When white right winged ignorance is allowed to vote out of fear......

Italy, France and the Netherlands also want their countries back. The EU is going to collapse.
...and yet not one single person over there can articulate the out come of what is to occur, not one. Already this sorry as country has felt the sting of losing billions on their economy, billions. Are they now going to run to China and India and demand their manufactoring jobs back? Products that they've outsourced that China not only will copy but make cheaper? Without the Eruo backing their currency, where they gonna borrow money from now? Again when you allow fear to dictate your votes, you get what conservatives get in America....a do nothing congress with a 9% approval ratings. In the real world, whitey, talk is cheap!!
GaryDog, let's be real. Sub-saharan Africans(black Africans) never built a major city when whites or other non-black races weren't around, never built a seafairing ship, no major technical advances came from sub-Saharan Africa. This is simply a fact, facts can't be racist. Why blacks have not been able to advance without foreign involvement is because they evolved and adapted in resource rich sub-saharan Africa. They had an abundance of fruit at arms reach all the time, they didn't have to deal with the harsh cold and devise ways to survive it, they had it pretty easy as far as survival is concerned. No need to do much innovating. So that's why they have lower IQs on average than whites. It doesn't mean white people are superior in all ways to blacks, but in intellect, on average they are. This doesn't make black people less human, its just the way things were and are. Blacks are superior in their own right. They are superior in athleticism, they have a superior immune system for dealing with malaria, they have better rhythm in my opinion too.

We are not all the same, regardless what your eggheaded diversity instructor told you.

The only reason whites are richer is because they are more innovative because they had to be in the climate and environment they evolved in.

All facts. Whether you think they're racist or I'm racist.... Thems the facts, bud.
Actually it's wonderful to see in this day and age at least some Westerners that still value their nations sovereignty, and their borders.

It's also telling when you look around this site, and see how butthurt the left is over this display of nationalism.
Yeah, its wonderful.....look at North Korea, Russia, look at all these countries that are isolated and all one color....LOLOLOL
some info on White success in a country that's pretty much a hell hole GaryDog . --- --- Orania - Home of the Afrikaner --- now all they need to do is develop nukes or similar weapons to keep what they build in their hands GaryDog .
The Thread Title is inaccurate. Here's what the proper version:

When the people who agreed to the Magna Carta remember what Liberty is and do something to take it back.
GaryDog, let's be real. Sub-saharan Africans(black Africans) never built a major city when whites or other non-black races weren't around, never built a seafairing ship, no major technical advances came from sub-Saharan Africa. This is simply a fact, facts can't be racist. Why blacks have not been able to advance without foreign involvement is because they evolved and adapted in resource rich sub-saharan Africa. They had an abundance of fruit at arms reach all the time, they didn't have to deal with the harsh cold and devise ways to survive it, they had it pretty easy as far as survival is concerned. No need to do much innovating. So that's why they have lower IQs on average than whites. It doesn't mean white people are superior in all ways to blacks, but in intellect, on average they are. This doesn't make black people less human, its just the way things were and are. Blacks are superior in their own right. They are superior in athleticism, they have a superior immune system for dealing with malaria, they have better rhythm in my opinion too.

We are not all the same, regardless what your eggheaded diversity instructor told you.

The only reason whites are richer and more innovative is because they had to be in the climate and environment they evolved in.

All facts. Whether you think they're racist or I'm racist.... Thems the facts, bud.
Dude, you are so wrong....You ever hear of a nation called Africa? I can assure you, them Pyramids, didn't have a white construction boss
The Thread Title is inaccurate. Here's what the proper version:

When the people who agreed to the Magna Carta remember what Liberty is and do something to take it back.
LOLOLOL....isolation never works, just read up on you history.
yet , look at the wealth , technology , resources that the minority Whites control GaryDog .

And why do you think that is? Because they're white?
---------------------- no probably not just because of their Whiteness . More likely because of the way they think , work and organize as they work towards goals . No matter what they have done or try to do WHITES have done well even though they are and have always been THE racial minority on the face on the earth GaryDog .

And some asshole told me I was wrong for assuming you're racist?

This is easily the most racist, repugnant, ignorant shit I've read in a long time.

