When "The Donald" Speaks, Does Everybody Listen?

The fact that this man has a following is evidence that the U.S. is on the way out. I'll be 80 in June, so I probably won't be around to witness the end so I really wouldn't be concerned if I didn't have kids and grand-kids, but I do and I'm very concerned about their future.

This man, Trump, is an old-fashioned snake-oil peddler who has become super-rich because of his ability to bullshit people. Instead of his pink tie, pink face and bleached hair he should be wearing a brown plaid suit and a derby hat.

To hear those crowds of my fellow American cheer for this obviously deceitful character overwhelms me with conflicting feelings of anger and sadness. The same chemistry that gave rise to Hitler is giving rise to Trump.

How depressingly stupid some of my fellow Americans are.
who is it you prefer?
I believe it is important for survival of the declining middle class that Sanders is elected President. He has the right idea and it is critically important that rigid controls are imposed on Wall Street, the banks and the One Percent.

While it's true that Sanders has some progressive ambitions which tend to offend the Conservative mindset, the benefit of his overall intentions will vastly outweigh those relatively petty partisan concerns. He is radical in ways which are desperately needed to get this Nation back on track.

If you disagree I will be glad to discuss the issue with you. Just lay out your thoughts.

How is the Bern going to pay for all his entitlements? You could tax the 1%, 100% and it wouldn't be enough!

I listened whenever I was interested in the Celebrity Apprentice show enough. Now? I might listen to a little bit, but it never takes me long to lose whatever interest it is that I might have because a person can only stand so much of what he is focused on now.

God bless you and him always!!!

How is the Bern going to pay for all his entitlements? You could tax the 1%, 100% and it wouldn't be enough!
That was the basic argument against FDR in 1933. But he went on to gradually lift the Nation out of the Great depression, promote the union movement, initiate the most prosperous decades in our history, the '40s through the '80s, which gave rise to the Great American Middle Class and vastly increased tax revenues from the vastly increased workers' wages.

How did he do it? By redistributing the Nation's wealth via confiscatory taxation, by re-directing government waste and money stolen via corrupt projects, and by creating the CCC and WPA make-work programs which put millions of unemployed Americans (including my father) to work on the infrastructure and forests, which resulted in an enormous demand for consumer products, which created thousands of businesses and industries. It's called redistribution via circulation and it is critically necessary to the purpose of restoring balance in our economy.

Give Sanders some credit. He's been a senator long enough to know where the bodies are buried and I believe he will take great pleasure in digging them up.

The revolution won't happen overnight but it will happen. Unless you are among the One Percent you will benefit from it and so will your children.
The fact that this man has a following is evidence that the U.S. is on the way out. I'll be 80 in June, so I probably won't be around to witness the end so I really wouldn't be concerned if I didn't have kids and grand-kids, but I do and I'm very concerned about their future.

This man, Trump, is an old-fashioned snake-oil peddler who has become super-rich because of his ability to bullshit people. Instead of his pink tie, pink face and bleached hair he should be wearing a brown plaid suit and a derby hat.

To hear those crowds of my fellow American cheer for this obviously deceitful character overwhelms me with conflicting feelings of anger and sadness. The same chemistry that gave rise to Hitler is giving rise to Trump.

How depressingly stupid some of my fellow Americans are.

Agree..... It's scary how many of our fellow Americans believe in him. As I warned many times..... Be very careful what they wish for.
How is the Bern going to pay for all his entitlements? You could tax the 1%, 100% and it wouldn't be enough!
That was the basic argument against FDR in 1933. But he went on to gradually lift the Nation out of the Great depression, promote the union movement, initiate the most prosperous decades in our history, the '40s through the '80s, which gave rise to the Great American Middle Class and vastly increased tax revenues from the vastly increased workers' wages.

How did he do it? By redistributing the Nation's wealth via confiscatory taxation, by re-directing government waste and money stolen via corrupt projects, and by creating the CCC and WPA make-work programs which put millions of unemployed Americans (including my father) to work on the infrastructure and forests, which resulted in an enormous demand for consumer products, which created thousands of businesses and industries. It's called redistribution via circulation and it is critically necessary to the purpose of restoring balance in our economy.

Give Sanders some credit. He's been a senator long enough to know where the bodies are buried and I believe he will take great pleasure in digging them up.

The revolution won't happen overnight but it will happen. Unless you are among the One Percent you will benefit from it and so will your children.

So you believe that confiscatory taxation, taking money away from workers to pay indigents is going to work, without the TAXPAYER punishing the asshole that does it to them?
So you believe that confiscatory taxation, taking money away from workers to pay indigents is going to work, without the TAXPAYER punishing the asshole that does it to them?
Taxation at the confiscatory level will not be imposed on the working class (which has nothing to confiscate).

What FDR achieved by promoting the union movement was, for one thing, substantial increases in the hourly wage. When truck drivers, for one category, who had been earning $1.50 an hour began earning $8.50 an hour (a good wage in the immediate post-Depression era, they were able to pay about $1 an hour income tax but they were still ahead by $6.50. I'd call that fair, wouldn't you?

