When Rothschild Boulevard put down roots and declared independence

well to answer the balfour question as it relates to deaths of US military men---
the answer is------it does not relate-----however when I was a child---I read an
article ---a PUBLISHED article which described the then new ZIP codes as a
ZIONIST PLOT to localize all the gentiles of the world in prep for ZIONIST WORLD
WIDE DOMINATION Z ionists I n P ower ---so I have no doubt that the people
who came up with that one also came up with a reason to blame world war I on
Did you read how rich JEEEEWWWWSS convinced Wilson to renege on his campaign promise to keep the US out a WWI, thereby paving the way for their pound of flesh extracted at Versailles, leading directly to your hero in Berlin?:badgrin:

Of course I read the islamo Nazi pig propaganda as a child ---the stuff your hero
Nazi war criminals wrote after escaping to Egypt and Syria -----and I read the earlier
stuff written in the 1930s in which your heros claimed that jews were inventing
nasty stories about your hero Adolf and Nazi pigs just to PUSH THE USA INTO ANOTHER WAR

I am very familiar with islamo Nazi pig literature----I lived in a town full
of people like you

I guess Herr George will never get anough of this Rothschild thread. However, you and I both know that those who are losers in life need scapegoats to blame for their failures, and they always blame one of the smallest groups in the world. It was hilarious, though, to see him drag in World War I which had nothing to do with Jews. Perhaps he should read up on World War I and see what started it all. My goodness, no matter where you live in Los Angeles, they do have history classes in high school.

However, maybe if Herr George would get out of his basically Hispanic neighborhood once in a while and find a Starbucks or other coffee chain, he will see people sitting outside with their dogs enjoying a cappuccino or one of the other specialties, just as people do sitting on outside restaurant or cafe patios in Israel while they are enjoying a cappuccino or one of the other specialties.
well to answer the balfour question as it relates to deaths of US military men---
the answer is------it does not relate-----however when I was a child---I read an
article ---a PUBLISHED article which described the then new ZIP codes as a
ZIONIST PLOT to localize all the gentiles of the world in prep for ZIONIST WORLD
WIDE DOMINATION Z ionists I n P ower ---so I have no doubt that the people
who came up with that one also came up with a reason to blame world war I on
Did you read how rich JEEEEWWWWSS convinced Wilson to renege on his campaign promise to keep the US out a WWI, thereby paving the way for their pound of flesh extracted at Versailles, leading directly to your hero in Berlin?:badgrin:

Of course I read the islamo Nazi pig propaganda as a child ---the stuff your hero
Nazi war criminals wrote after escaping to Egypt and Syria -----and I read the earlier
stuff written in the 1930s in which your heros claimed that jews were inventing
nasty stories about your hero Adolf and Nazi pigs just to PUSH THE USA INTO ANOTHER WAR

I am very familiar with islamo Nazi pig literature----I lived in a town full
of people like you
You're also very predictable.
Did you realize you're repeating yourself, Alzheimer's?

"Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2] On the belief that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis."

Shame you weren't available to give Stern a hand,

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Did you read how rich JEEEEWWWWSS convinced Wilson to renege on his campaign promise to keep the US out a WWI, thereby paving the way for their pound of flesh extracted at Versailles, leading directly to your hero in Berlin?:badgrin:

Of course I read the islamo Nazi pig propaganda as a child ---the stuff your hero
Nazi war criminals wrote after escaping to Egypt and Syria -----and I read the earlier
stuff written in the 1930s in which your heros claimed that jews were inventing
nasty stories about your hero Adolf and Nazi pigs just to PUSH THE USA INTO ANOTHER WAR

I am very familiar with islamo Nazi pig literature----I lived in a town full
of people like you
You're also very predictable.
Did you realize you're repeating yourself, Alzheimer's?

"Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2] On the belief that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis."

