When Rothschild Boulevard put down roots and declared independence

I mean like the socio-economic virus of incompetence and retrogression that your Arab brethren brought to every part of Iraq, now Syria and to Gaza upon the unilateral Israeli withdrawal.

The lesson you and your Arab retrogrades have never learned is the willingness of Israel to return land for peace with her neighbors.

This underlies all treaties and actions (even the unilateral withdrawals from south Lebanon and from Gaza) that followed from 1982 to the present day.

A similar peace with Syria which could have lead to the return of most if not all of the Golan is now impossible what with that neo-caliphate thingy going on.

The jihad in Iraq and Syria these days... it's not going so well (and never has been), for the two competing tribes of sunni and shia brain-dead. Honestly, it's not going very well anywhere that Allah's mindless combat pawns are squaring off with us or each other.
Maybe we should stop invading and occupying their countries?

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh look, Herr George is dragging up his favorite Wesley Clark piece once again. How many tiimes have you spammed this already? Meanwhile, Herr George is still unable to even show one ounce of sympathy for those who have been killed and for those who are suffering. it is more important for him to blame the country he lives in, a country that he hates.

Abu so craves attention for his conspiracy theories, he'll litter thread after thread with this particular Wiki - Wesley Clark conspiracy theory.

Maybe we should stop invading and occupying their countries?

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh look, Herr George is dragging up his favorite Wesley Clark piece once again. How many tiimes have you spammed this already? Meanwhile, Herr George is still unable to even show one ounce of sympathy for those who have been killed and for those who are suffering. it is more important for him to blame the country he lives in, a country that he hates.

Abu so craves attention for his conspiracy theories, he'll litter thread after thread with this particular Wiki - Wesley Clark conspiracy theory.
Hasbara has no answer for the accuracy of Wesley's prediction.
I guess she isn't over the heroic Jews lack of success in Lebanon in 2006.
The IDF couldn't find enough women and kids to kill, apparently.:lol:
Better luck in Jordan.
Oh look, Herr George is dragging up his favorite Wesley Clark piece once again. How many tiimes have you spammed this already? Meanwhile, Herr George is still unable to even show one ounce of sympathy for those who have been killed and for those who are suffering. it is more important for him to blame the country he lives in, a country that he hates.

Abu so craves attention for his conspiracy theories, he'll litter thread after thread with this particular Wiki - Wesley Clark conspiracy theory.
Hasbara has no answer for the accuracy of Wesley's prediction.
I guess she isn't over the heroic Jews lack of success in Lebanon in 2006.
The IDF couldn't find enough women and kids to kill, apparently.:lol:
Better luck in Jordan.

Don't worry, folks, Herr George, will be pulling up his Wesley Clark shtick some time in the very near future. You can count on it as a given since he has pulled it up so many times before. I guess all the viewers have realized by now that Herr George wants you to think that the IDF has killed loads and loads of women and children (which of course is a lie). However, thousands and thousands of women and children have been killed in the other Middle East countries, and Herr George does not care one bit about them because he can't drag in his fellow scapegoats. Does anyone think that Herr George stops for a moment to think about the over 150,000 people killed in Syria so far, tens of thousands wounded, and over two million refugees? You would have to be mentally retarded to actually think that Herr George ever thinks about these unfortunate people. I realize that he doesn't have the money to send to one of the relief organizations to help these people, but the least he can do is pause and think what they are going through.
Abu so craves attention for his conspiracy theories, he'll litter thread after thread with this particular Wiki - Wesley Clark conspiracy theory.
Hasbara has no answer for the accuracy of Wesley's prediction.
I guess she isn't over the heroic Jews lack of success in Lebanon in 2006.
The IDF couldn't find enough women and kids to kill, apparently.:lol:
Better luck in Jordan.

