When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

what a bunch of BS..... :p

And yet you can't answer the question. The NRA who had nothing to do with it is on all the signs and speeches. If we'd have followed their advice, numerous CC holders would have been armed and stopped it.

Instead we followed idiot leftists advice and waited for the government to come and direct traffic until the shooting was over. You have blood dripping all over your hands
Bull-ony Kaz

The NRA lobby has EVERYTHING to do with it!

Those kids could be alive today if it had not been for the NRA lobbying with cash in hand and threats of running someone against the congress critters, if they enacted any kind of sensible gun regulations.....

The school killing at Sandy Hook, where another AR15 semiautomatic was used by some derange young kid, to mass murder 5 year old children, and people in this nation were ready to enact some sensible gun restrictions for these semiautomatic riffles, and the NRA came down like a sledge hammer to kill that movement....

That you think making guns illegal would remove guns is just one of the delusions of which you lead your life. Democrats lead you by a ring in your nose.

The NRA thinks that the teachers and administrators you wanted disarmed and mowed down with their students should have been able to defend themselves.

You have blood dripping from your hands. The NRA tries to allow us to defend ourselves from the butchers you want to protect. You fight to protect the butchers
Last edited:
what a bunch of BS..... :p

And yet you can't answer the question. The NRA who had nothing to do with it is on all the signs and speeches. If we'd have followed their advice, numerous CC holders would have been armed and stopped it.

Instead we followed idiot leftists advice and waited for the government to come and direct traffic until the shooting was over. You have blood dripping all over your hands
Bull-ony Kaz

The NRA lobby has EVERYTHING to do with it!

Those kids could be alive today if it had not been for the NRA lobbying with cash in hand and threats of running someone against the congress critters, if they enacted any kind of sensible gun regulations.....

The school killing at Sandy Hook, where another AR15 semiautomatic was used by some derange young kid, to mass murder 5 year old children, and people in this nation were ready to enact some sensible gun restrictions for these semiautomatic riffles, and the NRA came down like a sledge hammer to kill that movement....
how would the NRA not funding something have stopped Cruz. explain.

I'll hold my breath until you get a good answer to that question from care4leftists ...
what a bunch of BS..... :p
what is bullshit? please post it.
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliber
it was not commie propaganda.....it was not the FBI that ignored the 35 or so interactions with the local police......the FBI was less than a handful............

all of those failures are under review by agencies...... the only part not addressed is the semi automatic rifle that was so easily obtained by him.......

It takes a sick, distorted view to think this tragedy was PLANNED.

Thus BS imo.

Yet you have no solution other than to pretend that if you make guns illegal people can't get them. It's so completely and utterly pathetically naive. Have you asked your drug dealer about your theory that if you make things illegal than people can't get them?

I was talking to a leftist about this the other day. They said while they literally had a joint in their hand we have to make these guns illegal so shooters can't get them. I just laughed and said, you mean like what's in your hand right now??? It's incredible the mind numbing idiocy of leftism
wasn't booze illegal for some time? what happened during those times? the left can't get out of their own way, I tell you.

Yes it was. The leftists love to lecture us that they learn from the past and we don't while they don't learn from the past
We blame the perpetrator and ask what can be done to stop it from happening again

Conservatives offer thoughts and prayers

Really, all the statistics that I can find on the subject show that the left thinks that an inanimate object somehow lifted itself up, aimed and pulled its own trigger!

The truth is that all of the shooters have something in common, being on phychiatric medications.

Wheres the Hundreds of Thousands of protesters filling the streets demanding that the prescribing physicians be held accountable? Maybe they don't want to piss off that wealthy group of donors?

How many in these crowds are themselves prescription drug addicts? Look, is that a rabbit?????

Of course, in a society that thinks nothing of treating children with ADHD with speed (Adderall is amphetamine and extremely closely related to meth), NO WONDER THEY WANT TO BLAME THE NRA. If they blamed the true culprits, the Prescribing Doctor, that would be like the Junkie narcing on their own Pusher.

Methamphetamine vs. Adderall | Science Says They're Almost Identical

The Doctors must have been so pleased at the crowds gathered around the friggen world. More overly emotional kids that will need a prescription to calm their nerves.

what a bunch of BS..... :p

And yet you can't answer the question. The NRA who had nothing to do with it is on all the signs and speeches. If we'd have followed their advice, numerous CC holders would have been armed and stopped it.

