When the nightmare that is Trumpery is over..........

the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......

So anarchy.
no you get people that put the country over their fucking useless party...

You don't understand Government or Politics, at all.
anyone who thinks the party is more important than the country sure as hell dont have a clue as to what govt should be...

I do
I live in the real world.
In your made up world - who runs the Government?
well at least you admit to being just another useless die hard party person.....you people are the main reason this country is getting so fucked up...

Don't puss out now.
Who runs the Government in Harry's world?
who do you think?.....the people im bad mouthing, your fucking useless parties....answer a question for me now.....do you agree with the 2 parties mantras...."if you dont like what i like,if you dont agree with me....fuck you".....you agree with that billy?....
Then you whine like a little girl when we call you American Taliban?
I suppose I should be used to it by now when one of you gullible rubes resort to idiocy due to an inability to intelligently address the subject at hand.

“I was explicitly told that the motivation for changing the sentencing memo was political, and because the U.S. Attorney was ‘afraid of the President,’” he writes.

Wednesday’s congressional testimony from Zelinsky — and another career DOJ official who is expected to testify about political influence on antitrust actions — will be the highest-profile examination yet of recent controversial DOJ moves under Attorney General Bill Barr.

In addition to the Stone case, the Justice Department has also made drastic changes to its course in Michael Flynn’s case, which it is now pushing to get dismissed.

Zelinsky’s opening remarks claim that the intervention in the Stone case was unlike anything he’d ever seen before at the Department of Justice."

the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......

So anarchy.
no you get people that put the country over their fucking useless party...

You don't understand Government or Politics, at all.
anyone who thinks the party is more important than the country sure as hell dont have a clue as to what govt should be...

I do
I live in the real world.
In your made up world - who runs the Government?
well at least you admit to being just another useless die hard party person.....you people are the main reason this country is getting so fucked up...

Don't puss out now.
Who runs the Government in Harry's world?
who do you think?.....the people im bad mouthing, your fucking useless parties....answer a question for me now.....do you agree with the 2 parties mantras...."if you dont like what i like,if you dont agree with me....fuck you".....you agree with that billy?....

Dang, this is not that hard.

I'm asking who fills the role of the party politicians running Government that we have now, if it is not current politicians.
You have declined, so far, to offer an alternative plan.

You may say we outlaw all political parties and labels.
Okay -
So we elect a congress (and other bodies) full of people who have said things that we agree with.
They get together and run the government.
How long do you think it takes for like minded people to find each other ( after all the voters found them) and band together and begin voting together to push their ideas and block the ideas that they don't agree with?

That's is what you what yes?
People that you can lobby that support your ideas?
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......

So anarchy.
no you get people that put the country over their fucking useless party...

You don't understand Government or Politics, at all.
anyone who thinks the party is more important than the country sure as hell dont have a clue as to what govt should be...

I do
I live in the real world.
In your made up world - who runs the Government?
well at least you admit to being just another useless die hard party person.....you people are the main reason this country is getting so fucked up...

Don't puss out now.
Who runs the Government in Harry's world?
who do you think?.....the people im bad mouthing, your fucking useless parties....answer a question for me now.....do you agree with the 2 parties mantras...."if you dont like what i like,if you dont agree with me....fuck you".....you agree with that billy?....

Dang, this is not that hard.

I'm asking who fills the role of the party politicians running Government that we have now, if it is not current politicians.
You have declined, so far, to offer an alternative plan.

You may say we outlaw all political parties and labels.
Okay -
So we elect a congress (and other bodies) full of people who have said things that we agree with.
They get together and run the government.
How long do you think it takes for like minded people to find each other ( after all the voters found them) and band together and begin voting together to push their ideas and block the ideas that they don't agree with?

That's is what you what yes?
People that you can lobby that support your ideas?
i answered the question you asked me.....how come you avoided answering what i asked you?....and my alternative plan is to get rid of anyone who has spent a lifetime in office and who only sees what is good for their fucking party and not the country....
The GOP has a lot of soul searching to do. They cannot move any further right!
Hanging Nazis became an obsession after Nuremburg. Is that what Marxist lefties have in mind for republicans? God help this Country if the current crop of democrats ever get control.
Next time, before you comment on a thread, I recommend reading the OP first.
You're retarded
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......

So anarchy.
no you get people that put the country over their fucking useless party...

You don't understand Government or Politics, at all.
anyone who thinks the party is more important than the country sure as hell dont have a clue as to what govt should be...

I do
I live in the real world.
In your made up world - who runs the Government?
well at least you admit to being just another useless die hard party person.....you people are the main reason this country is getting so fucked up...

Don't puss out now.
Who runs the Government in Harry's world?
who do you think?.....the people im bad mouthing, your fucking useless parties....answer a question for me now.....do you agree with the 2 parties mantras...."if you dont like what i like,if you dont agree with me....fuck you".....you agree with that billy?....

Dang, this is not that hard.

