When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

School shootings are extremely rare.

The long, shameful list of school shootings in America

300 school shooting since 2013 is "rare" to you?

Calls to ban bump stocks, raise the age limit, ban "semi-automatic rifles", etc, etc.. are everywhere now. I don't understand why so many people, particularly many on the left, are making this out to be some sort of epidemic.

17 Dead at Parkland
56 Dead in Las Vegas
49 Dead at Pulse Night Club
26 Dead at Sandy Hook.
43 Dead at VA Tech

I could go on...
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.

The socialists believe in COLLECTIVE punishment. I own a firearms therefore I am responsible for criminal scumbag Cruz.


The Leftist SJWs insist the Leftist SJW Mini-Me's are not their new Political Weapons, so what's this then, they are using tragedy for this:


Good question. What is that, then?
We blame the perpetrator and ask what can be done to stop it from happening again

Conservatives offer thoughts and prayers
No you don't. If you did you would ask yourselves why this guy was never arrested after multiple warnings and calls to LO.
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We blame the perpetrator and ask what can be done to stop it from happening again

Conservatives offer thoughts and prayers
No you don't. If you did you would ask yourselves why this guy was never arrested after multiple warnings and calls to LO.

Well, clearly we didn't want him to be arrested. He served our purposes much more effectively by being allowed the chance to murder those kids. We may FINALLY get our way! All that bloviating that we did after Columbine and Virginia and Sandy Hook and Pulse and Vegas was just practice. We didn't REALLY want to keep guns from nutbags then. But we do now!! HAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!!!
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.

The socialists believe in COLLECTIVE punishment. I own a firearms therefore I am responsible for criminal scumbag Cruz.


The Leftist SJWs insist the Leftist SJW Mini-Me's are not their new Political Weapons, so what's this then, they are using tragedy for this:

Where would Conservatives be without photoshop to support their opinions?
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.

People keep trying to tell me I'm crazy for suggesting that this march was organized by the powerful anti-gun lobby and NOT a bunch of school kids. People keep trying to tell me it is all just a COINCIDENCE that all you see is blame for the NRA, AR-15s and guns. Nothing but blame on Congress and politicians for not sponsoring more gun laws. Yet no one thinks it a strange coincidence no one blames the ACTUAL SHOOTERS? The FBI who looked the other way? The school district? The parents of these kids? The police who stood outside and waited for the killer to walk by them? The Anti-America, Socialist-driven, Soros-backed Left would be THRILLED if some terrible event happened that was SO BAD that it finally pushed this country to ban firearms and give up the cornerstone of our liberties!
Didn't look like thrilled kids to me.

Looked like scared kids who didn't want to be scared any more.
These kids have no reason to be scared. One simply has to look at the statistics. I can't blame them for thinking it's a massive problem that needs to be addressed, the evil of a school shooting drives up all sorts of emotions, just like the murder of police officers or african americans/etc also drives up emotions, leading to irrational beliefs.
Here's an interesting article:
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.

People keep trying to tell me I'm crazy for suggesting that this march was organized by the powerful anti-gun lobby and NOT a bunch of school kids. People keep trying to tell me it is all just a COINCIDENCE that all you see is blame for the NRA, AR-15s and guns. Nothing but blame on Congress and politicians for not sponsoring more gun laws. Yet no one thinks it a strange coincidence no one blames the ACTUAL SHOOTERS? The FBI who looked the other way? The school district? The parents of these kids? The police who stood outside and waited for the killer to walk by them? The Anti-America, Socialist-driven, Soros-backed Left would be THRILLED if some terrible event happened that was SO BAD that it finally pushed this country to ban firearms and give up the cornerstone of our liberties!
Didn't look like thrilled kids to me.

Looked like scared kids who didn't want to be scared any more.
These kids have no reason to be scared. One simply has to look at the statistics. I can't blame them for thinking it's a massive problem that needs to be addressed, the evil of a school shooting drives up all sorts of emotions, just like the murder of police officers or african americans/etc also drives up emotions, leading to irrational beliefs.
Here's an interesting article:
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?
Great article, thank you!

I wish this same writer would do an op ed as in depth and thought provoking, for the paranoid gun fanatics that are in fear every day of their life.... that all of their guns are going to be taken away.... who come out of the woodwork, whenever there is another mass shooting, when in reality....these mass shootings only end up selling and putting more guns in the marketplace....300,000,000 guns out there, in the USA.....and counting....

