When the dust settles the people won't forget.

Not much to disagree with in the OP.
After the virus news cycle fades I'm hoping for a few Barr/Durham news cycles, then the conventions, then the presidential debates, then the election.

Then as you say "four more years of competent and inspired leadership".

Boy am I glad that I'm not smoking the shit that you're inhaling. This isn't "competent and inspired leadership". This is chaos and self aggrandizing being passed off as someone else's problem, and someone else's fault.

Forget about Barr/Durham. That horse is deader than Hillary's emails. Everything that happened before this virus hit, is now politically irrelevant.
Barr/Durham will be front and center in another month or two. Should be interesting.
Keep whistling past the graveyard, the FBI screwed-up and they will face the music.
I just don't know how far up the Obama food chain the indictments will reach.
There has never been a time in US history even remotely similar to now. Many parts of the US are apparently part of some kind of George Soros experiment directing their behavior to make them blindly obedient to authoritarian dictated globalization.

Some have such an opaque and distorted worldview that while markets collapse they react by chanting in cultish unison: Orange Man Bad! While they were transfixed with distractions like making life better for transsexuals and blaming their neighbors for the weather, they apparently missed that their government was handing over control and production of crucial drugs to the Chinese.

Some of the voter “behavioral sink” in the US is an astounding parallel to Calhoun’s Rodent Paradise-google it. It is also a warning that the Orwellian forces of globalization imposing a plague on our communities will stop at nothing while they march replacement voters across open borders.

Many in America are so stupefied by propagandizing local and national media that they can’t figure out why leadership-enriching globalization is such a destructively bad idea. They know only what they are told-a bad man is in the White House!

While a pall hangs over cities and towns across the nation, democrats have loaded emergency legislation to fight Coronavirus with pork rewarding the culprits that set the table for the deadly pathogen encroaching on us. Some don’t see it that way-they just salivate in indoctrinated, schizophrenic hatred of the president. When all the businesses on Main Street are boarded up and the wind is king, they might want to remember where to send the thank you notes.

It’s likely that those thank you notes will be wrapped in votes to re-elect the president. Fooling all of the people all of the time is as hard as it’s ever been and just blaming the guy in the White House is not going to go very far especially when that guy was warning us that making America great again by bringing back jobs and manufacturing was the key to our survival.

When the dust clears on this people are not going to forget where the bad ideas came from. There will be a scramble to hook Joe Biden off the stage and replace him, but it will be too late. For more years of competent and inspired leadership is on the horizon. Happy days will be here again.

"..."""especially when that guy was warning us that making America great again by bringing back jobs and manufacturing was the key to our survival."""

You mean the same guy whose daughter applied for 16 trademarks in China for the Trump Organization? And got them?
The same guy who tried to cut a deal to build a hotel in Moscow?
The same guy who was busted last year for illegal aliens working at his Bedminster and Doral golf resorts?
That guy?

I'd start a thread about the story Reuters is updating about how not only was the embedded CDC agent in China fired by Trump last year just a few months before the virus broke out in Wuhan, but the entire U.S. CDC agency in China was disassembled by Trump's new CDC director, Robert Redfield, but a mod will just delete it saying there's threads about that already on here, which is a fucking lie.

When the dust clears on this people are not going to forget where the bad ideas came from.

People have short memories
Yes, the OP proves it. He's already willingly brainwashing himself.
Literally, LOL

But really it is largely optics and most importantly results. Team Trump has not only managed to fuck up testing, but it even failed to follow procedures, and their excuse is there are new procedures, but it doesn't even try to address the federal-state responsibility sharing in a disaster.

Having experienced Katrina up close and personal, I really don't think W could have done a lot different. He could have nationalized the response in La, but he'd have had to in Miss and Ala too, and frankly the feds were more in the way than helpful in the first 72 hours or so. And once the Nola levees failed, which happened in night1, it was boats and helicopters for awhile. Yet W was pilloried essentially for, as Trump would put it,

But Covid 19 may make Katrina look not so bad for New Orleans, and after Mardi Gras, it appears heading my way ….
Boy am I glad that I'm not smoking the shit that you're inhaling. This isn't "competent and inspired leadership". This is chaos and self aggrandizing being passed off as someone else's problem, and someone else's fault.

Forget about Barr/Durham. That horse is deader than Hillary's emails. Everything that happened before this virus hit, is now politically irrelevant.

Once again you're relying on polls which are tilted by the propaganda campaign the President is running during his daily pressers. When the tsunami of illness and death washes over their community, they'll blame Trump for this, especially when they realize that it didn't need to be lilke that, and that this level of disease and death isn't happening in any other countries.
Boy am I glad that I'm not smoking the shit that you're inhaling. This isn't "competent and inspired leadership". This is chaos and self aggrandizing being passed off as someone else's problem, and someone else's fault.

Forget about Barr/Durham. That horse is deader than Hillary's emails. Everything that happened before this virus hit, is now politically irrelevant.