I'm asking who fills the role of the party politicians running Government that we have now, if it is not current politicians.
You have declined, so far, to offer an alternative plan.

You may say we outlaw all political parties and labels.
Okay -
So we elect a congress (and other bodies) full of people who have said things that we agree with.
They get together and run the government.
How long do you think it takes for like minded people to find each other ( after all the voters found them) and band together and begin voting together to push their ideas and block the ideas that they don't agree with?

That's is what you what yes?
People that you can lobby that support your ideas?
i answered the question you asked me.....how come you avoided answering what i asked you?....and my alternative plan is to get rid of anyone who has spent a lifetime in office and whoC
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......

So anarchy.
no you get people that put the country over their fucking useless party...

You don't understand Government or Politics, at all.
anyone who thinks the party is more important than the country sure as hell dont have a clue as to what govt should be...

I do
I live in the real world.
In your made up world - who runs the Government?
well at least you admit to being just another useless die hard party person.....you people are the main reason this country is getting so fucked up...

Don't puss out now.
Who runs the Government in Harry's world?
who do you think?.....the people im bad mouthing, your fucking useless parties....answer a question for me now.....do you agree with the 2 parties mantras...."if you dont like what i like,if you dont agree with me....fuck you".....you agree with that billy?....

Dang, this is not that hard.

I'm asking who fills the role of the party politicians running Government that we have now, if it is not current politicians.
You have declined, so far, to offer an alternative plan.

You may say we outlaw all political parties and labels.
Okay -
So we elect a congress (and other bodies) full of people who have said things that we agree with.
They get together and run the government.
How long do you think it takes for like minded people to find each other ( after all the voters found them) and band together and begin voting together to push their ideas and block the ideas that they don't agree with?

That's is what you what yes?
People that you can lobby that support your ideas?
i answered the question you asked me.....how come you avoided answering what i asked you?....and my alternative plan is to get rid of anyone who has spent a lifetime in office and who only sees what is good for their fucking party and not the country....

who only sees what is good for their fucking party and not the country....

Is there a formula that you have that we are going to use?
Who gets to decide?
What if something benefits the country as a whole while simultaneously helping the group or party that they are affiliated with?
The people of the country are fairly well divided on what would help the country. - diametrically opposed one might say.
So it is possible to ascertain what does help the country?
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......

So anarchy.
no you get people that put the country over their fucking useless party...

You don't understand Government or Politics, at all.
anyone who thinks the party is more important than the country sure as hell dont have a clue as to what govt should be...

I do
I live in the real world.
In your made up world - who runs the Government?
well at least you admit to being just another useless die hard party person.....you people are the main reason this country is getting so fucked up...

Don't puss out now.
Who runs the Government in Harry's world?
who do you think?.....the people im bad mouthing, your fucking useless parties....answer a question for me now.....do you agree with the 2 parties mantras...."if you dont like what i like,if you dont agree with me....fuck you".....you agree with that billy?....

I do think that there needs to be clear cut differences in the parties.
Hanging Nazis became an obsession after Nuremburg. Is that what Marxist lefties have in mind for republicans? God help this Country if the current croup of democrats ever get control.

“The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat”

THIS is what’s in control NOW.

God help this country.
Hanging Nazis became an obsession after Nuremburg. Is that what Marxist lefties have in mind for republicans? God help this Country if the current croup of democrats ever get control.

“The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat”

THIS is what’s in control NOW.

God help this country.

While I personally agree with that quote -

I think that our President never said that, I've seen it twice today-
Do you have a link where I can see him saying that?
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......

So anarchy.
no you get people that put the country over their fucking useless party...

You don't understand Government or Politics, at all.
anyone who thinks the party is more important than the country sure as hell dont have a clue as to what govt should be...

I do
I live in the real world.
In your made up world - who runs the Government?
well at least you admit to being just another useless die hard party person.....you people are the main reason this country is getting so fucked up...

Don't puss out now.
Who runs the Government in Harry's world?
who do you think?.....the people im bad mouthing, your fucking useless parties....answer a question for me now.....do you agree with the 2 parties mantras...."if you dont like what i like,if you dont agree with me....fuck you".....you agree with that billy?....

Dang, this is not that hard.

I'm asking who fills the role of the party politicians running Government that we have now, if it is not current politicians.
You have declined, so far, to offer an alternative plan.

You may say we outlaw all political parties and labels.
Okay -
So we elect a congress (and other bodies) full of people who have said things that we agree with.
They get together and run the government.
How long do you think it takes for like minded people to find each other ( after all the voters found them) and band together and begin voting together to push their ideas and block the ideas that they don't agree with?

That's is what you what yes?
People that you can lobby that support your ideas?
i answered the question you asked me.....how come you avoided answering what i asked you?....and my alternative plan is to get rid of anyone who has spent a lifetime in office and whoC
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Something will have to be done to regain the public's faith in our system.

Get republicans out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it.

Today's republicans are the most irresponsible and criminal party I've ever seen in my life.

