When Trump wins, who will the left claim stole the election?

Question for any leftist:

Why did dems insist ballots with no postmark be counted in Pennsylvania?
Voters don't put postmarks on, why should they be penalized? It really comes down to a simple calculation by the GOP: the harder it is to vote the better they'll do. Even Trump agrees. There is little evidence of left-wing, voting fraud so what else could it be.
I am banking on tried and true Russia. Putin really runs the USA. We have 20 times the Russian GDP, but Putin runs the country.

/——/The Grinch who stole the election.

Question for any leftist:

Why did dems insist ballots with no postmark be counted in Pennsylvania?
Voters don't put postmarks on, why should they be penalized? It really comes down to a simple calculation by the GOP: the harder it is to vote the better they'll do. Even Trump agrees. There is little evidence of left-wing, voting fraud so what else could it be.
The only people saying it is hard to vote is the democrat propaganda machine. Local Democrats in my area called me and asked me if I was going to vote. I told them "Yes". They asked "Great, do you need help in casting your ballot?" I told them no. They asked "Do you know your polling place?" I replies "Yes". The asked if I need transportation and I told them "No". I asked "Are you done asking me inane questions so I can go about my way? I'm not an idiot and I do know how to take care of getting my vote cast." They went silent and I hung up.

I wonder how many other older people they are calling to "Help" them cast their vote.

Democrats are elitists who think that not only are conservatives uneducated but their peasant voting base is incapable of even the most simplest task.

That's truly their talent. Grinding out shit from their propaganda machine.
Question for any leftist:

Why did dems insist ballots with no postmark be counted in Pennsylvania?
Voters don't put postmarks on, why should they be penalized? It really comes down to a simple calculation by the GOP: the harder it is to vote the better they'll do. Even Trump agrees. There is little evidence of left-wing, voting fraud so what else could it be.

What else could it be? There have been election laws for centuries. Votes must be cast by a certain date and time.
Question for any leftist:

Why did dems insist ballots with no postmark be counted in Pennsylvania?
Voters don't put postmarks on, why should they be penalized? It really comes down to a simple calculation by the GOP: the harder it is to vote the better they'll do. Even Trump agrees. There is little evidence of left-wing, voting fraud so what else could it be.
The only people saying it is hard to vote is the democrat propaganda machine. Local Democrats in my area called me and asked me if I was going to vote. I told them "Yes". They asked "Great, do you need help in casting your ballot?" I told them no. They asked "Do you know your polling place?" I replies "Yes". The asked if I need transportation and I told them "No". I asked "Are you done asking me inane questions so I can go about my way? I'm not an idiot and I do know how to take care of getting my vote cast." They went silent and I hung up.

I wonder how many other older people they are calling to "Help" them cast their vote.

Democrats are elitists who think that not only are conservatives uneducated but their peasant voting base is incapable of even the most simplest task.

That's truly their talent. Grinding out shit from their propaganda machine.
There has been so much misinformation about voting, mainly by Trump, but other actors (Iran?, Russia?) are also involved, they are right to be concerned.
Question for any leftist:

Why did dems insist ballots with no postmark be counted in Pennsylvania?
Voters don't put postmarks on, why should they be penalized? It really comes down to a simple calculation by the GOP: the harder it is to vote the better they'll do. Even Trump agrees. There is little evidence of left-wing, voting fraud so what else could it be.

What else could it be? There have been election laws for centuries. Votes must be cast by a certain date and time.
If a vote is received before the election but doesn't have a postmark, should it be counted?

I heard a story about Martians....

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs phoned the President and said..."
Mr President I have sine Good news and some Bad News."

The President responded..."Give me the bad news, first.

The General replied...Mr President, The Martians have landed in Alabama."

The President then responded..."That is bad news." Then he added, "What is the good news?"

The General answered...They pee oil and eat Blacks.
I am banking on tried and true Russia. Putin really runs the USA. We have 20 times the Russian GDP, but Putin runs the country.

I would believe that the in-fighting, within the Democratic Party will take center stage.

They'll be spending all their time on pointing fingers and blaming each other for the lost.

The head of the DNC will be toast, and the Dem leadership in the House and Senate willl all be
Question for any leftist:

Why did dems insist ballots with no postmark be counted in Pennsylvania?
Voters don't put postmarks on, why should they be penalized? It really comes down to a simple calculation by the GOP: the harder it is to vote the better they'll do. Even Trump agrees. There is little evidence of left-wing, voting fraud so what else could it be.
The only people saying it is hard to vote is the democrat propaganda machine. Local Democrats in my area called me and asked me if I was going to vote. I told them "Yes". They asked "Great, do you need help in casting your ballot?" I told them no. They asked "Do you know your polling place?" I replies "Yes". The asked if I need transportation and I told them "No". I asked "Are you done asking me inane questions so I can go about my way? I'm not an idiot and I do know how to take care of getting my vote cast." They went silent and I hung up.

