When racism isn’t a cause for shame

Spamming Palestinian propaganda posts one after another with no comments shows serious problems. Seriously, have you considered treatment for OCD?

Leave sherri alone-----she is an asset------decades ago I had to go to mosques
to get the filth that she hands to us----ready made in spittoons and pisspots

Bedouins are BY DEFINITION persons who do not own land or have
permanent homes -------they are the gypsies of the middle east------
something like the "travelers" of Great Britain Interestingly enough
they are described in ANCIENT literature as such------unwashed desert
dwellers----illiterate, into caravan robbing and slave trade and criminality ----

The Bedouins of the negev have been determined by anthropologists to
be migrants who wandered into the negev FROM ARABIA ------not all
that long ago-----they have no "ancestral lands" any more than did
the gypsies of england who created encampments near streams and
rivers -------before they were evicted from here to there or the Gypsies
of Pennsylvannia who sometimes live with their families in trucks----
between camping out in the hills

for the record----the Bedouins in arabia do not have "land rights" either----
its all up to the king where and when and how and if they live. Some
of them are just left to starve to death. If ANYTHING is the "ancestral
homelands of the Bedouins of the Negev-----it happens to be the deserts
of arabia (this stuff has been worked out by etymologists and anthro-
pologists and geneticists)

Spamming Palestinian propaganda posts one after another with no comments shows serious problems. Seriously, have you considered treatment for OCD?

Leave sherri alone-----she is an asset------decades ago I had to go to mosques
to get the filth that she hands to us----ready made in spittoons and pisspots

Bedouins are BY DEFINITION persons who do not own land or have
permanent homes -------they are the gypsies of the middle east------
something like the "travelers" of Great Britain Interestingly enough
they are described in ANCIENT literature as such------unwashed desert
dwellers----illiterate, into caravan robbing and slave trade and criminality ----

The Bedouins of the negev have been determined by anthropologists to
be migrants who wandered into the negev FROM ARABIA ------not all
that long ago-----they have no "ancestral lands" any more than did
the gypsies of england who created encampments near streams and
rivers -------before they were evicted from here to there or the Gypsies
of Pennsylvannia who sometimes live with their families in trucks----
between camping out in the hills

for the record----the Bedouins in arabia do not have "land rights" either----
its all up to the king where and when and how and if they live. Some
of them are just left to starve to death. If ANYTHING is the "ancestral
homelands of the Bedouins of the Negev-----it happens to be the deserts
of arabia (this stuff has been worked out by etymologists and anthro-
pologists and geneticists)

And therefore they don't pay taxes?

Spamming Palestinian propaganda posts one after another with no comments shows serious problems. Seriously, have you considered treatment for OCD?

All kinds of sources, like UN Reports and Haaretz, are a part of sources I am addressing in my posts. These are not Palestinian propaganda posts. Truth is what I address, you are free to embrace it or close your eyes to it. Some people simply cannot handle truth. I feel pity for them.
Word of the Day / Yihud: Conversion not of the mind, but of the land

Haaretz 9 Aug by Judd Yadid -- "In Hebrew, the verb to Judaize means not to convert someone to Judaism, but rather to entrench Jewish control over territory -- From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, a consequential process has been revolutionizing the human and natural environment for over a century. Beginning with the first Zionist immigrants and continuing on into the present day,*yihud*[yi-HOOD], Judaization, is the term used to describe Israel’s official spatial policy. So whereas the verb*legayer*means to convert someone to Judaism,leyahed*is used to describe a geo-demographic kind of transformation: to create a Jewish majority in a given area. Yihud has been an official policy of successive Israeli governments, which cite the need to ensure the country’s territorial integrity and also to redress the disparity in its population distribution, densely packed in the center of the country as it is. Moreover, some see Judaization as the earthly tool of achieving a divine promise -- claiming the Land of Israel in its entirety for the People of Israel." . Published 06:55 09.08.13. Word of the Day / Yihud: Conversion not of the mind, but of the land - Word of the DayIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source. "Judaizing’ the land has been government policy from the start, Israeli newspaper explains." Racism was embraced by Zionism from the beginnining of colonialist settling in Palestone. THE idea was to control all of the land and make Jews the majority in all of the land, always trying to push nonJews out of more and more of the land. THE racist Judaizing process continues in Palestine. 'Judaizing' the land has been government policy from the start, Israeli newspaper explains

Spamming Palestinian propaganda posts one after another with no comments shows serious problems. Seriously, have you considered treatment for OCD?

All kinds of sources, like UN Reports and Haaretz, are a part of sources I am addressing in my posts. These are not Palestinian propaganda posts. Truth is what I address, you are free to embrace it or close your eyes to it. Some people simply cannot handle truth. I feel pity for them.

On the contrary, madam. You are simply cutting and posting biased opinions of biased people. You are not presenting fact. You have zero debating skills. You are convincing zero people of nothing. Seriously, have you considered seeking treatment for a delusional disorder?
. Human rights abuses of Israel documented by intl human rights organization, Amnesty.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P07c65Hg3HU&feature=youtube_gdata_player. Human rights abuses of Israel documented by intl human rights organization.