Shame you weren't available to give Stern a hand,

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why, Herr George, I think many of the viewers think it is you who have Alzheimers. After all, look at the gazillion times you have brought up the same sites ad nauseam, making it appear that you can't think for yourself. Meanwhile, as the viewers can see, Herr George keeps on pulling up things that happened in the past. This is today, Herr George. Tell us what is happening in the Middle East today. Don't you care at all about the desd bodies piling up because your new buddies want to take charge of the entire region -- and then the world.
I think it's safe to say that George is suffering from a mild form of dementia.
I've never encountered someone so obsessed over something like he is !
Last edited:
Of course I read the islamo Nazi pig propaganda as a child ---the stuff your hero
Nazi war criminals wrote after escaping to Egypt and Syria -----and I read the earlier
stuff written in the 1930s in which your heros claimed that jews were inventing
nasty stories about your hero Adolf and Nazi pigs just to PUSH THE USA INTO ANOTHER WAR

I am very familiar with islamo Nazi pig literature----I lived in a town full
of people like you
You're also very predictable.
Did you realize you're repeating yourself, Alzheimer's?

"Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2] On the belief that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis."

Shame you weren't available to give Stern a hand,

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why, Herr George, I think many of the viewers think it is you who have Alzheimers. After all, look at the gazillion times you have brought up the same sites ad nauseam, making it appear that you can't think for yourself. Meanwhile, as the viewers can see, Herr George keeps on pulling up things that happened in the past. This is today, Herr George. Tell us what is happening in the Middle East today. Don't you care at all about the desd bodies piling up because your new buddies want to take charge of the entire region -- and then the world.
"Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2]

"It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed]

"Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).[citation needed]

"Lubenchik told von Hentig that Lehi had not yet revealed its full power and that they were capable of organizing a whole range of anti..."

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You're also very predictable.
Did you realize you're repeating yourself, Alzheimer's?

"Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2] On the belief that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis."

Shame you weren't available to give Stern a hand,

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why, Herr George, I think many of the viewers think it is you who have Alzheimers. After all, look at the gazillion times you have brought up the same sites ad nauseam, making it appear that you can't think for yourself. Meanwhile, as the viewers can see, Herr George keeps on pulling up things that happened in the past. This is today, Herr George. Tell us what is happening in the Middle East today. Don't you care at all about the desd bodies piling up because your new buddies want to take charge of the entire region -- and then the world.
"Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2]

"It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed]

"Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).[citation needed]

"Lubenchik told von Hentig that Lehi had not yet revealed its full power and that they were capable of organizing a whole range of anti..."

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let us all remember the beginning of this thread before Herr George had to start blabbering about his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. As we can see from the picture in the article, people are enjoying sitting at an outdoor sidewalk patio. having some refreshments, with their dogs at their sides, just like people do here in the U.S. Perhaps Herr George should go to the GoodWill store in his area, pick up a used backpack, then go to his local animal shelter which lately has been giving away dogs for free. He can adopt himself one of the smaller breeds, but it in his backpack, find some Hispanic cafe in his area where men are sitting outside having some refreshment, and Herr George can announce: Aqui es mi perro, Coeli. Ella está contenta porque recibió unas galletas para perros,

Now the viewers should go back to the very beginning of the thread, and picture Herr George sitting with his little dog Coeli just like the people on Rothschild Blvd. are doing with their pets. Then Herr George can put Coeli in his used backpack and sneak her up to his little apartment. A little dog doesn't eat much so surely Herr George can feed one and also play with her and pet her to keep his mind off his fellow scapegoats. A dog would actually be very healthy for him.
Why, Herr George, I think many of the viewers think it is you who have Alzheimers. After all, look at the gazillion times you have brought up the same sites ad nauseam, making it appear that you can't think for yourself. Meanwhile, as the viewers can see, Herr George keeps on pulling up things that happened in the past. This is today, Herr George. Tell us what is happening in the Middle East today. Don't you care at all about the desd bodies piling up because your new buddies want to take charge of the entire region -- and then the world.
"Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2]

"It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed]

"Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).[citation needed]

"Lubenchik told von Hentig that Lehi had not yet revealed its full power and that they were capable of organizing a whole range of anti..."