I wonder how many other older people they are calling to "Help" them cast their vote.

Democrats are elitists who think that not only are conservatives uneducated but their peasant voting base is incapable of even the most simplest task.

That's truly their talent. Grinding out shit from their propaganda machine.
There has been so much misinformation about voting, mainly by Trump, but other actors (Iran?, Russia?) are also involved, they are right to be concerned.

Yeah, I had to wade through miles of shark infested waters to defeat misinformation. I had no idea I could just register and vote.

Question for any leftist:

Why did dems insist ballots with no postmark be counted in Pennsylvania?
Voters don't put postmarks on, why should they be penalized? It really comes down to a simple calculation by the GOP: the harder it is to vote the better they'll do. Even Trump agrees. There is little evidence of left-wing, voting fraud so what else could it be.
The only people saying it is hard to vote is the democrat propaganda machine. Local Democrats in my area called me and asked me if I was going to vote. I told them "Yes". They asked "Great, do you need help in casting your ballot?" I told them no. They asked "Do you know your polling place?" I replies "Yes". The asked if I need transportation and I told them "No". I asked "Are you done asking me inane questions so I can go about my way? I'm not an idiot and I do know how to take care of getting my vote cast." They went silent and I hung up.

I wonder how many other older people they are calling to "Help" them cast their vote.

Democrats are elitists who think that not only are conservatives uneducated but their peasant voting base is incapable of even the most simplest task.

That's truly their talent. Grinding out shit from their propaganda machine.
There has been so much misinformation about voting, mainly by Trump, but other actors (Iran?, Russia?) are also involved, they are right to be concerned.

Yeah, I had to wade through miles of shark infested waters to defeat misinformation. I had no idea I could just register and vote.

Did you get a threatening email from the Proud Boys? Did you get an email that had bogus voting instructions?
Trump will lead election night by a lot, but when the DemonRats realize they have no chance they’ll all start a narrative in unison form saying “Biden is behind because many mail in votes haven’t yet been counted and could take weeks until we know the final result”

Then for weeks after Nov 3rd votes will be counted at a 10:1 Ratio for Biden, until he wins
Trump will lead election night by a lot, but when the DemonRats realize they have no chance they’ll all start a narrative in unison form saying “Biden is behind because many mail in votes haven’t yet been counted and could take weeks until we know the final result”

Then for weeks after Nov 3rd votes will be counted at a 10:1 Ratio for Biden, until he wins

Pennsylvania and its worthless shill gov. Wolf is the state chosen by the leftists to steal. It's been in their plan since the decided covid was the way to win.
Question for any leftist:

Why did dems insist ballots with no postmark be counted in Pennsylvania?
Voters don't put postmarks on, why should they be penalized? It really comes down to a simple calculation by the GOP: the harder it is to vote the better they'll do. Even Trump agrees. There is little evidence of left-wing, voting fraud so what else could it be.
The only people saying it is hard to vote is the democrat propaganda machine. Local Democrats in my area called me and asked me if I was going to vote. I told them "Yes". They asked "Great, do you need help in casting your ballot?" I told them no. They asked "Do you know your polling place?" I replies "Yes". The asked if I need transportation and I told them "No". I asked "Are you done asking me inane questions so I can go about my way? I'm not an idiot and I do know how to take care of getting my vote cast." They went silent and I hung up.

I wonder how many other older people they are calling to "Help" them cast their vote.

Democrats are elitists who think that not only are conservatives uneducated but their peasant voting base is incapable of even the most simplest task.

That's truly their talent. Grinding out shit from their propaganda machine.
There has been so much misinformation about voting, mainly by Trump, but other actors (Iran?, Russia?) are also involved, they are right to be concerned.

Yeah, I had to wade through miles of shark infested waters to defeat misinformation. I had no idea I could just register and vote.

Did you get a threatening email from the Proud Boys? Did you get an email that had bogus voting instructions?