And those now adequately paid workers began demanding consumer goods, which created businesses -- and jobs. Those new businesses and jobs also produced tax revenues. It's called progressive circulation. Circulation of money is as important to a nation as circulation of blood is to an organism. The lack of circulation is what has caused wage stagnation and stagnation of the Nation's economy ever since Ronald Reagan commenced the phony "trickle down" nonsense, which clearly is a siphon-up scheme, which has created the One Percent.

The U.S. is still a very wealthy nation, but American workers are not sharing the wealth they've created. Instead of horizontal distribution via circulation our Nation's wealth is being distributed vertically. A very small group of individuals are hoarding over 90% of the money created by the working class. The meaning of socialism in the present context is that bullshit must stop!

Bernie Sanders knows how to stop it -- and he is committed to doing exactly that.
So you believe that confiscatory taxation, taking money away from workers to pay indigents is going to work, without the TAXPAYER punishing the asshole that does it to them?
Taxation at the confiscatory level will not be imposed on the working class (which has nothing to confiscate).

What FDR achieved by promoting the union movement was, for one thing, substantial increases in the hourly wage. When truck drivers, for one category, who had been earning $1.50 an hour began earning $8.50 an hour (a good wage in the immediate post-Depression era, they were able to pay about $1 an hour income tax but they were still ahead by $6.50. I'd call that fair, wouldn't you?

And those now adequately paid workers began demanding consumer goods, which created businesses -- and jobs. Those new businesses and jobs also produced tax revenues. It's called progressive circulation. Circulation of money is as important to a nation as circulation of blood is to an organism. The lack of circulation is what has caused wage stagnation and stagnation of the Nation's economy ever since Ronald Reagan commenced the phony "trickle down" nonsense, which clearly is a siphon-up scheme, which has created the One Percent.

The U.S. is still a very wealthy nation, but American workers are not sharing the wealth they've created. Instead of horizontal distribution via circulation our Nation's wealth is being distributed vertically. A very small group of individuals are hoarding over 90% of the money created by the working class. The meaning of socialism in the present context is that bullshit must stop!

Bernie Sanders knows how to stop it -- and he is committed to doing exactly that.
So you believe that confiscatory taxation, taking money away from workers to pay indigents is going to work, without the TAXPAYER punishing the asshole that does it to them?
Taxation at the confiscatory level will not be imposed on the working class (which has nothing to confiscate).

What FDR achieved by promoting the union movement was, for one thing, substantial increases in the hourly wage. When truck drivers, for one category, who had been earning $1.50 an hour began earning $8.50 an hour (a good wage in the immediate post-Depression era, they were able to pay about $1 an hour income tax but they were still ahead by $6.50. I'd call that fair, wouldn't you?

And those now adequately paid workers began demanding consumer goods, which created businesses -- and jobs. Those new businesses and jobs also produced tax revenues. It's called progressive circulation. Circulation of money is as important to a nation as circulation of blood is to an organism. The lack of circulation is what has caused wage stagnation and stagnation of the Nation's economy ever since Ronald Reagan commenced the phony "trickle down" nonsense, which clearly is a siphon-up scheme, which has created the One Percent.

The U.S. is still a very wealthy nation, but American workers are not sharing the wealth they've created. Instead of horizontal distribution via circulation our Nation's wealth is being distributed vertically. A very small group of individuals are hoarding over 90% of the money created by the working class. The meaning of socialism in the present context is that bullshit must stop!

Bernie Sanders knows how to stop it -- and he is committed to doing exactly that.

Of course it will be put oin the workers... Look back at socialism's history and see what happened!

And have you seen what has happened just to a McDonalds when burger flippers and counter help demanded $15 an hour? NO MORE FUCKING JOBS!!!!

Don't you know what the One Percent is?

Don't you know how you've been ripped off by Wall Street and the banks?

Do you believe a crooked multi-billionaire like Donald Trump is going to work on your behalf to reverse the means by which he joined the One Percent?

Don't let your anger cloud your judgment. Apply common sense to the question.
Trump is a con-man and he has you fooled.
Don't you know what the One Percent is?

Don't you know how you've been ripped off by Wall Street and the banks?

Do you believe a crooked multi-billionaire like Donald Trump is going to work on your behalf to reverse the means by which he joined the One Percent?

Don't let your anger cloud your judgment. Apply common sense to the question.
Trump is a con-man and he has you fooled.
Sure I do, they are not 99%

BTW, if you really believe 1% can pay for 99% you're one fucked up dude.
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So you believe that confiscatory taxation, taking money away from workers to pay indigents is going to work, without the TAXPAYER punishing the asshole that does it to them?
Taxation at the confiscatory level will not be imposed on the working class (which has nothing to confiscate).

What FDR achieved by promoting the union movement was, for one thing, substantial increases in the hourly wage. When truck drivers, for one category, who had been earning $1.50 an hour began earning $8.50 an hour (a good wage in the immediate post-Depression era, they were able to pay about $1 an hour income tax but they were still ahead by $6.50. I'd call that fair, wouldn't you?

