When Mr Mueller has finished trump.....

stupid is as stupid does.. and stupid undermines our chief law enforcement agencies' earnest efforts to discover who is behind the hacking of our government.

stupid throws shade at our own government agencies in defense of the sinister hackers.

stupid donny took the election hacking investigation personally thus throwing himself under the bus (OMFG THE "LEAKS"!!) because stupid donny is GUILTY as sin.
Trumps behaviour throughout this affair has been astonishing. If he isnt guilty then he is stupid. Most likely both.
tom Coraitian much?
Not at all.
And what about your avatar?

What about your avatar?
Do you think we could have him over here to sort out our Russian collusion scandal ?

Revealed: Arron Banks met Russian ambassador 11 times

Brexit’s biggest funder, Arron Banks, met the Russian ambassador at least 11 times in the run-up to the EU referendum and in the two months beyond, documents seen by the Observer suggest – seven more times than he has admitted. The same documents suggest the Russian embassy extended a further four invitations but it is not known if they were accepted.

It is the third time the number of such meetings has been revised upwards. For two years, Banks insisted his only contacts with the Russian government consisted of one “boozy lunch” with the ambassador.

Brexit was funded by Russian money supported by Russian online bots. They overspent and broke election rules and I doubt that Mays government will do anything about it.

Hmmm. The plot thickens. Seems like the Russians are trying to take down both the U.S. and the U.K. at the same time, and we, in both of our countries, have collaborators willing to sacrifice both of our nations for what is known in the U.S. as a "buck," perhaps as couple of quid.
They also backed Le Pen in France and that wierdo in Holland. They are probably at it everywhere.

I think so. The Russians have started a multi-country movement to demolish western societies. We have to remain on top of this! It's frightening to have an organized group trying to destroy the societies that we have built up based on our better instincts as human beings.
The thing is that they cant do it on their own. They need willing idiots in every country and the right have shown that they will sink to any depth to promote their nutty ideas.

This is why people dedicated to being civilized must stop them. I wasn't alive during WWII. I often wondered what it was like in Europe to encounter such. But here in the U.S., I was shown pictures of what happened in nazi death camps, piles of dead people, photos of people liberated who were bones and who took so much care to be brought back to life. If there is anything to form a bedrock of belief, it is that this kind of shit will never again
team trump was colluding with wikileaks who are criminal hackers deemed enemies of the state.

teflon don knew precisely who was "listening" when he asked these foreign criminal hackers to "find" (hack) classified state department correspondence.
yawn Wikileaks has yet to be proven wrong

wikileaks are criminal hackers stealing state secrets that you once pretended to care SO much about being *gasp* possibly breached in ms hillary's supposedly vulnerable email server .

That's why so many of her emails are available on wikileaks, right? Of course they are. :cuckoo:

Between her and the leftist FBI and corrupt DOJ, it's a damn shame.
yawn Wikileaks has yet to be proven wrong

wikileaks are criminal hackers stealing state secrets that you once pretended to care SO much about being *gasp* possibly breached in ms hillary's supposedly vulnerable email server .

That's why so many of her emails are available on wikileaks, right? Of course they are. :cuckoo:

Between her and the leftist FBI and corrupt DOJ, it's a damn shame.
What Val doesn't realize was Hillarys server was hacked.
Hostile countries gained access to Hillary emails - Lewiston Sun Journal

What Val doesn't realize was Hillarys server was hacked.
Hostile countries gained access to Hillary emails - Lewiston Sun Journal

the official investigations found no direct evidence that her email server had ever been breached..

from your article:

“We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account.” And he speculated that, given how “extremely careless” Clinton had been, it was “possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account.” BUT NO EVIDENCE FOUND.

and setting that factoid aside, why did you care if it was breached??

doesn't it matter A LOT if team trump colluded with the breachers...?

also wondering why you suddenly don't mind how extremely reckless the trump administration is being with their electronic communications??

‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security
the FBI knew with certainty at the time that hostile actors had in fact gained access to classified information via Clinton’s emails. According to the inspector general, a special review of the Clinton email investigation in 2017 by the Office to the FBI’s Inspection Division (INSD) found that “the FBI … successfully determined classified information was improperly stored and transmitted on Clinton’s email server, and classified information was compromised by unauthorized individuals, to include foreign government’s or intelligence services, via cyber intrusion or other means” (emphasis added).