The threatening email from the proud boys was propaganda generated from Iraq. Get with the times. Seek the truth.

no to either
Question for any leftist:

Why did dems insist ballots with no postmark be counted in Pennsylvania?
Voters don't put postmarks on, why should they be penalized? It really comes down to a simple calculation by the GOP: the harder it is to vote the better they'll do. Even Trump agrees. There is little evidence of left-wing, voting fraud so what else could it be.
The only people saying it is hard to vote is the democrat propaganda machine. Local Democrats in my area called me and asked me if I was going to vote. I told them "Yes". They asked "Great, do you need help in casting your ballot?" I told them no. They asked "Do you know your polling place?" I replies "Yes". The asked if I need transportation and I told them "No". I asked "Are you done asking me inane questions so I can go about my way? I'm not an idiot and I do know how to take care of getting my vote cast." They went silent and I hung up.

I wonder how many other older people they are calling to "Help" them cast their vote.

Democrats are elitists who think that not only are conservatives uneducated but their peasant voting base is incapable of even the most simplest task.

That's truly their talent. Grinding out shit from their propaganda machine.
There has been so much misinformation about voting, mainly by Trump, but other actors (Iran?, Russia?) are also involved, they are right to be concerned.

Yeah, I had to wade through miles of shark infested waters to defeat misinformation. I had no idea I could just register and vote.

Did you get a threatening email from the Proud Boys? Did you get an email that had bogus voting instructions?

The threatening email from the proud boys was propaganda generated from Iraq. Get with the times. Seek the truth.

no to either
The fake proud boys email was from Iran not from Iraq. Get with the times. Seek the truth.
Question for any leftist:

Why did dems insist ballots with no postmark be counted in Pennsylvania?
Voters don't put postmarks on, why should they be penalized? It really comes down to a simple calculation by the GOP: the harder it is to vote the better they'll do. Even Trump agrees. There is little evidence of left-wing, voting fraud so what else could it be.
The only people saying it is hard to vote is the democrat propaganda machine. Local Democrats in my area called me and asked me if I was going to vote. I told them "Yes". They asked "Great, do you need help in casting your ballot?" I told them no. They asked "Do you know your polling place?" I replies "Yes". The asked if I need transportation and I told them "No". I asked "Are you done asking me inane questions so I can go about my way? I'm not an idiot and I do know how to take care of getting my vote cast." They went silent and I hung up.

I wonder how many other older people they are calling to "Help" them cast their vote.

Democrats are elitists who think that not only are conservatives uneducated but their peasant voting base is incapable of even the most simplest task.

That's truly their talent. Grinding out shit from their propaganda machine.
There has been so much misinformation about voting, mainly by Trump, but other actors (Iran?, Russia?) are also involved, they are right to be concerned.

Yeah, I had to wade through miles of shark infested waters to defeat misinformation. I had no idea I could just register and vote.

Did you get a threatening email from the Proud Boys? Did you get an email that had bogus voting instructions?

The threatening email from the proud boys was propaganda generated from Iraq. Get with the times. Seek the truth.

no to either
The fake proud boys email was from Iran not from Iraq. Get with the times. Seek the truth.
whatever. why did you state that it came from the Proud Boys?

Disinformation campaign you're on. that's why
Question for any leftist:

Why did dems insist ballots with no postmark be counted in Pennsylvania?
Voters don't put postmarks on, why should they be penalized? It really comes down to a simple calculation by the GOP: the harder it is to vote the better they'll do. Even Trump agrees. There is little evidence of left-wing, voting fraud so what else could it be.
The only people saying it is hard to vote is the democrat propaganda machine. Local Democrats in my area called me and asked me if I was going to vote. I told them "Yes". They asked "Great, do you need help in casting your ballot?" I told them no. They asked "Do you know your polling place?" I replies "Yes". The asked if I need transportation and I told them "No". I asked "Are you done asking me inane questions so I can go about my way? I'm not an idiot and I do know how to take care of getting my vote cast." They went silent and I hung up.

I wonder how many other older people they are calling to "Help" them cast their vote.

Democrats are elitists who think that not only are conservatives uneducated but their peasant voting base is incapable of even the most simplest task.

That's truly their talent. Grinding out shit from their propaganda machine.
There has been so much misinformation about voting, mainly by Trump, but other actors (Iran?, Russia?) are also involved, they are right to be concerned.

Yeah, I had to wade through miles of shark infested waters to defeat misinformation. I had no idea I could just register and vote.

Did you get a threatening email from the Proud Boys? Did you get an email that had bogus voting instructions?

The threatening email from the proud boys was propaganda generated from Iraq. Get with the times. Seek the truth.

no to either
The fake proud boys email was from Iran not from Iraq. Get with the times. Seek the truth.
whatever. why did you state that it came from the Proud Boys?

Disinformation campaign you're on. that's why
People got emails that claimed to come from the PBs. I assumed everyone knew by now it was faked.

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