When the gun buy back plan goes into effect, remember this when they knock at your door...How do you protect yourself?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons | Fox News

So , lets say the government comes to your door and for every weapon you give up, they will give you $10,000 of tax payer money, so the weapons can be taken off the streets. You decide that is it quite a deal, since you only paid $350 way back in the 1960s for it. Now here is my question....

How can you protect that money if you dont have a weapon to defend yourself? Seems that no money in the world will stop some criminal from coming into your house and robbing you blind if you dont have a weapons to protect yourself, and we all know criminals get illegal weapons mostly from out of country....

Just something to think about, when the government comes knocking at your door..

27 Statistics That Describe How Criminals Use and Obtain Illegal Firearms - Tier Three Tactical

The figure below shows us that roughly one in five criminals, who are incarcerated, possessed a firearm during the commission of their crime. The vast majority of them selected a handgun. Less than 5% of them obtained a firearm through a retail source.
Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons | Fox News

So , lets say the government comes to your door and for every weapon you give up, they will give you $10,000 of tax payer money, so the weapons can be taken off the streets. You decide that is it quite a deal, since you only paid $350 way back in the 1960s for it. Now here is my question....

How can you protect that money if you dont have a weapon to defend yourself? Seems that no money in the world will stop some criminal from coming into your house and robbing you blind if you dont have a weapons to protect yourself, and we all know criminals get illegal weapons mostly from out of country....

Just something to think about, when the government comes knocking at your door..

27 Statistics That Describe How Criminals Use and Obtain Illegal Firearms - Tier Three Tactical

The figure below shows us that roughly one in five criminals, who are incarcerated, possessed a firearm during the commission of their crime. The vast majority of them selected a handgun. Less than 5% of them obtained a firearm through a retail source.
The thread premise is a lie, nothing but baseless rightwing demagoguery.

There will be no ‘new’ AWB; there will be no ‘buy back’ of firearms, ‘mandatory’ or otherwise.
Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons | Fox News

So , lets say the government comes to your door and for every weapon you give up, they will give you $10,000 of tax payer money, so the weapons can be taken off the streets. You decide that is it quite a deal, since you only paid $350 way back in the 1960s for it. Now here is my question....

How can you protect that money if you dont have a weapon to defend yourself? Seems that no money in the world will stop some criminal from coming into your house and robbing you blind if you dont have a weapons to protect yourself, and we all know criminals get illegal weapons mostly from out of country....

Just something to think about, when the government comes knocking at your door..

27 Statistics That Describe How Criminals Use and Obtain Illegal Firearms - Tier Three Tactical

The figure below shows us that roughly one in five criminals, who are incarcerated, possessed a firearm during the commission of their crime. The vast majority of them selected a handgun. Less than 5% of them obtained a firearm through a retail source.
What each person does is their own choice, obviously. Some can turn their firearms over, others will literally, make the confiscators eat lead before they are downed and still others will find a militia and fight for the Constitution. If you're on the side of turning over the firearms, make sure that your home has an alternate weapon, perhaps a machete, a bat with razor wire attached, a long-handled hammer, some lethal device that will successfully kill the home invader, who you hope won't have a gun (but probably will, as criminals don't turn in their weapons).
Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons | Fox News

So , lets say the government comes to your door and for every weapon you give up, they will give you $10,000 of tax payer money, so the weapons can be taken off the streets. You decide that is it quite a deal, since you only paid $350 way back in the 1960s for it. Now here is my question....

How can you protect that money if you dont have a weapon to defend yourself? Seems that no money in the world will stop some criminal from coming into your house and robbing you blind if you dont have a weapons to protect yourself, and we all know criminals get illegal weapons mostly from out of country....

Just something to think about, when the government comes knocking at your door..

27 Statistics That Describe How Criminals Use and Obtain Illegal Firearms - Tier Three Tactical

The figure below shows us that roughly one in five criminals, who are incarcerated, possessed a firearm during the commission of their crime. The vast majority of them selected a handgun. Less than 5% of them obtained a firearm through a retail source.
What each person does is their own choice, obviously. Some can turn their firearms over, others will literally, make the confiscators eat lead before they are downed and still others will find a militia and fight for the Constitution. If you're on the side of turning over the firearms, make sure that your home has an alternate weapon, perhaps a machete, a bat with razor wire attached, a long-handled hammer, some lethal device that will successfully kill the home invader, who you hope won't have a gun (but probably will, as criminals don't turn in their weapons).

We have a standing army, police, state troopers and the National Guard. Who has authority over these militias?
Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons | Fox News

So , lets say the government comes to your door and for every weapon you give up, they will give you $10,000 of tax payer money, so the weapons can be taken off the streets. You decide that is it quite a deal, since you only paid $350 way back in the 1960s for it. Now here is my question....

How can you protect that money if you dont have a weapon to defend yourself? Seems that no money in the world will stop some criminal from coming into your house and robbing you blind if you dont have a weapons to protect yourself, and we all know criminals get illegal weapons mostly from out of country....

Just something to think about, when the government comes knocking at your door..