The initial draft of Comey’s 2016 statement said it was “reasonably likely” that hostile actors had gained access to Clinton’s private email account. Moreover, the inspector general quotes FBI agent Peter Strzok as commenting on that “It is more accurate to say we know foreign actors obtained access to some of her emails (including at least one Secret one) via compromises of the private email accounts of some of her staffers” (emphasis added).
stupid is as stupid does.. and stupid undermines our chief law enforcement agencies' earnest efforts to discover who is behind the hacking of our government.

stupid throws shade at our own government agencies in defense of the sinister hackers.

stupid donny took the election hacking investigation personally thus throwing himself under the bus (OMFG THE "LEAKS"!!) because stupid donny is GUILTY as sin.
Trumps behaviour throughout this affair has been astonishing. If he isnt guilty then he is stupid. Most likely both.
tom Coraitian much?
Not at all.
And what about your avatar?

What about your avatar?
Do you think we could have him over here to sort out our Russian collusion scandal ?

Revealed: Arron Banks met Russian ambassador 11 times

Brexit’s biggest funder, Arron Banks, met the Russian ambassador at least 11 times in the run-up to the EU referendum and in the two months beyond, documents seen by the Observer suggest – seven more times than he has admitted. The same documents suggest the Russian embassy extended a further four invitations but it is not known if they were accepted.

It is the third time the number of such meetings has been revised upwards. For two years, Banks insisted his only contacts with the Russian government consisted of one “boozy lunch” with the ambassador.

Brexit was funded by Russian money supported by Russian online bots. They overspent and broke election rules and I doubt that Mays government will do anything about it.

Hmmm. The plot thickens. Seems like the Russians are trying to take down both the U.S. and the U.K. at the same time, and we, in both of our countries, have collaborators willing to sacrifice both of our nations for what is known in the U.S. as a "buck," perhaps as couple of quid.
They also backed Le Pen in France and that wierdo in Holland. They are probably at it everywhere.

I think so. The Russians have started a multi-country movement to demolish western societies. We have to remain on top of this! It's frightening to have an organized group trying to destroy the societies that we have built up based on our better instincts as human beings.
The thing is that they cant do it on their own. They need willing idiots in every country and the right have shown that they will sink to any depth to promote their nutty ideas.

This is why people dedicated to being civilized must stop them. I wasn't alive during WWII. I often wondered what it was like in Europe to encounter such. But here in the U.S., I was shown pictures of what happened in nazi death camps, piles of dead people, photos of people liberated who were bones and who took so much care to be brought back to life. If there is anything to form a bedrock of belief, it is that this kind of shit will never again
What about me in my avatar? what of it?
So by "soon" ... You mean ... "after he milks the taxpayers for a few more years".
I mean really ... We've been hearing "soon" for a fricken long time ... :thup:
there's A TON of crimes to investigate, so of course that takes time to be so thorough.
so far so good, in only one year so far, how many indictments are up already?
and how long were all the 'nothing-burger' investigations against ms hillary?

So ... Because you state "there's a ton of crimes to investigate" ...
Your stupid ass thinks that changes the meaning of the word "soon" ... :dunno:

stupid is as stupid does.. and stupid undermines our chief law enforcement agencies' earnest efforts to discover who is behind the hacking of our government.

stupid throws shade at our own government agencies in defense of the sinister hackers.

stupid donny took the election hacking investigation personally thus throwing himself under the bus (OMFG THE "LEAKS"!!) because stupid donny is GUILTY as sin.
Trumps behaviour throughout this affair has been astonishing. If he isnt guilty then he is stupid. Most likely both.
tom Coraitian much?
Not at all.
And what about your avatar?

What about your avatar?
Do you think we could have him over here to sort out our Russian collusion scandal ?

Revealed: Arron Banks met Russian ambassador 11 times

Brexit’s biggest funder, Arron Banks, met the Russian ambassador at least 11 times in the run-up to the EU referendum and in the two months beyond, documents seen by the Observer suggest – seven more times than he has admitted. The same documents suggest the Russian embassy extended a further four invitations but it is not known if they were accepted.

It is the third time the number of such meetings has been revised upwards. For two years, Banks insisted his only contacts with the Russian government consisted of one “boozy lunch” with the ambassador.

Brexit was funded by Russian money supported by Russian online bots. They overspent and broke election rules and I doubt that Mays government will do anything about it.

Hmmm. The plot thickens. Seems like the Russians are trying to take down both the U.S. and the U.K. at the same time, and we, in both of our countries, have collaborators willing to sacrifice both of our nations for what is known in the U.S. as a "buck," perhaps as couple of quid.
They also backed Le Pen in France and that wierdo in Holland. They are probably at it everywhere.

I think so. The Russians have started a multi-country movement to demolish western societies. We have to remain on top of this! It's frightening to have an organized group trying to destroy the societies that we have built up based on our better instincts as human beings.
The thing is that they cant do it on their own. They need willing idiots in every country and the right have shown that they will sink to any depth to promote their nutty ideas.