:lol: Propaganda. The building equipment, medical aid, food galore, American white goods and electricals, etc all go through the crossings, and Gazans are treated in the hospitals in southern Israel should they need treatment.

International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law

Published*1, June 14, 2010 Constitutional Law*,*Courts*,*The respected International Committee for the Red Cross has*released a statement*denouncing Israel’s blockade of Gaza as a violation of international law.The ICRC stated today thatAs the ICRC has stressed repeatedly, the dire situation in Gaza cannot be resolved by providing humanitarian aid. The closure imposed on the Gaza Strip is about to enter its fourth year, choking off any real possibility of economic development. Gazans continue to suffer from unemployment, poverty and warfare, while the quality of Gaza’s health care system has reached an all-time low.The whole of Gaza’s civilian population is being punished for acts for which they bear no responsibility. The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law. International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law | JONATHAN TURLEY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P07c65Hg3HU&feature=youtube_gdata_player. Human rights abuses of Israel documented by intl human rights organization.

:lol: Propaganda. The building equipment, medical aid, food galore, American white goods and electricals, etc all go through the crossings, and Gazans are treated in the hospitals in southern Israel should they need treatment.

International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law

Published*1, June 14, 2010 Constitutional Law*,*Courts*,*The respected International Committee for the Red Cross has*released a statement*denouncing Israel’s blockade of Gaza as a violation of international law.The ICRC stated today thatAs the ICRC has stressed repeatedly, the dire situation in Gaza cannot be resolved by providing humanitarian aid. The closure imposed on the Gaza Strip is about to enter its fourth year, choking off any real possibility of economic development. Gazans continue to suffer from unemployment, poverty and warfare, while the quality of Gaza’s health care system has reached an all-time low.The whole of Gaza’s civilian population is being punished for acts for which they bear no responsibility. The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law. International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law | JONATHAN TURLEY

Israel and Gaza are at war. Israel has every right to block weapons reaching Gaza to the best of its ability. Hamas is a corrupt regime. If they are keeping the citizens poor and blaming it on the legal blockade, in their view they are doing the right thing.

The Red Cross have stated there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as has a Hamas official.

When Hams and Israel sign a peace agreement, which includes taking Israel's destruction off its Charter, then perhaps Israel can help the Gazans thrive. Until then, they are at the mercy of Hams.
:lol: Propaganda. The building equipment, medical aid, food galore, American white goods and electricals, etc all go through the crossings, and Gazans are treated in the hospitals in southern Israel should they need treatment.

International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law

Published*1, June 14, 2010 Constitutional Law*,*Courts*,*The respected International Committee for the Red Cross has*released a statement*denouncing Israel’s blockade of Gaza as a violation of international law.The ICRC stated today thatAs the ICRC has stressed repeatedly, the dire situation in Gaza cannot be resolved by providing humanitarian aid. The closure imposed on the Gaza Strip is about to enter its fourth year, choking off any real possibility of economic development. Gazans continue to suffer from unemployment, poverty and warfare, while the quality of Gaza’s health care system has reached an all-time low.The whole of Gaza’s civilian population is being punished for acts for which they bear no responsibility. The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law. International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law | JONATHAN TURLEY

Israel and Gaza are at war. Israel has every right to block weapons reaching Gaza to the best of its ability. Hamas is a corrupt regime. If they are keeping the citizens poor and blaming it on the legal blockade, in their view they are doing the right thing.

The Red Cross have stated there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as has a Hamas official.

When Hams and Israel sign a peace agreement, which includes taking Israel's destruction off its Charter, then perhaps Israel can help the Gazans thrive. Until then, they are at the mercy of Hams.

International law and intl legal authorities like The Intl Ct of Justice call Israels relationship with Gaza an Occupation. And as illustrated, they call the Blockade a violation of intl law, a crime against humanity, a war crime
International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law

Published*1, June 14, 2010 Constitutional Law*,*Courts*,*The respected International Committee for the Red Cross has*released a statement*denouncing Israel’s blockade of Gaza as a violation of international law.The ICRC stated today thatAs the ICRC has stressed repeatedly, the dire situation in Gaza cannot be resolved by providing humanitarian aid. The closure imposed on the Gaza Strip is about to enter its fourth year, choking off any real possibility of economic development. Gazans continue to suffer from unemployment, poverty and warfare, while the quality of Gaza’s health care system has reached an all-time low.The whole of Gaza’s civilian population is being punished for acts for which they bear no responsibility. The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law. International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law | JONATHAN TURLEY

Israel and Gaza are at war. Israel has every right to block weapons reaching Gaza to the best of its ability. Hamas is a corrupt regime. If they are keeping the citizens poor and blaming it on the legal blockade, in their view they are doing the right thing.

The Red Cross have stated there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as has a Hamas official.

