When racism isn’t a cause for shame

Israel shows me what Racism is, the epitome of Racism. We should amend our modern dictionaries and add Israel as a synonym for racism. Proud racists perfectly iluustrated! And History shows us what happens to racist and Apartheid regimes, we see the future of Israel in the past fates of Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa! Sherri

Let's see. Abraham begat Isaac and Ishmael. From Isaac came the Hebrews and from Ishmael came the arabs. That would make them cousins and of the same race. Seems to me that someone posting 24/7 would have some idea what they were talking about. Or do you have racism on the brain? You apparently wouldn't know racism if it slapped you upside the head. Or why you just be honest and tell us why you really hate Israel?


I live in the year 2013, and I do not buy into your Mythology or Religion or End Time Eschaetology or whatever you call it. And what I am addressing in the OP is racism in the modern day nation called Israel, a fact widely discussed and addressed by people of conscience everywhere.

NOT one day goes by but that I do not read about more acts of racism in Israel and Occupied Palestine.

Your challenge, should you wish to accept it, is post "an act of racism in Israel" on each day and for that particular date, starting today August 10, and each day hereafter.
ISRAELI APARTHEID – A Basic Legal Perspective*by David A. Kirshbaum©*Israel Law Resource Center, February, 2007.***TABLE OF CONTENTS I.*INTRODUCTION. 1. A Tragic Irony 2. Historic Origin of this Tragic Irony 3. Outline of Legalized Discrimination in Israel 4. Official U.N. Legal Definition of ApartheidII.*ISRAELI LEGALIZED DISCRIMINATION 1. Land Laws – Confining Arab citizens to small areas of Israel - Ghettoes 2. Immigration & Citizenship Laws3. Military Veteran Benefits Discrimination4. Special Government Positions for Zionist Organizations leads to Discrimination in Government Services5. Inhumane Suppression of Rebellion (up to 1966) 6. Racist Harassment in Daily LifeIII.*IS ISRAEL AN APARTHEID STATE?IV.*CONCLUSIONS V.*BIBLIOGRAPHY. Essay: Israeli Laws and Discrimination
Israel shows me what Racism is, the epitome of Racism. We should amend our modern dictionaries and add Israel as a synonym for racism. Proud racists perfectly iluustrated! And History shows us what happens to racist and Apartheid regimes, we see the future of Israel in the past fates of Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa! Sherri

Let's see. Abraham begat Isaac and Ishmael. From Isaac came the Hebrews and from Ishmael came the arabs. That would make them cousins and of the same race. Seems to me that someone posting 24/7 would have some idea what they were talking about. Or do you have racism on the brain? You apparently wouldn't know racism if it slapped you upside the head. Or why you just be honest and tell us why you really hate Israel?


I live in the year 2013, and I do not buy into your Mythology or Religion or End Time Eschaetology or whatever you call it. And what I am addressing in the OP is racism in the modern day nation called Israel, a fact widely discussed and addressed by people of conscience everywhere. NOT one day goes by but that I do not read about more acts of racism in Israel and Occupied Palestine.

I am tickled pink that you are aware of what year it is. However, I'm afraid that's all you're aware of. Certainly not the definition of racism. Seems to be just an unadulterated hatred of Israel. When I read your threads I see evil incarnate. Seriously, have you considered exorcism?
ISRAELI APARTHEID – A Basic Legal Perspective*by David A. Kirshbaum©*Israel Law Resource Center, February, 2007.***TABLE OF CONTENTS I.*INTRODUCTION. 1. A Tragic Irony 2. Historic Origin of this Tragic Irony 3. Outline of Legalized Discrimination in Israel 4. Official U.N. Legal Definition of ApartheidII.*ISRAELI LEGALIZED DISCRIMINATION 1. Land Laws – Confining Arab citizens to small areas of Israel - Ghettoes 2. Immigration & Citizenship Laws3. Military Veteran Benefits Discrimination4. Special Government Positions for Zionist Organizations leads to Discrimination in Government Services5. Inhumane Suppression of Rebellion (up to 1966) 6. Racist Harassment in Daily LifeIII.*IS ISRAEL AN APARTHEID STATE?IV.*CONCLUSIONS V.*BIBLIOGRAPHY. Essay: Israeli Laws and Discrimination

