When Rothschild Boulevard put down roots and declared independence

that's it ???? in the 1890s----only 410,000???? gee---
how many jews-------the jewish cities of Hebron,
tel aviv and rishon l'tzion had already been established by then---
and Jerusalem was probably majority jews The
way islamo Nazis present things ---one would think
that there were MILLIONS of arab muslims
MAYBE WE don't.
Why don't YOU?
I'm not Jewish:eek:

"To secure support for this project, Israel Zangwill (1864-1926), an Anglo-Jewish writer born in London, and a powerful leader of British Zionism, coined the phrase: 'a land without a people for a people without land'.

"Little did he and all his colleagues in the Zionist leadership realise (or wished to remember) that there were almost 410,000 Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) living in Palestine around the early 1890’s."

Aren't you proud?

The Zionist Project - 1948

an land the used to support millions during Roman occupation.
It is not so much that there were no people, some of those were nomads no permanent, but a land greatly underpopulated and vastly under developed.

Jews cam and bought land, individually or though the land fund. They work hard and built up Israel bringing it out of the dark age and into the modern age of space flight and WWW to bring people together from space and around the world.
In addition to what Jews added to Palestine you also have to consider who they deleted:

"It all started in a small way as the first Zionist settlement in Palestine was founded with the financial help of Edmond James de Rothschild (1845-1934), a French financier who assisted a small group of the Russian Bilu Jewish Society to immigrate to Palestine in 1882.

"This Philanthropist sponsored a few more tiny settlements at the time such as Gai Oni, Roch Pina, Zichron-Ya’acov (which he named after his grandfather) and Rishon Letzion with settlers from around Eastern Europe.

"The single aim of all these settlements and their planners who envisioned them was to slowly and secretly transfer, drive out and ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people."

Ethnic cleansing was widely tolerated during the 19th Century, but that isn't the case today.

The Zionist Project - 1948
I'm not Jewish:eek:

"To secure support for this project, Israel Zangwill (1864-1926), an Anglo-Jewish writer born in London, and a powerful leader of British Zionism, coined the phrase: 'a land without a people for a people without land'.

"Little did he and all his colleagues in the Zionist leadership realise (or wished to remember) that there were almost 410,000 Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) living in Palestine around the early 1890’s."

Aren't you proud?

The Zionist Project - 1948

an land the used to support millions during Roman occupation.
It is not so much that there were no people, some of those were nomads no permanent, but a land greatly underpopulated and vastly under developed.

Jews cam and bought land, individually or though the land fund. They work hard and built up Israel bringing it out of the dark age and into the modern age of space flight and WWW to bring people together from space and around the world.
In addition to what Jews added to Palestine you also have to consider who they deleted:

"It all started in a small way as the first Zionist settlement in Palestine was founded with the financial help of Edmond James de Rothschild (1845-1934), a French financier who assisted a small group of the Russian Bilu Jewish Society to immigrate to Palestine in 1882.

"This Philanthropist sponsored a few more tiny settlements at the time such as Gai Oni, Roch Pina, Zichron-Ya’acov (which he named after his grandfather) and Rishon Letzion with settlers from around Eastern Europe.

"The single aim of all these settlements and their planners who envisioned them was to slowly and secretly transfer, drive out and ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people."

Ethnic cleansing was widely tolerated during the 19th Century, but that isn't the case today.

The Zionist Project - 1948

so? for the record-----the financial issue was money to BUY THE LAND FROM THE
OTTOMANS (remember them-----muslims) Also ----the persons who there settled were
not only "Europeans" I have relatives STILL living in rishon l'tzion with family roots
dating back to its founding in 1882 who were escapees from Islamic oppression
in middle east shariah cesspits (that's how I know the date 1882----some rishon l,tzion
person wrote a book-------and sent us a copy) gee you are dim ; what ethnic cleansing
in the 19th century------in the 19th century lots of arabs came to the future Israel for jobs---
some of them in rishon l'tzion
an land the used to support millions during Roman occupation.
It is not so much that there were no people, some of those were nomads no permanent, but a land greatly underpopulated and vastly under developed.

