When racism isn’t a cause for shame

The rabid zionist rulers of fascist Israel have continually attacked every country they boarder since 1948.

And then try to claim that all they want is 'Peace'. .. :cuckoo:

Make that sort of claim in a forum like this one where people know what they are talking about and you are setting yourself up for a great big FAIL.
The rabid zionist rulers of fascist Israel have continually attacked every country they boarder since 1948.

And then try to claim that all they want is 'Peace'. .. :cuckoo:

Make that sort of claim in a forum like this one where people know what they are talking about and you are setting yourself up for a great big FAIL.
It's not a false claim.

Israel has attacked every neighbor it shares a boarder with one than once; Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, Syria.

And still continues to do so even today. .. :cool:
The rabid zionist rulers of fascist Israel have continually attacked every country they boarder since 1948.

And then try to claim that all they want is 'Peace'. .. :cuckoo:

Make that sort of claim in a forum like this one where people know what they are talking about and you are setting yourself up for a great big FAIL.
It's not a false claim.

Israel has attacked every neighbor it shares a boarder with one than once; Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, Syria.

And still continues to do so even today. .. :cool:

When on earth do you get your information from?
Make that sort of claim in a forum like this one where people know what they are talking about and you are setting yourself up for a great big FAIL.
It's not a false claim.

Israel has attacked every neighbor it shares a boarder with one than once; Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, Syria.

And still continues to do so even today. .. :cool:

When on earth do you get your information from?

Sunni's entire education is derived from weekly lessons called
KHUTBAH JUMAAT-----I know the curriculum well----I learned
from muslims who had migrated to the USA from various countries --
mostly southeast asia and I heard a few such lessons first hand in the
USA. One of the most important lessons is that muslims NEVER
attack anyone unprovoked----SPAIN had not attacked the arabian
Peninsula some 1000 years ago----muslims would never have entered
spain-----same is true of palestine---more than 1000 years ago ---
same is true of INDIA---uhm---I think less than 1000 years ago
etc etc

Another lesson is that since muslims are always right in fighting---
since they fight for some guy named muhummad----anyone who
tries to fight back -----should be killed and his children enslaved
Make that sort of claim in a forum like this one where people know what they are talking about and you are setting yourself up for a great big FAIL.
It's not a false claim.

Israel has attacked every neighbor it shares a boarder with one than once; Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, Syria.

And still continues to do so even today. .. :cool:

When on earth do you get your information from?
Even a low information person like you should be aware of all the attacks and invasions Israel has inflicted on it's neighboring countries since the land thief in 1948. .. :cool:
It's not a false claim.

Israel has attacked every neighbor it shares a boarder with one than once; Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, Syria.

And still continues to do so even today. .. :cool:

When on earth do you get your information from?
Even a low information person like you should be aware of all the attacks and invasions Israel has inflicted on it's neighboring countries since the land thief in 1948. .. :cool:

Land theft in 1948? Wow, you have learned nothing at all from these forums have you.

And the "attacks and invasions" were in response to aggression against Israel.

Read yourself some history rather than watch soaps.
Israel likes to use the term 'preemptive strike' to soften the outright aggression towards their neighbor countries in the Middle East.

Which in layman's terms just means a 'surprise attack' against a defenseless people.. .. :cool:
Israel likes to use the term 'preemptive strike' to soften the outright aggression towards their neighbor countries in the Middle East.

Which in layman's terms just means a 'surprise attack' against a defenseless people.. .. :cool:

BS. Israel is way too restrained. When its enemies get its bottomed slapped they cry and run to mommy. Cowards, the lot of them. The IDF is the most humane army in the world. Which other army would pre-inform of bombing targets and let food in through the borders so the civilians won't suffer. You lot make me laugh.
It's not a false claim.

Israel has attacked every neighbor it shares a boarder with one than once; Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, Syria.

And still continues to do so even today. .. :cool:

When on earth do you get your information from?
Even a low information person like you should be aware of all the attacks and invasions Israel has inflicted on it's neighboring countries since the land thief in 1948. .. :cool:
Sunni boy doesn't mention centuries of Muslim invasions and wars and looting and theft resulting in forcing Islam down people's throats at the point of the sword. And he accuses people of "not aware of what they actually are". Ha ha ha. The funny delusional shit Muslims say....
When on earth do you get your information from?
Even a low information person like you should be aware of all the attacks and invasions Israel has inflicted on it's neighboring countries since the land thief in 1948. .. :cool:
Sunni boy doesn't mention centuries of Muslim invasions and wars and looting and theft resulting in forcing Islam down people's throats at the point of the sword. And he accuses people of "not aware of what they actually are". Ha ha ha. The funny delusional shit Muslims say....