People need to be prosecuted and sent to prison for their crimes.

barr needs to be disbarred, investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We have to stop allowing presidents and their criminal cohorts escape prosecution and prison.
here dana let me say something you are not allowed to say.... Get republicans AND democrats out of any position of power and make sure they don't regain that power until they have proven they can be responsible with it......

So anarchy.
no you get people that put the country over their fucking useless party...

You don't understand Government or Politics, at all.
anyone who thinks the party is more important than the country sure as hell dont have a clue as to what govt should be...

I do
I live in the real world.
In your made up world - who runs the Government?
well at least you admit to being just another useless die hard party person.....you people are the main reason this country is getting so fucked up...

Don't puss out now.
Who runs the Government in Harry's world?
who do you think?.....the people im bad mouthing, your fucking useless parties....answer a question for me now.....do you agree with the 2 parties mantras...."if you dont like what i like,if you dont agree with me....fuck you".....you agree with that billy?....

Dang, this is not that hard.

I'm asking who fills the role of the party politicians running Government that we have now, if it is not current politicians.
You have declined, so far, to offer an alternative plan.

You may say we outlaw all political parties and labels.
Okay -
So we elect a congress (and other bodies) full of people who have said things that we agree with.
They get together and run the government.
How long do you think it takes for like minded people to find each other ( after all the voters found them) and band together and begin voting together to push their ideas and block the ideas that they don't agree with?

That's is what you what yes?
People that you can lobby that support your ideas?
i answered the question you asked me.....how come you avoided answering what i asked you?....and my alternative plan is to get rid of anyone who has spent a lifetime in office and who only sees what is good for their fucking party and not the country....

who only sees what is good for their fucking party and not the country....

Is there a formula that you have that we are going to use?
Who gets to decide?
What if something benefits the country as a whole while simultaneously helping the group or party that they are affiliated with?
The people of the country are fairly well divided on what would help the country. - diametrically opposed one might say.
So it is possible to ascertain what does help the country?
you still avoided answering what i asked you?....why is that?....could it be because you are one of those die hard party people?....
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.
You going to charge the Hussein who did the same thing, “putting kids in cages”?

What are authorities supposed to do, lock minors up with human traffickers in the same jail cells? Let minors go onto the streets with nowhere to go?

Jesus you people are dumb.
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

The previous admin would need to be hagued since they were continually breaking laws, starting endless wars, spying illegally.
The GOP has a lot of soul searching to do. They cannot move any further right!
Actually, they could. They could oppose the Marxists who apparently have staged a coup and use the BLM
as a battering ram to assault American and capitalism.
I am waiting for the republican hierarchy to call attention to the virulent Marxists that have hijacked much
of the party.
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

Using war crimes trials and Nazi atrocities, as an analogy is a bit extreme, and going to alienate readers right off the bat so they will not read the points you make, which are good.

There needs to be accountability, both for the treatment of illegal immigrants, and corruption represented by Barr’s actions. How can this be done in a manner seen as fair, transparent, fnon partisan and not punitive?
the country would benefit from a Nuremburg type proceeding. Not because the admin participated in war crimes. (Though with respect to charges the Nazis faced for crimes against humanity, the caging and forced separation of immigrant children deserves consideration.)

It's because the Nuremburg trials were not only about bringing people to justice. It was about returning the country to a sense of normalcy. This exercise would be about restoring the rule of law and identifying how we went so far astray during the reign of the Orange Messiah.

We need to more fully understand how we allowed ourselves to get to a point where the DOJ enforced a completely different standard of justice for friends of the prez. Which is not to say our legal system is without flaws. The rich, powerful, and connected have always had an advantage over ordinary citizens. But the cases of Flynn and Stone are the first overt instances of demonstrable, blatant, preferential treatment of criminals based on their relationship with the President. Criminals who committed offenses against the people of the US.

Ordinarily, the breathtaking abuses conducted by the DOJ could be remedied by Billy the Bagman's removal. But Senate Repubs complicity in allowing his behavior to go unchecked is a matter or record. Their fear of facing the wrath of The Following in upcoming elections precludes any thought of Barr being held accountable. Thus, the need for a cleansing event to restore the people's faith in government after the Trumpette's are out of power.

The previous admin would need to be hagued since they were continually breaking laws, starting endless wars, spying illegally.
What endless wars did they start?

What specific laws did they break and what indictments were brought fort in your almost 4 years of control?
You going to charge the Hussein who did the same thing, “putting kids in cages”?

What are authorities supposed to do, lock minors up with human traffickers in the same jail cells? Let minors go onto the streets with nowhere to go?

Jesus you people are dumb.
Blame the ACLU that forced Obama to remove children of illegals from their parents in jail.
Libs, when you claim that Trump should be prosecuted for putting immigrant kids in cages, then ignore the fact that Obama started it....it kinda makes you seem like hypocrites.

Why shouldn’t Obama take blame for starting it?

They are both to blame, it is a vile act regardless who does it.

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