So the FBI shows up at your door, asking to see if you have guns legally purchased? What should you do? See link below.

I'd see a warrant before allowing them in. Start my phone recording.

And then show them the guns I have legally purchased.
I have no reason to show the FBI any weapon that i purchased. If they want to know what i have bought, i will direct them to the ATF&E who has performed my background checks and allowed me to make my purchases. The FBI is nothing but the SS for Joe Biden's America....
This right here.

If you don't talk to them they can't get you on a process "crime" either.....Never mind that they can tell you a boldfaced lie right to your face.
If you let them into your house, they can plant anything they like in there just so they can "FIND" something to arrest you for.
I'm not really interested in kook legal arguments. The law of the land says certain gun related activites are illegal and the relevant agencies are vested with the power and duty to enforce the law. That's the reality of things. Take responsibility for your hobby.

They may have broke 50 laws but you still need a warrant.
Folks do you see how this fascist defaults to emotion and incredulity, the dumb fuck has not read the decision, he merely parrots the typical default emotive, such people are impossibly fucking stupid, literally he straddles the abyss between wishful thinking and magical thinking!
I would Slide my Current valid California CCW Under The closed locked door and tell the stack to call the Shasta County Sheriff to verify that it’s current .
I'm not really interested in kook legal arguments. The law of the land says certain gun related activites are illegal and the relevant agencies are vested with the power and duty to enforce the law. That's the reality of things. Take responsibility for your hobby.
Sweetie-pie, you the kook, I know the law, you likely know how to get high, and you enthusiastically allow cnn/msnbc to make all of your decisions for you! Bruen is not a "kook legal argument" you fucking retard, it is the law of the land! :poke:

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