You were kindly asked to give specific instances with specific dates. Instead you link a BS site with BS propaganda written by someone we've never heard of. Seriously, have you considered a reading comprehension course?
I have addressed multiple sources documenting racism in Israel and I shall keep on linking to more sources. That last source is a legal analysis of Apartheid practiced by Israel.
According to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,the term “racial discrimination” shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.[11]This definition does not make any difference between discrimination based on ethnicity and race. Racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here is some of the racism addressed in the legal essay I provided a link to. Racism is engrained in Israeli society. "This discrimination in Israel manifests in six categories: 1. Land Laws – Creation of Arab Ghettoes. 2. Immigration & Citizenship Laws. 3. Military Veteran Benefits. 4. Special Positions and funding for Zionist Organizations in Government and Jewish Organizations and Events leads to Discriminatory Application of Government Programs. 5. Inhumane Supression of Rebellion (up to 1966). 6. Racist Harassment in Daily Life Tolerated by Government Officials. " Essay: Israeli Laws and Discrimination
Let's see. Abraham begat Isaac and Ishmael. From Isaac came the Hebrews and from Ishmael came the arabs. That would make them cousins and of the same race. Seems to me that someone posting 24/7 would have some idea what they were talking about. Or do you have racism on the brain? You apparently wouldn't know racism if it slapped you upside the head. Or why you just be honest and tell us why you really hate Israel?


I live in the year 2013, and I do not buy into your Mythology or Religion or End Time Eschaetology or whatever you call it. And what I am addressing in the OP is racism in the modern day nation called Israel, a fact widely discussed and addressed by people of conscience everywhere.

NOT one day goes by but that I do not read about more acts of racism in Israel and Occupied Palestine.

Your challenge, should you wish to accept it, is post "an act of racism in Israel" on each day and for that particular date, starting today August 10, and each day hereafter.

Obviously you are having problems finding racism that has occurred today by Israelis. I will give you a bit longer as the sabbath will end soon in Israel, then you can show me what alleged racism Israel has carried out today. And of course we need you to be vigilant for news articles about Israel's alleged racism for tomorrow.
Here is some of the racism addressed in the legal essay I provided a link to. Racism is engrained in Israeli society. "This discrimination in Israel manifests in six categories: 1. Land Laws – Creation of Arab Ghettoes. 2. Immigration & Citizenship Laws. 3. Military Veteran Benefits. 4. Special Positions and funding for Zionist Organizations in Government and Jewish Organizations and Events leads to Discriminatory Application of Government Programs. 5. Inhumane Supression of Rebellion (up to 1966). 6. Racist Harassment in Daily Life Tolerated by Government Officials. " Essay: Israeli Laws and Discrimination
What race is oppressing the other race?

And how is this possible that Israel has about 2 million Arab Muslim citizens of Israel with the same exact rights as their Jewish counterparts.

Check mate. Now slither away.
I live in the year 2013, and I do not buy into your Mythology or Religion or End Time Eschaetology or whatever you call it. And what I am addressing in the OP is racism in the modern day nation called Israel, a fact widely discussed and addressed by people of conscience everywhere.

NOT one day goes by but that I do not read about more acts of racism in Israel and Occupied Palestine.

Your challenge, should you wish to accept it, is post "an act of racism in Israel" on each day and for that particular date, starting today August 10, and each day hereafter.

Obviously you are having problems finding racism that has occurred today by Israelis. I will give you a bit longer as the sabbath will end soon in Israel, then you can show me what alleged racism Israel has carried out today. And of course we need you to be vigilant for news articles about Israel's alleged racism for tomorrow.

Acts of racism never end. The Apartheid Wall is a continuous act of racism. The racist laws I just addressed in a post operate 24/7. Israel, its synonym is Racism.
Loud, proud Jewish racism - now in a town near you

By*Zvi Bar'elPublished 02:35 07.08.13Hidden racism, like blood in a stool sample, can be an indication of a malignancy or simply an ulcer. When it comes to concealed forms of racism, the danger is that urgent treatment is put off on the misguided belief that everything will be all right. http://www.haaretz.com/mobile/.premium-1.540145
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A year in review: Anti-African racism and asylum seekers in Israel

Published May 29, 2013. While most Israelis were focused on the latest war on Gaza or the last election, verbal incitement, physical attacks, incarceration without trial and forced deportation of Africans continued unabated. A*timeline of Israel’s war on African asylum-seekers between November 2012 and May 2013. . [ame]http://972mag.com/a-year-in-review-anti-african-racism-and-asylum-seekers-in-israel/72381/[/ame]
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Your challenge, should you wish to accept it, is post "an act of racism in Israel" on each day and for that particular date, starting today August 10, and each day hereafter.

