When racism isn’t a cause for shame

I wonder is Sunni Man is keeping track of all the people his Sunni brothers have murdered
Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

God damn Sunni man, your Sunni friend are on a roll with murdering civilians !
You support a sick culture

Leave sunni alone-----its ramadingdong----so many sunnis are
so weak from HUNGER that they could barely slit a throat.
What's a sunni to do?-------the ethical question of the day is
THE SLITTING-----can a pious muslim have a snack just
to gain enough energy -------to do it? There is a web
site "asktheimam" I am trying to access it.

Some sunnis like to eat dates after the daily ramadingdong
fast-------I believe that for throat slitting purposes----four
dates would be sufficient.

I think that there is an actual HAJJ going on right now.
I am trusting that all will show restraint and avoid that
piggy pooh bomb idea
Merry Rama-dung, and lets not forget that pious peaceful man prophet Muhammad raided Caravans, and killed, looted and raped during this month when even the Saudi criminals ceased from being active. What a great example of a human being to emulate he was. What was that you said? Oh yes, he HAD TO do it, no other choice. Just like his followers today HAVE TO SLUAGHTER AND TERRORIZE., they have no choice. :eusa_whistle:
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The white citizens and government of the former apartheid South Africa didn't think they were racists either.

And today the zionist citizens of Israel are equally blind to the overt ahttp://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~cale/cs201

The History of Apartheid in South Africa

This is Apartheid. The ignorant Pro Palestinian should look up the definition

No Jews in future Palestinian state, Abbas says | Israel | Jewish Journal




July 30, 2013

No Jews in future Palestinian state, Abbas says


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Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah on July 28. Photo by Issam Rimawi/Reuters
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah on July 28. Photo by Issam Rimawi/Reuters

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told Egyptian journalists that no Israelis, civilians or soldiers, will remain in a future Palestinian state.

Reuters reported that Abbas made the statements on Monday night in Cairo, where he was meeting with interim Egyptian President Adli Mansour.

“In a final solution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli — civilian or soldier — on our lands,” Abbas said. “An international, multinational presence like in Sinai, Lebanon and Syria — we are with that,” a reference to United Nations or NATO troops.

THIS is " apartheid". However, ignorance is bliss. The pro Palestinian must be very happy :cool:
Apartheid has a long history-----in MANY CULTURES----as far
as "western civilization" goes----we can trace ours back to
ancient greece. The various city states had all kinds of
fascist laws designed to pigeon hole people----some even included
who could wear what sort of ---TOGA NON-GREEKS were
considered -----too low class to matter at all. ----etc etc-----
and even described as "living tools"

Moving along---the most important people in Persia were
zoroastrians-----who----did---now and then--- contend with
non-zoroastrians------based on group affiliation----but nothing
really horrendous-----The romans required people to adhere
to THEIR culture----simply to qualify as a citizen----more or
less. Then came constantine----who authored the apartheid
laws upon which both the filth of the NUREMBURG LAWS ----and
the even more disgusting filth of SHARIAH DHIMMIA ---is based

In our times----in lands west of south east asia-----APARTHEID
consists of filth derived from CONSTANTINE AND SHARIAH.

the good news is that christians have repudicated the filth
of constantine (ie the fascist components of JUSTINIAN
LAW)------Shariah law remains barbaric-----the more
shariah -----the more apartheid.

An interesting component of Shariah law is that the
murder of a non muslim by a muslim----CANNOT
be considered a capital crime. In order to try
the murderer of DANIEL PEARL for capital murder---
the murderer had to be tried SPECIFICALLY in a
specially convened NON SHARIAH COURT---in pakistan---
Last I heard---the murderer was convicted of capital
murder and sentenced to death-----but the death
sentence was never carried out ANYONE

Today---the only legal system that I know
about that DEMANDS apartheid---is SHARIAH
BS. Israel is way too restrained. When its enemies get its bottomed slapped they cry and run to mommy. Cowards, the lot of them. The IDF is the most humane army in the world. Which other army would pre-inform of bombing targets and let food in through the borders so the civilians won't suffer. You lot make me laugh.
You make a good point.