Jews cam and bought land, individually or though the land fund. They work hard and built up Israel bringing it out of the dark age and into the modern age of space flight and WWW to bring people together from space and around the world.
In addition to what Jews added to Palestine you also have to consider who they deleted:

"It all started in a small way as the first Zionist settlement in Palestine was founded with the financial help of Edmond James de Rothschild (1845-1934), a French financier who assisted a small group of the Russian Bilu Jewish Society to immigrate to Palestine in 1882.

"This Philanthropist sponsored a few more tiny settlements at the time such as Gai Oni, Roch Pina, Zichron-Ya’acov (which he named after his grandfather) and Rishon Letzion with settlers from around Eastern Europe.

"The single aim of all these settlements and their planners who envisioned them was to slowly and secretly transfer, drive out and ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people."

Ethnic cleansing was widely tolerated during the 19th Century, but that isn't the case today.

The Zionist Project - 1948

so? for the record-----the financial issue was money to BUY THE LAND FROM THE
OTTOMANS (remember them-----muslims) Also ----the persons who there settled were
not only "Europeans" I have relatives STILL living in rishon l'tzion with family roots
dating back to its founding in 1882 who were escapees from Islamic oppression
in middle east shariah cesspits (that's how I know the date 1882----some rishon l,tzion
person wrote a book-------and sent us a copy) gee you are dim ; what ethnic cleansing
in the 19th century------in the 19th century lots of arabs came to the future Israel for jobs---
some of them in rishon l'tzion
Do you have any relatives living in New York?

"Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, the confessed mastermind of the mass murder of 9-11, conceded that the motivation for that attack was to focus 'the American people...on the atrocities that America is committing by supporting Israel against the Palestinian people and America's self-serving foreign policy that corrupts Arab governments and leads to further exploitation of the Arab Muslim people.'

"The Joint Chiefs of Staff warned Truman 61 years ago that this militant enclave meant to establish Jewish military and economic hegemony over the entire Middle East.

"Familiar with the duplicity for which Israel has since become infamous, the Pentagon chiefs warned: 'All stages of this program are equally sacred to the fanatical concepts of the Jewish leaders.'"

Nuclear-Armed Fanatics..."

Nuke*Gaza - NEWS-ON-A-WIRE - 1948

Isn't it a shame ol' Harry was a Christian Zionist?
an land the used to support millions during Roman occupation.
It is not so much that there were no people, some of those were nomads no permanent, but a land greatly underpopulated and vastly under developed.

Jews cam and bought land, individually or though the land fund. They work hard and built up Israel bringing it out of the dark age and into the modern age of space flight and WWW to bring people together from space and around the world.
In addition to what Jews added to Palestine you also have to consider who they deleted:

"It all started in a small way as the first Zionist settlement in Palestine was founded with the financial help of Edmond James de Rothschild (1845-1934), a French financier who assisted a small group of the Russian Bilu Jewish Society to immigrate to Palestine in 1882.

"This Philanthropist sponsored a few more tiny settlements at the time such as Gai Oni, Roch Pina, Zichron-Ya’acov (which he named after his grandfather) and Rishon Letzion with settlers from around Eastern Europe.

"The single aim of all these settlements and their planners who envisioned them was to slowly and secretly transfer, drive out and ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people."

Ethnic cleansing was widely tolerated during the 19th Century, but that isn't the case today.

The Zionist Project - 1948

so? for the record-----the financial issue was money to BUY THE LAND FROM THE
OTTOMANS (remember them-----muslims) Also ----the persons who there settled were
not only "Europeans" I have relatives STILL living in rishon l'tzion with family roots
dating back to its founding in 1882 who were escapees from Islamic oppression
in middle east shariah cesspits (that's how I know the date 1882----some rishon l,tzion
person wrote a book-------and sent us a copy) gee you are dim ; what ethnic cleansing
in the 19th century------in the 19th century lots of arabs came to the future Israel for jobs---
some of them in rishon l'tzion

Herr George doesn't get out much so he isn't even aware of how many Hispanics have moved into his own neighborhood to get jobs which their own countries can't provide. Those poor Arabs from their impoverished surrounding countries knew that the Jews had jobs for them, and as Winston Churchill said, "They came in droves."
So the zionazi regime was funded originally by the international bankers called the Rothschilds? The zionazis responsible for starting so many wars? Say it isn't so! :lol:
So the zionazi regime was funded originally by the international bankers called the Rothschilds? The zionazis responsible for starting so many wars? Say it isn't so! :lol:

The Nose, another of life's losers, felt he had to chime in. I wonder which skinhead Bund the Nose belongs to where he can show off his "88" tattoo in honor of Hitler.
So the zionazi regime was funded originally by the international bankers called the Rothschilds? The zionazis responsible for starting so many wars? Say it isn't so! :lol:
Are you surprised the bankers' plan for a Jewish homeland in Palestine got the Royal assent at about the same time the Royal Navy was switching from coal to oil to power its fleets?
So the zionazi regime was funded originally by the international bankers called the Rothschilds? The zionazis responsible for starting so many wars? Say it isn't so! :lol:
Are you surprised the bankers' plan for a Jewish homeland in Palestine got the Royal assent at about the same time the Royal Navy was switching from coal to oil to power its fleets?

Nice try Georgie----but no cigar The wealthy Rothchild family was buying land
in Palestine circa 1880 --------at a time when the Zionist program was already in full
swing-------the balfour declaration happened in 1917------why do you continue to post
up this silly piece of faked up propaganda?
So the zionazi regime was funded originally by the international bankers called the Rothschilds? The zionazis responsible for starting so many wars? Say it isn't so! :lol:
Are you surprised the bankers' plan for a Jewish homeland in Palestine got the Royal assent at about the same time the Royal Navy was switching from coal to oil to power its fleets?

Nice try Georgie----but no cigar The wealthy Rothchild family was buying land
in Palestine circa 1880 --------at a time when the Zionist program was already in full
swing-------the balfour declaration happened in 1917------why do you continue to post
up this silly piece of faked up propaganda?
What affect did the Balfour Declaration have on Zionism?
How many US soldiers and Marines died in WWI for your Jewish homeland?
Are you surprised the bankers' plan for a Jewish homeland in Palestine got the Royal assent at about the same time the Royal Navy was switching from coal to oil to power its fleets?

Nice try Georgie----but no cigar The wealthy Rothchild family was buying land
in Palestine circa 1880 --------at a time when the Zionist program was already in full
swing-------the balfour declaration happened in 1917------why do you continue to post
up this silly piece of faked up propaganda?
What affect did the Balfour Declaration have on Zionism?
How many US soldiers and Marines died in WWI for your Jewish homeland?

World War I??? I find it funny that someone who admitted that he faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he felt lonesome for the Hood should be talking about the U.S. military.
Nice try Georgie----but no cigar The wealthy Rothchild family was buying land
in Palestine circa 1880 --------at a time when the Zionist program was already in full
swing-------the balfour declaration happened in 1917------why do you continue to post
up this silly piece of faked up propaganda?
What affect did the Balfour Declaration have on Zionism?
How many US soldiers and Marines died in WWI for your Jewish homeland?

World War I??? I find it funny that someone who admitted that he faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he felt lonesome for the Hood should be talking about the U.S. military.

well to answer the balfour question as it relates to deaths of US military men---
the answer is------it does not relate-----however when I was a child---I read an
article ---a PUBLISHED article which described the then new ZIP codes as a
ZIONIST PLOT to localize all the gentiles of the world in prep for ZIONIST WORLD
WIDE DOMINATION Z ionists I n P ower ---so I have no doubt that the people
who came up with that one also came up with a reason to blame world war I on
Nice try Georgie----but no cigar The wealthy Rothchild family was buying land
in Palestine circa 1880 --------at a time when the Zionist program was already in full
swing-------the balfour declaration happened in 1917------why do you continue to post
up this silly piece of faked up propaganda?
What affect did the Balfour Declaration have on Zionism?
How many US soldiers and Marines died in WWI for your Jewish homeland?

World War I??? I find it funny that someone who admitted that he faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he felt lonesome for the Hood should be talking about the U.S. military.
I didn't support the murder of Vietnamese, Laotian, or Cambodians, did you?
WWI was a crime that led directly to an even bigger crime.
Deliberate murder of innocents, whether in uniform or not, isn't something I believe in.
What part of that is confusing you?
What affect did the Balfour Declaration have on Zionism?
How many US soldiers and Marines died in WWI for your Jewish homeland?