This is why people dedicated to being civilized must stop them. I wasn't alive during WWII. I often wondered what it was like in Europe to encounter such. But here in the U.S., I was shown pictures of what happened in nazi death camps, piles of dead people, photos of people liberated who were bones and who took so much care to be brought back to life. If there is anything to form a bedrock of belief, it is that this kind of shit will never again

Yeah, you don't know shit about that. You've never seen your uncle fall asleep, then be right there on the beach at Normandy with mortars and artillery raining down and MG42's firing. Well, I witnessed that, many times, and I carried him to his grave. He was a good man. A big man, too, and heavy. It's a hell of a thing to see a big man like that cry and whimper like a baby. Especially when you know how solid and good of a man he is.

That's real.
Last edited:
Wikileaks was approved of by the left when Bush was president
Most of the coverage has shown the corruption of the obama years now the left hates them lol

nope, your narrative is FILLED WITH FAKE NEWS. :eusa_liar:

Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said it "tore at the fabric of government" and pledged "aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information". Republicans branded it terrorism.

Manning faces a court martial and up to 52 years in prison for his alleged role in copying the diplomatic cables, as well as the leak of military logs about incidents in Afghanistan and Iraq and a classified military video...

WikiLeaks cables: Bradley Manning faces 52 years in jail | World news | The Guardian



U.S.: Assange and WikiLeaks Enemies of the State [REPORT]
dear rethuglican frauds, do you or do you not LOVE WIKI LEAKS?
Wikileaks was approved of by the left when Bush was president
Most of the coverage has shown the corruption of the obama years now the left hates them lol

nope, your narrative is FILLED WITH FAKE NEWS. :eusa_liar:

Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said it "tore at the fabric of government" and pledged "aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information". Republicans branded it terrorism.

Manning faces a court martial and up to 52 years in prison for his alleged role in copying the diplomatic cables, as well as the leak of military logs about incidents in Afghanistan and Iraq and a classified military video...

WikiLeaks cables: Bradley Manning faces 52 years in jail | World news | The Guardian



U.S.: Assange and WikiLeaks Enemies of the State [REPORT]
Tons of fake news coming from you.
dear rethuglican frauds, do you or do you not LOVE WIKI LEAKS?
I hate liberals

you don't even know what it means to be a liberal.
Wikileaks was approved of by the left when Bush was president
Most of the coverage has shown the corruption of the obama years now the left hates them lol

nope, your narrative is FILLED WITH FAKE NEWS. :eusa_liar:

Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said it "tore at the fabric of government" and pledged "aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information". Republicans branded it terrorism.

Manning faces a court martial and up to 52 years in prison for his alleged role in copying the diplomatic cables, as well as the leak of military logs about incidents in Afghanistan and Iraq and a classified military video...

WikiLeaks cables: Bradley Manning faces 52 years in jail | World news | The Guardian



U.S.: Assange and WikiLeaks Enemies of the State [REPORT]
Tons of fake news coming from you.

nope, sorry liar.. that's a true story which proves your post as FAKE NEWS.

dear rethuglican frauds, do you or do you not LOVE WIKI LEAKS?
I hate liberals

liberals ain't so bad, dude. The Founding Fathers were liberals.

These little Marxist fucks that call themselves "liberals" are not liberals. They are an insult to liberals.

They're just Communist brainwashed trash. Odd how leftist Americans are more Communist than actual Russians.

Maybe we could "Red Dawn" the communists in the country?
Do you think we could have him over here to sort out our Russian collusion scandal ?

Revealed: Arron Banks met Russian ambassador 11 times

Brexit’s biggest funder, Arron Banks, met the Russian ambassador at least 11 times in the run-up to the EU referendum and in the two months beyond, documents seen by the Observer suggest – seven more times than he has admitted. The same documents suggest the Russian embassy extended a further four invitations but it is not known if they were accepted.

It is the third time the number of such meetings has been revised upwards. For two years, Banks insisted his only contacts with the Russian government consisted of one “boozy lunch” with the ambassador.

Brexit was funded by Russian money supported by Russian online bots. They overspent and broke election rules and I doubt that Mays government will do anything about it.
You can have him now – and keep him.
dear rethuglican frauds, do you or do you not LOVE WIKI LEAKS?
I hate liberals

you don't even know what it means to be a liberal.
Wikileaks was approved of by the left when Bush was president
Most of the coverage has shown the corruption of the obama years now the left hates them lol

nope, your narrative is FILLED WITH FAKE NEWS. :eusa_liar:

Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said it "tore at the fabric of government" and pledged "aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information". Republicans branded it terrorism.

Manning faces a court martial and up to 52 years in prison for his alleged role in copying the diplomatic cables, as well as the leak of military logs about incidents in Afghanistan and Iraq and a classified military video...