Don't worry, folks, Herr George, will be pulling up his Wesley Clark shtick some time in the very near future. You can count on it as a given since he has pulled it up so many times before. I guess all the viewers have realized by now that Herr George wants you to think that the IDF has killed loads and loads of women and children (which of course is a lie). However, thousands and thousands of women and children have been killed in the other Middle East countries, and Herr George does not care one bit about them because he can't drag in his fellow scapegoats. Does anyone think that Herr George stops for a moment to think about the over 150,000 people killed in Syria so far, tens of thousands wounded, and over two million refugees? You would have to be mentally retarded to actually think that Herr George ever thinks about these unfortunate people. I realize that he doesn't have the money to send to one of the relief organizations to help these people, but the least he can do is pause and think what they are going through.
Does anyone think those 150,000 Syrians who've died so far would still be alive if Wesley had been wrong about Iraq, Libya, and Syria? As if Kosher war whores like you have the slightest concern for dead Muslims.
Hasbara has no answer for the accuracy of Wesley's prediction.
I guess she isn't over the heroic Jews lack of success in Lebanon in 2006.
The IDF couldn't find enough women and kids to kill, apparently.:lol:
Better luck in Jordan.

Don't worry, folks, Herr George, will be pulling up his Wesley Clark shtick some time in the very near future. You can count on it as a given since he has pulled it up so many times before. I guess all the viewers have realized by now that Herr George wants you to think that the IDF has killed loads and loads of women and children (which of course is a lie). However, thousands and thousands of women and children have been killed in the other Middle East countries, and Herr George does not care one bit about them because he can't drag in his fellow scapegoats. Does anyone think that Herr George stops for a moment to think about the over 150,000 people killed in Syria so far, tens of thousands wounded, and over two million refugees? You would have to be mentally retarded to actually think that Herr George ever thinks about these unfortunate people. I realize that he doesn't have the money to send to one of the relief organizations to help these people, but the least he can do is pause and think what they are going through.
Does anyone think those 150,000 Syrians who've died so far would still be alive if Wesley had been wrong about Iraq, Libya, and Syria? As if Kosher war whores like you have the slightest concern for dead Muslims.

Give is a rest, Herr George. The Arab Spring started because the people, especially the youth, wanted change. Meanwhile, has anyone seen Herr George showing any sympathy for those who have been killed all during the Arab Spring? Herr George doesn't care about these Arabs, and 20,000 could be killed tomorrow, and he wouldn't even blink. If I didn't have any concern, would I keep on sending money to UNICEF to help these Arab children in need? Meanwhile, you no doubt have not sent in a red cent.

Herr George, are you telling us you were a pimp during your working days since you so easily throw out the term "whores?" Hmm, I would have thought you would have salted a little away so that you could afford better living accommodations.
This reminds me of scenes you now see in America where people are allowed to bring their dogs while eating at the outdoor or sidewalk eateries.

When Rothschild Boulevard put down roots and declared independence

At first, they say, Churchill was amazed at the sight of such lush development having taken place in such a very short time. But he burst into laughter after local children climbed the trees for a look at the respected visitor – and the trees collapsed. Patting the embarrassed mayor on his shoulder, Churchill made a kindly remark about the importance of having roots.

Tel Aviv was founded on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea on April 11, 1909. Determining where their houses would stand required the 66 founding families to participate in a lottery where each chose a grey and white shell with plot numbers etched inside.

Read more:

When Rothschild Boulevard put down roots and declared independence | The Times of Israel
What was the ratio of Jew to Arab in 1909 Palestine?

In term of IQ...10,000 to 1.
Hasbara has no answer for the accuracy of Wesley's prediction.
I guess she isn't over the heroic Jews lack of success in Lebanon in 2006.
The IDF couldn't find enough women and kids to kill, apparently.:lol:
Better luck in Jordan.

