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When the President brings up the sins of Christianity's past and is condemned for doing so...

By Don Feder February 9, 2015

Imagine Winston Churchill trying to inspire the British people in the War on Nazism with these stirring words: "Get off your high horse, Brits. You think injustice is confined to Germany? In our own country, there was the slave trade, wars in France, the Saxon conquest of Britain (the Norman conquest of the Saxons), the Opium Wars, and The Curse of Cromwell, not to mention the beastly way we treated poor Scandinavian immigrants in Alfred's day. So who are we to judge?"

Hitler and Goebbels would have been delighted – just as ISIL, al-Qaeda and the Moslem Brotherhood must have been with Obama's performance at the National Prayer Breakfast last week.

Our president has been called Islam's principal Western apologist.

But that's like calling the Chief Rabbi of Israel kind of Jewish, or Lindsay Lohan sort of messed up.

In fact, from his 2009 Cairo speech to last Friday's Sermon on the Mosque, it's been nothing less than slavish devotion: the Muslim Brotherhood is "secular," the Ft. Hood massacre was "workplace violence," the Taliban is "an armed insurgency" (but not terrorist), initially, Benghazi was caused by an anti-Mohammed video, "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam," the muezzin's call to prayer is "one of the sweetest sounds on earth," and on and on ad nauseam.

In the coming Caliphate, maybe he'll be the Sheik of Chicago or the Imam O.

At the Prayer Breakfast, after his faux Buddhist greeting to the Dali Lama, the alleged leader of the Free World pledged to "push back against those who would distort our religion for their nihilist ends." Which religion?

Lest you think the president was referring to the religion of peace (against whose adherents we occasionally undertake overseas contingency operations), Obama was quick to point out that around the world, every faith has, from time to time, been "hijacked" by violent extremists "for their own murderous ends."

So, get off your "high horse," Christians! "Remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Moreover, "in our own home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was (sic) justified in the name of Christ?"

Worldwide, 100 million Christians are being persecuted – not a few of them tortured to death and murdered in ways too gruesome to recount here (including women and children) – and Obama tries to balance the books with the Crusades (which ended more than 700 years ago), the Inquisition (which happened over 500 years ago), slavery (which ended in America 150 years ago) and segregation. While the last was reprehensible, given the choice between you can't sit at my lunch counter and you can't live unless you convert, which would you choose?

Obama and Churchill Why The Baloney Rejects The Grinder
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United States of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?

That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.

I don't need Obama to make any point to me. I didn't elect him to preach to me about our past sins. He can go take it to his hateful church of the Reverend Wright
the man hates us with a passion he just never lets a chance go by to show it. He makes me sick

Check this out. Obama didn't dare poke Islam in the eye while trying to bitch slap Christianity.

I put this up in another thread. Most interesting. Obama states this about ISIS.

“a brutal vicious death cult that, in the name of religion, carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism.”

Now far as I know and have read about his speech he never says Islam. Nor does he call them Muslims. Nor does he say that they commit atrocities "in the name of Allah"

As compared to his usage of "in the name of Christ".

Obama shortly thereafter said, “And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.

In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

Rev. Graham to Obama Unlike Christ Mohammed Killed Many Innocent People - His True Followers Emulate Him CNS News
I like Reverend Graham's response.

What the stupid people fail to understand is that when Christians transgress, they do so because they are not following the teachings of Jesus. When Muslims conduct Jihad, they do so because they ARE following the teachings of their war lord.

When dishonest apologists for Islam attempt to equate Christianity with Islam, they cannot do so by comparing apples with apples, so do so by comparing them to oranges.
That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.
You're an idiot. You know nothing about the Christian Bible. Nothing was interpreted around, people misused it. The NT does not condone OT law or retribution. You saying it was interpreted correctly back then makes you no better than they.

So you say. And yet the Puritans executed for adultery and sodomy. The founders for just sodomy. And modern Christians for neither.

Unless you're arguing that Christians didn't understand their own bible until YOU came around, your argument falls flat on its face under the weight of history. Not ancient history either. But our own.
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United States of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?

That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.

Except they aren't...the muslims are embracing their most horrific aspects of their religion......on a massive scale.....and in order to ignore that obama has to reach back to the middle ages when Christians did some bad things.......glossing over the fact that muslims were doing it back then as well....and the Christians stopped but the muslims didn't ........
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?
Yes...used to. Don't deny it. Don't cry about it being said. It happened. Dry your tears.