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let us all remember the beginning of this thread before Herr George had to start blabbering about his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. As we can see from the picture in the article, people are enjoying sitting at an outdoor sidewalk patio. having some refreshments, with their dogs at their sides, just like people do here in the U.S. Perhaps Herr George should go to the GoodWill store in his area, pick up a used backpack, then go to his local animal shelter which lately has been giving away dogs for free. He can adopt himself one of the smaller breeds, but it in his backpack, find some Hispanic cafe in his area where men are sitting outside having some refreshment, and Herr George can announce: Aqui es mi perro, Coeli. Ella está contenta porque recibió unas galletas para perros,

Now the viewers should go back to the very beginning of the thread, and picture Herr George sitting with his little dog Coeli just like the people on Rothschild Blvd. are doing with their pets. Then Herr George can put Coeli in his used backpack and sneak her up to his little apartment. A little dog doesn't eat much so surely Herr George can feed one and also play with her and pet her to keep his mind off his fellow scapegoats. A dog would actually be very healthy for him.
"On the assumption that the destruction of Britain was the Germans' top objective, the organization offered cooperation in the following terms.[citation needed] Lehi would support sabotage and espionage operations in the Middle East and in eastern Europe anywhere where they had cells.

"Germany would recognize an independent Jewish state in Palestine/Eretz Israel, and all Jews leaving their homes in Europe, by their own will or because of government injunctions, could enter Palestine with no restriction of numbers. According to the proposals in the Jerusalem Agreement, based on negotiations with Count Quinto Mazzolini, in exchange for Italy's recognition of, and aid in obtaining, Jewish sovereignty over Palestine, Stern promised that Zionism would come under the aegis of Italian fascism, with Haifa as its base, and the Old City of Jerusalem under Vatican control, except for the Jewish (ANIMAL SHELTERS):lol:

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Had Israel come under the aegis of Italian fascism all those years ago, we can be sure $eig Hiel, $al would be just as loyal to that settler-colonialist enterprise as she is to her beloved Israel.

Is she a holy whore or what, Folks
"Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2]

"It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed]

"Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).[citation needed]

"Lubenchik told von Hentig that Lehi had not yet revealed its full power and that they were capable of organizing a whole range of anti..."

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let us all remember the beginning of this thread before Herr George had to start blabbering about his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. As we can see from the picture in the article, people are enjoying sitting at an outdoor sidewalk patio. having some refreshments, with their dogs at their sides, just like people do here in the U.S. Perhaps Herr George should go to the GoodWill store in his area, pick up a used backpack, then go to his local animal shelter which lately has been giving away dogs for free. He can adopt himself one of the smaller breeds, but it in his backpack, find some Hispanic cafe in his area where men are sitting outside having some refreshment, and Herr George can announce: Aqui es mi perro, Coeli. Ella está contenta porque recibió unas galletas para perros,

Now the viewers should go back to the very beginning of the thread, and picture Herr George sitting with his little dog Coeli just like the people on Rothschild Blvd. are doing with their pets. Then Herr George can put Coeli in his used backpack and sneak her up to his little apartment. A little dog doesn't eat much so surely Herr George can feed one and also play with her and pet her to keep his mind off his fellow scapegoats. A dog would actually be very healthy for him.
"On the assumption that the destruction of Britain was the Germans' top objective, the organization offered cooperation in the following terms.[citation needed] Lehi would support sabotage and espionage operations in the Middle East and in eastern Europe anywhere where they had cells.

"Germany would recognize an independent Jewish state in Palestine/Eretz Israel, and all Jews leaving their homes in Europe, by their own will or because of government injunctions, could enter Palestine with no restriction of numbers. According to the proposals in the Jerusalem Agreement, based on negotiations with Count Quinto Mazzolini, in exchange for Italy's recognition of, and aid in obtaining, Jewish sovereignty over Palestine, Stern promised that Zionism would come under the aegis of Italian fascism, with Haifa as its base, and the Old City of Jerusalem under Vatican control, except for the Jewish (ANIMAL SHELTERS):lol:

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Had Israel come under the aegis of Italian fascism all those years ago, we can be sure $eig Hiel, $al would be just as loyal to that settler-colonialist enterprise as she is to her beloved Israel.