When Hams and Israel sign a peace agreement, which includes taking Israel's destruction off its Charter, then perhaps Israel can help the Gazans thrive. Until then, they are at the mercy of Hams.

International law and intl legal authorities like The Intl Ct of Justice call Israels relationship with Gaza an Occupation. And as illustrated, they call the Blockade a violation of intl law, a crime against humanity, a war crime

Israel is not occupying Gaza. The Maritime blockade is totally legal according to International Law because Israel and Gaza are at war. The war crime is that Gaza are firing rockets into civilian areas, not at military targets, so how's that for a war crime!
International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law

Published*1, June 14, 2010 Constitutional Law*,*Courts*,*The respected International Committee for the Red Cross has*released a statement*denouncing Israel’s blockade of Gaza as a violation of international law.The ICRC stated today thatAs the ICRC has stressed repeatedly, the dire situation in Gaza cannot be resolved by providing humanitarian aid. The closure imposed on the Gaza Strip is about to enter its fourth year, choking off any real possibility of economic development. Gazans continue to suffer from unemployment, poverty and warfare, while the quality of Gaza’s health care system has reached an all-time low.The whole of Gaza’s civilian population is being punished for acts for which they bear no responsibility. The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law. International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law | JONATHAN TURLEY

Israel and Gaza are at war. Israel has every right to block weapons reaching Gaza to the best of its ability. Hamas is a corrupt regime. If they are keeping the citizens poor and blaming it on the legal blockade, in their view they are doing the right thing.

The Red Cross have stated there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as has a Hamas official.

When Hams and Israel sign a peace agreement, which includes taking Israel's destruction off its Charter, then perhaps Israel can help the Gazans thrive. Until then, they are at the mercy of Hams.

International law and intl legal authorities like The Intl Ct of Justice call Israels relationship with Gaza an Occupation. And as illustrated, they call the Blockade a violation of intl law, a crime against humanity, a war crime

I don't see how as a person of good conscience you can allow these atrocities go unpunished. Instead of spamming Palestinian poopaganda all day, I suggest you get a good Jewish lawyer and sue the bastards. That is of course after you seek counseling for your delusions of grandeur.
. The Intl Court of Justice has held The Wall is unlawful under intl law. They also held East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are Occupied by Israel. AND they also held all the Jewish settlements In the OPT are unlawful under intl law.
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sherri---your statement is idiotic----the organization you cite as the
whatsoever Why do you lie? Isa wants you to? You might as well
professor of koranic law-----from his prison cell in New York State ----you can
can add the addendum fartwah which legalizes and LAUDS the killing of any
jew ----regardless of age or gender----anywhere in the world. You could call
it your NOBLE attempt to free the "unlawfully detained" Sheikh Rahman----

btw how is the campaign to free the good Sheikh going-----are
you still fasting?
THE BLOCKADE----made Rhett Butler rich-----without the BLOCKADE --
he would not have been able to buy Scarlett that nice big diamond
ring-------in fact the blockade makes lots of people rich-----Achmed charges
a fortune for use of his tunnels -----and has already bought Fartimah---
a new car ---and lots of fancy undies from Victoria's Secret

Since when have blockades become illegal? sheeeesh-----the USA and Great
Britain have been using them for CENTURIES -----uhm------didn't Elizabeth do
something about that spanish armada thing?
"The Security Council has thus taken the view that such policy and practices "have no legal validity". It has also called upon "Israel, as the occupying Power, to abide scrupulously" by the Fourth Geneva Convention and:"to rescind its previous measures and to desist from taking any action which would result in changing the legal status and geographical nature and materially affecting the demographic composition of the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem and, in particular, not to transfer parts of its own civilian population into the occupied Arab territories" (resolution 446 (1979) of 22 March 1979).The Council reaffirmed its position in resolutions 452 (1979) of 20 July 1979 and 465 (1980) of 1 March 1980. Indeed, in the latter case it described "Israel's policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in [the occupied] territories" as a "flagrant violation" of the Fourth Geneva Convention.The Court concludes that the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (including East Jerusalem) have been established in breach of international law." Study Guide: Settlements are illegal
I think it is REALLY nice of sherri to admit that economic boycotts of Israel---
which have been ongoing since 1948---constitute a GROSS CRIME---they
constitute COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT----in fact early on they were designed
to create a FAMINE and leave jewish kids dead in the gutter. Israel's response
to the filth that sherri ----well---sherri actually does support it-----shows up in
text books on PUBLIC HEALTH------a very ardent effort to produce eggs and milk --
and---a nice nutritious dark bread----saved the kids upon whose dead bodies
isa-respecters longed to dance. In fact---on average---the kids who were
rescued from shariah shit holes ended up taller than their parents who survived
shariah shit holes-------and all without the benefit of scores of suppliers----which caved
to the boycott------(for the record---at that time PEPSI COLA caved---but
Coca Cola did not<<<< just for the record) ----the nutritious stuff was subsidized
so that everyone could eat-----is that not inspiring? Where there is a will ---there is
a way.

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