When white people get killed by one of their own...

Yes, hate me all you want, but isn't this part of the price you pay for your violent empire.

Sometimes the violence comes from unexpected places, even your own. It's not just from muslims and blacks. At any time, Americans of any race are ready to explode in violence at each other.

You know this to be true.

But of course, you don't want to act to prevent any of this, because you need the guns to protect yourself from the blacks, and you need the guns circulating in the black communities so they kill each other off.

Well, suffer the consequences of these beliefs every now and then.
what the heck is your point?
Are self hating whites really White? Are whites with asian wives really White? Are whites turning on their kindered really White? Are whites working for (((isis))) really White? I think not. Much like whites claiming to be democrats ; w.i.n.o.'s. Whites In Name Only.
Just another angry white male expressing himself. This Las Vegas shooter. This incident proves that white male have a serious mental issues.
You notice the white privilege even in murder ?

You also notice ?

Ppl are trying to say that Stephen Paddock can't be a white supremacist because he has an Asian GF.

Honestly I just have to


Lots of white supremacist have Asian GF's

The white mind is a series of contradictions.

Asian people carry the water for white SUPREMACY AS LONG that white people treat them better then BLACK PEOPLE they get master Crumbs. Plus Trump has three black labradors (Ben Carson, Sheriff David Clarke and Omarosa Manigault), and he's a proud and loud white supremacist.
You notice the white privilege even in murder ?

You also notice ?

Ppl are trying to say that Stephen Paddock can't be a white supremacist because he has an Asian GF.

Honestly I just have to


Lots of white supremacist have Asian GF's

The white mind is a series of contradictions.

Asian people carry the water for white SUPREMACY AS LONG that white people treat them better then BLACK PEOPLE they get master Crumbs. Plus Trump has three black labradors (Ben Carson, Sheriff David Clarke and Omarosa Manigault), and he's a proud and loud white supremacist.
He mass murdered white people in a non-political setting.

How can he be a white supremacist, moron?
Yes, hate me all you want, but isn't this part of the price you pay for your violent empire.

Sometimes the violence comes from unexpected places, even your own. It's not just from muslims and blacks. At any time, Americans of any race are ready to explode in violence at each other.

You know this to be true.

But of course, you don't want to act to prevent any of this, because you need the guns to protect yourself from the blacks, and you need the guns circulating in the black communities so they kill each other off.

Well, suffer the consequences of these beliefs every now and then.
A violent empire? Can you name all the provinces around the world that are American soil?

No, violence comes from known sources and known places nearly 100% of the time. On occasion, you will have a random event that defy's explanation, but for the most part, violence stems from known sources. And as much as you'd like people to believe it, Americans are not ready to explode into violence at each other; though I'm sure it looks that way to most sniveling cowards or those who have the 'European' mindset.

What consequences? I and Mine are safe and will remain that way as long as I am armed.
Yes, hate me all you want, but isn't this part of the price you pay for your violent empire.

Sometimes the violence comes from unexpected places, even your own. It's not just from muslims and blacks. At any time, Americans of any race are ready to explode in violence at each other.

You know this to be true.

But of course, you don't want to act to prevent any of this, because you need the guns to protect yourself from the blacks, and you need the guns circulating in the black communities so they kill each other off.

Well, suffer the consequences of these beliefs every now and then.

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Except the 90s were as rosy as you want to pretend it was.
You notice the white privilege even in murder ?

You also notice ?

Ppl are trying to say that Stephen Paddock can't be a white supremacist because he has an Asian GF.

Honestly I just have to


Lots of white supremacist have Asian GF's

The white mind is a series of contradictions.

Asian people carry the water for white SUPREMACY AS LONG that white people treat them better then BLACK PEOPLE they get master Crumbs. Plus Trump has three black labradors (Ben Carson, Sheriff David Clarke and Omarosa Manigault), and he's a proud and loud white supremacist.
Not really seeing your point, "White privilege in murder"?
So if I'm understanding you, if a white man allegedly shoots a bunch of other white people he's a white supremacist... That makes no sense. Your little speech at the end about carrying water and crumbs sounds like you have some racial hate issues of your own. What comes thru from your entire post is, everything is whitey's fault, no matter what evidence comes your way. All that hate is gonna burn you up.

Fast Fact:
Only 6% of southerners had slaves before the civil war, 94% did NOT own slaves. Does that make it ok? No.

The truth is #MSM and #Politicians keep our culture all up in arms over race, they promote the tension, they sensationalize every misstep and fan the flames of division hourly. So now, especially in the last 10 years racial tension is at an all time high and people keep doing stupid things on both sides to make it worse. I've decided I'm not gonna hate anyone, I make it a point to be courteous to everyone I meet regardless of skin color. Sometimes it gets thrown back in my face, by blacks and whites, but its not gonna get better unless some of us on both sides make an effort to stop it. I don't think kneeling in football games or thru violent protest or throwing urine or feces at each other is constructive. I know some cops have murdered people and got away with it, but I also know some thugs who've murdered policeman just doing their job at a traffic stop too. There are no clean hands in this, but we have to decide, are we gonna be part of the problem or part of the solution?
Yes, hate me all you want, but isn't this part of the price you pay for your violent empire.