Once again you're relying on polls which are tilted by the propaganda campaign the President is running during his daily pressers. When the tsunami of illness and death washes over their community, they'll blame Trump for this, especially when they realize that it didn't need to be lilke that, and that this level of disease and death isn't happening in any other countries.

Your own personal bias and psychotic delusions are not evidence of tainted polls, Dragonbreath.

And how about you get your own house in order before you criticize ours

I am emotionally distraught over being forced to view my fellow man as an infectious agent
This wont wear off quickly.
There has never been a time in US history even remotely similar to now. Many parts of the US are apparently part of some kind of George Soros experiment directing their behavior to make them blindly obedient to authoritarian dictated globalization.

Some have such an opaque and distorted worldview that while markets collapse they react by chanting in cultish unison: Orange Man Bad! While they were transfixed with distractions like making life better for transsexuals and blaming their neighbors for the weather, they apparently missed that their government was handing over control and production of crucial drugs to the Chinese.

Some of the voter “behavioral sink” in the US is an astounding parallel to Calhoun’s Rodent Paradise-google it. It is also a warning that the Orwellian forces of globalization imposing a plague on our communities will stop at nothing while they march replacement voters across open borders.

Many in America are so stupefied by propagandizing local and national media that they can’t figure out why leadership-enriching globalization is such a destructively bad idea. They know only what they are told-a bad man is in the White House!

While a pall hangs over cities and towns across the nation, democrats have loaded emergency legislation to fight Coronavirus with pork rewarding the culprits that set the table for the deadly pathogen encroaching on us. Some don’t see it that way-they just salivate in indoctrinated, schizophrenic hatred of the president. When all the businesses on Main Street are boarded up and the wind is king, they might want to remember where to send the thank you notes.

It’s likely that those thank you notes will be wrapped in votes to re-elect the president. Fooling all of the people all of the time is as hard as it’s ever been and just blaming the guy in the White House is not going to go very far especially when that guy was warning us that making America great again by bringing back jobs and manufacturing was the key to our survival.

When the dust clears on this people are not going to forget where the bad ideas came from. There will be a scramble to hook Joe Biden off the stage and replace him, but it will be too late. For more years of competent and inspired leadership is on the horizon. Happy days will be here again.
Hey, wait -- Isn't TRUMP the President right now? So isn't he primarily responsible for what's going on? Or is he just a helpless pawn being blown on the prevailing winds? Isn't it one or the other?
People have completely lost their shit! CVS set up a table between customers and the cashiers...WTF! It's not smallpox, it's the flu!

No it isn't. And until we know more about this virus, how long it lasts on surfaces, what are the variables for spreading it. and who and who cannot be a carrier, I'd rather people and businesses lose their shit. An abundance of caution is warranted. This is why research and data gathered by experts is needed and why people should listen to medical and public health experts. Not the Campaigner In Chief. But in case you need some convincing, think about this before you go to sleep tonight. (Note, I'm stipulating this isn't conclusive. Just something to keep in mind).
Coronavirus Found on Diamond Princess Cruise Ship 17 Days After Passengers Left, CDC Says
17 days later! Yikes!
People have completely lost their shit! CVS set up a table between customers and the cashiers...WTF! It's not smallpox, it's the flu!

No it isn't. And until we know more about this virus, how long it lasts on surfaces, what are the variables for spreading it. and who and who cannot be a carrier, I'd rather people and businesses lose their shit. An abundance of caution is warranted. This is why research and data gathered by experts is needed and why people should listen to medical and public health experts. Not the Campaigner In Chief. But in case you need some convincing, think about this before you go to sleep tonight. (Note, I'm stipulating this isn't conclusive. Just something to keep in mind).
Coronavirus Found on Diamond Princess Cruise Ship 17 Days After Passengers Left, CDC Says
Wow! So that's why China has over 300 million infected, er, or something.

Trump needs to shut down the country until Corona is eradicated, right?
People have completely lost their shit! CVS set up a table between customers and the cashiers...WTF! It's not smallpox, it's the flu!

No it isn't. And until we know more about this virus, how long it lasts on surfaces, what are the variables for spreading it. and who and who cannot be a carrier, I'd rather people and businesses lose their shit. An abundance of caution is warranted. This is why research and data gathered by experts is needed and why people should listen to medical and public health experts. Not the Campaigner In Chief. But in case you need some convincing, think about this before you go to sleep tonight. (Note, I'm stipulating this isn't conclusive. Just something to keep in mind).
Coronavirus Found on Diamond Princess Cruise Ship 17 Days After Passengers Left, CDC Says
Wow! So that's why China has over 300 million infected, er, or something.

Trump needs to shut down the country until Corona is eradicated, right?

He needed to start enabling the states to mandate that in January. Taking the virus more seriously. You know, do his job. Show leadership. But it was more important to campaign and tweet.
Now, a shutdown is what you're going to get whether you like it or not. We had a chance to mitigate this two months ago. That chance is long gone. Memorial Day, or at worst July 4th you might be able to start spinning things back up.

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