Read the book "guns, germs and steel" by Jared Diamond, and educate yourself. The "success" of white people is a geographical stroke of luck.
GaryDog, let's be real. Sub-saharan Africans(black Africans) never built a major city when whites or other non-black races weren't around, never built a seafairing ship, no major technical advances came from sub-Saharan Africa. This is simply a fact, facts can't be racist. Why blacks have not been able to advance without foreign involvement is because they evolved and adapted in resource rich sub-saharan Africa. They had an abundance of fruit at arms reach all the time, they didn't have to deal with the harsh cold and devise ways to survive it, they had it pretty easy as far as survival is concerned. No need to do much innovating. So that's why they have lower IQs on average than whites. It doesn't mean white people are superior in all ways to blacks, but in intellect, on average they are. This doesn't make black people less human, its just the way things were and are. Blacks are superior in their own right. They are superior in athleticism, they have a superior immune system for dealing with malaria, they have better rhythm in my opinion too.

We are not all the same, regardless what your eggheaded diversity instructor told you.

The only reason whites are richer and more innovative is because they had to be in the climate and environment they evolved in.

All facts. Whether you think they're racist or I'm racist.... Thems the facts, bud.
Dude, you are so wrong....You ever hear of a nation called Africa? I can assure you, them Pyramids, didn't have a white construction boss
The Ancient Egyptians were not sub Saharan blacks. Africa has never been one nation. And at the time Ancient Egypt was around, nobody called that continent Africa. It was named Africa by the Romans afterwards.
Africa’ Is A Roman Name
By Joshua T Garcia on Thursday, November 28, 2013

“No one can imagine the beauty of the view from anything witnessed in England. It had never been seen before by European eyes; but scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight.” —David Livingstone
In A Nutshell

Africa was not a name given to the continent by its inhabitants, but was instead a name created by the Romans. This most likely occurred during Rome’s wars with the North African empire of Carthage—either as a re-tooling of a Greek or Phoenician name, or as a result of an encounter with a North African tribe.

‘Africa’ Is A Roman Name
thinly veiled ehh ?? :afro: Anyway Whites are a very small percentage of the worlds population and they are probably the richest group with the most control over resources and wealth than any other group of people . I think that its been that way since racial groups have been categorized which then leads me to say that Whites seem to have ALWAYS done pretty good ehh GaryDog :afro:??
How can you degrade a race, ie people of color, who DESPITE THE OBVIOUS OBSTACLES PLACED IN THEIR WAY.....manage to survive it? White people are a race of privilege and yes you prosper....people of color however are the real champions, because we're still here and growing despite it all.
GaryDog, let's be real. Sub-saharan Africans(black Africans) never built a major city when whites or other non-black races weren't around, never built a seafairing ship, no major technical advances came from sub-Saharan Africa. This is simply a fact, facts can't be racist. Why blacks have not been able to advance without foreign involvement is because they evolved and adapted in resource rich sub-saharan Africa. They had an abundance of fruit at arms reach all the time, they didn't have to deal with the harsh cold and devise ways to survive it, they had it pretty easy as far as survival is concerned. No need to do much innovating. So that's why they have lower IQs on average than whites. It doesn't mean white people are superior in all ways to blacks, but in intellect, on average they are. This doesn't make black people less human, its just the way things were and are. Blacks are superior in their own right. They are superior in athleticism, they have a superior immune system for dealing with malaria, they have better rhythm in my opinion too.

We are not all the same, regardless what your eggheaded diversity instructor told you.

The only reason whites are richer and more innovative is because they had to be in the climate and environment they evolved in.

All facts. Whether you think they're racist or I'm racist.... Thems the facts, bud.
Dude, you are so wrong....You ever hear of a nation called Africa? I can assure you, them Pyramids, didn't have a white construction boss
The Ancient Egyptians were not sub Saharan blacks. Africa has never been one nation. And at the time Ancient Egypt was around, nobody called that continent Africa. It was named Africa by the Romans afterwards.
Tomatoes, tomato's....reconize the fact...and keep it moving homie!!
The Thread Title is inaccurate. Here's what the proper version:

When the people who agreed to the Magna Carta remember what Liberty is and do something to take it back.
LOLOLOL....isolation never works, just read up on you history.