27 Statistics That Describe How Criminals Use and Obtain Illegal Firearms - Tier Three Tactical

The figure below shows us that roughly one in five criminals, who are incarcerated, possessed a firearm during the commission of their crime. The vast majority of them selected a handgun. Less than 5% of them obtained a firearm through a retail source.
all you have to do is take the pistol grip and flash suppressor off of your AR and VOILA! it's no longer and "assault rifle"
They have these new things called Banks.


What the fuck is OP on about?
It’s about a new Democratic administration – time for conservatives to trot out the lies and demagoguery about gun ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation.'

LOLOL.. They do that every time, don't they?
They do.

President Obama was in office for eight years – during that entire time no ‘new’ AWB, no firearms ‘confiscated.’
Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons | Fox News

So , lets say the government comes to your door and for every weapon you give up, they will give you $10,000 of tax payer money, so the weapons can be taken off the streets. You decide that is it quite a deal, since you only paid $350 way back in the 1960s for it. Now here is my question....

How can you protect that money if you dont have a weapon to defend yourself? Seems that no money in the world will stop some criminal from coming into your house and robbing you blind if you dont have a weapons to protect yourself, and we all know criminals get illegal weapons mostly from out of country....

Just something to think about, when the government comes knocking at your door..

27 Statistics That Describe How Criminals Use and Obtain Illegal Firearms - Tier Three Tactical

The figure below shows us that roughly one in five criminals, who are incarcerated, possessed a firearm during the commission of their crime. The vast majority of them selected a handgun. Less than 5% of them obtained a firearm through a retail source.
What each person does is their own choice, obviously. Some can turn their firearms over, others will literally, make the confiscators eat lead before they are downed and still others will find a militia and fight for the Constitution. If you're on the side of turning over the firearms, make sure that your home has an alternate weapon, perhaps a machete, a bat with razor wire attached, a long-handled hammer, some lethal device that will successfully kill the home invader, who you hope won't have a gun (but probably will, as criminals don't turn in their weapons).
A truly idiotic post given the fact there will be no ‘mandatory buy back’ of firearms.
Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of assault weapons | Fox News

So , lets say the government comes to your door and for every weapon you give up, they will give you $10,000 of tax payer money, so the weapons can be taken off the streets. You decide that is it quite a deal, since you only paid $350 way back in the 1960s for it. Now here is my question....

How can you protect that money if you dont have a weapon to defend yourself? Seems that no money in the world will stop some criminal from coming into your house and robbing you blind if you dont have a weapons to protect yourself, and we all know criminals get illegal weapons mostly from out of country....

Just something to think about, when the government comes knocking at your door..

27 Statistics That Describe How Criminals Use and Obtain Illegal Firearms - Tier Three Tactical

The figure below shows us that roughly one in five criminals, who are incarcerated, possessed a firearm during the commission of their crime. The vast majority of them selected a handgun. Less than 5% of them obtained a firearm through a retail source.
What each person does is their own choice, obviously. Some can turn their firearms over, others will literally, make the confiscators eat lead before they are downed and still others will find a militia and fight for the Constitution. If you're on the side of turning over the firearms, make sure that your home has an alternate weapon, perhaps a machete, a bat with razor wire attached, a long-handled hammer, some lethal device that will successfully kill the home invader, who you hope won't have a gun (but probably will, as criminals don't turn in their weapons).

We have a standing army, police, state troopers and the National Guard. Who has authority over these militias?
Do you know who those people work for?
Yes, There’s a Problem With BLM, and No, You’re Not a Racist For Thinking That (townhall.com)

Democrats can't hide their contempt for military - Washington Times

When crunch times happen, you can bet many of those that the Demoncraps hate, will not be on their side....
Ok. Let’s say I give up my Mini-14 for $10k. Now what do I have left that isn’t an “assault weapon”. Shotguns. Bolt action rifles. Those fire a much bigger bullet a lot farther with greater accuracy.

I still have pistols. Including my Magnums.

So am I defenseless? According to the experts. The first weapon in every list for home defense is a shotgun. Every list has a shotgun right at number one. Yet according to the OP it is hopeless to even think of defending my home with a shotgun.
How can you protect that money if you dont have a weapon to defend yourself?
They have these new things called Banks.
Yeah that's right, but when you take that money out to buy nice things with it, don't you think that the value of those things are the same as gold to a thief charged with removing them, and doing so from either your person or your property ??????

What if a thief wants to rape your wife, and kill your family ??? Can you run to the bank, and get the money to pay him off so he'll leave you be ??? What if you made a wrong move out on the hwy, and a road rage 6.2 220 pound enraged lunatic threatens you and your family on the spot, are you going to wave your bank card at him and say "hold on a second, I'm very rich, and I can get you plenty of money to help you stop that pain if you let us go about our business" sir.

What if you missed your turn, and find yourself ambushed, will the cop's who are defunded and non-existent in the stumbled upon no go zones, gonna show up quickly to help you ?????

I tire of people living in these damned utopic fantasy world's in their minds, meanwhile a potential corrupt government is setting everyone up for disasters of epic proportions.

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