Is she a holy whore or what, Folks

Poor Herr George -- we really have to get one of the chimps from the zoo over to his little apartment to teach him the other signs on his keyboard. He is just stuck with the dollar sign because he wants us to be aware that he needs some moola.. Meanwhile, while Herr George is back digging in Wikipedia (notice that you will never see him bring up anything from a regular encyclopedia which he must think doesn't exist) where people can put in whatever they want to that one teacher in L.A. said she doesn't allow her students to us it, he is still busy dissing Israel and cares nothing about what is happening to innocent people in the rest of the Middle East. Speaking of whores, Herr George, himm I do wonder about people's old careers when they throw that word out. Must remind them of old times when they were able to drive that Pimp Mobile.

Sure looks like Herr George doesn't want to adopt a little doggie from the shelter to keep him a little company, just like the people have pets who are sitting on Rothschild Blvd and all over Los Angeles where pets are allowed on sidewalk patios. He could always find someone to make his new pet a doggie coat with swastikas sewn on each size since Herr George hates the Jews, blaming them for the condition he finds himeself in life. Sad, how he actually has no interest in what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where people are suffering horribly. I know that Herr George would never leave his computer to visit some churches here in Los Angeles and speak to the parishioners about what their relatives in the home countries are going through. If he can't drag in the Jews, he has no concern for what is going on as I am sure the viewers have picked up by now.
"The Sergeants affair (Hebrew: פרשת הסרג'נטים*) was an incident that took place in Mandate Palestine in July 1947 during the Jewish insurgency in Palestine, in which the Jewish underground group the Irgun kidnapped two British army Intelligence Corps NCOs, Sergeant Clifford Martin and Sergeant Mervyn Paice, and threatened to kill them if the death sentences passed on Irgun militants arrested by the British authorities on charges of illegal possession of arms, and with 'intent to kill or cause other harm to a large number of people',[1] were carried out.

"When the executions were carried out, the Irgun killed its hostages and hung their booby-trapped bodies in a eucalyptus grove near Netanya.

"This act was widely condemned in both Palestine and the United Kingdom. :eusa_boohoo:

The Sergeants affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The Sergeants affair (Hebrew: פרשת הסרג'נטים*) was an incident that took place in Mandate Palestine in July 1947 during the Jewish insurgency in Palestine, in which the Jewish underground group the Irgun kidnapped two British army Intelligence Corps NCOs, Sergeant Clifford Martin and Sergeant Mervyn Paice, and threatened to kill them if the death sentences passed on Irgun militants arrested by the British authorities on charges of illegal possession of arms, and with 'intent to kill or cause other harm to a large number of people',[1] were carried out.

"When the executions were carried out, the Irgun killed its hostages and hung their booby-trapped bodies in a eucalyptus grove near Netanya.

"This act was widely condemned in both Palestine and the United Kingdom. :eusa_boohoo:

The Sergeants affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know, Herr George, I don't even bother reading your silly Wikipedia pieces. I prefer to get my information from regular encyclopedias or from history departments of colleges and universities. The bottom line is that you care nothing about the Middle East, how many innocent people are dying at the moment, and you are only here to try to get the viewers to hate the Jews, your favorite scapegoats, as you do. However, I doubt most of the viewers need a scapegoat like you do and they also have compassioin, unlike you, for what is happening to those unfortunates in the Middle East. However, keep on dragging up your Wikipedia if it makes you feel like a big man.
"The Sergeants affair (Hebrew: פרשת הסרג'נטים*) was an incident that took place in Mandate Palestine in July 1947 during the Jewish insurgency in Palestine, in which the Jewish underground group the Irgun kidnapped two British army Intelligence Corps NCOs, Sergeant Clifford Martin and Sergeant Mervyn Paice, and threatened to kill them if the death sentences passed on Irgun militants arrested by the British authorities on charges of illegal possession of arms, and with 'intent to kill or cause other harm to a large number of people',[1] were carried out.

"When the executions were carried out, the Irgun killed its hostages and hung their booby-trapped bodies in a eucalyptus grove near Netanya.