And those now adequately paid workers began demanding consumer goods, which created businesses -- and jobs. Those new businesses and jobs also produced tax revenues. It's called progressive circulation. Circulation of money is as important to a nation as circulation of blood is to an organism. The lack of circulation is what has caused wage stagnation and stagnation of the Nation's economy ever since Ronald Reagan commenced the phony "trickle down" nonsense, which clearly is a siphon-up scheme, which has created the One Percent.

The U.S. is still a very wealthy nation, but American workers are not sharing the wealth they've created. Instead of horizontal distribution via circulation our Nation's wealth is being distributed vertically. A very small group of individuals are hoarding over 90% of the money created by the working class. The meaning of socialism in the present context is that bullshit must stop!

Bernie Sanders knows how to stop it -- and he is committed to doing exactly that.

Of course it will be put oin the workers... Look back at socialism's history and see what happened!

And have you seen what has happened just to a McDonalds when burger flippers and counter help demanded $15 an hour? NO MORE FUCKING JOBS!!!!

Dude, The stupid fucks don't have a clue as to how business works.not an iota of intelligence at all
Of course it will be put oin the workers... Look back at socialism's history and see what happened!

And have you seen what has happened just to a McDonalds when burger flippers and counter help demanded $15 an hour? NO MORE FUCKING JOBS!!!!
Are you saying all the McDonalds workers demanded a raise and all the McDonalds workers were fired?

You know that's not what happened and you know it. Because if it did there would no longer be any McDonalds. The problem is there was no union organization -- because the union movement has been undermined ever since the anti-union sonofabitch, Ronald Reagan, the Man From General Electric, was positioned to deregulate it -- and the same kind of stupid bastards who are ready to elect Donald Trump let him do it.

You look back at Socialism's history. It's what gave you the 40-hour work week, paid vacations, Social Security, Medicare, worker protections, and on and on.
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'When "The Donald" Speaks, Does Everybody Listen?'

Most everybody just laughs at him.
Clayton, the man has a massive following. The polls don't lie.
Sure they do just watch the presidential debate tonight where Cruz and. Rubio can't figure out what the percentage of what they've got and trumps got. Anybody voting for those two I don't know their math is really fucked up

Must be like the environmental group on the Lib side that thinks 58 is greater than 62
Of course it will be put oin the workers... Look back at socialism's history and see what happened!

And have you seen what has happened just to a McDonalds when burger flippers and counter help demanded $15 an hour? NO MORE FUCKING JOBS!!!!
Are you saying all the McDonalds workers demanded a raise and all the McDonalds workers were fired?

You know that's not what happened and you know it. Because if it did there would no longer be any McDonalds. The problem is there was no union organization -- because the union movement has been undermined ever since the anti-union sonofabitch, Ronald Reagan, the Man From General Electric, was positioned to deregulate it -- and the same kind of stupid bastards who are ready to elect Donald Trump let him do it.

You look back at Socialism's history. It's what gave you the 40-hour work week, paid vacations, Social Security, Medicare, worker protections, and on and on.

I should have realized your a DemoRAT shill Union thug that let's your union donate large parts of your dues to fellow DemoRATS, instead of your welfare!
Sure I do, they are not 99%
So think of the Nation's wealth as represented by a one dollar bill. The One Percent of the entire population has hoarded about ninety-five cents while the rest of us, the 99%, have been given a nickel.

Doesn't that piss you off?
Sure I do, they are not 99%
So think of the Nation's wealth as represented by a one dollar bill. The One Percent of the entire population has hoarded about ninety-five cents while the rest of us, the 99%, have been given a nickel.

Doesn't that piss you off?
No you stupid fuck the numbers don't add up and you can't tell me that they do unless you can actually put it on a freaking graph
When "The Donald" Speaks, Does Everybody Listen?
I happen to be watching Trump have more time on CBSN. Wow these guys at that station are totally enthralled with the guy.
Earlier it appeared for a moment that they may be going to show Bernie Sanders as a quick cut showed him walking towards a podium somewhere. But no... good god. I am listening to more egotistic meaningless ramblings on how great Trump is and how no one else is as good as him.
If he is elected it will be the most boring press briefings ever. He will have the whole world hating America more than ever. He will probably start WWlll. You watch!
Colbert just explained he's not running for president he's winning a reality show. He's the polarizing villain who plays the game better than anyone. He'll make the finals but lose to hillary
When "The Donald" Speaks, Does Everybody Listen?
I happen to be watching Trump have more time on CBSN. Wow these guys at that station are totally enthralled with the guy.
Earlier it appeared for a moment that they may be going to show Bernie Sanders as a quick cut showed him walking towards a podium somewhere. But no... good god. I am listening to more egotistic meaningless ramblings on how great Trump is and how no one else is as good as him.
If he is elected it will be the most boring press briefings ever. He will have the whole world hating America more than ever. He will probably start WWlll. You watch!
Colbert just explained he's not running for president he's winning a reality show. He's the polarizing villain who plays the game better than anyone. He'll make the finals but lose to hillary
So you're like the GOP just think all the people that voted for him are all fucked up?

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