Hysteria. Wanting independence is not the same as isolation. The UK didn't vote to end trade or international relations. What they did vote for was to keep unelected EU bureaucrats in Belgium from telling people in the UK that they can't buy toasters and electric tea kettles.
GaryDog, let's be real. Sub-saharan Africans(black Africans) never built a major city when whites or other non-black races weren't around, never built a seafairing ship, no major technical advances came from sub-Saharan Africa. This is simply a fact, facts can't be racist. Why blacks have not been able to advance without foreign involvement is because they evolved and adapted in resource rich sub-saharan Africa. They had an abundance of fruit at arms reach all the time, they didn't have to deal with the harsh cold and devise ways to survive it, they had it pretty easy as far as survival is concerned. No need to do much innovating. So that's why they have lower IQs on average than whites. It doesn't mean white people are superior in all ways to blacks, but in intellect, on average they are. This doesn't make black people less human, its just the way things were and are. Blacks are superior in their own right. They are superior in athleticism, they have a superior immune system for dealing with malaria, they have better rhythm in my opinion too.

We are not all the same, regardless what your eggheaded diversity instructor told you.

The only reason whites are richer and more innovative is because they had to be in the climate and environment they evolved in.

All facts. Whether you think they're racist or I'm racist.... Thems the facts, bud.
Dude, you are so wrong....You ever hear of a nation called Africa? I can assure you, them Pyramids, didn't have a white construction boss
The Ancient Egyptians were not sub Saharan blacks. Africa has never been one nation. And at the time Ancient Egypt was around, nobody called that continent Africa. It was named Africa by the Romans afterwards.
Tomatoes, tomato's....reconize the fact...and keep it moving homie!!
You don't have any facts. I have the facts. Soak them in, sugah!
GaryDog, let's be real. Sub-saharan Africans(black Africans) never built a major city when whites or other non-black races weren't around, never built a seafairing ship, no major technical advances came from sub-Saharan Africa. This is simply a fact, facts can't be racist. Why blacks have not been able to advance without foreign involvement is because they evolved and adapted in resource rich sub-saharan Africa. They had an abundance of fruit at arms reach all the time, they didn't have to deal with the harsh cold and devise ways to survive it, they had it pretty easy as far as survival is concerned. No need to do much innovating. So that's why they have lower IQs on average than whites. It doesn't mean white people are superior in all ways to blacks, but in intellect, on average they are. This doesn't make black people less human, its just the way things were and are. Blacks are superior in their own right. They are superior in athleticism, they have a superior immune system for dealing with malaria, they have better rhythm in my opinion too.

We are not all the same, regardless what your eggheaded diversity instructor told you.

The only reason whites are richer and more innovative is because they had to be in the climate and environment they evolved in.

All facts. Whether you think they're racist or I'm racist.... Thems the facts, bud.
Dude, you are so wrong....You ever hear of a nation called Africa? I can assure you, them Pyramids, didn't have a white construction boss
The Ancient Egyptians were not sub Saharan blacks. Africa has never been one nation. And at the time Ancient Egypt was around, nobody called that continent Africa. It was named Africa by the Romans afterwards.
Tomatoes, tomato's....reconize the fact...and keep it moving homie!!

Unsurpringly, TiRed abuses the innocent Apostrophe. Oh The Humanity!
yet , look at the wealth , technology , resources that the minority Whites control GaryDog .
Also look at the labor behind that, without brown and yellow people providing the grease, you fucks would all be on welfare and still in cages!!

There's a reason brown kids in spelling bee's from 3rd world countries out shine america's whites....just sayin
yet , look at the wealth , technology , resources that the minority Whites control GaryDog .

And why do you think that is? Because they're white?
---------------------- no probably not just because of their Whiteness . More likely because of the way they think , work and organize as they work towards goals . No matter what they have done or try to do WHITES have done well even though they are and have always been THE racial minority on the face on the earth GaryDog .

And some asshole told me I was wrong for assuming you're racist?

This is easily the most racist, repugnant, ignorant shit I've read in a long time.