And I sincerely hope that when eventually Israel falls.

That the army who takes over the country will show the same type of humanitarian restraint that the IDF has shown it's enemies. .. :cool:

Israel fail? In your dreams Sonny, in your dreams. :eusa_whistle:

Empires and nations and regimes rise and they fall, history teaches us those truths!
You make a good point.

And I sincerely hope that when eventually Israel falls.

That the army who takes over the country will show the same type of humanitarian restraint that the IDF has shown it's enemies. .. :cool:

Israel fail? In your dreams Sonny, in your dreams. :eusa_whistle:

Empires and nations and regimes rise and they fall, history teaches us those truths!

The Jews and Israel have survived against the odds, are thriving, and their supporters are certainly winning and particularly on this forum, so I am not surprised you seem like you are chewing wasps again.
Israel shows me what Racism is, the epitome of Racism. We should amend our modern dictionaries and add Israel as a synonym for racism. Proud racists perfectly iluustrated! And History shows us what happens to racist and Apartheid regimes, we see the future of Israel in the past fates of Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa! Sherri
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PA urges investigation into Bennet's 'kill Arabs' remarks. RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- "The Palestinian Authority Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday called on Israel to investigate remarks made by Israel's Economy and Trade Minister, which made claims about killing Palestinians.Naftali Bennett, leader of the far-right Jewish Home partner, commented to Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot following news of a Palestinian prisoner release that: "If you catch terrorists, you have to simply kill them.""I've killed lots of Arabs in my life – and there's no problem with that," he went on to say.The PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that based on these confessions, "the Israeli government has to open a transparent and legal investigation into these remarks and allow Palestinian rights advocates to follow the investigation." http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=618318
Israel shows me what Racism is, the epitome of Racism. We should amend our modern dictionaries and add Israel as a synonym for racism. Proud racists perfectly iluustrated! And History shows us what happens to racist and Apartheid regimes, we see the future of Israel in the past fates of Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa! Sherri

Yup - Caroline was exactly right about that, chewing on wasps.... And what a Pavlovian 'reply'. Pwned by Caroline, that's it!
Netanyahu may require DNA tests to prove immigrants have a Jewish ‘bloodline’

"A number of people from the former Soviet Union wishing to immigrate to Israel could be subjected to DNA testing to prove their Jewishness, the Prime Minister’s Office said Sunday." Netanyahu may require DNA tests to prove immigrants have a Jewish 'bloodline'

Oh gee---another lesson in the filth of islamo nazi pigism. The case cited have
to do with "up and coming DNA TESTS TO PROVE JEWISH DNA"----it involves
a single case of a young woman who seeks a specfic benefit in Israel designed
for the children of jews. The woman in question was born in Russia and even
Russia has no clear record of her birth-----An Israeli citizen claims that she is
his daughter -----but for some strange reason HE was not in Russia when
she was born. Not a new idea-----the USA is chock full of people who got
here because someone CLAIMED "that's my kid" -----uhm there is an island
famous for this ploy----but I will not name it.

The DNA test they need-----is simply one to prove that the woman is the
daughter of the man who claims her----dad claims russia lost the records

OK now lets talk about just who is ELIGIBLE for automatic
citizenship in IRELAND---- (hint----not me------I may have the
map of Ireland in my face------but---NOPE-----grandma was not
born there.)

(of----lets talk about ISA respecting countries-----in the isa
respecting country in which my hubby was born and in which
his jewish community lived for more then 2500 years-----in order
to hold public office-----a person MUST NOT ONLY BE MUSLIM--

The persons must likely to throw the word "racist" around----
are generally virulent racist isa-respecters
PA urges investigation into Bennet's 'kill Arabs' remarks. RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- "The Palestinian Authority Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday called on Israel to investigate remarks made by Israel's Economy and Trade Minister, which made claims about killing Palestinians.Naftali Bennett, leader of the far-right Jewish Home partner, commented to Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot following news of a Palestinian prisoner release that: "If you catch terrorists, you have to simply kill them.""I've killed lots of Arabs in my life – and there's no problem with that," he went on to say.The PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that based on these confessions, "the Israeli government has to open a transparent and legal investigation into these remarks and allow Palestinian rights advocates to follow the investigation." PA urges investigation into Bennet's 'kill Arabs' remarks | Maan News Agency

