When racism isn’t a cause for shame

Rosie, I agree. Now if she'd only be honest enough to admit that the Jordanian Army ethnically cleansed 'East Jerusalem' of its Jewish population, and that the Arab League member states colluded to despoil and disenfranchise their Jewish populations in other acts of 'ethnic cleansing', perhaps we could begin to have a discussion based on the realities.......
Purported IDF video has men laughing as Palestinian is brutally killed

"This video, lately*posted on Facebook, is said by our*sourceto be a leaked Israel Defense Forces video that shows the killing of a Palestinian civilian carrying a white flag during the assault on Gaza in December '08-January '09.While it is not clear to us that the target of the killing is carrying a white flag, the video soundtrack includes Israelis observing the killing and laughing at the brutality of the attack-- something like the famous Collateral Murder video from Baghdad in 2007*leaked by Wikileaks." Purported IDF video has soldiers laughing as Palestinian is brutally killed
The morning commute (through the checkpoint)

"5:00 in the morning in Bethlehem. The rising sun is replacing the blue morning mist with its first warm rays. Hundreds of men are standing in a cage, holding the metal bars like prisoners and anxiously waiting. The atmosphere is as blue as the air.” A European photographer documents the humiliation of going to work through a checkpoint built for cattle." The morning commute -- through a checkpoint. If Zionists had souls and consciences, they would feel shame over treating human beings like cattle. If Zionists only had souls and consciences, I like to imagine what Palestine could be.
The morning commute (through the checkpoint)

"5:00 in the morning in Bethlehem. The rising sun is replacing the blue morning mist with its first warm rays. Hundreds of men are standing in a cage, holding the metal bars like prisoners and anxiously waiting. The atmosphere is as blue as the air.” A European photographer documents the humiliation of going to work through a checkpoint built for cattle." The morning commute -- through a checkpoint. If Zionists had souls and consciences, they would feel shame over treating human beings like cattle. If Zionists only had souls and consciences, I like to imagine what Palestine could be.

Well let me tell you something. The checkpoints are ESSENTIAL to deter terrorism. Israel cannot have unlimited tooing and froing of people who it can't keep track of and who are not Israeli citizens. Israel is under constant threats and has to have checkpoints. At least these men have work, most likely on the building sites building more homes. :cool:
that idiot mondelweiss bit is one of the most idiotic and cheapest
bits of nonsensical propaganda I have ever seen
"humiliating checkpoint"

Morning rush in any large subway station in New York City
could be photographed to look a lot more "humiliating"

try again sherri--------that one was really silly

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