Also, mass shooters, have been going after the youth, the young in this Nation....

it is not just this one shooting of 17 classmates for them....in just the last two years they have had to mentally deal with their mass shooting at their high school, and the Las Vegas Shooter at a concert where the young gather, and Pulse night club mass murder there in Florida as well....and dylon roof killing people in a Bible Study session in Church etc etc etc....boom, boom, boom, boom....one right after the other....

One thing the author missed imo, is that these kids have only been alive for 14 to 17 years. and have witnessed an awful lot of these mass murders a good portion of their lives since middle school.....and awareness set in.

And the 24/7 news and mostly the INTERNET has magnified their fears.
I don’t see anyone on the left celebrating the killer

I do see the right attacking the victims
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.
Why do you want to parade that murderer's name in the news? Sounds like you want to be deliberate in getting that murderer's name out for fame.
The problem wasn't that Nikolas Cruz was a disturbed person... it was that he was a disturbed person who had a God-given "right" to own a military grade weapon.

What does "military grade" mean? Scary looking?

You already called it a "machine gun" and I had to correct you on that. So what's up now?
what a bunch of BS..... :p

And yet you can't answer the question. The NRA who had nothing to do with it is on all the signs and speeches. If we'd have followed their advice, numerous CC holders would have been armed and stopped it.

Instead we followed idiot leftists advice and waited for the government to come and direct traffic until the shooting was over. You have blood dripping all over your hands
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.
Why do you want to parade that murderer's name in the news? Sounds like you want to be deliberate in getting that murderer's name out for fame.

Swish. You don't have to say his name to blame him. What an idiot. Are you really that stupid?

If you thought you were being clever somehow, wow, you failed ...
School shootings are extremely rare.

The long, shameful list of school shootings in America

300 school shooting since 2013 is "rare" to you?

Calls to ban bump stocks, raise the age limit, ban "semi-automatic rifles", etc, etc.. are everywhere now. I don't understand why so many people, particularly many on the left, are making this out to be some sort of epidemic.

17 Dead at Parkland
56 Dead in Las Vegas
49 Dead at Pulse Night Club
26 Dead at Sandy Hook.
43 Dead at VA Tech

I could go on...

Yes, all those shootings following your plan to disarm the honest citizens. And your plan is just to double down and make shooters safer. How much blood can you hold in your hands before you say wow, your plan isn't working?
The problem wasn't that Nikolas Cruz was a disturbed person... it was that he was a disturbed person who had a God-given "right" to own a military grade weapon.

What does "military grade" mean? Scary looking?

You already called it a "machine gun" and I had to correct you on that. So what's up now?

Joey must have learned his gun knowledge from this moron....

Look at this dope. Read this idiotic statement on guncontrol-


“… these weaponized militarized weapons need to be off our streets,” Warner said.

What in Spot’s poop is a “weaponized weapon”?

Seriously. This is the kind of idiocy these “elected officials on the left” say. Are their constituents not embarrassed? Are they not embarrassed?

The Face of a Mouth-Breathing Idiot Senator
We blame the perpetrator and ask what can be done to stop it from happening again

Conservatives offer thoughts and prayers
Conservatives have offered their own ideas, such as arming teachers and increasing security within schools. Not saying they're good ideas, but it's dishonest to say they're simply offering thoughts and prayers.

Gun rights advocates have proposed allowing CC holders to CC. Can you show the link though where anyone is proposing "arming" teachers? I haven't seen that. Thanks

Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

If we arrested people for saying stupid shit on the internet, half of USMB would be in jail.

The problem wasn't that Nikolas Cruz was a disturbed person... it was that he was a disturbed person who had a God-given "right" to own a military grade weapon.

OMG, you prove yourself a liar again. You claim you're ex-military and you're an expert in weapons and you think the AR15 is a military weapon, LOL
You see the far left will never blame the one shooting the gun, because it does not fit into their religious narrative.

Also they would have to admit that government failed the people and that is bad for their religious narrative as well.
crazies and evil people exist, sadly that's just a fact of life.... making it a little harder for these killers to kill in mass, is not a crazy off the wall wish of theirs, is it?

You want to make it a "little harder" for a shooter to get a gun while making it impossible for anyone to defend themselves from a shooter.

What's wrong with that equation?

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