WikiLeaks cables: Bradley Manning faces 52 years in jail | World news | The Guardian



U.S.: Assange and WikiLeaks Enemies of the State [REPORT]
Tons of fake news coming from you.

nope, sorry liar.. that's a true story which proves your post as FAKE NEWS.


Palatka girl sez wut? Metinks u got some Russian in you.
dear rethuglican frauds, do you or do you not LOVE WIKI LEAKS?
I hate liberals

liberals ain't so bad, dude. The Founding Fathers were liberals.

These little Marxist fucks that call themselves "liberals" are not liberals. They are an insult to liberals.

They're just Communist brainwashed trash. Odd how leftist Americans are more Communist than actual Russians.

Maybe we could "Red Dawn" the communists in the country?
Todays liberals are nothing like the founders of this country so please don't try to compare the two.
Trumps behaviour throughout this affair has been astonishing. If he isnt guilty then he is stupid. Most likely both.
tom Coraitian much?
Not at all.
And what about your avatar?

What about your avatar?
Hmmm. The plot thickens. Seems like the Russians are trying to take down both the U.S. and the U.K. at the same time, and we, in both of our countries, have collaborators willing to sacrifice both of our nations for what is known in the U.S. as a "buck," perhaps as couple of quid.
They also backed Le Pen in France and that wierdo in Holland. They are probably at it everywhere.

I think so. The Russians have started a multi-country movement to demolish western societies. We have to remain on top of this! It's frightening to have an organized group trying to destroy the societies that we have built up based on our better instincts as human beings.
The thing is that they cant do it on their own. They need willing idiots in every country and the right have shown that they will sink to any depth to promote their nutty ideas.

This is why people dedicated to being civilized must stop them. I wasn't alive during WWII. I often wondered what it was like in Europe to encounter such. But here in the U.S., I was shown pictures of what happened in nazi death camps, piles of dead people, photos of people liberated who were bones and who took so much care to be brought back to life. If there is anything to form a bedrock of belief, it is that this kind of shit will never again

Yeah, you don't know shit about that. You've never seen your uncle fall asleep, then be right there on the beach at Normandy with mortars and artillery raining down and MG42's firing. Well, I witnessed that, many times, and I carried him to his grave. He was a good man.

What do you wish to prove, you who use as your avatar some two-bit lousy actor? I have carried to their graves those who fought in North Africa and the Philippines.. An uncle who fought at Anzio. From the next generation, an aunt who who served as a teen as a watch-warden on Long Island and went on as a USAF officer to patch up wounded soldiers at Cam Ranh Bay. Just who do you think you're kidding. That was then. This is now. People served. My people served. Just what gives you the right to bootstrap on them? Stop bragging. All of our families did it: among the now deceased: B, Skip, Vic, Jack, Helen, Annie. Do you know how much quinine it took my mother, Stephanie, who worked at Grumman Aircraft, to get from the village pharmacy every day to nurse her six-foot-130 pound brother back to health after he was shipped backed from the Philippines? Go find your big-boy pants.
liberals ain't so bad, dude. The Founding Fathers were liberals.

These little Marxist fucks that call themselves "liberals" are not liberals. They are an insult to liberals.

They're just Communist brainwashed trash. Odd how leftist Americans are more Communist than actual Russians.

Maybe we could "Red Dawn" the communists in the country?

you believe the USA, FBI, CIA, NSA, FISA, DOJ grand jury are enemy marxist fucks but the KGB troll farm and wiki leaks are your friend...

brainwashed?? :laugh2:

so-called brain has done got oxi cleaned, s0n!
dear rethuglican frauds, do you or do you not LOVE WIKI LEAKS?
I hate liberals

you don't even know what it means to be a liberal.
Wikileaks was approved of by the left when Bush was president
Most of the coverage has shown the corruption of the obama years now the left hates them lol

nope, your narrative is FILLED WITH FAKE NEWS. :eusa_liar:

I have your playbook so yes I know liberals
It's hard to hate someone that you know nothing about but really easy to know their every move and how they will react.

Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said it "tore at the fabric of government" and pledged "aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information". Republicans branded it terrorism.

Manning faces a court martial and up to 52 years in prison for his alleged role in copying the diplomatic cables, as well as the leak of military logs about incidents in Afghanistan and Iraq and a classified military video...

WikiLeaks cables: Bradley Manning faces 52 years in jail | World news | The Guardian



U.S.: Assange and WikiLeaks Enemies of the State [REPORT]
Tons of fake news coming from you.

nope, sorry liar.. that's a true story which proves your post as FAKE NEWS.

I have your playbook so yes I know liberals
It's hard to hate someone that you know nothing about but really easy to know their every move and how they will react.
Last edited:

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