is finally, after decades.....becoming war mongers.

Republicans adjust strategy because the Dems stole their wind and fire. Republicans whom were the only ones who believed sending men and women into harms way ; is now side by side with the Democrats in deploying Troops into the battlefield.

How long will this last before the US and our Allies become weary, tired and frustrated..... at our constantly spending money and deploying US Forces across the ocean? How long before the US and our allies speak with fire and steam......saying that enough is enough.

When will tactical weapons ( Nukes ) be used? Most certainly not in my lifetime....and I am in my late 40s in age.

The enemy keeps growing and growing, becoming more mobile. They are better and more educated than they were in the 1970s ; now they have computer, finance and engineering degrees. Some are even Doctors. An ever evolving, highly mobile and well equipped terror group that keeps growing in larger numbers in size......will become only a greater problem and threat to the Unites States.

Revenge is a motive among terrorist. Our occupying Kuwait was a reason set forth by Osama Bin Laden...... for "9/11".

When we kill a terrorist leader in a drone strike, they commit to a terror attack or a kidnapping.

When we bomb a building, they bomb us or one of our interest.

We cannot keep trading punches with terrorist......It has to stop. One final push ; the touch of a button , National Command Authority call NMCC at the Pentagon and ordering our submarines to launch nuclear weapons. We need our psychological effect - We need to break the back of the bad guys.


Shadow 355
Addendum to Post #3: Y'all should draft Ann Coulter to lead the invasion.
We as a nation are back in the pre 9-11 mindset radical Islam and terrorist are no longer considered a major threat no matter what they pull off in other parts of the world I suspect it will stay that way till we suffer another 9-11 type attack here.

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