World War I??? I find it funny that someone who admitted that he faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he felt lonesome for the Hood should be talking about the U.S. military.
I didn't support the murder of Vietnamese, Laotian, or Cambodians, did you?
WWI was a crime that led directly to an even bigger crime.
Deliberate murder of innocents, whether in uniform or not, isn't something I believe in.
What part of that is confusing you?

you are off topic
anger that morally, socially and financially bankrupt states made a smart family wealthy?
World War I??? I find it funny that someone who admitted that he faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he felt lonesome for the Hood should be talking about the U.S. military.
I didn't support the murder of Vietnamese, Laotian, or Cambodians, did you?
WWI was a crime that led directly to an even bigger crime.
Deliberate murder of innocents, whether in uniform or not, isn't something I believe in.
What part of that is confusing you?

you are off topic

You have to remember that he likes to repeat himself so he brings up his usual Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. like he really cares. Perhaps he should try living in one of these countries and see how he likes it. I'm not sure, but don't they still follow the Communist way which is right up Herr George's alley.
What affect did the Balfour Declaration have on Zionism?
How many US soldiers and Marines died in WWI for your Jewish homeland?

World War I??? I find it funny that someone who admitted that he faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he felt lonesome for the Hood should be talking about the U.S. military.

well to answer the balfour question as it relates to deaths of US military men---
the answer is------it does not relate-----however when I was a child---I read an
article ---a PUBLISHED article which described the then new ZIP codes as a
ZIONIST PLOT to localize all the gentiles of the world in prep for ZIONIST WORLD
WIDE DOMINATION Z ionists I n P ower ---so I have no doubt that the people
who came up with that one also came up with a reason to blame world war I on
Did you read how rich JEEEEWWWWSS convinced Wilson to renege on his campaign promise to keep the US out a WWI, thereby paving the way for their pound of flesh extracted at Versailles, leading directly to your hero in Berlin?:badgrin:
are you surprised the bankers' plan for a jewish homeland in palestine got the royal assent at about the same time the royal navy was switching from coal to oil to power its fleets?

nice try georgie----but no cigar the wealthy rothchild family was buying land
in palestine circa 1880 --------at a time when the zionist program was already in full
swing-------the balfour declaration happened in 1917------why do you continue to post
up this silly piece of faked up propaganda?
what affect did the balfour declaration have on zionism?
How many us soldiers and marines died in wwi for your jewish homeland?

not one, and niether did any die in ww2 for the jewish homeland
nice try georgie----but no cigar the wealthy rothchild family was buying land
in palestine circa 1880 --------at a time when the zionist program was already in full
swing-------the balfour declaration happened in 1917------why do you continue to post
up this silly piece of faked up propaganda?
what affect did the balfour declaration have on zionism?
How many us soldiers and marines died in wwi for your jewish homeland?

not one, and niether did any die in ww2 for the jewish homeland
Balfour Declaration

"The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[1]"

Balfour's declaration turbo-charged Zionism since it was only behind an Iron Wall of imperial bayonets that Jews would ever be capable of stealing Palestine.
World War I??? I find it funny that someone who admitted that he faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he felt lonesome for the Hood should be talking about the U.S. military.

well to answer the balfour question as it relates to deaths of US military men---
the answer is------it does not relate-----however when I was a child---I read an
article ---a PUBLISHED article which described the then new ZIP codes as a
ZIONIST PLOT to localize all the gentiles of the world in prep for ZIONIST WORLD
WIDE DOMINATION Z ionists I n P ower ---so I have no doubt that the people
who came up with that one also came up with a reason to blame world war I on
Did you read how rich JEEEEWWWWSS convinced Wilson to renege on his campaign promise to keep the US out a WWI, thereby paving the way for their pound of flesh extracted at Versailles, leading directly to your hero in Berlin?:badgrin:

Of course I read the islamo Nazi pig propaganda as a child ---the stuff your hero
Nazi war criminals wrote after escaping to Egypt and Syria -----and I read the earlier
stuff written in the 1930s in which your heros claimed that jews were inventing
nasty stories about your hero Adolf and Nazi pigs just to PUSH THE USA INTO ANOTHER WAR

I am very familiar with islamo Nazi pig literature----I lived in a town full
of people like you

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