Obviously you are having problems finding racism that has occurred today by Israelis. I will give you a bit longer as the sabbath will end soon in Israel, then you can show me what alleged racism Israel has carried out today. And of course we need you to be vigilant for news articles about Israel's alleged racism for tomorrow.

Acts of racism never end. The Apartheid Wall is a continuous act of racism. The racist laws I just addressed in a post operate 24/7. Israel, its synonym is Racism.

Sherri dear-----you did not address any "racist laws"----your very best attempt
was the characterization of all "WALLS" ----or barriers to egress or ingress
as "racist" -----The US is in the process of elaborating a barrier between
Mexico and the USA ------is that "racist" Is every physical barrier "racist"?

I have a gate----which I LOCK ----which prevents people from gaining access to
my courtyard and driveway. I live in a very MIXED neighborhood----we
all get along -----despite the locked gates-------do you ever lock your front door?

uhm do you lock the APARTHEID BATHROON DOOR when you ----
do your "business'???

Please address an actual "RACIST LAW" in Israel---one that is singularly
racist and therefore no analogous laws exist in ISA-RESPECTING countries
Unless you wish to claim that ISA IS A STINKIN' RACIST
Sherri dear----your video revealed nothing even close to "racism" ----it revealed a
very typical reaction to an influx of impoverished -----live on the streets-----horde

Racism is what GOT THEM THERE-----the racism of the filthy pigs who worship isa
in SUDAN ----and that of a similar group of disgusting slobs in EGYPT----the real
problem here is that the FILTHY DISGUSTING ISA-WORSHIPPERS made hordes
of people IMPOVERSHED and their Obscenely wealthy brethern fail to
compensate them of the filth imposed by their very own ---isa worshipping scummy
family members

The reactions of the people of tel aviv are a lot more genteel than would happen
if tens of thousands of utterly penniless -----uhm---lets say uhm--gypsies------ descended on a little town in Texas I consider the overwhelming majority of texans to be nice decent people.
but an influx of huge numbers of impoverished gypsies the streets of their genteel little towns would France actually EXPELLED its gypsies------want them in your back yard.

Long ago I bought a house that had been uninhabited for a long time----
there were squatters therein ---and a few people living in the backyard---
I gave them four weeks to leave
it didn't bother them

I do absolutely agree with IMMEDIATE monetary compensation to the
sudanese refugees by the filthy isa worshipping sudanese who created
the circumstances of their flight-----their obscenely oil rich scummy relatives
can help
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Israel shows me what Racism is, the epitome of Racism. We should amend our modern dictionaries and add Israel as a synonym for racism. Proud racists perfectly iluustrated! And History shows us what happens to racist and Apartheid regimes, we see the future of Israel in the past fates of Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa! Sherri

Try again sherri----in fact the racist filth which you describe is the innovation of
the disgusting pig CONSTANTINE---founder of the first REICH -----he was an isa-
respecter like you. There is a claim that he converted to christianity----but many
christian scholars are so horrfied with his philosophy which CLEARLY approximates
yours that they DECLINE to believe he ever really converted Constantine created
the rules and guidelnes used to create the INQUISITION and his filth was
ALSO incorporated into shariah law. ------the two systems act synergistically in
the area of GENOCIDE-------hundreds of millions upon which you and your kith and
kin dance --------the system rolls on------thruout the world -------but had died down
in many places since christians have repudiated the filth which drives you

South africa was a vestige of the worst of Constantine and his isa-respecting

I am always amazed when I find a lawyer who had no idea what constantine did to the
world thru LAW For those who do not know---an interesting tidbit-----Constantine
was the genius who decided to mark jews with YELLOW INSIGNIA That bit of isa-
respecting filth went on for centuries in europe and WAS ADDED TO SHARIAH law ----
in the first century after the death of the pig------when that vile system was developed ---
well ---actually elaborated based on every piece of stinking lousy legislation that ever
defiled the planet

for the record----in shariah ---christians get marked with blue, Zorostrians
with red------and POETICALLY----eventually it became the custom to mark
hindus with a kind of ORANGEY SAFFRONY color (anything but green --
the color of BILE which marks the pig)

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