"This act was widely condemned in both Palestine and the United Kingdom. :eusa_boohoo:

The Sergeants affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know, Herr George, I don't even bother reading your silly Wikipedia pieces. I prefer to get my information from regular encyclopedias or from history departments of colleges and universities. The bottom line is that you care nothing about the Middle East, how many innocent people are dying at the moment, and you are only here to try to get the viewers to hate the Jews, your favorite scapegoats, as you do. However, I doubt most of the viewers need a scapegoat like you do and they also have compassioin, unlike you, for what is happening to those unfortunates in the Middle East. However, keep on dragging up your Wikipedia if it makes you feel like a big man.
I'm not paid or compensated in any material sense for my posting on USMB.
Your boilerplate in support of all things Jew make me wonder about hasbara.
Care to 'fess up.:D

Here's a recent account of your people and their struggle for Freedom:

"GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces imposed restrictions on Palestinian worshipers entering the al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday, a local group said.

"'Israeli forces turned Jerusalem into a military base and imposed restrictions on worshipers entering the al-Aqsa compound for the second Friday in a row,' the al-Aqsa foundation said in a statement.

"Men under 50 were not allowed to enter for Friday prayers and Israeli police set up barricades in the Old City and around Damascus Gate."

Israel imposes restrictions at al-Aqsa for Friday prayers | Maan News Agency
"The Sergeants affair (Hebrew: פרשת הסרג'נטים*) was an incident that took place in Mandate Palestine in July 1947 during the Jewish insurgency in Palestine, in which the Jewish underground group the Irgun kidnapped two British army Intelligence Corps NCOs, Sergeant Clifford Martin and Sergeant Mervyn Paice, and threatened to kill them if the death sentences passed on Irgun militants arrested by the British authorities on charges of illegal possession of arms, and with 'intent to kill or cause other harm to a large number of people',[1] were carried out.

"When the executions were carried out, the Irgun killed its hostages and hung their booby-trapped bodies in a eucalyptus grove near Netanya.

"This act was widely condemned in both Palestine and the United Kingdom. :eusa_boohoo:

The Sergeants affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know, Herr George, I don't even bother reading your silly Wikipedia pieces. I prefer to get my information from regular encyclopedias or from history departments of colleges and universities. The bottom line is that you care nothing about the Middle East, how many innocent people are dying at the moment, and you are only here to try to get the viewers to hate the Jews, your favorite scapegoats, as you do. However, I doubt most of the viewers need a scapegoat like you do and they also have compassioin, unlike you, for what is happening to those unfortunates in the Middle East. However, keep on dragging up your Wikipedia if it makes you feel like a big man.

I'm not paid or compensated in any material sense for my posting on USMB.
Your boilerplate in support of all things Jew make me wonder about hasbara.
Care to 'fess up.:D

Here's a recent account of your people and their struggle for Freedom:

"GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces imposed restrictions on Palestinian worshipers entering the al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday, a local group said.

"'Israeli forces turned Jerusalem into a military base and imposed restrictions on worshipers entering the al-Aqsa compound for the second Friday in a row,' the al-Aqsa foundation said in a statement.

"Men under 50 were not allowed to enter for Friday prayers and Israeli police set up barricades in the Old City and around Damascus Gate."

Israel imposes restrictions at al-Aqsa for Friday prayers | Maan News Agency

Do you have a guilty conscience, Herr George? You are the one who is always insinuating that the pro Israel posters are being paid. Your memory must be going.

Has anyone ever seen Herr George write anything when the Muslims are rioting at that mosque or when they are throwing rocks down on innocent tourists? On these occasions he is very, very silent. Meanwhile, Herr George, still waiting for you to take part of what is happening in the rest of the Middle East as this is, of course, the Middle East forum. Tens of thouands of innocents have died, and you are so mum about what is happening there because you can't drag in your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, for these killings of innocents. I know what -- for a change of pace, why not tell us what is happening in Iran these days with regard to the imprisoned pastors. I heard a while back that he was very, very ill, and I wonder if you know if he has finally received some medical treatment for his ailments.
You know, Herr George, I don't even bother reading your silly Wikipedia pieces. I prefer to get my information from regular encyclopedias or from history departments of colleges and universities. The bottom line is that you care nothing about the Middle East, how many innocent people are dying at the moment, and you are only here to try to get the viewers to hate the Jews, your favorite scapegoats, as you do. However, I doubt most of the viewers need a scapegoat like you do and they also have compassioin, unlike you, for what is happening to those unfortunates in the Middle East. However, keep on dragging up your Wikipedia if it makes you feel like a big man.