He and others have selective memory disorder, and a denial of facts. I think we need to humor them. :cuckoo:
Even a low information person like you should be aware of all the attacks and invasions Israel has inflicted on it's neighboring countries since the land thief in 1948. .. :cool:
Sunni boy doesn't mention centuries of Muslim invasions and wars and looting and theft resulting in forcing Islam down people's throats at the point of the sword. And he accuses people of "not aware of what they actually are". Ha ha ha. The funny delusional shit Muslims say....

He and others have selective memory disorder, and a denial of facts. I think we need to humor them. :cuckoo:

Caroline----take it as a good sign Sunni wants to talk about LAND THEFT----like that which was done in Yathrib by the murdering rapist dog and his fellow pigs-----
after which the DOG----renamed Yathrib---------"medina" -------the dog ended
up buried there where his carcass still pollutes the land
Sunni boy doesn't mention centuries of Muslim invasions and wars and looting and theft resulting in forcing Islam down people's throats at the point of the sword. And he accuses people of "not aware of what they actually are". Ha ha ha. The funny delusional shit Muslims say....

He and others have selective memory disorder, and a denial of facts. I think we need to humor them. :cuckoo:

Caroline----take it as a good sign Sunni wants to talk about LAND THEFT----like that which was done in Yathrib by the murdering rapist dog and his fellow pigs-----
after which the DOG----renamed Yathrib---------"medina" -------the dog ended
up buried there where his carcass still pollutes the land
What can we expect from the followers of a religion founded by a terrorist, caravan robbing, illiterate pedophile maniac?

Muhammad's Caravan Raids:

Caravan raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1400 years of Islamic Aggression

1,400 Years of Islamic Aggression: An Analysis

Let us review the Muslim conquest. In 624, Mohammed led a raid for booty and plunder against a Meccan caravan, killing 70 Meccans for mere material gain. Between 630 A.D. and the death of Mohammed in 632 A.D., Muslims -- on at least one occasion led by Mohammed -- had conquered the bulk of western Arabia and southern Palestine through approximately a dozen separate invasions and bloody conquests. These conquests were in large part "Holy wars," putting the lie to another statement in the U.S. News article that proclaimed the Crusades "The First Holy War," as if the Christians had invented the concept of a holy war. After Mohammed's death in 632, the new Muslim caliph, Abu Bakr, launched Islam into almost 1,500 years of continual imperialist, colonialist, bloody conquest and subjugation of others through invasion and war, a role Islam continues to this very day.

You will note the string of adjectives and may have some objection to my using them. They are used because they are the absolute truth. Anyone denying them is a victim of PC thinking, ignorant of history, or lying to protect Islam. Let us take each word separately before we proceed further in our true history of the relationship between the Christian west and the Islamic east.


The Muslim wars of imperialist conquest have been launched for almost 1,500 years against hundreds of nations, over millions of square miles (significantly larger than the British Empire at its peak). The lust for Muslim imperialist conquest stretched from southern France to the Philippines, from Austria to Nigeria, and from central Asia to New Guinea. This is the classic definition of imperialism -- "the policy and practice of seeking to dominate the economic and political affairs of weaker countries."

Colonialist. The Muslim goal was to have a central government, first at Damascus, and then at Baghdad -- later at Cairo, Istanbul, or other imperial centers. The local governors, judges, and other rulers were appointed by the central imperial authorities for far off colonies. Islamic law was introduced as the senior law, whether or not wanted by the local people. Arabic was introduced as the rulers' language, and the local language frequently disappeared. Two classes of residents were established. The native residents paid a tax that their colonialist rulers did not have to pay.