Instead we followed idiot leftists advice and waited for the government to come and direct traffic until the shooting was over. You have blood dripping all over your hands
Bull-ony Kaz

The NRA lobby has EVERYTHING to do with it!

Those kids could be alive today if it had not been for the NRA lobbying with cash in hand and threats of running someone against the congress critters, if they enacted any kind of sensible gun regulations.....

The school killing at Sandy Hook, where another AR15 semiautomatic was used by some derange young kid, to mass murder 5 year old children, and people in this nation were ready to enact some sensible gun restrictions for these semiautomatic riffles, and the NRA came down like a sledge hammer to kill that movement....

That you think making guns illegal would remove guns is just one of the delusions of which you lead your life. Democrats lead you by a ring in your nose.

The NRA thinks that the teachers and administrators you wanted disarmed and mowed down with their students should have been able to defend themselves.

You have blood dripping from your hands. The NRA tries to allow us to defend ourselves from the butchers you want to protect. You fight to protect the butchers
well said bubba!!!!
We blame the perpetrator and ask what can be done to stop it from happening again

Conservatives offer thoughts and prayers

Really, all the statistics that I can find on the subject show that the left thinks that an inanimate object somehow lifted itself up, aimed and pulled its own trigger!

The truth is that all of the shooters have something in common, being on phychiatric medications.

Wheres the Hundreds of Thousands of protesters filling the streets demanding that the prescribing physicians be held accountable? Maybe they don't want to piss off that wealthy group of donors?

How many in these crowds are themselves prescription drug addicts? Look, is that a rabbit?????

Of course, in a society that thinks nothing of treating children with ADHD with speed (Adderall is amphetamine and extremely closely related to meth), NO WONDER THEY WANT TO BLAME THE NRA. If they blamed the true culprits, the Prescribing Doctor, that would be like the Junkie narcing on their own Pusher.

Methamphetamine vs. Adderall | Science Says They're Almost Identical

The Doctors must have been so pleased at the crowds gathered around the friggen world. More overly emotional kids that will need a prescription to calm their nerves.

Logic does not work on these blind sheep. Most of them are scumbag hypocrites, the other ones are naive ignorant fools, who mean well but always side with the godless marxist anti Christ pigs. Those are the sad ones, but that is where we are.

Instead they need to be dealt with accordingly. Trying to make a legit point with logic or actual facts is all too often a complete waste of fucking time.

Go ahead and ask them why it was perfectly fine with them that their hollywood scumbags wore commie gun banning orange pins as they were all protected by over 500 police armed with AR15s. Not one fucking word from them. Look up where the rich left wing elites live and Google how they are all safely ensconced behind walls protected by armed guards.

Hell, we all know they do not question Al Gore's "carbon footprint." They do not give a flying fuck about the planet. Almost all of them simply want to know where the next hate white American Christians party is. Did they say a fucking thing when another godless god of their made a speech in front of the UN about THE global warming only to rent a $300 million yacht from a ME oil tycoon to have orgy parties down in Brazil? No, he along with Al Gore are allowed, along with their rich elite lefties being protected by guns.

We can't. They can. What does all of that mean? It means they are exactly what I describe. The creepy thing is how their demonic coded speech makes sense to them. They are wastes of time.
You know how the fucked up and twisted mind of a Lefty works...bad people are NEVER, EVER perpetrators....they’re always victims. Something or someone always MADE the perpetrator do it. The Left hates nothing more than accountability. The AR-15 held it’s own barrel to the head of Nikolas Cruz and made him do it...ask a LefTard.
Fuck you, racist. The AR-15 should be outlawed.

But it never will. Neither will the AK-47, the Ruger Mini-14, or any other of the 20 or so semi-auto rifles with high-capacity magazines.

You people are pissing in the wind.
You know how the fucked up and twisted mind of a Lefty works...bad people are NEVER, EVER perpetrators....they’re always victims. Something or someone always MADE the perpetrator do it. The Left hates nothing more than accountability. The AR-15 held it’s own barrel to the head of Nikolas Cruz and made him do it...ask a LefTard.
Fuck you, racist. The AR-15 should be outlawed.
what a bunch of BS..... :p

Is it? Because all I've been hearing from the left tards and the Hitler Youth on TV is the NRA and scary looking guns
I view it as....
they are kids, and got a rude awakening and the pajesus scared out of them about how short life can be even for teens...... they learned that they are not as invincible as we all thought we were at that age....they don't want to die young....they don't want your kids to die young either....