I'm not paid or compensated in any material sense for my posting on USMB.
Your boilerplate in support of all things Jew make me wonder about hasbara.
Care to 'fess up.:D

Here's a recent account of your people and their struggle for Freedom:

"GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces imposed restrictions on Palestinian worshipers entering the al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday, a local group said.

"'Israeli forces turned Jerusalem into a military base and imposed restrictions on worshipers entering the al-Aqsa compound for the second Friday in a row,' the al-Aqsa foundation said in a statement.

"Men under 50 were not allowed to enter for Friday prayers and Israeli police set up barricades in the Old City and around Damascus Gate."

Israel imposes restrictions at al-Aqsa for Friday prayers | Maan News Agency

Do you have a guilty conscience, Herr George? You are the one who is always insinuating that the pro Israel posters are being paid. Your memory must be going.

Has anyone ever seen Herr George write anything when the Muslims are rioting at that mosque or when they are throwing rocks down on innocent tourists? On these occasions he is very, very silent. Meanwhile, Herr George, still waiting for you to take part of what is happening in the rest of the Middle East as this is, of course, the Middle East forum. Tens of thouands of innocents have died, and you are so mum about what is happening there because you can't drag in your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, for these killings of innocents. I know what -- for a change of pace, why not tell us what is happening in Iran these days with regard to the imprisoned pastors. I heard a while back that he was very, very ill, and I wonder if you know if he has finally received some medical treatment for his ailments.
You don't answer the question.
Why is that?
Are you paid or compensated in any material sense for your posts on USMB?
I'm not paid or compensated in any material sense for my posting on USMB.
Your boilerplate in support of all things Jew make me wonder about hasbara.
Care to 'fess up.:D

Here's a recent account of your people and their struggle for Freedom:

"GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces imposed restrictions on Palestinian worshipers entering the al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday, a local group said.

"'Israeli forces turned Jerusalem into a military base and imposed restrictions on worshipers entering the al-Aqsa compound for the second Friday in a row,' the al-Aqsa foundation said in a statement.

"Men under 50 were not allowed to enter for Friday prayers and Israeli police set up barricades in the Old City and around Damascus Gate."

Israel imposes restrictions at al-Aqsa for Friday prayers | Maan News Agency

Do you have a guilty conscience, Herr George? You are the one who is always insinuating that the pro Israel posters are being paid. Your memory must be going.

Has anyone ever seen Herr George write anything when the Muslims are rioting at that mosque or when they are throwing rocks down on innocent tourists? On these occasions he is very, very silent. Meanwhile, Herr George, still waiting for you to take part of what is happening in the rest of the Middle East as this is, of course, the Middle East forum. Tens of thouands of innocents have died, and you are so mum about what is happening there because you can't drag in your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, for these killings of innocents. I know what -- for a change of pace, why not tell us what is happening in Iran these days with regard to the imprisoned pastors. I heard a while back that he was very, very ill, and I wonder if you know if he has finally received some medical treatment for his ailments.

You don't answer the question.
Why is that?
Are you paid or compensated in any material sense for your posts on USMB?

It looks like Herr George is still short of money. His dementia must be kicking in if he doesb't remember that he, himself, is the one who has constantly insinuated many times that the pro Israel posters are getting paid. He doesn't seem to like it when others in return suggest that he is hoping to get paid for his own posts. Why not get a job as a part-time greeter at your local WalMart, Herr Georgie, and then you wouldn't constantly be bringing up money?
Do you have a guilty conscience, Herr George? You are the one who is always insinuating that the pro Israel posters are being paid. Your memory must be going.