Don't worry, folks, Herr George, will be pulling up his Wesley Clark shtick some time in the very near future. You can count on it as a given since he has pulled it up so many times before. I guess all the viewers have realized by now that Herr George wants you to think that the IDF has killed loads and loads of women and children (which of course is a lie). However, thousands and thousands of women and children have been killed in the other Middle East countries, and Herr George does not care one bit about them because he can't drag in his fellow scapegoats. Does anyone think that Herr George stops for a moment to think about the over 150,000 people killed in Syria so far, tens of thousands wounded, and over two million refugees? You would have to be mentally retarded to actually think that Herr George ever thinks about these unfortunate people. I realize that he doesn't have the money to send to one of the relief organizations to help these people, but the least he can do is pause and think what they are going through.

As if Kosher war whores like you have the slightest concern for dead Muslims.

MAYBE WE don't.
Why don't YOU?
This reminds me of scenes you now see in America where people are allowed to bring their dogs while eating at the outdoor or sidewalk eateries.

When Rothschild Boulevard put down roots and declared independence

At first, they say, Churchill was amazed at the sight of such lush development having taken place in such a very short time. But he burst into laughter after local children climbed the trees for a look at the respected visitor – and the trees collapsed. Patting the embarrassed mayor on his shoulder, Churchill made a kindly remark about the importance of having roots.

Tel Aviv was founded on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea on April 11, 1909. Determining where their houses would stand required the 66 founding families to participate in a lottery where each chose a grey and white shell with plot numbers etched inside.

Read more:

When Rothschild Boulevard put down roots and declared independence | The Times of Israel
What was the ratio of Jew to Arab in 1909 Palestine?

More to the point what was the ratio of land ownership between Jew and arab muslim ?

If a person is in the country illegally then they should not be counted, as the Jews were either invited to settle or had been there for a long time their numbers are stable and valid
What was the ratio of Jew to Arab in 1909 Palestine?

Why, Herr George, are you still obsessing over this when anyone with brains realizes that you don't care one bit about the Arabs but are using them as pawns in your fight against your scapegoat, the Jews. Meanwhile, why not tell us how many Arabs were actually there before they started swarming in from the poor surrounding Middle East countries when the Jews had jobs for them. Surely you see in your own Hispanic neighborhood all those poor men who came here for any available work, even if they are here illegally.
Ellos guieran trabajar en el U.S.A.
Still can't answer a simple question on your own thread?
Why are you here?

Because it is an irrelevant question that has nothing to do with the topic, now why don't you ask the ratio of land/property ownership instead. Or would that show that the arab muslims were the last to own any actual land/property
What was the ratio of Jew to Arab in 1909 Palestine?

whatever it was, they still couldn't win a war.

sucks being you.
BDS ring any of your bells?
Are you ready for a few (thousand) new roomies?

Largest US Protestant Church divests from Israeli prison contractor G4S | BDSmovement.net

And haven't most civilised nations banned the BDS movement for open racist hostility and incitement to religious/racial intolerance. Why even the US has pulled the funding on any school/college/university that takes up BDS.

Are you ready to start paying even more for your children's education when your selected college needs funding from the student body.
BDS ring any of your bells?
Are you ready for a few (thousand) new roomies?

Largest US Protestant Church divests from Israeli prison contractor G4S | BDSmovement.net

Very, very close vote, and I am willing to bet that Herr George never read any of the articles by other Prostestants chastising this group. Meanwhile, ............

Andrew Klavan: Who Put the BS in BDS? | FrontPage Magazine
Ten years ago the vote would not have been very very close it would have been a landslide against divestment.
Ten years from now Jews will be leaving Israel in droves.
I'm sure you and Frontpage will give them all a place to stay:badgrin:

The same things were being said 68 years ago, and every year since, So when will we see the exodus start. Your BLOOD LIBELS and ISLAMONAZI LIES are not working and Israel is here to stay. The world can not live without Israel's medical breakthroughs and countries will willingly agree to Isreali demands on stamping out ANTI SEMITISM and JEW HATRED in return for reasonably priced medical technology.

Ten years from now you will be saying the exact same thing and wondering why it hasn't happened.
A Jewish homeland (NOT state) in PALESTINE was not suppose to infringe upon the civil and religious rights of the indigenous non-Jewish population. All your paid posturing can't refute that one simple historical fact.