In their heads they simply see as clear as daylight, the connection between mass murders in schools and movie theaters and at concerts and automatic/semi automatic weapons....

They understand that ''if you see something, say something'', they DID.....yet all those warnings failed to warn....the local police, the doctor who ordered the anti depressants for Cruz, the social workers, the FBI, the school...the first family that took him in...all represent the perfect example of Murphy's Law.... and he was able to buy that AR15/semi automatic type gun anyway....

But the Sandy Hook guy, and the Mandalay Bay/concert in Vegas shooter, Pulse night club shooter etc etc etc could all get their semi automatic weapons to mass kill as well....

so, banning them makes sense to them....or restricting them thru tougher gun laws makes sense to them...

Everyone knows it was Cruz who did the killing, and the adults who failed to heed their warnings...

Does anyone really think that yesterday's march was ever planned to be a bitch fest about anything other than guns?
it's why the OP I'd say eh?

the kids are pawns.
The left considers the shooter a "victim" as much as they do the shooter's victims. That's why no mention of him.
Why mention him? He's in jail. He's a done deal. Not its time to take the next step in preventing anyone from owning assault rifles.

Dream on, Billy Boi. Not going to happen in your lifetime. There are roughly 10 million AR-15 rifles owned in this country right now.

Are you going to be the one who goes door to door to confiscate them? Let me know how that works out for you.

Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.

Deflection from the issue. "commie march" discredits the credibility by this poster in this thread and in any post in the future.

Mass murder by gun usually results in an arrest or death at the scene. Both are more severe than finger pointing. The Parkland shooter is charged with capital murder, 17 counts.
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.

Deflection from the issue. "commie march" discredits the credibility by this poster in this thread and in any post in the future.

Mass murder by gun usually results in an arrest or death at the scene. Both are more severe than finger pointing. The Parkland shooter is charged with capital murder, 17 counts.

This whole thing is a deflection from the issue.

The true issue is why the past two generations have become so violent at school?

We can look at the common thread that is weaved into all these acts, that being ALL shooters were on phychiatric medication, but that would actually SOLVE the problem.
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.

Deflection from the issue. "commie march" discredits the credibility by this poster in this thread and in any post in the future.

Mass murder by gun usually results in an arrest or death at the scene. Both are more severe than finger pointing. The Parkland shooter is charged with capital murder, 17 counts.
And no one other than Cruz had anything to do with the 17 counts. So why the march?
Ever hear of “Kate’s Law”?

Spare me this bullshit where you righties imply you don’t blame the individual solely and not use an incident to further political issues .

Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .

Do you know WHY he was able to buy the gun after all those repeated warnings about him?
You know how the fucked up and twisted mind of a Lefty works...bad people are NEVER, EVER perpetrators....they’re always victims. Something or someone always MADE the perpetrator do it. The Left hates nothing more than accountability. The AR-15 held it’s own barrel to the head of Nikolas Cruz and made him do it...ask a LefTard.
Fuck you, racist. The AR-15 should be outlawed.
how much anyone want to bet old Billy doesn't respond? he can't tell us why. he's just a parrot.
We blame the perpetrator and ask what can be done to stop it from happening again

Conservatives offer thoughts and prayers

Really, all the statistics that I can find on the subject show that the left thinks that an inanimate object somehow lifted itself up, aimed and pulled its own trigger!
Stupid. Really stupid. I am embarrassed for you. No one, except someone really stupid, would believe that. The killer was the killer, regardless of his tool. The concern is that the tool in mass shootings is too often the same. And that countries that have banned that tool have nearly zero mass killings.

The truth is that all of the shooters have something in common, being on phychiatric medications.
You are completely wrong.

Wheres the Hundreds of Thousands of protesters filling the streets demanding that the prescribing physicians be held accountable? Maybe they don't want to piss off that wealthy group of donors?

How many in these crowds are themselves prescription drug addicts? Look, is that a rabbit?????

Of course, in a society that thinks nothing of treating children with ADHD with speed (Adderall is amphetamine and extremely closely related to meth), NO WONDER THEY WANT TO BLAME THE NRA. If they blamed the true culprits, the Prescribing Doctor, that would be like the Junkie narcing on their own Pusher.

