When the nightmare that is Trumpery is over..........

the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.
you got four more years to keep this thought.
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......
kkker projecting you are.
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......
kkker projecting you are.
there you go again.....what does KKKer mean in your world?....
Hanging Nazis became an obsession after Nuremburg. Is that what Marxist lefties have in mind for republicans? God help this Country if the current crop of democrats ever get control.
Next time, before you comment on a thread, I recommend reading the OP first.

No one needs to read it.

You people only have one message.

Orange Man Bad.


the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......
kkker projecting you are.
there you go again.....what does KKKer mean in your world?....
so now you don't know what the kkk is? wow. keep practicing.
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......
kkker projecting you are.
there you go again.....what does KKKer mean in your world?....
so now you don't know what the kkk is? wow. keep practicing.
what does the clan have to do with what i said dumbass?...im sure your reasoning will be comical.....
"Two Justice Department officials recounted to Congress in stinging detail on Wednesday how political appointees had intervened in criminal and antitrust cases to advance the personal interests of President Trump and Attorney General William P. Barr.

Aaron S.J. Zelinsky, a prosecutor who worked on the Russia investigation, told the House Judiciary Committee that senior law enforcement officials had stepped in to overrule career prosecutors and seek a more lenient prison sentence for Mr. Trump’s longtime friend Roger J. Stone Jr. “because of politics.”

“In the United States of America, we do not prosecute people based on politics, and we don’t cut them a break based on politics,” said Mr. Zelinsky, who testified by video because of the coronavirus pandemic. “But that wasn’t what happened here. Roger Stone was treated differently because of politics.”

Americans need to be reminded just how serious an aberration Barr's tenure has been.
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.
You equate his presidency to the killing of 6 million Jews? Chinese troll, BWK! You’ve been exposed.
Start the trials now. Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Stzrok, Page, McCabe. Now we find out additions like shitstain obama and fingers biden. We certainly do need public trials.
I'm sure they would be more witnesses called to testify about Barr's (and Trump's) violation of the public's trust than the ones you mentioned.
Libs, when you claim that Trump should be prosecuted for putting immigrant kids in cages, then ignore the fact that Obama started it....it kinda makes you seem like hypocrites.

Why shouldn’t Obama take blame for starting it?
Start the trials now. Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Stzrok, Page, McCabe. Now we find out additions like shitstain obama and fingers biden. We certainly do need public trials.
I'm sure they would be more witnesses called to testify about Barr's (and Trump's) violation of the public's trust than the ones you mentioned.

Obama put kids in cages. Why aren’t you blasting him?
Start the trials now. Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Stzrok, Page, McCabe. Now we find out additions like shitstain obama and fingers biden. We certainly do need public trials.

For fucksake please start... 3 and half years of we are doing it tomorrow...

You got fucking nothing and Barr knows it... He presents nothing in front of a Judge he will get crucified...
God fucking dam just when I think people can’t be any dumber they prove me wrong. It’s ironic that while statues of people who fought in the civil war are being torn down we have people suggesting ignorant shit that could lead us to a second one.
My solution is simple...

Biden will appoint a non partisan unconnected career AG in DC and NY and let them investigate crimes... If they investigate the previous administration and friend, Biden will not interfere give foul or favour...
For example, If Barr is investigated and charged of obstructing justice.. Biden just makes no comment and let the judiciary deal with it... This is the exact opposite to the way Trump has behaved...
By the way if Trump ends up being investigated then the same rules apply...
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

If this had been written as the Obama administration was ending - it would have been perfectly spot on.
It may be too late now to make them all accountable
We shall see how Durham and Barr do.
Hanging Nazis became an obsession after Nuremburg. Is that what Marxist lefties have in mind for republicans? God help this Country if the current crop of democrats ever get control.

Scary, right? This is why we need to either get their unconditional surrender or relocate them to Oregon or Washington State and wall it off from the rest of the USA
My solution is simple...

Biden will appoint a non partisan unconnected career AG in DC and NY and let them investigate crimes... If they investigate the previous administration and friend, Biden will not interfere give foul or favour...
For example, If Barr is investigated and charged of obstructing justice.. Biden just makes no comment and let the judiciary deal with it... This is the exact opposite to the way Trump has behaved...
By the way if Trump ends up being investigated then the same rules apply...
sure he will teddy.....

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