The actual truth is the LoN declared the RESURECTION OF THE NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS IN PALESTINE. The declaration of the independence of the NATIONAL HOME FOR THE JEWS included the rights of all non Jews to take up Israeli citizenship and become full citizens with the same rights as Jews.
IT WAS THE ARAB LEAGUE THAT REMOVED ALL THE CIVIL AND RELIGOUS RIGHTS OF THE INDIGENOUS NON JEWS when they refused them the right to self determination and independence. Try reading some proper history for a change.

As an aside the sane treaty also declared that the rights of Jews living in other nations were not to be infringed and they were to be allowed to keep their citizenship if they so wanted. Now why did we see 1 million Jews evicted by force from their homes and property by arab muslims
A Jewish homeland (NOT state) in PALESTINE was not suppose to infringe upon the civil and religious rights of the indigenous non-Jewish population. All your paid posturing can't refute that one simple historical fact.

That's what happens when 5 Arab armies surrounded Israel and attacked them with the intention of driving the Jews to the sea.
Those five Arab armies prevented your people from seizing all the land between the River and the sea in 1948, AND they would not have been there at all if western imperialists hadn't allowed 650,000 Jews to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs, driving over 700,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, a bank accounts into surrounding states.

Actually the Jews declared independence on the land finally allocated to them, it was the arab armies that were intent on stealing all the land. This was proven when Egypt stole gaza and Jordan stole the west bank. What about the 1 million Jews driven from their homes by arab muslims who stole their land, homes, bank accounts and businesses . If the Jews wanted to take all the land they could have done so easily in 1967, and evicted the arab muslims once and for all.

Now do produce the evidence of your claims from a reliable non ISLAMONAZI source
Those five Arab armies prevented your people from seizing all the land between the River and the sea in 1948, AND they would not have been there at all if western imperialists hadn't allowed 650,000 Jews to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs, driving over 700,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, a bank accounts into surrounding states.

One way or another, your Arab brethren would still have found a way to inflict their socio-economic decay on the territories.
You mean like the democracy and development the US brought to Iraq or your ilk bestowed upon Gaza?

Isnt the terrorist organisation hamas in charge of gaza, so aren't they to blame for the failure of democracy and development in gaza. Just look what they tried to grown in those multi billion $ greenhouses, now derelict and destroyed by hamas.
Don't worry, folks, Herr George, will be pulling up his Wesley Clark shtick some time in the very near future. You can count on it as a given since he has pulled it up so many times before. I guess all the viewers have realized by now that Herr George wants you to think that the IDF has killed loads and loads of women and children (which of course is a lie). However, thousands and thousands of women and children have been killed in the other Middle East countries, and Herr George does not care one bit about them because he can't drag in his fellow scapegoats. Does anyone think that Herr George stops for a moment to think about the over 150,000 people killed in Syria so far, tens of thousands wounded, and over two million refugees? You would have to be mentally retarded to actually think that Herr George ever thinks about these unfortunate people. I realize that he doesn't have the money to send to one of the relief organizations to help these people, but the least he can do is pause and think what they are going through.

As if Kosher war whores like you have the slightest concern for dead Muslims.

MAYBE WE don't.
Why don't YOU?
I'm not Jewish:eek:

"To secure support for this project, Israel Zangwill (1864-1926), an Anglo-Jewish writer born in London, and a powerful leader of British Zionism, coined the phrase: 'a land without a people for a people without land'.

"Little did he and all his colleagues in the Zionist leadership realise (or wished to remember) that there were almost 410,000 Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) living in Palestine around the early 1890’s."

Aren't you proud?

The Zionist Project - 1948
One way or another, your Arab brethren would still have found a way to inflict their socio-economic decay on the territories.
You mean like the democracy and development the US brought to Iraq or your ilk bestowed upon Gaza?