Although the law differed in different places, the following are examples of colonialist laws to which colonized Christians and Jews were made subject to over the years: Christians and Jews could not bear arms -- Muslims could; Christians and Jews could not ride horses -- Muslims could; Christians and Jews had to get permission to build -- Muslims did not; Christians and Jews had to pay certain taxes which Muslims did not; Christians could not proselytize -- Muslims could; Christians and Jews had to bow to their Muslim masters when they paid their taxes; Christians and Jews had to live under the law set forth in the Koran, not under either their own religious or secular law.
BS. Israel is way too restrained. When its enemies get its bottomed slapped they cry and run to mommy. Cowards, the lot of them. The IDF is the most humane army in the world. Which other army would pre-inform of bombing targets and let food in through the borders so the civilians won't suffer. You lot make me laugh.
You make a good point.

And I sincerely hope that when eventually Israel falls.

That the army who takes over the country will show the same type of humanitarian restraint that the IDF has shown it's enemies. .. :cool:
BS. Israel is way too restrained. When its enemies get its bottomed slapped they cry and run to mommy. Cowards, the lot of them. The IDF is the most humane army in the world. Which other army would pre-inform of bombing targets and let food in through the borders so the civilians won't suffer. You lot make me laugh.
You make a good point.

And I sincerely hope that when eventually Israel falls.

That the army who takes over the country will show the same type of humanitarian restraint that the IDF has shown it's enemies. .. :cool:

Israel fail? In your dreams Sonny, in your dreams. :eusa_whistle:
BS. Israel is way too restrained. When its enemies get its bottomed slapped they cry and run to mommy. Cowards, the lot of them. The IDF is the most humane army in the world. Which other army would pre-inform of bombing targets and let food in through the borders so the civilians won't suffer. You lot make me laugh.
You make a good point.

And I sincerely hope that when eventually Israel falls.

That the army who takes over the country will show the same type of humanitarian restraint that the IDF has shown it's enemies. .. :cool:
We are all allowed to have our fantasies, including the delusional, asinine and stupid one you just had. :cuckoo:
BS. Israel is way too restrained. When its enemies get its bottomed slapped they cry and run to mommy. Cowards, the lot of them. The IDF is the most humane army in the world. Which other army would pre-inform of bombing targets and let food in through the borders so the civilians won't suffer. You lot make me laugh.
You make a good point.

And I sincerely hope that when eventually Israel falls.

That the army who takes over the country will show the same type of humanitarian restraint that the IDF has shown it's enemies. .. :cool:
We are all allowed to have our fantasies, including the delusional, asinine and stupid one you just had. :cuckoo:

Sonny and the rest don't have much to cling to, so they have to fantasize.
You make a good point.

And I sincerely hope that when eventually Israel falls.

That the army who takes over the country will show the same type of humanitarian restraint that the IDF has shown it's enemies. .. :cool:
We are all allowed to have our fantasies, including the delusional, asinine and stupid one you just had. :cuckoo:

Sonny and the rest don't have much to cling to, so they have to fantasize.
Mental masturbation a la Islamic style. He and others like him do that a lot. "When Israel falls blah blah blah..." Or "this means the demise of Israel is imminent...blah blah blah..."

I gotta tell ya it's quite a bit of entertainment watching them engage in this behavior. Makes me :lmao:
BS. Israel is way too restrained. When its enemies get its bottomed slapped they cry and run to mommy. Cowards, the lot of them. The IDF is the most humane army in the world. Which other army would pre-inform of bombing targets and let food in through the borders so the civilians won't suffer. You lot make me laugh.
You make a good point.

And I sincerely hope that when eventually Israel falls.

That the army who takes over the country will show the same type of humanitarian restraint that the IDF has shown it's enemies. .. :cool:

When Israel falls :lol:

Thanks for the laugh Sunni Man

I'll remember this comment next year and the years after when I'm celebrating Israel birthday :cool:

Oh, ans you forgot to write Allah Ahkbar at the end of your post :cool:
Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

God damn Sunni man, your Sunni friend are on a roll with murdering civilians !
You support a sick culture

Leave sunni alone-----its ramadingdong----so many sunnis are
so weak from HUNGER that they could barely slit a throat.
What's a sunni to do?-------the ethical question of the day is
THE SLITTING-----can a pious muslim have a snack just
to gain enough energy -------to do it? There is a web
site "asktheimam" I am trying to access it.

Some sunnis like to eat dates after the daily ramadingdong
fast-------I believe that for throat slitting purposes----four
dates would be sufficient.

I think that there is an actual HAJJ going on right now.
I am trusting that all will show restraint and avoid that
piggy pooh bomb idea

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