Has anyone ever seen Herr George write anything when the Muslims are rioting at that mosque or when they are throwing rocks down on innocent tourists? On these occasions he is very, very silent. Meanwhile, Herr George, still waiting for you to take part of what is happening in the rest of the Middle East as this is, of course, the Middle East forum. Tens of thouands of innocents have died, and you are so mum about what is happening there because you can't drag in your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, for these killings of innocents. I know what -- for a change of pace, why not tell us what is happening in Iran these days with regard to the imprisoned pastors. I heard a while back that he was very, very ill, and I wonder if you know if he has finally received some medical treatment for his ailments.

You don't answer the question.
Why is that?
Are you paid or compensated in any material sense for your posts on USMB?

It looks like Herr George is still short of money. His dementia must be kicking in if he doesb't remember that he, himself, is the one who has constantly insinuated many times that the pro Israel posters are getting paid. He doesn't seem to like it when others in return suggest that he is hoping to get paid for his own posts. Why not get a job as a part-time greeter at your local WalMart, Herr Georgie, and then you wouldn't constantly be bringing up money?
Are you hasbara?
You don't answer the question.
Why is that?
Are you paid or compensated in any material sense for your posts on USMB?

It looks like Herr George is still short of money. His dementia must be kicking in if he doesb't remember that he, himself, is the one who has constantly insinuated many times that the pro Israel posters are getting paid. He doesn't seem to like it when others in return suggest that he is hoping to get paid for his own posts. Why not get a job as a part-time greeter at your local WalMart, Herr Georgie, and then you wouldn't constantly be bringing up money?

Are you hasbara?

I read that Medicare pays for people to go to Memory doctors. I suggest you make an appointment. Perhaps then you will remember that you are the one who has always initiated bringing up the pro Israeli posters being paid (of course along with your silly dollar signs like some monkey).
It looks like Herr George is still short of money. His dementia must be kicking in if he doesb't remember that he, himself, is the one who has constantly insinuated many times that the pro Israel posters are getting paid. He doesn't seem to like it when others in return suggest that he is hoping to get paid for his own posts. Why not get a job as a part-time greeter at your local WalMart, Herr Georgie, and then you wouldn't constantly be bringing up money?

Are you hasbara?

I read that Medicare pays for people to go to Memory doctors. I suggest you make an appointment. Perhaps then you will remember that you are the one who has always initiated bringing up the pro Israeli posters being paid (of course along with your silly dollar signs like some monkey).
Still can't answer the question?
Aren't you ashamed?
Are you hasbara?

I read that Medicare pays for people to go to Memory doctors. I suggest you make an appointment. Perhaps then you will remember that you are the one who has always initiated bringing up the pro Israeli posters being paid (of course along with your silly dollar signs like some monkey).
Still can't answer the question?

Aren't you ashamed?

You silly, silly man. No one is collecting money for posting on any of these forums, but with you appearing like the perfect Dhimmi and all your ridiculous dollar signs, it certainly appears that you might be hoping that some radical Islamic group catches yours posts and see how you hate the Jews as they do, they mightl throw you a few needed bucks in appreciation.
I read that Medicare pays for people to go to Memory doctors. I suggest you make an appointment. Perhaps then you will remember that you are the one who has always initiated bringing up the pro Israeli posters being paid (of course along with your silly dollar signs like some monkey).
Still can't answer the question?

Aren't you ashamed?

You silly, silly man. No one is collecting money for posting on any of these forums, but with you appearing like the perfect Dhimmi and all your ridiculous dollar signs, it certainly appears that you might be hoping that some radical Islamic group catches yours posts and see how you hate the Jews as they do, they mightl throw you a few needed bucks in appreciation.
Thanks, hasbara $al.:lol:
Still can't answer the question?

Aren't you ashamed?

You silly, silly man. No one is collecting money for posting on any of these forums, but with you appearing like the perfect Dhimmi and all your ridiculous dollar signs, it certainly appears that you might be hoping that some radical Islamic group catches yours posts and see how you hate the Jews as they do, they mightl throw you a few needed bucks in appreciation.

Thanks, hasbara $al.:lol:

Oh look, the monkey is still showing us he knows how to type the dollar sign. My goodness, I think that gorilla Caesar who was in the L.A. Zoo could have taught Herr George how to at least type the percent sign. Cheetah, Tarzan's pal, might even have given Herr George some acting lessons.

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