I have no problem with true history. But I have a problem with the Moralizer in Chief in the White House cherry picking history.

Pisses me clean off.
Cherry picking? He didn't have time for all of Christian's inhumanity...

Cherry picking little prick ignored the cause of the Crusades. You know. It has something to do with Islam's savagery and brutality. Payback's a bitch. It's history.

Cherry picking little prick as he's demonizing Christianity can't recognize that Christians were the movers and the shakers of the abolition of slavery.

Yuppers. He's just a cherry picking little prick that takes a shot at Christianity whenever possible.

The President is an asshole.
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?
Yes...used to. Don't deny it. Don't cry about it being said. It happened. Dry your tears.

I have no problem with true history. But I have a problem with the Moralizer in Chief in the White House cherry picking history.

Pisses me clean off.
Cherry picking? He didn't have time for all of Christian's inhumanity...

Cherry picking little prick ignored the cause of the Crusades. You know. It has something to do with Islam's savagery and brutality. Payback's a bitch. It's history.

Cherry picking little prick as he's demonizing Christianity can't recognize that Christians were the movers and the shakers of the abolition of slavery.

Yuppers. He's just a cherry picking little prick that takes a shot at Christianity whenever possible.

The President is an asshole.
That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.
You're an idiot. You know nothing about the Christian Bible. Nothing was interpreted around, people misused it. The NT does not condone OT law or retribution. You saying it was interpreted correctly back then makes you no better than they.
So you say. And yet the Puritans executed for adultery and sodomy. The founders for just sodomy. And modern Christians for neither.

Unless you're arguing that Christians didn't understand their own bible until YOU came around, your argument falls flat on its face under the weight of history. Not ancient history either. But our own.
I said the NT has not been followed correctly if violence was condoned. That demonstrable, it isn't my unique interpretation, you simply don't have basic facts to operate with.
We were warned in his own words if it came down to it. he would side with ISLAM

how do you feel now to actually see if from your OWN President?

I never thought I'd see this day to have a President take the side of others over the people Represents and over his own country

that spells traitor in my book
We were warned in his own words if it came down to it. he would side with ISLAM

how do you feel now to actually see if from your OWN President?

I never thought I'd see this day to have a President take the side of others over the people Represents and over his own country

that spells traitor in my book
He has never taken the side of ISIS...their deaths prove it...
That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.
You're an idiot. You know nothing about the Christian Bible. Nothing was interpreted around, people misused it. The NT does not condone OT law or retribution. You saying it was interpreted correctly back then makes you no better than they.

So you say. And yet the Puritans executed for adultery and sodomy. The founders for just sodomy. And modern Christians for neither.

Unless you're arguing that Christians didn't understand their own bible until YOU came around, your argument falls flat on its face under the weight of history. Not ancient history either. But our own.

Ah you're actually coming close to making the same point I have. Most Christians at the time of atrocities committed were illiterate.

No one could read the Word. They trusted Pastors, Priests and Scholars to interpret the Bible for them. And the scriptures could be twisted to some one's advantage to do evil in the name of Christ.

Fast forward to today's world. Most of the Muslim world lives in great poverty and consequently are illiterate.

They trust their Imams and their Mullahs to interpret the Koran for them.

So if an Imam in a remote Pakistani province says "Abdul if you go to the next village and kill Mohammed for me because I think he desecrated the Koran and die in the process of helping me out here Allah will be pleased". That good little follower who has never read the Koran will carry out his wishes.

Think of the power these men have and how they wield it. Just as Priests and Pastors have done.

And a disclaimer for those Christians who want to put up a million quotes from the Koran skip it please. Because it will take away from the greater point I'm trying to make.

And that is I believe we became better Christians when we were able to read and study the Bible for ourselves.

Well at least those of us who've taken the time to pick up the Word and actually embrace our faith.
No one could read the Word. They trusted Pastors, Priests and Scholars to interpret the Bible for them. And the scriptures could be twisted to some one's advantage to do evil in the name of Christ.

That is the point the president was making.........glad you could clarify....
obumble said what he did because he was refusing to recognize the slaughter of Christian Armenians by Turkish muslims. He was justifying the burying alive of hundreds of children by telling the world they deserved it.

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