Methamphetamine vs. Adderall | Science Says They're Almost Identical

The Doctors must have been so pleased at the crowds gathered around the friggen world. More overly emotional kids that will need a prescription to calm their nerves.


Maybe you should stop suggesting others and look toward yourself. You are taking a Rick Perry accusation about a psychiatric drug that he blamed for mass shooters actions. But RP is hardly a good source. All impartial sources say that his statement is specious. Of no truth whatever. None.
So, you grabbed a conservative talking point and pushed it. Sad.
Read this, from an impartial and reliable source:

It will tell you that there is no reason to believe your idea, at all.
Then, there is the fact that only people diagnosed with psychological problems would be prescribed with psychiatric drugs. And expert estimates that only between 2 and 5% of all mass killers are diagnosed as such. So, what about the other 96% to 98%???????
Ever hear of “Kate’s Law”?

Spare me this bullshit where you righties imply you don’t blame the individual solely and not use an incident to further political issues .

Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .

Do you know WHY he was able to buy the gun after all those repeated warnings about him?
obummer allowed him to have it.
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.

Deflection from the issue. "commie march" discredits the credibility by this poster in this thread and in any post in the future.

Mass murder by gun usually results in an arrest or death at the scene. Both are more severe than finger pointing. The Parkland shooter is charged with capital murder, 17 counts.

This whole thing is a deflection from the issue.

The true issue is why the past two generations have become so violent at school?

We can look at the common thread that is weaved into all these acts, that being ALL shooters were on phychiatric medication, but that would actually SOLVE the problem.

Is this true (ALL shooters were on psychiatric medication"). Please post that link.

If true, or even if some were, wouldn't it make sense for Hipaa to be modified and shrinks be required to report to a federal data base such persons are so medicated?
We blame the perpetrator and ask what can be done to stop it from happening again

Conservatives offer thoughts and prayers

Really, all the statistics that I can find on the subject show that the left thinks that an inanimate object somehow lifted itself up, aimed and pulled its own trigger!
Stupid. Really stupid. I am embarrassed for you. No one, except someone really stupid, would believe that. The killer was the killer, regardless of his tool. The concern is that the tool in mass shootings is too often the same. And that countries that have banned that tool have nearly zero mass killings.

The truth is that all of the shooters have something in common, being on phychiatric medications.
You are completely wrong.

Wheres the Hundreds of Thousands of protesters filling the streets demanding that the prescribing physicians be held accountable? Maybe they don't want to piss off that wealthy group of donors?

How many in these crowds are themselves prescription drug addicts? Look, is that a rabbit?????

Of course, in a society that thinks nothing of treating children with ADHD with speed (Adderall is amphetamine and extremely closely related to meth), NO WONDER THEY WANT TO BLAME THE NRA. If they blamed the true culprits, the Prescribing Doctor, that would be like the Junkie narcing on their own Pusher.

Methamphetamine vs. Adderall | Science Says They're Almost Identical

The Doctors must have been so pleased at the crowds gathered around the friggen world. More overly emotional kids that will need a prescription to calm their nerves.


Maybe you should stop suggesting others and look toward yourself. You are taking a Rick Perry accusation about a psychiatric drug that he blamed for mass shooters actions. But RP is hardly a good source. All impartial sources say that his statement is specious. Of no truth whatever. None.
So, you grabbed a conservative talking point and pushed it. Sad.
Read this, from an impartial and reliable source:

It will tell you that there is no reason to believe your idea, at all.
Then, there is the fact that only people diagnosed with psychological problems would be prescribed with psychiatric drugs. And expert estimates that only between 2 and 5% of all mass killers are diagnosed as such. So, what about the other 96% to 98%???????
there are more kids today on meds and there are more school shootings. it isn't hard to see the correlation.
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.

Deflection from the issue. "commie march" discredits the credibility by this poster in this thread and in any post in the future.

Mass murder by gun usually results in an arrest or death at the scene. Both are more severe than finger pointing. The Parkland shooter is charged with capital murder, 17 counts.

This whole thing is a deflection from the issue.

The true issue is why the past two generations have become so violent at school?

We can look at the common thread that is weaved into all these acts, that being ALL shooters were on phychiatric medication, but that would actually SOLVE the problem.

Is this true (ALL shooters were on psychiatric medication"). Please post that link. If true, or even if some were, wouldn't it make sense for Hipaa to be modified and shrinks be required to report to a federal data base such persons are so medicated?
the Positive Program fool, obummer.

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