Good point Sherri------if Mr Bennett killled RESTRAINED POWs or arrested
restrained terrorists -----he has comitted a crime according to Israeli law. -----
According to YOUR ISA RESPECTING LAW------if an isa-respecter kills a restrained
or unrestrained jew of any age or gender in any venue-----he/she is a
noble pious ISA-WORSHIPPER for whose freedom you are willing to fast to the
point of utter stupidity

In fact----based on what Mr Bennett did say------which I assume he said in hebrew--
there is no reason to suspect that he actually killed RESTRAINED PRISONERS
or terrorists. His words are consistent with------"I have shot terrorists "caught"
IN FLAGRANTE DELICTO in the field" Lets wait to see how he explains
HOw do you say "caught" in hebrew?

Did you know that the person who slit the throat of Daniel Pearl has not
been executed? He was sentenced to death------but his execution was
"POSTPONED" (just wanted to cheer you up-----you can send candy)
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OH GEEE!!!!! more information on the ISRAEL BIRTHRIGHT program---
which provides some young descendants of jews with some subsidy for
a trip to israel -------the one about which ISLAMO NAZI PROPAGANDA holds
'requires "JEWISH DNA TESTING"--------well---here it is>>>>>> the
program is not Israeli government-----it is a private organization and privately
funded. Some isa-respecting dogs call it "racist" and claim it requires
JEWISH DNA TESTING--------wrong again-------just be somehow descended from
a jew-------I know a LATVIAN who did it simply because he has one jewish

anyway------there are programs in the world which help muslims pay for
a trip to MECCA------going to mecca is quite an expense------one has to pay ---
besides ones own transport and living expenses----a significant sum to
the SAUDI GOVERNMENT--------I know that sherri wants ME TO BE ELIGILE
and considers the HAJJ foundations the EPITOME OF RACIST FILTH----
for excluding me. Don't be so harsh on the HAJJ people , sherri dear
Israel shows me what Racism is, the epitome of Racism. We should amend our modern dictionaries and add Israel as a synonym for racism. Proud racists perfectly iluustrated! And History shows us what happens to racist and Apartheid regimes, we see the future of Israel in the past fates of Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa! Sherri

Let's see. Abraham begat Isaac and Ishmael. From Isaac came the Hebrews and from Ishmael came the arabs. That would make them cousins and of the same race. Seems to me that someone posting 24/7 would have some idea what they were talking about. Or do you have racism on the brain? You apparently wouldn't know racism if it slapped you upside the head. Or why you just be honest and tell us why you really hate Israel?

You make a good point.

And I sincerely hope that when eventually Israel falls.

That the army who takes over the country will show the same type of humanitarian restraint that the IDF has shown it's enemies. .. :cool:

Israel fail? In your dreams Sonny, in your dreams. :eusa_whistle:

Empires and nations and regimes rise and they fall, history teaches us those truths!

Israel shows me what Racism is, the epitome of Racism. We should amend our modern dictionaries and add Israel as a synonym for racism. Proud racists perfectly iluustrated! And History shows us what happens to racist and Apartheid regimes, we see the future of Israel in the past fates of Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa! Sherri

Let's see. Abraham begat Isaac and Ishmael. From Isaac came the Hebrews and from Ishmael came the arabs. That would make them cousins and of the same race. Seems to me that someone posting 24/7 would have some idea what they were talking about. Or do you have racism on the brain? You apparently wouldn't know racism if it slapped you upside the head. Or why you just be honest and tell us why you really hate Israel?


I live in the year 2013, and I do not buy into your Mythology or Religion or End Time Eschaetology or whatever you call it. And what I am addressing in the OP is racism in the modern day nation called Israel, a fact widely discussed and addressed by people of conscience everywhere. NOT one day goes by but that I do not read about more acts of racism in Israel and Occupied Palestine.

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