Sometimes the violence comes from unexpected places, even your own. It's not just from muslims and blacks. At any time, Americans of any race are ready to explode in violence at each other.

You know this to be true.

But of course, you don't want to act to prevent any of this, because you need the guns to protect yourself from the blacks, and you need the guns circulating in the black communities so they kill each other off.

Well, suffer the consequences of these beliefs every now and then.
You do realize black and hispanic people were also killed right?
Yes, hate me all you want, but isn't this part of the price you pay for your violent empire.

Sometimes the violence comes from unexpected places, even your own. It's not just from muslims and blacks. At any time, Americans of any race are ready to explode in violence at each other.

You know this to be true.

But of course, you don't want to act to prevent any of this, because you need the guns to protect yourself from the blacks, and you need the guns circulating in the black communities so they kill each other off.

Well, suffer the consequences of these beliefs every now and then.
You do realize black and hispanic people were also killed right?
From that far away without a scope it was a crap shoot at best, if he actually did the shooting... In the dark at that distance race wasn't an issue, except for the Hispanic lady that warned everyone they were gonna die 45 minutes prior...
When someone's first concern upon learning of the murder of scores of innocent people is what COLOR they are, there is a very serious fucking moral problem at hand.
When my husband first hears about a killing and the killer's picture isn't shown yet, he always asks, "Was he black?" I read the same thing in a book recently where the author said that black people respond that way because if the killer turns out to be black, it's just one more piece of evidence for white people to use when they say, "Black people are violent." It's like every single black person carries the burden to be a representative of their entire race. White people don't carry that same burden.

Did anyone say immediately following THIS shooting, "See I told you white people are violent. What's wrong with those white people, killing each other like that?" (probably not. it will probably be explained away or blamed on an abusive parent, traumatic childhood, mental problem, etc. but it will not be blamed on his race.)
When my husband first hears about a killing and the killer's picture isn't shown yet, he always asks, "Was he black?"
Yeah? And when I hear someone just got popped (shot), I always look to see who the popper (shooter) was. yep. black.
Or when there is an attack on a family. Yep, Blacks.
Or a gangfight in McDs or Taco Bell or a mall. Yep. Blacks.
Or a drive by. Yep. Black.
Or another murder in Cleveland, Detroit, etc. Yep. Blacks.
Or who just rioted and looted. Yep. Blacks.

So I guess we have something in common although its not quite what you had in mind.
When someone's first concern upon learning of the murder of scores of innocent people is what COLOR they are, there is a very serious fucking moral problem at hand.
When my husband first hears about a killing and the killer's picture isn't shown yet, he always asks, "Was he black?".....)

When someone's first concern upon learning of the murder of scores of innocent people is what COLOR they are, there is a very serious fucking moral problem at hand.
When my husband first hears about a killing and the killer's picture isn't shown yet, he always asks, "Was he black?"
Yeah? And when I hear someone just got popped (shot), I always look to see who the popper (shooter) was. yep. black.
Or when there is an attack on a family. Yep, Blacks.
Or a gangfight in McDs or Taco Bell or a mall. Yep. Blacks.
Or a drive by. Yep. Black.
Or another murder in Cleveland, Detroit, etc. Yep. Blacks.
Or who just rioted and looted. Yep. Blacks.

So I guess we have something in common although its not quite what you had in mind.
And the young white man who shot the people in the black church? And the white guy who just killed his buddies and put them in his wood chipper out on his huge farm? And the white Columbine shooter? And the white man who shot up the Amish School in PA? Sometimes the media hesitates to put a mug shot of a white person up and they will try to explain away the crime. But they will always show the black guy's mugshot and put one more nail in the coffin of "proving" black violence.

I think we have to be honest here. We can search and find evidence to support our previously held views or we can let all of the truth be told in the same light.
.... It's like every single black person carries the burden to be a representative of their entire race. White people don't carry that same burden.

And that's why you felt compelled to apologize on behalf of all white people?

Um, yeah......
Yes, hate me all you want, but isn't this part of the price you pay for your violent empire.

Sometimes the violence comes from unexpected places, even your own. It's not just from muslims and blacks. At any time, Americans of any race are ready to explode in violence at each other.

You know this to be true.

But of course, you don't want to act to prevent any of this, because you need the guns to protect yourself from the blacks, and you need the guns circulating in the black communities so they kill each other off.

Well, suffer the consequences of these beliefs every now and then.
Infamous mass shootings are so rare they're barely even worth discussing. Weekend negrohood shootings are much more common and a much greater threat to Americans than the odd infamous mass shooting like this.

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