Isnt the terrorist organisation hamas in charge of gaza, so aren't they to blame for the failure of democracy and development in gaza. Just look what they tried to grown in those multi billion $ greenhouses, now derelict and destroyed by hamas.
Hamas doesn't control Gaza's airspace, borders, or coastline; how can they be blamed for the actions of greedy Jews (like you):D
This reminds me of scenes you now see in America where people are allowed to bring their dogs while eating at the outdoor or sidewalk eateries.

When Rothschild Boulevard put down roots and declared independence

At first, they say, Churchill was amazed at the sight of such lush development having taken place in such a very short time. But he burst into laughter after local children climbed the trees for a look at the respected visitor – and the trees collapsed. Patting the embarrassed mayor on his shoulder, Churchill made a kindly remark about the importance of having roots.

Tel Aviv was founded on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea on April 11, 1909. Determining where their houses would stand required the 66 founding families to participate in a lottery where each chose a grey and white shell with plot numbers etched inside.

Read more:

When Rothschild Boulevard put down roots and declared independence | The Times of Israel
What was the ratio of Jew to Arab in 1909 Palestine?

More to the point what was the ratio of land ownership between Jew and arab muslim ?

If a person is in the country illegally then they should not be counted, as the Jews were either invited to settle or had been there for a long time their numbers are stable and valid
Who invited the Jews from Europe into Palestine?
whatever it was, they still couldn't win a war.

sucks being you.
BDS ring any of your bells?
Are you ready for a few (thousand) new roomies?

Largest US Protestant Church divests from Israeli prison contractor G4S | BDSmovement.net

And haven't most civilised nations banned the BDS movement for open racist hostility and incitement to religious/racial intolerance. Why even the US has pulled the funding on any school/college/university that takes up BDS.

Are you ready to start paying even more for your children's education when your selected college needs funding from the student body.
What conflict with civilization's involved in boycotting a vicious, racist state like Israel?
Ready for the big SWIM?
Very, very close vote, and I am willing to bet that Herr George never read any of the articles by other Prostestants chastising this group. Meanwhile, ............

Andrew Klavan: Who Put the BS in BDS? | FrontPage Magazine
Ten years ago the vote would not have been very very close it would have been a landslide against divestment.
Ten years from now Jews will be leaving Israel in droves.
I'm sure you and Frontpage will give them all a place to stay:badgrin:

The same things were being said 68 years ago, and every year since, So when will we see the exodus start. Your BLOOD LIBELS and ISLAMONAZI LIES are not working and Israel is here to stay. The world can not live without Israel's medical breakthroughs and countries will willingly agree to Isreali demands on stamping out ANTI SEMITISM and JEW HATRED in return for reasonably priced medical technology.

Ten years from now you will be saying the exact same thing and wondering why it hasn't happened.
Sieg Heil for Zionism!

"Zionism emerged as a national movement in Eastern Europe in the 1880’s. Its founder, Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), a Hungarian Jew, dreamt of establishing a Jewish State in the land of Palestine, a dream which was to be realised through colonisation and land acquisition.

"According to Zionist archives, the leadership of early Zionism believed that the native population of Palestine, as a result of this colonisation, would simply 'fold their tents and slip away' or, if they resisted, they would be 'spirited across the borders'”.

The Zionist Project - 1948
As if Kosher war whores like you have the slightest concern for dead Muslims.

MAYBE WE don't.
Why don't YOU?
I'm not Jewish:eek:

"To secure support for this project, Israel Zangwill (1864-1926), an Anglo-Jewish writer born in London, and a powerful leader of British Zionism, coined the phrase: 'a land without a people for a people without land'.

"Little did he and all his colleagues in the Zionist leadership realise (or wished to remember) that there were almost 410,000 Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) living in Palestine around the early 1890’s."

Aren't you proud?

The Zionist Project - 1948

an land the used to support millions during Roman occupation.
It is not so much that there were no people, some of those were nomads no permanent, but a land greatly underpopulated and vastly under developed.

Jews cam and bought land, individually or though the land fund. They work hard and built up Israel bringing it out of the dark age and into the modern age of space flight and WWW to bring people together from space and around the world.

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