Read the book "guns, germs and steel" by Jared Diamond, and educate yourself. The "success" of white people is a geographical stroke of luck.
---------------------------- so , they were lucky , still worked to their advantage. As the worlds minority they had to take advantage of ALL inventiveness and luck that they could find GaryDog .
GaryDog, let's be real. Sub-saharan Africans(black Africans) never built a major city when whites or other non-black races weren't around, never built a seafairing ship, no major technical advances came from sub-Saharan Africa. This is simply a fact, facts can't be racist. Why blacks have not been able to advance without foreign involvement is because they evolved and adapted in resource rich sub-saharan Africa. They had an abundance of fruit at arms reach all the time, they didn't have to deal with the harsh cold and devise ways to survive it, they had it pretty easy as far as survival is concerned. No need to do much innovating. So that's why they have lower IQs on average than whites. It doesn't mean white people are superior in all ways to blacks, but in intellect, on average they are. This doesn't make black people less human, its just the way things were and are. Blacks are superior in their own right. They are superior in athleticism, they have a superior immune system for dealing with malaria, they have better rhythm in my opinion too.

We are not all the same, regardless what your eggheaded diversity instructor told you.

The only reason whites are richer is because they are more innovative because they had to be in the climate and environment they evolved in.

All facts. Whether you think they're racist or I'm racist.... Thems the facts, bud.

No, dumbfuck. The first civilization that had the agricultural and domestic draft-animal advantages lived in the fertile crescent (middle east) about 12,000 years ago. Thanks to the latitudinal spread of Eurasia there was easy and frequent sharing of temperate crops and agricultural methods for millions of early settlers to the area, and this allowed more people to avoid the task of food production and develop things like written language, tools for battle, food storage, etc.

It was WHITES who had the resource advantage, not sub Saharan Africans, you dullard twit. There was no trade between civilizations in Africa due to the dense jungle and the Sahara desert. Not to mention the land in Africa is not that suited to farming (neither is the land in the Amazon, hence they have still relied on hunting/gathering to this day).

The close proximity of living in settled civilizations helped them develop immunity to diseases -- an advantage indigenous cultures in the Americas and sub-saharan Africa didn't have. Similarly, cultures in the Americas lived on a continent with no cows, horses or other animals that assisted with farming and battle, so they were easy pickings for the whites from Europe who had all the luck of horses, cows, goats, agricultural abundance, etc., at their fingertips. African animals, to this day even with the effort of the supposedly more resourceful whites, could not be domesticated (zebras, rhinos, elephants, etc.).
Last edited:
GaryDog, let's be real. Sub-saharan Africans(black Africans) never built a major city when whites or other non-black races weren't around, never built a seafairing ship, no major technical advances came from sub-Saharan Africa. This is simply a fact, facts can't be racist. Why blacks have not been able to advance without foreign involvement is because they evolved and adapted in resource rich sub-saharan Africa. They had an abundance of fruit at arms reach all the time, they didn't have to deal with the harsh cold and devise ways to survive it, they had it pretty easy as far as survival is concerned. No need to do much innovating. So that's why they have lower IQs on average than whites. It doesn't mean white people are superior in all ways to blacks, but in intellect, on average they are. This doesn't make black people less human, its just the way things were and are. Blacks are superior in their own right. They are superior in athleticism, they have a superior immune system for dealing with malaria, they have better rhythm in my opinion too.

We are not all the same, regardless what your eggheaded diversity instructor told you.

The only reason whites are richer and more innovative is because they had to be in the climate and environment they evolved in.

All facts. Whether you think they're racist or I'm racist.... Thems the facts, bud.
Dude, you are so wrong....You ever hear of a nation called Africa? I can assure you, them Pyramids, didn't have a white construction boss
The Ancient Egyptians were not sub Saharan blacks. Africa has never been one nation. And at the time Ancient Egypt was around, nobody called that continent Africa. It was named Africa by the Romans afterwards.
Tomatoes, tomato's....reconize the fact...and keep it moving homie!!
You don't have any facts. I have the facts. Soak them in, sugah!
your saying in essence that white people provide the brains for everything built on the planet and I'm suggesting two very important points.....first, when you keep your foot on the necks of people of color and not allow them the same access to what you have, you will in fact forever have the upper hand, that's a no brainer. One can only imagine the possible contributions that people of color could have made throughout man kinds history had they been given the opportunity instead of enslavement. But the most important message here, is that without the labor of minorities, starting with the Blacks and the Chinese and ending with cheap foreign labor, this countries and nations around the globe would have a much different flow.

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